Exemple #1
 def shape(self, mesh, size=50):
     """Build mesh."""
     vf = np.vectorize(self.f)
     x = mesh.coordinates()[:, 0]
     y = mesh.coordinates()[:, 1]
     a = np.arctan2(y, x)
     x, y = [x * vf(a), y * vf(a)]
     mesh.coordinates()[:] = np.array([x, y]).transpose()
     boundary = BoundaryMesh(mesh, 'exterior')
     lst = [0]
     vs = list(vertices(boundary))
     while True:
         v = vs[lst[-1]]
         neighbors = set()
         for e in edges(v):
         neighbors = list(neighbors)
         k = 0
         if len(lst) > 1:
             if neighbors[0] == lst[-2]:
                 k = 1
         if lst[-1] == lst[0]:
     lst = lst[:-1]
     points = boundary.coordinates()[lst]
     points = [Point(*p) for p in points]
         polygon = Polygon(points)
         polygon = Polygon(points[::-1])
     return generate_mesh(polygon, size)
Exemple #2
 def get(self):
     """Built-in polygonal mesh."""
     params = self.pad(self.values)
     if params[1]:
         vertices = convex_hull(params[0])
         vertices = params[0]
     vertices = [Point(*p) for p in vertices]
     size = params[2]
         # may fail if not counterclockwise vertices
         poly = Polygon(vertices)
         poly = Polygon(vertices[::-1])
     return generate_mesh(poly, size)
def build_fin(loc, l, d):
    Build a fin as a domain to be meshed

        loc - location of outer most corner coordinates [x, y]
        l - length of fin
        d - thickness of fin
        fin - fin domain

    # define the fin as a polygon
    angle = np.radians(45)
    # vertices, proceeding counter-clockwise
    pts = np.zeros((2, 6))
    # leave pts[:, 0] alone
    pts[:, 1] = [l * np.cos(angle), l * np.sin(angle)]
    pts[:, 2] = [(l + d) * np.cos(angle), (l - d) * np.sin(angle)]
    pts[:, 3] = [d / np.cos(angle), 0]

    pts[0, 4] = pts[0, 2]  # flip point along x-axis
    pts[1, 4] = -pts[1, 2]
    pts[0, 5] = pts[0, 1]
    pts[1, 5] = -pts[1, 1]

    # shift over to loc
    # convert to mshr Points
    points = []
    for j in range(6):
        points.append(Point(pts[:, -j] + loc))

    # build polygon
    poly = Polygon(points)
    return poly
Exemple #4
    def get(self):
        """ Generate polygon from top and bottom curves. """
        radius, N = self.pad(self.values)
        radius = evaluate(radius)[0]

        points = [
            Point(*(radius(theta) *
                    np.array([cos(theta), sin(theta)])))
            for theta in np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, N + 2)
        if abs(radius(0) - radius(2 * np.pi)) < 1E-4:
            # may fail if not counterclockwise vertices
            poly = Polygon(points)
            poly = Polygon(points[::-1])
        return generate_mesh(poly, 1)
Exemple #5
 def get(self):
     """ Generate polygon from top and bottom curves. """
     m, M, top, bottom, var, N = self.pad(self.values)
     top = evaluate(top)[0]
     bottom = evaluate(bottom)[0]
     if var == 'x':
         points = [Point(x, top(x)) for x in np.linspace(m, M, N + 2)]
         points = [Point(top(x), x) for x in np.linspace(m, M, N + 2)]
     if abs(top(M) - bottom(M)) < 1E-4:
     if var == 'x':
         points += [Point(x, bottom(x)) for x in np.linspace(M, m, N + 2)]
         points += [Point(bottom(x), x) for x in np.linspace(M, m, N + 2)]
     if abs(top(m) - bottom(m)) < 1E-4:
         # may fail if not counterclockwise vertices
         poly = Polygon(points)
         poly = Polygon(points[::-1])
     return generate_mesh(poly, 1)
Exemple #6
def coupled_ridge_waveguides(w_wg1, w_wg2, w_gap, w_wing1, w_wing2, h_total,
    # manually define all points
    domain_vertices = []
    x = 0.0
    y = 0.0
    domain_vertices.append(Point(x, y))
    x = 0.0
    y = h_mem
    domain_vertices.append(Point(x, y))
    x += w_wing1
    y = h_mem
    domain_vertices.append(Point(x, y))
    x = x
    y = h_total
    domain_vertices.append(Point(x, y))
    x += w_wg1
    y = h_total
    domain_vertices.append(Point(x, y))
    x = x
    y = h_mem
    domain_vertices.append(Point(x, y))
    x += w_gap
    y = h_mem
    domain_vertices.append(Point(x, y))
    x = x
    y = h_total
    domain_vertices.append(Point(x, y))
    x += w_wg2
    y = h_total
    domain_vertices.append(Point(x, y))
    x = x
    y = h_mem
    domain_vertices.append(Point(x, y))
    x += w_wing2
    y = h_mem
    domain_vertices.append(Point(x, y))
    x = x
    y = 0.0
    domain_vertices.append(Point(x, y))
    domain_vertices.reverse()  # need counter clockwise order

    domain = Polygon(domain_vertices)
    return domain
### Test 1: Hexagon

for N in range(4, 21):
    x = empty((N, ))
    y = empty((N, ))
    for n in range(N):
        x[n] = cos(2. * pi * n / N)
        y[n] = sin(2. * pi * n / N)

    interior_angles = 180. * (N - 2) / N
    if interior_angles > 90:
        interior_angles = 180 - interior_angles

    mesh = generate_mesh(Polygon([Point(xx, yy) for xx, yy in zip(x, y)]), N)

    markers1 = detect_colinearity(mesh, interior_angles - 1)

    markers2 = detect_colinearity(mesh, interior_angles + 1)

    # number of tags should be equal to the number of sides of the polygon plus the interior tag
    if len(unique(markers1.array())) != N + 1:
        raise RuntimeError(
            'Test failed: number of tags assigned by colinearity_detection is wrong'

    # number of tags should be equal to the number of sides of the polygon divided by 2 plus the interior tag
    # this is because colinearity is checked with respect to the first untagged facet found
    if len(unique(markers2.array())) != int(N / 2) + 1:
        raise RuntimeError(
def cylinder(dim, radii, height, n_refinements=0):
    Creates the mesh of a cylinder using the mshr module.
    assert isinstance(dim, int)
    assert dim == 2 or dim == 3

    assert isinstance(radii, (list, tuple)) and len(radii) == 2
    rt, rb = radii
    assert isinstance(rb, float) and rb > 0.
    assert isinstance(rt, float) and rt > 0.

    assert isinstance(height, float) and height > 0.

    assert isinstance(n_refinements, int) and n_refinements >= 0

    # mesh generation
    if dim == 2:
        bottom = dlfn.Point(0., 0.)
        top = dlfn.Point(0., height)
    elif dim == 3:
        bottom = dlfn.Point(0., 0., 0.)
        top = dlfn.Point(0., 0., height)

    if dim == 2:
        domain = Polygon([
            dlfn.Point(-rb / 2., 0.), bottom,
            dlfn.Point(rb / 2., 0.),
            dlfn.Point(rt / 2., height), top,
            dlfn.Point(-rt / 2., height)
        mesh = generate_mesh(domain, 10)
    elif dim == 3:
        domain = Cylinder(top, bottom, rt, rb, segments=100)
        mesh = generate_mesh(domain, 32)

    # mesh refinement
    for i in range(n_refinements):
        mesh = dlfn.refine(mesh)

    # MeshFunction for boundaries ids
    facet_marker = dlfn.MeshFunction("size_t", mesh, mesh.topology().dim() - 1)

    # calculate radius depending on the x[3] coordinate
    def radius(z):
        return rb + z * (rt - rb) / height

    # mark boundaries
    BoundaryMarkers = CylinderBoundaryMarkers

    gamma_side = CylinderBoundary(mesh=mesh, radius=radius)
    gamma_side.mark(facet_marker, BoundaryMarkers.side.value)

    if dim == 2:
        gamma_top = dlfn.CompiledSubDomain("near(x[1], height) && on_boundary",
        gamma_top.mark(facet_marker, BoundaryMarkers.top.value)
        gamma_bottom = dlfn.CompiledSubDomain("near(x[1], 0.0) && on_boundary")
        gamma_bottom.mark(facet_marker, BoundaryMarkers.bottom.value)
    elif dim == 3:
        gamma_top = dlfn.CompiledSubDomain("near(x[2], height) && on_boundary",
        gamma_top.mark(facet_marker, BoundaryMarkers.top.value)
        gamma_bottom = dlfn.CompiledSubDomain("near(x[2], 0.0) && on_boundary")
        gamma_bottom.mark(facet_marker, BoundaryMarkers.bottom.value)

    return mesh, facet_marker
Exemple #9
def Regular(n, size=50):
    """Build mesh for a regular polygon with n sides."""
    points = [(np.cos(2 * np.pi * i / n), np.sin(2 * np.pi * i / n))
              for i in range(n)]
    polygon = Polygon([Point(*p) for p in points])
    return generate_mesh(polygon, size)