def registerSlot(self,acountInfo): self.cursor.execute("select * from acount where username='******'" % acountInfo.split(' ')[0]) result = self.cursor.fetchone() #判定注册的用户账号是否已经存在 if result: self.msgSignal.emit(Msg(RegisterGui,"警告","该用户已存在!")) else: #往表中插入相关用户数据 self.cursor.execute("insert into acount values('%s','%s')" % (acountInfo.split(' ')[0],acountInfo.split(' ')[1])) self.connection.commit() #提交数据库更改 self.msgSignal.emit(Msg(RegisterGui,"成功","注册成功!"))
def enterSlot(self,stuInfo): stuInfoList = stuInfo.split(' ') #首先查询一波,看看这个学生的信息是否已经被导入 self.cursor.execute("select * from stuinfo where name='%s' and age='%s' and num='%s' and profession='%s'" % (stuInfoList[0],stuInfoList[1],stuInfoList[2],stuInfoList[3])) result = list(self.cursor.fetchall()) if len(result) > 0: self.msgSignal.emit(Msg(EnterGui,"错误","该学生信息已经导入!")) else: #否则就导入 self.cursor.execute("insert into stuinfo values('%s','%s','%s','%s')" % (stuInfoList[0],stuInfoList[1],stuInfoList[2],stuInfoList[3])) self.connection.commit() #提交数据库更改 self.msgSignal.emit(Msg(EnterGui,"成功","导入学生信息成功!"))
def delSlot(self,stuInfo): stuInfoList = stuInfo.split(' ') #查询是否有这个学生的信息 self.cursor.execute("select * from stuinfo where name='%s' and age='%s' and num='%s' and profession='%s'" % (stuInfoList[0],stuInfoList[1],stuInfoList[2],stuInfoList[3])) result = list(self.cursor.fetchall()) #如果有的话则删除 if len(result) > 0: self.cursor.execute("delete from stuinfo where name='%s' and age='%s' and num='%s' and profession='%s'" % (stuInfoList[0],stuInfoList[1],stuInfoList[2],stuInfoList[3])) self.connection.commit() self.msgSignal.emit(Msg(DelGui,"成功","删除学生信息成功!")) else: self.msgSignal.emit(Msg(DelGui,"错误","没有该学生信息!"))
def loginSlot(self,acountInfo): self.cursor.execute("select * from acount where username='******'" % acountInfo.split(' ')[0]) result = self.cursor.fetchone() #如果能够查询到这个用户的话 if result: #如果密码对的话,则登陆 if result["password"] == acountInfo.split(' ')[1]: self.loginSignal.emit() else: self.msgSignal.emit(Msg(LoginGui,"错误","密码错误!")) #否则则说明没有这个用户 else: self.msgSignal.emit(Msg(LoginGui,"错误","没有此用户!"))
def start_server(self): while True: try: sock, addr = self.sock.accept() except Exception as e: # some one want to connect, but fail print("some one want to connect, but fail") finally: # some one success connect print("[%s:%s] connect successfully." % (addr[0], addr[1])) # save in the conns conns.append(User( sock=sock, ip=addr[0], port=addr[1], )) print("now has %s client." % (len(conns))) # tell to others and me msg = Msg(data="Hello, [%s:%s] login." % (addr[0], addr[1]), mode=Msg.TALK, ip=addr[0], port=addr[1]) for user in conns: self.send_msg(user, msg) server_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.handle_sock, args=(sock, addr)) server_thread.start()
def processOrder(self, msg): ''' 处理指令 ''' replyMsg = Msg() humidifier = Humidifier.Humidifier() content = msg.content replyMsg.content = content if ('温度' in content): replyMsg.content = Data().getT() if ('湿度' in content): replyMsg.content = Data().getH() if ('开' in content): replyMsg.content = '加湿器已打开' if ('关' in content): humidifier.close() replyMsg.content = '加湿器已关闭' replyMsg.fromUserName = msg.toUserName replyMsg.toUserName = msg.fromUserName return replyMsg
def Notify(self, app_name, notification_id, app_icon, summary, body, actions, hints, expire_timeout): msg = Msg() # find id. self._id += 1 msg.application = str(app_name) msg.notid = notification_id msg.mid = self._id msg.summary = str(summary) msg.body = str(body) if int(expire_timeout) > 0: msg.deadline = time.time() + int(expire_timeout) / 1000.0 if 'urgency' in hints: msg.urgency = int(hints['urgency']) self._rofication.add_notification(msg) os.system('awesome-client \'naughty=require("naughty"); ' + 'naughty.notify({title="%s",text="%s (%s)"})\'' % (msg.summary, msg.body, msg.application)) cmd = '' cmd += 'local naughty = require("naughty");' cmd += 'naughty.notify({' cmd + + ' title = "%s (%s)",' % (msg.summary, msg.application) cmd += ' text = "%s",' % (msg.body) cmd += '})' os.system('awesome-client \'%s\'' % cmd) return notification_id
def send_msg(self, text): try: msg = Msg( mode=Msg.TALK, data=text, ) self.sock.send(Msg.encode(msg)) except Exception as e: print("send error happens")
def fb_feeds_webhook(): """webhook api""" logging.debug('Handling webhook request!!') content = request.get_json() if content['entry'][0]['changes'][0]['value']['item'] == 'like': Server.MQTTC.publish( Config.MQTT_FB_WEBHOOK_TOPIC_NAME, Msg( int(content['entry'][0]['time']),'LIKE', content['entry'][0]['changes'][0]['value']['user_id']))'Handled webhook request ' + str(content)) return ''
def GBN_rcv(self, new_socket): seq = 0 rcvpkt = [] while True: self.rdt_rcv(new_socket,rcvpkt) pkt = rcvpkt[0] print( if not self.corrupt(pkt) and int(pkt.seqnum) == int(seq): self.deliver_data(,'data.txt') self.udt_send(new_socket, Msg('ACK' + str(seq),True,seq), 1) seq = seq + 1 rcvpkt = []
def start_talking(self): while True: try: text = input("> ") msg = Msg( mode=Msg.TALK, data=text, ) self.sock.send(Msg.encode(msg)) except Exception as e: print("some error happens") finally: pass
def SR_rcv(self, new_socket): seq = 0 rcvpkt_wrapper = [] rcvpkts = {} while True: self.rdt_rcv(new_socket,rcvpkt_wrapper) pkt = rcvpkt_wrapper[0] if not self.corrupt(pkt): seq = int(pkt.seqnum) if not seq in rcvpkts.keys(): rcvpkts[seq] = (,False) self.sr_deliver_data(rcvpkts,'data.txt') self.udt_send(new_socket,Msg('ACK'+str(seq),True,seq),1) rcvpkt_wrapper = []
def handle_result(self, wip, result): log(DEBUG, "started", wip=wip, result_id=result._id) self.wip_q.put(wip) result.num_server_fair_share = len(self.fc_server.cid_q_m) result.serv_time = time.time() - result.epoch_arrived_server result.epoch_departed_server = time.time() self.commer.send_msg(result.cid, msg=Msg(_id=result._id, payload=result)) log(DEBUG, "done", wip=wip, result_id=result._id, serv_time=result.serv_time)
def Notify(self, app_name, notification_id, app_icon, summary, body, actions, hints, expire_timeout): msg = Msg() # find id. self._id += 1 msg.application = str(app_name) msg.notid = notification_id msg.mid = self._id msg.summary = str(summary) msg.body = str(body) if int(expire_timeout) > 0: msg.deadline = time.time() + int(expire_timeout) / 1000.0 if 'urgency' in hints: msg.urgency = int(hints['urgency']) self._rofication.add_notification(msg) return notification_id
def show_dialog(self): '''Show the text notification dialogue.''' text = self.__msgtext.GetValue() if text: # Text is set, show dialog. title = self.__data.get_sys('msg_title') size = self.__data.get_user('msg_size') icon = os.path.join(self.__dir, self.__data.get_sys('icon_close')) font = self.__data.get_sys('msg_font') dlg = Msg(parent=self, title=title, size=size, icon=icon, text=text, font=font) dlg.ShowModal() # Set dialog size size = dlg.GetSize() self.__data.set_user('msg_size', (size[0], size[1])) # Destroy dialogue. dlg.Destroy()
def handle_sock(self, sock, addr): # receive the msg and handle it while True: try: byte_arr = sock.recv(1024) # decode the socket bytes msg = Msg.decode(byte_arr) # (1.mode), (2,ip), (3,port), (4,data) # update the (2, ip) and (3, port) msg.set_ip(addr[0]) msg.set_port(addr[1]) # handle the msg if msg.mode == Msg.HELLO: pass elif msg.mode == Msg.TALK: # send the msg to everyone # for user in conns: # self.send_msg(user, msg) # just print in the server print("[%s:%s] > %s" % (msg.ip, msg.port, elif msg.mode == Msg.FINISH: pass except Exception as e: # client logout # del the conns who logout for i in range(len(conns)): if conns[i].ip == addr[0] and conns[i].port == addr[1]: del conns[i] print('now has %s client.' % (len(conns))) # send the link out msg for everyone msg = Msg( data='[%s:%s] logout' % (addr[0], addr[1]), mode=Msg.TALK, ip=addr[0], port=addr[1], ) for user in conns: self.send_msg(user, msg) return
def parseUserOrder(self, xmlStr): ''' 解析用户消息 ''' xml = etree.fromstring(xmlStr) msg = Msg() msg.msgType = xml.find("MsgType").text msg.fromUserName = xml.find("FromUserName").text msg.toUserName = xml.find("ToUserName").text msg.createTime = xml.find("CreateTime").text if (msg.msgType == 'text'): msg.content = xml.find("Content").text if (msg.msgType == 'voice'): msg.content = xml.find("Recognition").text return msg
def performSimulation(i, verbose=True): cars = init_cars() def print_graph_stats(): grade = 0 for car in cars: for a in car.adj: grade += a print('number of cars', len(cars)) print('number of edges', grade / 2) print('density', grade / (2 * len(cars))) #print_graph_stats() s = Simulator(cars) if s.no_graphics: random.sample(cars, 1)[0].infect(Msg.dummy()) else: bubbles = displayCars(s.car_dict) firstinfected = s.getCar(firstInfection()) firstinfected.infect( Msg(firstinfected.plate, 'ciao', (firstinfected.pos[0], firstinfected.pos[1]), (firstinfected.pos[0], firstinfected.pos[1]), 0, 100)) s.runSimulation() if verbose: tmp = str([c.state for c in cars]) print("Simulation", i, "ended") print("Vulnerable: ", tmp.count("State.VULNERABLE")) print("Infected: ", tmp.count("State.INFECTED")) print("Recovered: ", tmp.count("State.RECOVERED")) print() return s
record_flag = False screen_flag = False test = False virtual_background = False virtual_background_name = "" user_id = 0 frames = {} msgs = [] img = cv2.imread('no_image.png') user_manage = User_manage() app.secret_key = 'super secret key' udp_send = SendVideo("", "", 12345, 9999) screen_send = SendVideo("", "", 12348, 9997) video = Video() audio = Audio() msg = Msg() record = Record() video.set_capture(30, 320, 240) virtualbackground = VirtualBackground() send_camera_th = threading.Thread(target=capture_video) send_audio_th = threading.Thread(target=capture_audio) get_audio_th = threading.Thread(target=audio.get_audio) udp_listen_th = threading.Thread(target=udp_send.get_frame, args=(frames, )) screen_listen_th = threading.Thread(target=screen_send.get_frame, args=(frames, )) screen_listen_th.start() send_camera_th.start() udp_listen_th.start() send_audio_th.start() get_audio_th.start()
from datetime import datetime from msg import Msg users_hash_dict={ '8614': 'dominik', '0261': 'maciek', '3164': 'swistak', '7770': 'gross', '4426': 'bartus', '2567': 'sebus', '6249': 'karol', '2010': 'ryba' } messages_dict={ 'pogoda':Msg('messages/pogoda_mess.txt'), 'hania':Msg('messages/hania_mess.txt'), 'default':Msg('messages/default_mess.txt'), 'amelka':Msg('messages/amelka_mess.txt'), 'papiez':Msg('messages/papiez_mess.txt'), 'hour':Msg('messages/hour_mess.txt'), 'ryba':Msg('messages/ryba_mess.txt'), 'swistak':Msg('messages/swistak_mess.txt'), 'grosik':Msg('messages/grosik_mess.txt'), 'dominik':Msg('messages/dominik_mess.txt'), 'karol':Msg('messages/karol_mess.txt'), 'gra':Msg('messages/gra_mess.txt'), 'bartus':Msg('messages/bartus_mess.txt'), 'sebus':Msg('messages/sebus_mess.txt'), 'maciek':Msg('messages/maciek_mess.txt') }
# This is the endless loop of goodness while True: # Handling autoscaling sns messages for the salt master group try: master_queue_length = sqs_master.get_queue_length() if master_queue_length > 0: for i in range(master_queue_length): message = sqs_master.get_a_message() if not message: continue #print "MASTER: type of message is: %s" % type(message) message_body = message.get_body() # using boto sqs message method here #print "MASTER: message body:" #print message_body msg = Msg(message_body) instance_id = msg.get_instance_id() #print "MASTER: instance_id: %s" % instance_id status = msg.get_instance_action() # LAUNCH or TERMINATE or None #print "MASTER: status: %s" % status if not status or not instance_id: #print "status: %s" % status #print "instance_id: %s" % instance_id continue else: master_mgr = MasterManager(region) master_mgr.create_or_update_master(instanceid=instance_id, modified=None, ipaddr=None, status=unicode(status)) minion_mgr = MinionManager(region) minion_mgr.create_or_update_minion(instanceid=instance_id, modified=None, highstate_runner=None, highstate_ran=None, status=unicode(status)) sqs_master.delete_a_message(message)
def multicast_blockchain(self): """Multicast transaction""" for port in self.node.peers.keys(): url_to = host + ':{}/gossip/blockchain/'.format(port) msg = jsonpickle.encode(Msg(self.node.blockchain, self.node.port)), json=json.dumps(msg))
def run_game(x, y): pygame.init() settings = Settings() statue = Statue() screen = pygame.display.set_mode( (settings.screen_width, settings.screen_height)) map = Map(x, y, settings, screen) fog_map = Fog_map(x, y, settings, screen) gamer1 = Gamer(settings, x, y, screen) gamer2 = Gamer(settings, x, y, screen) monster1 = Monster(settings, x, y, screen, map) monster2 = Monster(settings, x, y, screen, map) gamer1.monsters = [monster1, monster2] msg = Msg(screen, '红色:起点 蓝色:终点或正确路径 黄色:玩家', 22, 300, 75) msg_title = Msg(screen, '迷宫游戏', 34, 300, 100) button_map = Button(screen, 32, '刷新地图', 137.5, 25, 275, 50) button_solve = Button(screen, 32, '自动寻路', 412.5, 25, 275, 50) button_return = Button(screen, 22, '返回', 575, 25, 50, 50) button_normal = Button(screen, 32, '普通模式', 300, 200, 300, 75) button_fog = Button(screen, 32, '迷雾模式 ', 300, 300, 300, 75) button_pair = Button(screen, 32, '怪兽模式 ', 300, 400, 300, 75) button_pair_fog = Button(screen, 32, '迷雾怪兽模式 ', 300, 500, 300, 75) button_solve.draw_button() while True: if statue.game_statue == 0: gf.check_event_menu(statue, button_normal, button_fog, button_pair, button_pair_fog) gf.show_menu(screen, settings, button_normal, button_fog, button_pair, msg_title, button_pair_fog) elif statue.game_statue == 1: if map.gen == 0: gf.gen_map(map, gamer1) gf.update_screen(map, gamer1, screen, settings, button_map, button_solve, button_return, msg) if statue.solve_statue == True: gf.check_events(map, gamer1, button_map, button_solve, button_return, statue) gf.solve(map, screen, settings, statue, button_return, gamer1) gf.update_screen(map, gamer1, screen, settings, button_map, button_solve, button_return, msg) else: gf.check_events(map, gamer1, button_map, button_solve, button_return, statue) gf.update_screen(map, gamer1, screen, settings, button_map, button_solve, button_return, msg) elif statue.game_statue == 2: if fog_map.gen == 0: gf.gen_map(fog_map, gamer1) gf.update_screen(fog_map, gamer1, screen, settings, button_map, button_solve, button_return, msg) if statue.solve_statue == True: gf.check_events(fog_map, gamer1, button_map, button_solve, button_return, statue) gf.solve(fog_map, screen, settings, statue, button_return, gamer1) gf.update_screen(fog_map, gamer1, screen, settings, button_map, button_solve, button_return, msg) else: gf.check_events(fog_map, gamer1, button_map, button_solve, button_return, statue) gf.update_screen(fog_map, gamer1, screen, settings, button_map, button_solve, button_return, msg) elif statue.game_statue == 3: if map.gen == 0: gf.gen_map(map, gamer1) gf.update_screen_monster(map, gamer1, screen, settings, button_map, button_solve, button_return, msg) for monster in gamer1.monsters: monster.init_monster() if statue.solve_statue == True: gf.check_events(map, gamer1, button_map, button_solve, button_return, statue) gf.solve(map, screen, settings, statue, button_return, gamer1) gf.update_screen_monster( map, gamer1, screen, settings, button_map, button_solve, button_return, msg, ) else: gf.check_events(map, gamer1, button_map, button_solve, button_return, statue) gf.update_screen_monster( map, gamer1, screen, settings, button_map, button_solve, button_return, msg, )
""" 获取群组禁言列表 :param tid: :param owner: :return: """ url = "" data = {'tid': tid, 'owner': owner} resp =, headers=self.get_header(), data=data) return resp.json() if __name__ == '__main__': APPKEY = "APPKEY" APP_SECRET = "APP_SECRET" msg = Msg(APPKEY, APP_SECRET) team = Team(APPKEY, APP_SECRET) print("-" * 30) print('create:') response = team.create('test_team', 'test3', json.dumps(['test2', 'test1']), 'please join us ', 0, 1) print(response) tid = response['tid'] print("-" * 30) print('query:') response = team.query(json.dumps([ tid, ]), 1) print(response)
def make_pkt(self, data, checksum=None, seq=None): m = Msg(data, checksum, seq) return m
def multicast_trx(self, trx): """Multicast transaction""" for port in self.node.peers.keys(): url_to = host + ':{}/gossip/trx/'.format(port) msg = jsonpickle.encode(Msg(trx, self.node.port)), json=json.dumps(msg))