Exemple #1
def process_track(file_struct, boundaries_id, labels_id, config):
    # Only analize files with annotated beats
    if config["annot_beats"]:
        jam = jams2.load(file_struct.ref_file)
        if len(jam.beats) > 0 and len(jam.beats[0].data) > 0:
            logging.warning("No beat information in file %s" %

    logging.info("Segmenting %s" % file_struct.audio_file)

    # Compute features if needed
    if not os.path.isfile(file_struct.features_file):

    # Get estimations
    est_times, est_labels = run_algorithms(file_struct.audio_file,
                                           boundaries_id, labels_id, config)

    # Save
    logging.info("Writing results in: %s" % file_struct.est_file)
    est_inters = utils.times_to_intervals(est_times)
    io.save_estimations(file_struct.est_file, est_inters, est_labels,
                        boundaries_id, labels_id, **config)

    return est_times, est_labels
Exemple #2
def compute_all_features(file_struct, audio_beats=False, overwrite=False):
    """Computes all the features for a specific audio file and its respective
        human annotations. It creates an audio file with the estimated
        beats if needed."""

    # Output file
    out_file = file_struct.features_file

    if os.path.isfile(out_file) and not overwrite:
        return  # Do nothing, file already exist and we are not overwriting it

    # Compute the features for the given audio file
    audio, features = compute_features_for_audio_file(file_struct.audio_file)

    # Save output as audio file
    if audio_beats:
        logging.info("Saving Beats as an audio file")
        marker = ES.AudioOnsetsMarker(onsets=features["beats"], type='beep',
        marked_audio = marker(audio)

    # Read annotations if they exist in path/references_dir/file.jams
    if os.path.isfile(file_struct.ref_file):
        jam = jams2.load(file_struct.ref_file)

        # If beat annotations exist, compute also annotated beatsyn features
        if jam.beats != []:
            logging.info("Reading beat annotations from JAMS")
            annot = jam.beats[0]
            annot_beats = []
            for data in annot.data:
            annot_beats = essentia.array(np.unique(annot_beats).tolist())
            annot_mfcc, annot_hpcp, annot_tonnetz = compute_features(
                audio, annot_beats)

    # Save output as json file
    logging.info("Saving the JSON file in %s" % out_file)
    yaml = YamlOutput(filename=out_file, format='json')
    pool = essentia.Pool()
    pool.add("beats.times", features["beats"])
    pool.add("beats.confidence", features["beats_conf"])
    pool.set("analysis.sample_rate", msaf.Anal.sample_rate)
    pool.set("analysis.frame_rate", msaf.Anal.frame_size)
    pool.set("analysis.hop_size", msaf.Anal.hop_size)
    pool.set("analysis.window_type", msaf.Anal.window_type)
    pool.set("analysis.mfcc_coeff", msaf.Anal.mfcc_coeff)
             datetime.datetime.today().strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"))
    save_features("framesync", pool, features["mfcc"], features["hpcp"],
    save_features("est_beatsync", pool, features["bs_mfcc"],
                  features["bs_hpcp"], features["bs_tonnetz"])
    if os.path.isfile(file_struct.ref_file) and jam.beats != []:
        save_features("ann_beatsync", pool, annot_mfcc, annot_hpcp,
Exemple #3
def filter_by_artist(file_structs, artist_name="The Beatles"):
    """Filters data set files by artist name."""
    new_file_structs = []
    for file_struct in file_structs:
        jam = jams2.load(file_struct.ref_file)
        if jam.metadata.artist == artist_name:
    return new_file_structs
Exemple #4
def filter_by_artist(file_structs, artist_name="The Beatles"):
	"""Filters data set files by artist name."""
	new_file_structs = []
	for file_struct in file_structs:
		jam = jams2.load(file_struct.ref_file)
		if jam.metadata.artist == artist_name:
	return new_file_structs
Exemple #5
def process_track(file_struct, boundaries_id, labels_id, config,
				  annotator_id=0, plot=False):
	"""Prepares the parameters, runs the algorithms, and saves results.

	file_struct: Object
		FileStruct containing the paths of the input files (audio file,
		features file, reference file, output estimation file).
	boundaries_id: str
		Identifier of the boundaries algorithm to use ("gt" for ground truth).
	labels_id: str
		Identifier of the labels algorithm to use (None for not labeling).
	config: dict
		Dictionary containing the custom parameters of the algorithms to use.
	annotator_id: int
		Annotator identificator in the ground truth.

	est_times: np.array
		List of estimated times for the segment boundaries.
	est_labels: np.array
		List of all the labels associated segments.
	# Only analize files with annotated beats
	if config["annot_beats"]:
		jam = jams2.load(file_struct.ref_file)
		if len(jam.beats) > 0 and len(jam.beats[0].data) > 0:
			logging.warning("No beat information in file %s" %

	logging.info("Segmenting %s" % file_struct.audio_file)
	# Compute features if needed
	if not os.path.isfile(file_struct.features_file):

	# Get estimations
	est_times, est_labels = run_algorithms(file_struct.audio_file,
										   boundaries_id, labels_id, config,

	# Save
	logging.info("Writing results in: %s" % file_struct.est_file)
	io.save_estimations(file_struct.est_file, est_times, est_labels,
						boundaries_id, labels_id, **config)
	if plot:
		audio_name = splitext(basename(file_struct.audio_file))[0]
		plot_name = join(dirname(dirname(file_struct.audio_file)), 'plots', audio_name+'_'+'mfcc'+'_'+boundaries_id+'.pdf')
		dataset_name = basename(dirname(dirname(file_struct.audio_file)))
		plotting.plot_one_track(plot_name, file_struct, est_times, est_labels, boundaries_id, labels_id, dataset_name)
	return est_times, est_labels
def compute_all_features(file_struct, sonify_beats=False, overwrite=False,
	"""Computes all the features for a specific audio file and its respective
		human annotations. It creates an audio file with the sonified estimated
		beats if needed.

	file_struct: FileStruct
		Object containing all the set of file paths of the input file.
	sonify_beats: bool
		Whether to sonify the beats.
	overwrite: bool
		Whether to overwrite previous features JSON file.
	out_beats: str
		Path to the new file containing the sonified beats.

	# Output file
	out_file = file_struct.features_file

	if os.path.isfile(out_file) and not overwrite:
		return	# Do nothing, file already exist and we are not overwriting it

	# Compute the features for the given audio file
	features = compute_features_for_audio_file(file_struct.audio_file)

	# Save output as audio file
	if sonify_beats:
		logging.info("Sonifying beats...")
		fs = 44100
		audio, sr = librosa.load(file_struct.audio_file, sr=fs)
		msaf.utils.sonify_clicks(audio, features["beats"], out_beats, fs,

	# Read annotations if they exist in path/references_dir/file.jams
	if os.path.isfile(file_struct.ref_file):
		jam = jams2.load(file_struct.ref_file)

		# If beat annotations exist, compute also annotated beatsync features
		if jam.beats != []:
			logging.info("Reading beat annotations from JAMS")
			annot = jam.beats[0]
			annot_beats = []
			for data in annot.data:
			annot_beats = np.unique(annot_beats)
			annot_beats_idx = librosa.time_to_frames(
				annot_beats, sr=msaf.Anal.sample_rate,
			features["ann_mfcc"], features["ann_hpcp"], \
				features["ann_tonnetz"], features["ann_cqt"],\
				features["ann_gmt"] = \
				compute_beat_sync_features(features, annot_beats_idx)

	# Save output as json file
	save_features(out_file, features)
Exemple #7
def read_estimations(est_file, boundaries_id, labels_id=None, **params):
    """Reads the estimations (boundaries and/or labels) from a jams file
    containing the estimations of an algorithm.

    est_file : str
        Path to the estimated file (JAMS file).
    boundaries_id : str
        Identifier of the algorithm used to compute the boundaries.
    labels_id : str
        Identifier of the algorithm used to compute the labels.
    params : dict
        Additional search parameters. E.g. {"feature" : "hpcp"}.

    boundaries : np.array((N,2))
        Array containing the estimated boundaries in intervals.
    labels : np.array(N)
        Array containing the estimated labels.
        Empty array if labels_id is None.

    # Open file and read jams
        jam = jams2.load(est_file)
        logging.error("Could not open JAMS file %s" % est_file)
        return np.array([]), np.array([])

    # Get all the estimations for the sections
    all_estimations = jam.sections

    # Find correct estimation
    correct_est, i = find_estimation(all_estimations, boundaries_id, labels_id,
                                     params, est_file)
    if correct_est is None:
        logging.error("Could not find estimation in %s" % est_file)
        return np.array([]), np.array([])

    # Retrieve data
    boundaries = []
    labels = []
    for range in correct_est.data:
        boundaries.append([range.start.value, range.end.value])
        # TODO: Multiple contexts. Right now MSAF algorithms only estimate one
        # single layer, so it is not really necessary yet.
        if labels_id is not None:

    return np.asarray(boundaries), np.asarray(labels, dtype=int)
Exemple #8
    def get_levels():
        """Obtains the set of unique levels contained in the jams
			sorted by the number of segments they contain.

		levels : np.array
			Level identifiers for the entire hierarchy.
        levels = []
        jam = jams2.load(jams_file)
        annotation = jam.sections[annotation_id]
        for segment in annotation.data:
            if segment.label.context not in exclude_levels:
        c = Counter(levels)  # Count frequency
        return np.asarray(c.keys())[np.argsort(c.values())]  # Sort
Exemple #9
	def get_levels():
		"""Obtains the set of unique levels contained in the jams
			sorted by the number of segments they contain.

		levels : np.array
			Level identifiers for the entire hierarchy.
		levels = []
		jam = jams2.load(jams_file)
		annotation = jam.sections[annotation_id]
		for segment in annotation.data:
			if segment.label.context not in exclude_levels:
		c = Counter(levels)		# Count frequency
		return np.asarray(c.keys())[np.argsort(c.values())]		# Sort
Exemple #10
def fit_model(X, Y, B, T, n_jobs, annot_beats, ds_path, ds_name):

    SIGMA = 10 ** np.arange(-2, 18)

    best_score = -np.inf
    best_sigma = None
    model = None

    print len(X)

    for sig in SIGMA:
        O = OLDA.OLDA(sigma=sig)
        O.fit(X, Y)

        scores = []
        files = msaf.io.get_dataset_files(ds_path, ds_name=ds_name)
        for f, z in zip(files, zip(X, B, T)):
            f = f.ref_file
            if annot_beats:
                jam = jams2.load(f)
                if jam.beats == []:
                if jam.beats[0].data == []:
            print "\t\tProcessing ", f
            scores.append(score_model(O.components_, *z))
        #scores = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)( delayed(score_model)(O.components_, *z) for z in zip(X, B, T))

        mean_score = np.mean(scores)
        print 'Sigma=%.2e, score=%.3f' % (sig, mean_score)

        if mean_score > best_score:
            best_score = mean_score
            best_sigma = sig
            model = O.components_

    print 'Best sigma: %.2e' % best_sigma
    return model
Exemple #11
def fit_model(X, Y, B, T, n_jobs, annot_beats, ds_path, ds_name):

    SIGMA = 10**np.arange(-2, 18)

    best_score = -np.inf
    best_sigma = None
    model = None

    print len(X)

    for sig in SIGMA:
        O = OLDA.OLDA(sigma=sig)
        O.fit(X, Y)

        scores = []
        files = msaf.io.get_dataset_files(ds_path, ds_name=ds_name)
        for f, z in zip(files, zip(X, B, T)):
            f = f.ref_file
            if annot_beats:
                jam = jams2.load(f)
                if jam.beats == []:
                if jam.beats[0].data == []:
            print "\t\tProcessing ", f
            scores.append(score_model(O.components_, *z))
        #scores = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)( delayed(score_model)(O.components_, *z) for z in zip(X, B, T))

        mean_score = np.mean(scores)
        print 'Sigma=%.2e, score=%.3f' % (sig, mean_score)

        if mean_score > best_score:
            best_score = mean_score
            best_sigma = sig
            model = O.components_

    print 'Best sigma: %.2e' % best_sigma
    return model
Exemple #12
def save_estimations(out_file, times, labels, boundaries_id, labels_id,
    """Saves the segment estimations in a JAMS file.close

	out_file : str
		Path to the output JAMS file in which to save the estimations.
	times : np.array or list
		Estimated boundary times.
		If `list`, estimated hierarchical boundaries.
	labels : np.array(N, 2)
		Estimated labels (None in case we are only storing boundary
	boundaries_id : str
		Boundary algorithm identifier.
	labels_id : str
		Labels algorithm identifier.
	params : dict
		Dictionary with additional parameters for both algorithms.
    # Convert to intervals and sanity check
    if 'numpy' in str(type(times)):
        inters = utils.times_to_intervals(times)
        assert len(inters) == len(labels), "Number of boundary intervals " \
         "(%d) and labels (%d) do not match" % (len(inters), len(labels))
        # Put into lists to simplify the writing process later
        inters = [inters]
        labels = [labels]
        inters = []
        for level in range(len(times)):
            est_inters = utils.times_to_intervals(times[level])
            assert len(inters[level]) == len(labels[level]), \
            "Number of boundary intervals (%d) and labels (%d) do not match" % \
             (len(inters[level]), len(labels[level]))

    curr_estimation = None
    curr_i = -1

    # Find estimation in file
    if os.path.isfile(out_file):
        jam = jams2.load(out_file)
        all_estimations = jam.sections
        curr_estimation, curr_i = find_estimation(all_estimations,
                                                  boundaries_id, labels_id,
                                                  params, out_file)
        # Create new JAMS if it doesn't exist
        jam = jams2.Jams()
        jam.metadata.title = os.path.basename(out_file).replace(
            msaf.Dataset.estimations_ext, "")

    # Create new annotation if needed
    if curr_estimation is None:
        curr_estimation = jam.sections.create_annotation()

    # Save metadata and parameters
    curr_estimation.annotation_metadata.attribute = "sections"
    curr_estimation.annotation_metadata.version = msaf.__version__
    curr_estimation.annotation_metadata.origin = "MSAF"
    sandbox = {}
    sandbox["boundaries_id"] = boundaries_id
    sandbox["labels_id"] = labels_id
    sandbox["timestamp"] = \
     datetime.datetime.today().strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")
    for key in params:
        sandbox[key] = params[key]
    curr_estimation.sandbox = sandbox

    # Save actual data
    curr_estimation.data = []
    for i, (level_inters, level_labels) in enumerate(zip(inters, labels)):
        if level_labels is None:
            label = np.ones(len(inters)) * -1
        for bound_inter, label in zip(level_inters, level_labels):
            segment = curr_estimation.create_datapoint()
            segment.start.value = float(bound_inter[0])
            segment.start.confidence = 0.0
            segment.end.value = float(bound_inter[1])
            segment.end.confidence = 0.0
            segment.label.value = label
            segment.label.confidence = 0.0
            segment.label.context = "level_%d" % i

    # Place estimation in its place
    if curr_i != -1:
        jam.sections[curr_i] = curr_estimation

    # Write file and do not let users interrupt it
    my_thread = Thread(target=safe_write, args=(
Exemple #13
def read_estimations(est_file, boundaries_id, labels_id=None, **params):
	"""Reads the estimations (boundaries and/or labels) from a jams file
	containing the estimations of an algorithm.

	est_file : str
		Path to the estimated file (JAMS file).
	boundaries_id : str
		Identifier of the algorithm used to compute the boundaries.
	labels_id : str
		Identifier of the algorithm used to compute the labels.
	params : dict
		Additional search parameters. E.g. {"feature" : "hpcp"}.

	boundaries : np.array((N,2))
		Array containing the estimated boundaries in intervals.
	labels : np.array(N)
		Array containing the estimated labels.
		Empty array if labels_id is None.

	# Open file and read jams
		jam = jams2.load(est_file)
		logging.error("Could not open JAMS file %s" % est_file)
		return np.array([]), np.array([])

	# Get all the estimations for the sections
	all_estimations = jam.sections

	# Find correct estimation
	correct_est, i = find_estimation(all_estimations, boundaries_id, labels_id,
									 params, est_file)
	if correct_est is None:
		logging.error("Could not find estimation in %s" % est_file)
		return np.array([]), np.array([])

	# Retrieve unique levels of segmentation
	levels = []
	for range in correct_est.data:
	levels = list(set(levels))

	# Retrieve data
	all_boundaries = []
	all_labels = []
	for level in levels:
		boundaries = []
		labels = []
		for range in correct_est.data:
			if level == range.label.context:
				boundaries.append([range.start.value, range.end.value])
				if labels_id is not None:
		all_labels.append(np.asarray(labels, dtype=int))

	# If there is only one level, return np.arrays instead of lists
	if len(levels) == 1:
		all_boundaries = all_boundaries[0]
		all_labels = all_labels[0]

	return all_boundaries, all_labels
Exemple #14
def get_features(audio_path, annot_beats=False, framesync=False,
	Gets the features of an audio file given the audio_path.

	audio_path: str
		Path to the audio file.
	annot_beats: bool
		Whether to use annotated beats or not.
	framesync: bool
		Whether to use framesync features or not.
	pre_features: dict
		Pre computed features as a dictionary.
		`None` for reading them form the json file.

	C: np.array((N, 12))
		(Beat-sync) Chromagram
	M: np.array((N, 13))
		(Beat-sync) MFCC
	T: np.array((N, 6))
		(Beat-sync) Tonnetz
	cqt: np.array((N, msaf.Anal.cqt_bins))
		(Beat-sync) Constant-Q transform
	beats: np.array(T)
		Beats in seconds
	dur: float
		Song duration
	analysis : dict
		Parameters of analysis of track (e.g. sampling rate)
	if pre_features is None:
		# Dataset path
		ds_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(audio_path))

		# Read Estimations
		features_path = os.path.join(ds_path, msaf.Dataset.features_dir,
			os.path.basename(audio_path)[:-4] + msaf.Dataset.features_ext)
		with open(features_path, "r") as f:
			feats = json.load(f)

		# Beat Synchronous Feats
		if framesync:
			feat_str = "framesync"
			beats = None
			if annot_beats:
				# Read references
					annotation_path = os.path.join(
						ds_path, msaf.Dataset.references_dir,
						os.path.basename(audio_path)[:-4] +
					jam = jams2.load(annotation_path)
					raise RuntimeError("No references found in file %s" %

				feat_str = "ann_beatsync"
				beats = []
				beat_data = jam.beats[0].data
				if beat_data == []:
					raise ValueError
				for data in beat_data:
				beats = np.unique(beats)
				feat_str = "est_beatsync"
				beats = np.asarray(feats["beats"]["times"])
		C = np.asarray(feats[feat_str]["hpcp"])
		M = np.asarray(feats[feat_str]["mfcc"])
		T = np.asarray(feats[feat_str]["tonnetz"])
		cqt = np.asarray(feats[feat_str]["cqt"])

		'''Mi: added the Gammatone features'''
		G = np.asarray(feats[feat_str]["gmt"])

		analysis = feats["analysis"]
		dur = analysis["dur"]

		# Frame times might be shorter than the actual number of features.
		if framesync:
			frame_times = utils.get_time_frames(dur, analysis)
			C = C[:len(frame_times)]
			M = M[:len(frame_times)]
			T = T[:len(frame_times)]
			G = G[:len(frame_times)]

		feat_prefix = ""
		if not framesync:
			feat_prefix = "bs_"
		C = pre_features["%shpcp" % feat_prefix]
		M = pre_features["%smfcc" % feat_prefix]
		T = pre_features["%stonnetz" % feat_prefix]
		cqt = pre_features["%scqt" % feat_prefix]
		G = pre_features["%sgmt" % feat_prefix]
		beats = pre_features["beats"]
		dur = pre_features["anal"]["dur"]
		analysis = pre_features["anal"]

	return C, M, T, cqt, G, beats, dur, analysis
Exemple #15
def save_estimations(out_file, times, labels, boundaries_id, labels_id,
	"""Saves the segment estimations in a JAMS file.close

	out_file : str
		Path to the output JAMS file in which to save the estimations.
	times : np.array or list
		Estimated boundary times.
		If `list`, estimated hierarchical boundaries.
	labels : np.array(N, 2)
		Estimated labels (None in case we are only storing boundary
	boundaries_id : str
		Boundary algorithm identifier.
	labels_id : str
		Labels algorithm identifier.
	params : dict
		Dictionary with additional parameters for both algorithms.
	# Convert to intervals and sanity check
	if 'numpy' in str(type(times)):
		inters = utils.times_to_intervals(times)
		assert len(inters) == len(labels), "Number of boundary intervals " \
			"(%d) and labels (%d) do not match" % (len(inters), len(labels))
		# Put into lists to simplify the writing process later
		inters = [inters]
		labels = [labels]
		inters = []
		for level in range(len(times)):
			est_inters = utils.times_to_intervals(times[level])
			assert len(inters[level]) == len(labels[level]), \
			"Number of boundary intervals (%d) and labels (%d) do not match" % \
				(len(inters[level]), len(labels[level]))

	curr_estimation = None
	curr_i = -1

	# Find estimation in file
	if os.path.isfile(out_file):
		jam = jams2.load(out_file)
		all_estimations = jam.sections
		curr_estimation, curr_i = find_estimation(
			all_estimations, boundaries_id, labels_id, params, out_file)
		# Create new JAMS if it doesn't exist
		jam = jams2.Jams()
		jam.metadata.title = os.path.basename(out_file).replace(
			msaf.Dataset.estimations_ext, "")

	# Create new annotation if needed
	if curr_estimation is None:
		curr_estimation = jam.sections.create_annotation()

	# Save metadata and parameters
	curr_estimation.annotation_metadata.attribute = "sections"
	curr_estimation.annotation_metadata.version = msaf.__version__
	curr_estimation.annotation_metadata.origin = "MSAF"
	sandbox = {}
	sandbox["boundaries_id"] = boundaries_id
	sandbox["labels_id"] = labels_id
	sandbox["timestamp"] = \
		datetime.datetime.today().strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")
	for key in params:
		sandbox[key] = params[key]
	curr_estimation.sandbox = sandbox

	# Save actual data
	curr_estimation.data = []
	for i, (level_inters, level_labels) in enumerate(zip(inters, labels)):
		if level_labels is None:
			label = np.ones(len(inters)) * -1
		for bound_inter, label in zip(level_inters, level_labels):
			segment = curr_estimation.create_datapoint()
			segment.start.value = float(bound_inter[0])
			segment.start.confidence = 0.0
			segment.end.value = float(bound_inter[1])
			segment.end.confidence = 0.0
			segment.label.value = label
			segment.label.confidence = 0.0
			segment.label.context = "level_%d" % i

	# Place estimation in its place
	if curr_i != -1:
		jam.sections[curr_i] = curr_estimation

	# Write file and do not let users interrupt it
	my_thread = Thread(target=safe_write, args=(jam, out_file,))
Exemple #16
def save_estimations(out_file, boundaries, labels, boundaries_id, labels_id,
    """Saves the segment estimations in a JAMS file.close

    out_file : str
        Path to the output JAMS file in which to save the estimations.
    boundaries : np.array((N, 2))
        Estimated boundary intervals.
    labels : np.array(N, 2)
        Estimated labels (None in case we are only storing boundary
    boundaries_id : str
        Boundary algorithm identifier.
    labels_id : str
        Labels algorithm identifier.
    params : dict
        Dictionary with additional parameters for both algorithms.

    # Sanity Check
    assert len(boundaries) == len(labels), "Number of boundary intervals " \
        "(%d) and labels (%d) do not match" % (len(boundaries), len(labels))

    print boundaries, labels
    curr_estimation = None
    curr_i = -1

    # Find estimation in file
    if os.path.isfile(out_file):
        jam = jams2.load(out_file)
        all_estimations = jam.sections
        curr_estimation, curr_i = find_estimation(all_estimations,
                                                  boundaries_id, labels_id,
                                                  params, out_file)
        # Create new JAMS if it doesn't exist
        jam = jams2.Jams()
        jam.metadata.title = os.path.basename(out_file).replace(
            msaf.Dataset.estimations_ext, "")

    # Create new annotation if needed
    if curr_estimation is None:
        curr_estimation = jam.sections.create_annotation()

    # Save metadata and parameters
    curr_estimation.annotation_metadata.attribute = "sections"
    curr_estimation.annotation_metadata.version = msaf.__version__
    curr_estimation.annotation_metadata.origin = "MSAF"
    sandbox = {}
    sandbox["boundaries_id"] = boundaries_id
    sandbox["labels_id"] = labels_id
    sandbox["timestamp"] = \
        datetime.datetime.today().strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")
    for key in params:
        sandbox[key] = params[key]
    curr_estimation.sandbox = sandbox

    # Save actual data
    curr_estimation.data = []
    if labels is None:
        label = np.ones(len(boundaries)) * -1
    for bound_inter, label in zip(boundaries, labels):
        segment = curr_estimation.create_datapoint()
        segment.start.value = float(bound_inter[0])
        segment.start.confidence = 0.0
        segment.end.value = float(bound_inter[1])
        segment.end.confidence = 0.0
        segment.label.value = label
        segment.label.confidence = 0.0
        segment.label.context = "msaf"  # TODO: Use multiple contex

    # Place estimation in its place
    if curr_i != -1:
        jam.sections[curr_i] = curr_estimation

    # Write file and do not let users interrupt it
    my_thread = Thread(target=safe_write, args=(
Exemple #17
def get_features(audio_path, annot_beats=False, framesync=False):
    Gets the features of an audio file given the audio_path.

    audio_path: str
        Path to the audio file.
    annot_beats: bool
        Whether to use annotated beats or not.
    framesync: bool
        Whether to use framesync features or not.

    C: np.array((N, 12))
        (Beat-sync) Chromagram
    M: np.array((N, 13))
        (Beat-sync) MFCC
    T: np.array((N, 6))
        (Beat-sync) Tonnetz
    beats: np.array(T)
        Beats in seconds
    dur: float
        Song duration
    analysis : dict
        Parameters of analysis of track (e.g. sampling rate)
    # Dataset path
    ds_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(audio_path))

    # Read Estimations
    features_path = os.path.join(
        ds_path, msaf.Dataset.features_dir,
        os.path.basename(audio_path)[:-4] + msaf.Dataset.features_ext)
    with open(features_path, "r") as f:
        feats = json.load(f)

    # Beat Synchronous Feats
    if framesync:
        feat_str = "framesync"
        beats = None
        if annot_beats:
            # Read references
                annotation_path = os.path.join(
                    ds_path, msaf.Dataset.references_dir,
                    os.path.basename(audio_path)[:-4] +
                jam = jams2.load(annotation_path)
                raise RuntimeError("No references found in file %s" %

            feat_str = "ann_beatsync"
            beats = []
            beat_data = jam.beats[0].data
            if beat_data == []:
                raise ValueError
            for data in beat_data:
            beats = np.unique(beats)
            feat_str = "est_beatsync"
            beats = np.asarray(feats["beats"]["times"])[0]
    C = np.asarray(feats[feat_str]["hpcp"])
    M = np.asarray(feats[feat_str]["mfcc"])
    T = np.asarray(feats[feat_str]["tonnetz"])
    analysis = feats["analysis"]

    # Duration
    # TODO: Essentia fix!
    feat_frames = np.asarray(feats["framesync"]["hpcp"])
    dur = feat_frames.shape[0] * analysis["hop_size"] / \
    #dur = jam.metadata.duration

    return C, M, T, beats, dur, analysis
Exemple #18
def get_features(audio_path,
	Gets the features of an audio file given the audio_path.

	audio_path: str
		Path to the audio file.
	annot_beats: bool
		Whether to use annotated beats or not.
	framesync: bool
		Whether to use framesync features or not.
	pre_features: dict
		Pre computed features as a dictionary.
		`None` for reading them form the json file.

	C: np.array((N, 12))
		(Beat-sync) Chromagram
	M: np.array((N, 13))
		(Beat-sync) MFCC
	T: np.array((N, 6))
		(Beat-sync) Tonnetz
	cqt: np.array((N, msaf.Anal.cqt_bins))
		(Beat-sync) Constant-Q transform
	beats: np.array(T)
		Beats in seconds
	dur: float
		Song duration
	analysis : dict
		Parameters of analysis of track (e.g. sampling rate)
    if pre_features is None:
        # Dataset path
        ds_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(audio_path))

        # Read Estimations
        features_path = os.path.join(
            ds_path, msaf.Dataset.features_dir,
            os.path.basename(audio_path)[:-4] + msaf.Dataset.features_ext)
        with open(features_path, "r") as f:
            feats = json.load(f)

        # Beat Synchronous Feats
        if framesync:
            feat_str = "framesync"
            beats = None
            if annot_beats:
                # Read references
                    annotation_path = os.path.join(
                        ds_path, msaf.Dataset.references_dir,
                        os.path.basename(audio_path)[:-4] +
                    jam = jams2.load(annotation_path)
                    raise RuntimeError("No references found in file %s" %

                feat_str = "ann_beatsync"
                beats = []
                beat_data = jam.beats[0].data
                if beat_data == []:
                    raise ValueError
                for data in beat_data:
                beats = np.unique(beats)
                feat_str = "est_beatsync"
                beats = np.asarray(feats["beats"]["times"])
        C = np.asarray(feats[feat_str]["hpcp"])
        M = np.asarray(feats[feat_str]["mfcc"])
        T = np.asarray(feats[feat_str]["tonnetz"])
        cqt = np.asarray(feats[feat_str]["cqt"])
        '''Mi: added the Gammatone features'''
        G = np.asarray(feats[feat_str]["gmt"])

        analysis = feats["analysis"]
        dur = analysis["dur"]

        # Frame times might be shorter than the actual number of features.
        if framesync:
            frame_times = utils.get_time_frames(dur, analysis)
            C = C[:len(frame_times)]
            M = M[:len(frame_times)]
            T = T[:len(frame_times)]
            G = G[:len(frame_times)]

        feat_prefix = ""
        if not framesync:
            feat_prefix = "bs_"
        C = pre_features["%shpcp" % feat_prefix]
        M = pre_features["%smfcc" % feat_prefix]
        T = pre_features["%stonnetz" % feat_prefix]
        cqt = pre_features["%scqt" % feat_prefix]
        G = pre_features["%sgmt" % feat_prefix]
        beats = pre_features["beats"]
        dur = pre_features["anal"]["dur"]
        analysis = pre_features["anal"]

    return C, M, T, cqt, G, beats, dur, analysis
Exemple #19
def read_estimations(est_file, boundaries_id, labels_id=None, **params):
    """Reads the estimations (boundaries and/or labels) from a jams file
	containing the estimations of an algorithm.

	est_file : str
		Path to the estimated file (JAMS file).
	boundaries_id : str
		Identifier of the algorithm used to compute the boundaries.
	labels_id : str
		Identifier of the algorithm used to compute the labels.
	params : dict
		Additional search parameters. E.g. {"feature" : "hpcp"}.

	boundaries : np.array((N,2))
		Array containing the estimated boundaries in intervals.
	labels : np.array(N)
		Array containing the estimated labels.
		Empty array if labels_id is None.

    # Open file and read jams
        jam = jams2.load(est_file)
        logging.error("Could not open JAMS file %s" % est_file)
        return np.array([]), np.array([])

    # Get all the estimations for the sections
    all_estimations = jam.sections

    # Find correct estimation
    correct_est, i = find_estimation(all_estimations, boundaries_id, labels_id,
                                     params, est_file)
    if correct_est is None:
        logging.error("Could not find estimation in %s" % est_file)
        return np.array([]), np.array([])

    # Retrieve unique levels of segmentation
    levels = []
    for range in correct_est.data:
    levels = list(set(levels))

    # Retrieve data
    all_boundaries = []
    all_labels = []
    for level in levels:
        boundaries = []
        labels = []
        for range in correct_est.data:
            if level == range.label.context:
                boundaries.append([range.start.value, range.end.value])
                if labels_id is not None:
        all_labels.append(np.asarray(labels, dtype=int))

    # If there is only one level, return np.arrays instead of lists
    if len(levels) == 1:
        all_boundaries = all_boundaries[0]
        all_labels = all_labels[0]

    return all_boundaries, all_labels