# so far the following merge seems to be 100% sufficient for the desired final output ...
# we could add on extra features if needed ...
quant_n_raw = quant_info_unrolled[['pept',
                    'Mascot Ion Score',
                    'Mascot Identity Score',
                    'Mascot Delta Ion Score',
                    # 'prot_ident_probab',      # in case of ambiguity we need more columns to merge on !!!
# Now, extract those gsites ...
dg_func = lambda x: pd.Series( ms.deamid_to_gsite(x['deamid_info'], x['start_fetched'], str(gbrecs[str(int(x['fetchid']))].seq)) )
# and add them back to the main table ...
gs_res = quant_n_raw[['deamid_info','start_fetched','fetchid']].apply( dg_func, axis=1 )
quant_n_raw = quant_n_raw.merge(gs_res,left_index=True,right_index=True)

print "Now we'd need to add theoretical glycosilation sites as a separate column ..."
print "full protein sequence and its length is added as well ..."
# this analysis must be done, once for each 'fetchid', and then merged back to the main table ...

get_theor_sites_fid = lambda fid: ms.get_theor_sites(str(gbrecs[str(fid)].seq))
get_theor_sites_number_fid = lambda fid: ms.get_theor_sites_number(str(gbrecs[str(fid)].seq))