Exemple #1
 def predict(self,
     # -----
     ret_shape = BK.get_shape(lab_ef)[:-1] + [
         BK.get_shape(lab_ef, -1),
         BK.get_shape(lab_evt, -1)
     if np.prod(ret_shape) == 0:
         if ret_full_logprobs:
             return BK.zeros(ret_shape + [self.num_label])
             return BK.zeros(ret_shape), BK.zeros(ret_shape).long()
     # -----
     # todo(note): +1 for space of DROPED(UNK)
     full_score = self._score(repr_ef, repr_evt, lab_ef + 1,
                              lab_evt + 1)  # [*, len-ef, len-evt, D]
     full_logprobs = BK.log_softmax(full_score, -1)
     if ret_full_logprobs:
         return full_logprobs
         # greedy maximum decode
         ret_logprobs, ret_idxes = full_logprobs.max(
             -1)  # [*, len-ef, len-evt]
         # mask non-valid ones
         if mask_ef is not None:
             ret_idxes *= (mask_ef.unsqueeze(-1)).long()
         if mask_evt is not None:
             ret_idxes *= (mask_evt.unsqueeze(-2)).long()
         return ret_logprobs, ret_idxes
Exemple #2
 def calculate_repr(self, cur_t, par_t, label_t, par_mask_t, chs_t,
                    chs_label_t, chs_mask_t, chs_valid_mask_t):
     ret_t = cur_t  # [*, D]
     # padding 0 if not using labels
     dim_label = self.dim_label
     # child features
     if self.use_chs and chs_t is not None:
         if self.use_label_feat:
             chs_label_rt = self.label_embeddings(
                 chs_label_t)  # [*, max-chs, dlab]
             labels_shape = BK.get_shape(chs_t)
             labels_shape[-1] = dim_label
             chs_label_rt = BK.zeros(labels_shape)
         chs_input_t = BK.concat([chs_t, chs_label_rt], -1)
         chs_feat0 = self.chs_reprer(cur_t, chs_input_t, chs_mask_t,
         chs_feat = self.chs_ff(chs_feat0)
         ret_t += chs_feat
     # parent features
     if self.use_par and par_t is not None:
         if self.use_label_feat:
             cur_label_t = self.label_embeddings(label_t)  # [*, dlab]
             labels_shape = BK.get_shape(par_t)
             labels_shape[-1] = dim_label
             cur_label_t = BK.zeros(labels_shape)
         par_feat = self.par_ff([par_t, cur_label_t])
         if par_mask_t is not None:
             par_feat *= par_mask_t.unsqueeze(-1)
         ret_t += par_feat
     return ret_t
Exemple #3
 def _fb_args(self, ef_items, ef_widxes, ef_valid_mask, ef_lab_idxes, enc_repr_ef,
              evt_items, evt_widxes, evt_valid_mask, evt_lab_idxes, enc_repr_evt, margin):
     # get the gold idxes
     arg_linker = self.arg_linker
     bsize, len_ef = ef_items.shape
     bsize2, len_evt = evt_items.shape
     assert bsize == bsize2
     gold_idxes = np.zeros([bsize, len_ef, len_evt], dtype=np.long)
     for one_gold_idxes, one_ef_items, one_evt_items in zip(gold_idxes, ef_items, evt_items):
         # todo(note): check each pair
         for ef_idx, one_ef in enumerate(one_ef_items):
             if one_ef is None:
             role_map = {id(z.evt): z.role_idx for z in one_ef.links}  # todo(note): since we get the original linked ones
             for evt_idx, one_evt in enumerate(one_evt_items):
                 pairwise_role_hlidx = role_map.get(id(one_evt))
                 if pairwise_role_hlidx is not None:
                     pairwise_role_idx = arg_linker.hlidx2idx(pairwise_role_hlidx)
                     assert pairwise_role_idx > 0
                     one_gold_idxes[ef_idx, evt_idx] = pairwise_role_idx
     # get loss
     repr_ef = BK.gather_first_dims(enc_repr_ef, ef_widxes, -2)  # [*, len-ef, D]
     repr_evt = BK.gather_first_dims(enc_repr_evt, evt_widxes, -2)  # [*, len-evt, D]
     if np.prod(gold_idxes.shape) == 0:
         # no instances!
         return [[BK.zeros([]), BK.zeros([])]]
         gold_idxes_t = BK.input_idx(gold_idxes)
         return arg_linker.loss(repr_ef, repr_evt, ef_lab_idxes, evt_lab_idxes, ef_valid_mask, evt_valid_mask,
                                gold_idxes_t, margin)
Exemple #4
 def init_call(self, src):
     # init accumulated attn: all 0.
     src_shape = BK.get_shape(src)
     attn_shape = src_shape[:-1] + [src_shape[-2], self.attn_count
                                    ]  # [*, len_q, len_k, head]
     cache = VRecCache()
     cache.orig_t = src
     cache.rec_t = src  # initially, the same as "orig_t"
     cache.rec_lstm_c_t = BK.zeros(BK.get_shape(src))  # initially zero
     cache.accu_attn = BK.zeros(attn_shape)
     return cache
Exemple #5
 def loss(self, ms_items: List, bert_expr, basic_expr):
     conf = self.conf
     bsize = len(ms_items)
     # use gold targets: only use positive samples!!
     offsets_t, masks_t, _, items_arr, labels_t = PrepHelper.prep_targets(
         ms_items, lambda x: x.events, True, False, 0., 0., True)  # [bs, ?]
     realis_flist = [(-1 if
                      (z is None or z.realis_idx is None) else z.realis_idx)
                     for z in items_arr.flatten()]
     realis_t = BK.input_idx(realis_flist).view(items_arr.shape)  # [bs, ?]
     realis_mask = (realis_t >= 0).float()
     realis_t.clamp_(min=0)  # make sure all idxes are legal
     # -----
     # return 0 if all no targets
     if BK.get_shape(offsets_t, -1) == 0:
         zzz = BK.zeros([])
         return [[zzz, zzz, zzz], [zzz, zzz, zzz]]  # realis, types
     # -----
     arange_t = BK.arange_idx(bsize).unsqueeze(-1)  # [bsize, 1]
     sel_bert_t = bert_expr[arange_t, offsets_t]  # [bsize, ?, Fold, D]
     sel_basic_t = None if basic_expr is None else basic_expr[
         arange_t, offsets_t]  # [bsize, ?, D']
     hiddens = self.adp(sel_bert_t, sel_basic_t, [])  # [bsize, ?, D"]
     # build losses
     loss_item_realis = self._get_one_loss(self.realis_predictor, hiddens,
                                           realis_t, realis_mask,
     loss_item_type = self._get_one_loss(self.type_predictor, hiddens,
                                         labels_t, masks_t,
     return [loss_item_realis, loss_item_type]
Exemple #6
 def get_selected_label_scores(self, idxes_m_t, idxes_h_t, bsize_range_t,
                               oracle_mask_t, oracle_label_t,
                               arc_margin: float, label_margin: float):
     # todo(note): in this mode, no repeated arc_margin
     dim1_range_t = bsize_range_t
     dim2_range_t = dim1_range_t.unsqueeze(-1)
     if self.system_labeled:
         selected_m_cache = [
             z[dim2_range_t, idxes_m_t] for z in self.mod_label_cache
         selected_h_repr = self.head_label_cache[dim2_range_t, idxes_h_t]
         ret = self.scorer.score_label(selected_m_cache,
                                       selected_h_repr)  # [*, k, labels]
         if label_margin > 0.:
             oracle_label_idxes = oracle_label_t[dim2_range_t, idxes_m_t,
                                                     -1)  # [*, k, 1] of int
                 -1, oracle_label_idxes,
                 BK.constants(oracle_label_idxes.shape, -label_margin))
         # todo(note): otherwise, simply put zeros (with idx=0 as the slightly best to be consistent)
         ret = BK.zeros(BK.get_shape(idxes_m_t) + [self.num_label])
         ret[:, :, 0] += 0.01
     if self.g1_lab_scores is not None:
         ret += self.g1_lab_scores[dim2_range_t, idxes_m_t, idxes_h_t]
     return ret
Exemple #7
 def loss(self, ms_items: List, bert_expr):
     conf = self.conf
     max_range = self.conf.max_range
     bsize = len(ms_items)
     # collect instances
     col_efs, _, col_bidxes_t, col_hidxes_t, col_ldists_t, col_rdists_t = self._collect_insts(
         ms_items, True)
     if len(col_efs) == 0:
         zzz = BK.zeros([])
         return [[zzz, zzz, zzz], [zzz, zzz, zzz]]
     left_scores, right_scores = self._score(bert_expr, col_bidxes_t,
                                             col_hidxes_t)  # [N, R]
     if conf.use_binary_scorer:
         left_binaries, right_binaries = (BK.arange_idx(max_range)<=col_ldists_t.unsqueeze(-1)).float(), \
                                         (BK.arange_idx(max_range)<=col_rdists_t.unsqueeze(-1)).float()  # [N,R]
         left_losses = BK.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(
             left_scores, left_binaries, reduction='none')[:, 1:]
         right_losses = BK.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(
             right_scores, right_binaries, reduction='none')[:, 1:]
         left_count = right_count = BK.input_real(
             BK.get_shape(left_losses, 0) * (max_range - 1))
         left_losses = BK.loss_nll(left_scores, col_ldists_t)
         right_losses = BK.loss_nll(right_scores, col_rdists_t)
         left_count = right_count = BK.input_real(
             BK.get_shape(left_losses, 0))
     return [[left_losses.sum(), left_count, left_count],
             [right_losses.sum(), right_count, right_count]]
Exemple #8
 def _loss(self, enc_repr, action_list: List[EfAction], arc_weight_list: List[float], label_weight_list: List[float],
           bidxes_list: List[int]):
     # 1. collect (batched) features; todo(note): use prev state for scoring
     hm_features = self.hm_feature_getter.get_hm_features(action_list, [a.state_from for a in action_list])
     # 2. get new sreprs
     scorer = self.scorer
     s_enc = self.slayer
     bsize_range_t = BK.input_idx(bidxes_list)
     node_h_idxes_t, node_h_srepr = ScorerHelper.calc_repr(s_enc, hm_features[0], enc_repr, bsize_range_t)
     node_m_idxes_t, node_m_srepr = ScorerHelper.calc_repr(s_enc, hm_features[1], enc_repr, bsize_range_t)
     # label loss
     if self.system_labeled:
         node_lh_expr, _ = scorer.transform_space_label(node_h_srepr, True, False)
         _, node_lm_pack = scorer.transform_space_label(node_m_srepr, False, True)
         label_scores_full = scorer.score_label(node_lm_pack, node_lh_expr)  # [*, Lab]
         label_scores = BK.gather_one_lastdim(label_scores_full, [a.label for a in action_list]).squeeze(-1)
         final_label_loss_sum = (label_scores * BK.input_real(label_weight_list)).sum()
         label_scores = final_label_loss_sum = BK.zeros([])
     # arc loss
     node_ah_expr, _ = scorer.transform_space_arc(node_h_srepr, True, False)
     _, node_am_pack = scorer.transform_space_arc(node_m_srepr, False, True)
     arc_scores = scorer.score_arc(node_am_pack, node_ah_expr).squeeze(-1)
     final_arc_loss_sum = (arc_scores * BK.input_real(arc_weight_list)).sum()
     # score reg
     return final_arc_loss_sum, final_label_loss_sum, arc_scores, label_scores
Exemple #9
 def loss(self, ms_items: List, bert_expr, basic_expr, margin=0.):
     conf = self.conf
     bsize = len(ms_items)
     # build targets (include all sents)
     # todo(note): use "x.entity_fillers" for getting gold args
     offsets_t, masks_t, _, items_arr, labels_t = PrepHelper.prep_targets(
         ms_items, lambda x: x.entity_fillers, True, True,
         conf.train_neg_rate, conf.train_neg_rate_outside, True)
     labels_t.clamp_(max=1)  # either 0 or 1
     # -----
     # return 0 if all no targets
     if BK.get_shape(offsets_t, -1) == 0:
         zzz = BK.zeros([])
         return [[zzz, zzz, zzz]]
     # -----
     arange_t = BK.arange_idx(bsize).unsqueeze(-1)  # [bsize, 1]
     sel_bert_t = bert_expr[arange_t, offsets_t]  # [bsize, ?, Fold, D]
     sel_basic_t = None if basic_expr is None else basic_expr[
         arange_t, offsets_t]  # [bsize, ?, D']
     hiddens = self.adp(sel_bert_t, sel_basic_t, [])  # [bsize, ?, D"]
     # build loss
     logits = self.predictor(hiddens)  # [bsize, ?, Out]
     log_probs = BK.log_softmax(logits, -1)
     picked_log_probs = -BK.gather_one_lastdim(log_probs, labels_t).squeeze(
         -1)  # [bsize, ?]
     masked_losses = picked_log_probs * masks_t
     # loss_sum, loss_count, gold_count
     return [[
         masks_t.sum(), (labels_t > 0).float().sum()
Exemple #10
 def loss(self, repr_t, pred_mask_repl_arr, pred_idx_arr):
     mask_idxes, mask_valids = BK.mask2idx(
         BK.input_real(pred_mask_repl_arr))  # [bsize, ?]
     if BK.get_shape(mask_idxes, -1) == 0:  # no loss
         zzz = BK.zeros([])
         return [[zzz, zzz, zzz]]
         target_reprs = BK.gather_first_dims(repr_t, mask_idxes,
                                             1)  # [bsize, ?, *]
         target_hids = self.hid_layer(target_reprs)
         target_scores = self.pred_layer(target_hids)  # [bsize, ?, V]
         pred_idx_t = BK.input_idx(pred_idx_arr)  # [bsize, slen]
         target_idx_t = pred_idx_t.gather(-1, mask_idxes)  # [bsize, ?]
         target_idx_t[(mask_valids <
                       1.)] = 0  # make sure invalid ones in range
         # get loss
         pred_losses = BK.loss_nll(target_scores,
                                   target_idx_t)  # [bsize, ?]
         pred_loss_sum = (pred_losses * mask_valids).sum()
         pred_loss_count = mask_valids.sum()
         # argmax
         _, argmax_idxes = target_scores.max(-1)
         pred_corrs = (argmax_idxes == target_idx_t).float() * mask_valids
         pred_corr_count = pred_corrs.sum()
         return [[pred_loss_sum, pred_loss_count, pred_corr_count]]
Exemple #11
 def loss(self,
     conf = self.conf
     # -----
     if np.prod(BK.get_shape(gold_idxes)) == 0:
         return [[BK.zeros([]), BK.zeros([])]]
     # -----
     # todo(note): +1 for space of DROPED(UNK)
     lab_ef = self._dropout_idxes(lab_ef + 1, conf.train_drop_ef_lab)
     lab_evt = self._dropout_idxes(lab_evt + 1, conf.train_drop_evt_lab)
     if conf.linker_ef_detach:
         repr_ef = repr_ef.detach()
     if conf.linker_evt_detach:
         repr_evt = repr_evt.detach()
     full_score = self._score(repr_ef, repr_evt, lab_ef,
                              lab_evt)  # [*, len-ef, len-evt, D]
     if margin > 0.:
         aug_score = BK.zeros(BK.get_shape(full_score)) + margin
         aug_score.scatter_(-1, gold_idxes.unsqueeze(-1), 0.)
         full_score += aug_score
     full_logprobs = BK.log_softmax(full_score, -1)
     gold_logprobs = full_logprobs.gather(-1,
                                              -1)  # [*, len-ef, len-evt]
     # sampling and mask
     loss_mask = mask_ef.unsqueeze(-1) * mask_evt.unsqueeze(-2)
     # ====
     # first select examples (randomly)
     sel_mask = (BK.rand(BK.get_shape(loss_mask)) <
                 conf.train_min_rate).float()  # [*, len-ef, len-evt]
     # add gold and exclude pad
     sel_mask += (gold_idxes > 0).float()
     loss_mask *= sel_mask
     # =====
     loss_sum = -(gold_logprobs * loss_mask).sum()
     loss_count = loss_mask.sum()
     ret_losses = [[loss_sum, loss_count]]
     return ret_losses
Exemple #12
 def forward_features(self, ids_expr, mask_expr, typeids_expr,
                      other_embed_exprs: List):
     bmodel = self.model
     bmodel_embedding = bmodel.embeddings
     bmodel_encoder = bmodel.encoder
     # prepare
     attention_mask = mask_expr
     token_type_ids = BK.zeros(BK.get_shape(
         ids_expr)).long() if typeids_expr is None else typeids_expr
     extended_attention_mask = attention_mask.unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(2)
     # extended_attention_mask = extended_attention_mask.to(dtype=next(bmodel.parameters()).dtype)  # fp16 compatibility
     extended_attention_mask = (1.0 - extended_attention_mask) * -10000.0
     # embeddings
     cur_layer = 0
     if self.trainable_min_layer <= 0:
         last_output = bmodel_embedding(ids_expr,
         with BK.no_grad_env():
             last_output = bmodel_embedding(ids_expr,
     # extra embeddings (this implies overall graident requirements!!)
     for one_eidx, one_embed in enumerate(self.other_embeds):
         last_output += one_embed(
             other_embed_exprs[one_eidx])  # [bs, slen, D]
     # =====
     all_outputs = []
     if self.layer_is_output[cur_layer]:
     cur_layer += 1
     # todo(note): be careful about the indexes!
     # not-trainable encoders
     trainable_min_layer_idx = max(0, self.trainable_min_layer - 1)
     with BK.no_grad_env():
         for layer_module in bmodel_encoder.layer[:trainable_min_layer_idx]:
             last_output = layer_module(last_output,
                                        extended_attention_mask, None)[0]
             if self.layer_is_output[cur_layer]:
             cur_layer += 1
     # trainable encoders
     for layer_module in bmodel_encoder.layer[trainable_min_layer_idx:self.
         last_output = layer_module(last_output, extended_attention_mask,
         if self.layer_is_output[cur_layer]:
         cur_layer += 1
     assert cur_layer == self.output_max_layer + 1
     # stack
     if len(all_outputs) == 1:
         ret_expr = all_outputs[0].unsqueeze(-2)
         ret_expr = BK.stack(all_outputs, -2)  # [BS, SLEN, LAYER, D]
     final_ret_exp = self.output_f(ret_expr)
     return final_ret_exp
Exemple #13
 def _hl_lookup(self, sel_lab_idxes):
     # the embeddings
     sel_shape = BK.get_shape(sel_lab_idxes)
     if sel_shape[-1] == 0:
         sel_lab_embeds = BK.zeros(sel_shape + [self.conf.lab_conf.n_dim])
         assert not self.hl.conf.use_lookup_soft, "Cannot do soft-lookup in this mode"
         sel_lab_embeds = self.hl.lookup(sel_lab_idxes)
     return sel_lab_embeds
Exemple #14
    def _score_sentence(self, scores, mask, tags):
                scores: variable (seq_len, batch, tag_size, tag_size)
                mask: (batch, seq_len)
                tags: tensor  (batch, seq_len)
                score: sum of score for gold sequences within whole batch
        # Gives the score of a provided tag sequence
        batch_size = scores.size(1)
        seq_len = scores.size(0)
        tag_size = scores.size(2)
        ## convert tag value into a new format, recorded label bigram information to index
        # new_tags = autograd.Variable(torch.LongTensor(batch_size, seq_len))
        # if self.gpu:
        #     new_tags = new_tags.cuda()
        new_tags = BK.zeros((batch_size, seq_len)).long()
        for idx in range(seq_len):
            if idx == 0:
                ## start -> first score
                new_tags[:, 0] = (tag_size - 2) * tag_size + tags[:, 0]

                new_tags[:, idx] = tags[:, idx - 1] * tag_size + tags[:, idx]

        ## transition for label to STOP_TAG
        end_transition = self.transitions[:, STOP_TAG].contiguous().view(
            1, tag_size).expand(batch_size, tag_size)
        ## length for batch,  last word position = length - 1
        length_mask = torch.sum(mask.long(), dim=1).view(batch_size, 1).long()
        ## index the label id of last word
        end_ids = torch.gather(tags, 1, length_mask - 1)

        ## index the transition score for end_id to STOP_TAG
        end_energy = torch.gather(end_transition, 1, end_ids)

        ## convert tag as (seq_len, batch_size, 1)
        new_tags = new_tags.transpose(1, 0).contiguous().view(
            seq_len, batch_size, 1)
        ### need convert tags id to search from 400 positions of scores
        tg_energy = torch.gather(scores.view(seq_len, batch_size, -1), 2,
                                     seq_len, batch_size)  # seq_len * bat_size
        ## mask transpose to (seq_len, batch_size)
        tg_energy = tg_energy.masked_select(mask.transpose(1, 0))

        # ## calculate the score from START_TAG to first label
        # start_transition = self.transitions[START_TAG,:].view(1, tag_size).expand(batch_size, tag_size)
        # start_energy = torch.gather(start_transition, 1, tags[0,:])

        ## add all score together
        # gold_score = start_energy.sum() + tg_energy.sum() + end_energy.sum()
        gold_score = tg_energy.sum() + end_energy.sum()
        return gold_score
Exemple #15
 def inference_on_batch(self, insts: List[GeneralSentence], **kwargs):
     conf = self.conf
     # print(f"{len(insts)}: {insts[0].sid}")
     with BK.no_grad_env():
         # decode for dpar
         input_map = self.model.inputter(insts)
         emb_t, mask_t, enc_t, cache, _ = self.model._emb_and_enc(input_map, collect_loss=False)
         input_t = BK.concat(cache.list_attn, -1)  # [bs, slen, slen, L*H]
         self.dpar.predict(insts, BK.zeros([1,1]), input_t, mask_t)
     return {}
Exemple #16
 def lookup(self, insts: List, input_lexi, input_expr, input_mask):
     conf = self.conf
     bsize = len(insts)
     # first get gold/input info, also multiple valid-masks
     gold_masks, gold_idxes, gold_items_arr, gold_valid, gold_idxes2, gold_items2_arr = self.batch_inputs_h(
     # step 1: no selection, simply forward using gold_masks
     sel_idxes, sel_valid_mask = BK.mask2idx(gold_masks)  # [*, max-count]
     sel_gold_idxes = gold_idxes.gather(-1, sel_idxes)
     sel_gold_idxes2 = gold_idxes2.gather(-1, sel_idxes)
     # todo(+N): only get items by head position!
     _tmp_i0, _tmp_i1 = np.arange(bsize)[:, np.newaxis], BK.get_value(
     sel_items = gold_items_arr[_tmp_i0, _tmp_i1]  # [*, mc]
     sel2_items = gold_items2_arr[_tmp_i0, _tmp_i1]
     # step 2: encoding and labeling
     sel_shape = BK.get_shape(sel_idxes)
     if sel_shape[-1] == 0:
         sel_lab_idxes = sel_gold_idxes
         sel_lab_embeds = BK.zeros(sel_shape + [conf.lab_conf.n_dim])
         ret_items = sel_items  # dim-1==0
         # sel_hid_exprs = self._enc(input_expr, input_mask, sel_idxes)  # [*, mc, DLab]
         sel_lab_idxes = sel_gold_idxes
         sel_lab_embeds = self.hl.lookup(
             sel_lab_idxes)  # todo(note): here no softlookup?
         ret_items = sel_items
         # second type
         if self.use_secondary_type:
             sel2_lab_idxes = sel_gold_idxes2
             sel2_lab_embeds = self.hl.lookup(
                 sel2_lab_idxes)  # todo(note): here no softlookup?
             sel2_valid_mask = (sel2_lab_idxes > 0).float()
             # combine the two
             if sel2_lab_idxes.sum().item(
             ) > 0:  # if there are any gold sectypes
                 ret_items = np.concatenate([ret_items, sel2_items],
                                            -1)  # [*, mc*2]
                 sel_idxes = BK.concat([sel_idxes, sel_idxes], -1)
                 sel_valid_mask = BK.concat(
                     [sel_valid_mask, sel2_valid_mask], -1)
                 sel_lab_idxes = BK.concat([sel_lab_idxes, sel2_lab_idxes],
                 sel_lab_embeds = BK.concat(
                     [sel_lab_embeds, sel2_lab_embeds], -2)
     # step 3: exclude nil assuming no deliberate nil in gold/inputs
     if conf.exclude_nil:  # [*, mc', ...]
         sel_idxes, sel_valid_mask, sel_lab_idxes, sel_lab_embeds, _, ret_items = \
             self._exclude_nil(sel_idxes, sel_valid_mask, sel_lab_idxes, sel_lab_embeds, sel_items_arr=ret_items)
     # step 4: return
     # sel_enc_expr = BK.gather_first_dims(input_expr, sel_idxes, -2)  # [*, mc', D]
     # mask out invalid items with None
     ret_items[BK.get_value(1. - sel_valid_mask).astype(np.bool)] = None
     return ret_items, sel_idxes, sel_valid_mask, sel_lab_idxes, sel_lab_embeds
Exemple #17
 def _special_score(
         one_score):  # specially change ablpair scores into [bs,m,h,*]
     root_score = one_score[:, :, 0].unsqueeze(2)  # [bs, rlen, 1, *]
     tmp_shape = BK.get_shape(root_score)
     tmp_shape[1] = 1  # [bs, 1, 1, *]
     padded_root_score = BK.concat([BK.zeros(tmp_shape), root_score],
                                   dim=1)  # [bs, rlen+1, 1, *]
     final_score = BK.concat(
          one_score.transpose(1, 2)],
         dim=2)  # [bs, rlen+1[m], rlen+1[h], *]
     return final_score
Exemple #18
 def fb_on_batch(self, insts: List[GeneralSentence], training=True, loss_factor=1.,
                 rand_gen=None, assign_attns=False, **kwargs):
     # get inputs with models
     with BK.no_grad_env():
         input_map = self.model.inputter(insts)
         emb_t, mask_t, enc_t, cache, enc_loss = self.model._emb_and_enc(input_map, collect_loss=True)
         input_t = BK.concat(cache.list_attn, -1)  # [bs, slen, slen, L*H]
     losses = [self.dpar.loss(insts, BK.zeros([1,1]), input_t, mask_t)]
     # -----
     info = self.collect_loss_and_backward(losses, training, loss_factor)
     info.update({"fb": 1, "sent": len(insts), "tok": sum(len(z) for z in insts)})
     return info
Exemple #19
 def _pmask2idxes(self, pred_mask):
     orig_shape = BK.get_shape(pred_mask)
     dim_type = orig_shape[-1]
     flattened_mask = pred_mask.view(orig_shape[:-2] + [-1])  # [*, slen*L]
     f_idxes, sel_valid_mask = BK.mask2idx(flattened_mask)  # [*, max-count]
     # then back to the two dimensions
     sel_idxes, sel_lab_idxes = f_idxes // dim_type, f_idxes % dim_type
     # the embeddings
     sel_shape = BK.get_shape(sel_idxes)
     if sel_shape[-1] == 0:
         sel_lab_embeds = BK.zeros(sel_shape + [self.conf.lab_conf.n_dim])
         assert not self.hl.conf.use_lookup_soft, "Cannot do soft-lookup in this mode"
         sel_lab_embeds = self.hl.lookup(sel_lab_idxes)
     return sel_idxes, sel_valid_mask, sel_lab_idxes, sel_lab_embeds
Exemple #20
 def loss(self, insts: List, input_lexi, input_expr, input_mask, margin=0.):
     # todo(+N): currently margin is not used
     conf = self.conf
     bsize = len(insts)
     arange_t = BK.arange_idx(bsize)
     assert conf.train_force, "currently only have forced training"
     # get the gold ones
     gold_widxes, gold_lidxes, gold_vmasks, ret_items, _ = self.batch_inputs_g1(insts)  # [*, ?]
     # for all the steps
     num_step = BK.get_shape(gold_widxes, -1)
     # recurrent states
     hard_coverage = BK.zeros(BK.get_shape(input_mask))  # [*, slen]
     prev_state = self.rnn_unit.zero_init_hidden(bsize)  # tuple([*, D], )
     all_tok_logprobs, all_lab_logprobs = [], []
     for cstep in range(num_step):
         slice_widx, slice_lidx = gold_widxes[:,cstep], gold_lidxes[:,cstep]
         _, sel_tok_logprobs, _, sel_lab_logprobs, _, next_state = \
             self._step(input_expr, input_mask, hard_coverage, prev_state, slice_widx, slice_lidx, None)
         all_tok_logprobs.append(sel_tok_logprobs)  # add one of [*, 1]
         hard_coverage = BK.copy(hard_coverage)  # todo(note): cannot modify inplace!
         hard_coverage[arange_t, slice_widx] += 1.
         prev_state = [z.squeeze(-2) for z in next_state]
     # concat all the loss and mask
     # todo(note): no need to use gold_valid since things are telled in vmasks
     cat_tok_logprobs = BK.concat(all_tok_logprobs, -1) * gold_vmasks  # [*, steps]
     cat_lab_logprobs = BK.concat(all_lab_logprobs, -1) * gold_vmasks
     loss_sum = - (cat_tok_logprobs.sum() * conf.lambda_att + cat_lab_logprobs.sum() * conf.lambda_lab)
     # todo(+N): here we are dividing lab_logprobs with the all-count, do we need to separate?
     loss_count = gold_vmasks.sum()
     ret_losses = [[loss_sum, loss_count]]
     # =====
     # make eos unvalid for return
     ret_valid_mask = gold_vmasks * (gold_widxes>0).float()
     # embeddings
     sel_lab_embeds = self._hl_lookup(gold_lidxes)
     return ret_losses, ret_items, gold_widxes, ret_valid_mask, gold_lidxes, sel_lab_embeds
Exemple #21
 def loss(self, insts: List, input_lexi, input_expr, input_mask, margin=0.):
     conf = self.conf
     bsize = len(insts)
     # first get gold info, also multiple valid-masks
     gold_masks, gold_idxes, gold_items_arr, gold_valid, gold_idxes2, gold_items2_arr = self.batch_inputs_h(
     input_mask = input_mask * gold_valid.unsqueeze(-1)  # [*, slen]
     # step 1: selector
     if conf.use_selector:
         sel_loss, sel_mask = self.sel.loss(input_expr,
         sel_loss, sel_mask = None, self._select_cands_training(
             input_mask, gold_masks, conf.train_min_rate)
     sel_idxes, sel_valid_mask = BK.mask2idx(sel_mask)  # [*, max-count]
     sel_gold_idxes = gold_idxes.gather(-1, sel_idxes)
     sel_gold_idxes2 = gold_idxes2.gather(-1, sel_idxes)
     # todo(+N): only get items by head position!
     _tmp_i0, _tmp_i1 = np.arange(bsize)[:, np.newaxis], BK.get_value(
     sel_items = gold_items_arr[_tmp_i0, _tmp_i1]  # [*, mc]
     sel2_items = gold_items2_arr[_tmp_i0, _tmp_i1]
     # step 2: encoding and labeling
     # if we select nothing
     # ----- debug
     # zlog(f"fb-extractor 1: shape sel_idxes = {sel_idxes.shape}")
     # -----
     sel_shape = BK.get_shape(sel_idxes)
     if sel_shape[-1] == 0:
         lab_loss = [[BK.zeros([]), BK.zeros([])]]
         sel2_lab_loss = [[BK.zeros([]), BK.zeros([])]
                          ] if self.use_secondary_type else None
         sel_lab_idxes = sel_gold_idxes
         sel_lab_embeds = BK.zeros(sel_shape + [conf.lab_conf.n_dim])
         ret_items = sel_items  # dim-1==0
         sel_hid_exprs = self._enc(input_lexi, input_expr, input_mask,
                                   sel_idxes)  # [*, mc, DLab]
         lab_loss, sel_lab_idxes, sel_lab_embeds = self.hl.loss(
             sel_hid_exprs, sel_valid_mask, sel_gold_idxes, margin=margin)
         if conf.train_gold_corr:
             sel_lab_idxes = sel_gold_idxes
             if not self.hl.conf.use_lookup_soft:
                 sel_lab_embeds = self.hl.lookup(sel_lab_idxes)
         ret_items = sel_items
         # =====
         if self.use_secondary_type:
             sectype_embeds = self.t1tot2(sel_lab_idxes)  # [*, mc, D]
             if conf.sectype_noback_enc:
                 sel2_input = sel_hid_exprs.detach(
                 ) + sectype_embeds  # [*, mc, D]
                 sel2_input = sel_hid_exprs + sectype_embeds  # [*, mc, D]
             # =====
             # sepcial for the sectype mask (sample it within the gold ones)
             sel2_valid_mask = self._select_cands_training(
                 (sel_gold_idxes > 0).float(),
                 (sel_gold_idxes2 > 0).float(), conf.train_min_rate_s2)
             # =====
             sel2_lab_loss, sel2_lab_idxes, sel2_lab_embeds = self.hl.loss(
             if conf.train_gold_corr:
                 sel2_lab_idxes = sel_gold_idxes2
                 if not self.hl.conf.use_lookup_soft:
                     sel2_lab_embeds = self.hl.lookup(sel2_lab_idxes)
             if conf.sectype_t2ift1:
                 sel2_lab_idxes = sel2_lab_idxes * (sel_lab_idxes > 0).long(
                 )  # pred t2 only if t1 is not 0 (nil)
             # combine the two
             if sel2_lab_idxes.sum().item(
             ) > 0:  # if there are any gold sectypes
                 ret_items = np.concatenate([ret_items, sel2_items],
                                            -1)  # [*, mc*2]
                 sel_idxes = BK.concat([sel_idxes, sel_idxes], -1)
                 sel_valid_mask = BK.concat(
                     [sel_valid_mask, sel2_valid_mask], -1)
                 sel_lab_idxes = BK.concat([sel_lab_idxes, sel2_lab_idxes],
                 sel_lab_embeds = BK.concat(
                     [sel_lab_embeds, sel2_lab_embeds], -2)
             sel2_lab_loss = None
         # =====
         # step 3: exclude nil and return
         if conf.exclude_nil:  # [*, mc', ...]
             sel_idxes, sel_valid_mask, sel_lab_idxes, sel_lab_embeds, _, ret_items = \
                 self._exclude_nil(sel_idxes, sel_valid_mask, sel_lab_idxes, sel_lab_embeds, sel_items_arr=ret_items)
     # sel_enc_expr = BK.gather_first_dims(input_expr, sel_idxes, -2)  # [*, mc', D]
     # step 4: finally prepare loss and items
     for one_loss in lab_loss:
         one_loss[0] *= conf.lambda_ne
     ret_losses = lab_loss
     if sel2_lab_loss is not None:
         for one_loss in sel2_lab_loss:
             one_loss[0] *= conf.lambda_ne2
         ret_losses = ret_losses + sel2_lab_loss
     if sel_loss is not None:
         for one_loss in sel_loss:
             one_loss[0] *= conf.lambda_ns
         ret_losses = ret_losses + sel_loss
     # ----- debug
     # zlog(f"fb-extractor 2: shape sel_idxes = {sel_idxes.shape}")
     # -----
     # mask out invalid items with None
     ret_items[BK.get_value(1. - sel_valid_mask).astype(np.bool)] = None
     return ret_losses, ret_items, sel_idxes, sel_valid_mask, sel_lab_idxes, sel_lab_embeds
Exemple #22
 def loss(self, repr_t, attn_t, mask_t, disturb_keep_arr, **kwargs):
     conf = self.conf
     CR, PR = conf.cand_range, conf.pred_range
     # -----
     mask_single = BK.copy(mask_t)
     # no predictions for ARTI_ROOT
     if self.add_root_token:
         mask_single[:, 0] = 0.  # [bs, slen]
     # casting predicting range
     cur_slen = BK.get_shape(mask_single, -1)
     arange_t = BK.arange_idx(cur_slen)  # [slen]
     # [1, len] - [len, 1] = [len, len]
     reldist_t = (arange_t.unsqueeze(-2) - arange_t.unsqueeze(-1)
                  )  # [slen, slen]
     mask_pair = ((reldist_t.abs() <= CR) &
                  (reldist_t != 0)).float()  # within CR-range; [slen, slen]
     mask_pair = mask_pair * mask_single.unsqueeze(
         -1) * mask_single.unsqueeze(-2)  # [bs, slen, slen]
     if disturb_keep_arr is not None:
         mask_pair *= BK.input_real(1. - disturb_keep_arr).unsqueeze(
             -1)  # no predictions for the kept ones!
     # get all pair scores
     score_t = self.ps_node.paired_score(
         repr_t, repr_t, attn_t, maskp=mask_pair)  # [bs, len_q, len_k, 2*R]
     # -----
     # loss: normalize on which dim?
     # get the answers first
     if conf.pred_abs:
         answer_t = reldist_t.abs()  # [1,2,3,...,PR]
             min=0, max=PR -
             1)  # [slen, slen], clip in range, distinguish using masks
         answer_t = BK.where(
             (reldist_t >= 0), reldist_t - 1,
             reldist_t + 2 * PR)  # [1,2,3,...PR,-PR,-PR+1,...,-1]
             min=0, max=2 * PR -
             1)  # [slen, slen], clip in range, distinguish using masks
     # expand answer into idxes
     answer_hit_t = BK.zeros(BK.get_shape(answer_t) +
                             [2 * PR])  # [len_q, len_k, 2*R]
     answer_hit_t.scatter_(-1, answer_t.unsqueeze(-1), 1.)
     answer_valid_t = ((reldist_t.abs() <= PR) &
                       (reldist_t != 0)).float().unsqueeze(
                           -1)  # [bs, len_q, len_k, 1]
     answer_hit_t = answer_hit_t * mask_pair.unsqueeze(
         -1) * answer_valid_t  # clear invalid ones; [bs, len_q, len_k, 2*R]
     # get losses sum(log(answer*prob))
     # -- dim=-1 is standard 2*PR classification, dim=-2 usually have 2*PR candidates, but can be less at edges
     all_losses = []
     for one_dim, one_lambda in zip([-1, -2],
                                    [conf.lambda_n1, conf.lambda_n2]):
         if one_lambda > 0.:
             # since currently there can be only one or zero correct answer
             logprob_t = BK.log_softmax(score_t,
                                        one_dim)  # [bs, len_q, len_k, 2*R]
             sumlogprob_t = (logprob_t * answer_hit_t).sum(
                 one_dim)  # [bs, len_q, len_k||2*R]
             cur_dim_mask_t = (answer_hit_t.sum(one_dim) >
                               0.).float()  # [bs, len_q, len_k||2*R]
             # loss
             cur_dim_loss = -(sumlogprob_t * cur_dim_mask_t).sum()
             cur_dim_count = cur_dim_mask_t.sum()
             # argmax and corr (any correct counts)
             _, cur_argmax_idxes = score_t.max(one_dim)
             cur_corrs = answer_hit_t.gather(
                 one_dim, cur_argmax_idxes.unsqueeze(
                     one_dim))  # [bs, len_q, len_k|1, 2*R|1]
             cur_dim_corr_count = cur_corrs.sum()
             # compile loss
             one_loss = LossHelper.compile_leaf_info(
     return self._compile_component_loss("orp", all_losses)
Exemple #23
 def fb(self, annotated_insts, scoring_expr_pack, training: bool,
        loss_factor: float):
     # depth constrain: <= sched_depth
     cur_depth_constrain = int(self.sched_depth.value)
     # run
     ags = [
         BfsLinearAgenda.init_agenda(TdState, z, self.require_sg)
         for z in annotated_insts
     # collect local loss: credit assignment
     if self.train_force or self.train_ss:
         states = []
         for ag in ags:
             for final_state in ag.local_golds:
                 # todo(warn): remember to use depth_eff rather than depth
                 # todo(warn): deprecated
                 # if final_state.depth_eff > cur_depth_constrain:
                 #     continue
         logprobs_arc = [s.arc_score_slice for s in states]
         # no labeling scores for reduce operations
         logprobs_label = [
             s.label_score_slice for s in states
             if s.label_score_slice is not None
         credits_arc, credits_label = None, None
     elif self.train_of:
         states = []
         for ag in ags:
             for final_state in ag.ends:
                 for s in final_state.get_path(True):
         logprobs_arc = [s.arc_score_slice for s in states]
         # no labeling scores for reduce operations
         logprobs_label = [
             s.label_score_slice for s in states
             if s.label_score_slice is not None
         credits_arc, credits_label = None, None
     elif self.train_rl:
         logprobs_arc, logprobs_label, credits_arc, credits_label = [], [], [], []
         for ag in ags:
             # todo(+2): need to check search failure?
             # todo(+2): ignoring labels when reducing or wrong-arc
             for final_state in ag.ends:
                 # todo(warn): deprecated
                 # if final_state.depth_eff > cur_depth_constrain:
                 #     continue
                 one_credits_arc = []
                 one_credits_label = []
                 for s in final_state.get_path(True):
                     _, _, delta_arc, delta_label = s.oracle_loss_cache
                     if delta_arc > 0:
                         # only blame arc
                         if delta_label > 0:
                         elif s.label_score_slice is not None:
                             # not bad labeling
                 # TODO(+N): minus average may encourage bad moves?
                 # balance
                 # avg_arc = sum(one_credits_arc) / len(one_credits_arc)
                 # avg_label = 0. if len(one_credits_label)==0 else sum(one_credits_label) / len(one_credits_label)
                 baseline_arc = baseline_label = -0.5
                 credits_arc.extend(z - baseline_arc
                                    for z in one_credits_arc)
                 credits_label.extend(z - baseline_label
                                      for z in one_credits_label)
         raise NotImplementedError("CANNOT get here!")
     # sum all local losses
     loss_zero = BK.zeros([])
     if len(logprobs_arc) > 0:
         batched_logprobs_arc = SliceManager.combine_slices(
             logprobs_arc, None)
         loss_arc = (-BK.sum(batched_logprobs_arc)) if (credits_arc is None) \
             else (-BK.sum(batched_logprobs_arc * BK.input_real(credits_arc)))
         loss_arc = loss_zero
     if len(logprobs_label) > 0:
         batched_logprobs_label = SliceManager.combine_slices(
             logprobs_label, None)
         loss_label = (-BK.sum(batched_logprobs_label)) if (credits_label is None) \
             else (-BK.sum(batched_logprobs_label*BK.input_real(credits_label)))
         loss_label = loss_zero
     final_loss_sum = loss_arc + loss_label
     # divide loss by what?
     num_sent = len(annotated_insts)
     num_valid_arcs, num_valid_labels = len(logprobs_arc), len(
     # num_valid_steps = len(states)
     if self.tconf.loss_div_step:
         final_loss = loss_arc / max(1, num_valid_arcs) + loss_label / max(
             1, num_valid_labels)
         final_loss = final_loss_sum / num_sent
     val_loss_arc = BK.get_value(loss_arc).item()
     val_loss_label = BK.get_value(loss_label).item()
     val_loss_sum = val_loss_arc + val_loss_label
     cur_has_loss = 1 if ((num_valid_arcs + num_valid_labels) > 0) else 0
     if training and cur_has_loss:
         BK.backward(final_loss, loss_factor)
     # todo(warn): make tok==steps for dividing in common.run
     info = {
         "sent": num_sent,
         "tok": num_valid_arcs,
         "valid_arc": num_valid_arcs,
         "valid_label": num_valid_labels,
         "loss_sum": val_loss_sum,
         "loss_arc": val_loss_arc,
         "loss_label": val_loss_label,
         "fb_all": 1,
         "fb_valid": cur_has_loss
     return info
Exemple #24
 def loss(self, repr_t, orig_map: Dict, **kwargs):
     conf = self.conf
     _tie_input_embeddings = conf.tie_input_embeddings
     # --
     # specify input
     add_root_token = self.add_root_token
     # get from inputs
     if isinstance(repr_t, (list, tuple)):
         l2r_repr_t, r2l_repr_t = repr_t
     elif self.split_input_blm:
         l2r_repr_t, r2l_repr_t = BK.chunk(repr_t, 2, -1)
         l2r_repr_t, r2l_repr_t = repr_t, None
     # l2r and r2l
     word_t = BK.input_idx(orig_map["word"])  # [bs, rlen]
     slice_zero_t = BK.zeros([BK.get_shape(word_t, 0), 1]).long()  # [bs, 1]
     if add_root_token:
         l2r_trg_t = BK.concat([word_t, slice_zero_t],
                               -1)  # pad one extra 0, [bs, rlen+1]
         r2l_trg_t = BK.concat(
             [slice_zero_t, slice_zero_t, word_t[:, :-1]],
             -1)  # pad two extra 0 at front, [bs, 2+rlen-1]
         l2r_trg_t = BK.concat(
             [word_t[:, 1:], slice_zero_t], -1
         )  # pad one extra 0, but remove the first one, [bs, -1+rlen+1]
         r2l_trg_t = BK.concat(
             [slice_zero_t, word_t[:, :-1]],
             -1)  # pad one extra 0 at front, [bs, 1+rlen-1]
     # gather the losses
     all_losses = []
     pred_range_min, pred_range_max = max(
         1, conf.min_pred_rank), self.pred_size - 1
     if _tie_input_embeddings:
         pred_W = self.inputter_embed_node.E.E[:self.
                                               pred_size]  # [PSize, Dim]
         pred_W = None
     # get input embeddings for output
     for pred_name, hid_node, pred_node, input_t, trg_t in \
                 zip(["l2r", "r2l"], [self.l2r_hid_layer, self.r2l_hid_layer], [self.l2r_pred, self.r2l_pred],
                     [l2r_repr_t, r2l_repr_t], [l2r_trg_t, r2l_trg_t]):
         if input_t is None:
         # hidden
         hid_t = hid_node(
             input_t) if hid_node else input_t  # [bs, slen, hid]
         # pred: [bs, slen, Vsize]
         if _tie_input_embeddings:
             scores_t = BK.matmul(hid_t, pred_W.T)
             scores_t = pred_node(hid_t)
         # loss
         mask_t = ((trg_t >= pred_range_min) &
                   (trg_t <= pred_range_max)).float()  # [bs, slen]
         trg_t.clamp_(max=pred_range_max)  # make it in range
         losses_t = BK.loss_nll(scores_t, trg_t) * mask_t  # [bs, slen]
         _, argmax_idxes = scores_t.max(-1)  # [bs, slen]
         corrs_t = (argmax_idxes == trg_t).float() * mask_t  # [bs, slen]
         # compile leaf loss
         one_loss = LossHelper.compile_leaf_info(pred_name,
     return self._compile_component_loss("plm", all_losses)
Exemple #25
 def decode(self, inst: DocInstance):
     conf, model = self.conf, self.model
     test_constrain_evt_types = self.test_constrain_evt_types
     with BK.no_grad_env():
         # =====
         # init the collections
         flattened_ef_ereprs, flattened_evt_ereprs = [], []
         sent_offsets = [Constants.INT_PRAC_MIN]*len(inst.sents)  # start offset of sent in the flattened erepr
         cur_offset = 0  # current offset
         all_ef_items, all_evt_items = [], []
         # =====
         # first basic run and ef and evt
         all_packs = model.bter.run([inst], training=False)
         for one_pack in all_packs:
             sent_insts, lexi_repr, enc_repr_ef, enc_repr_evt, mask_arr = one_pack
             mask_expr = BK.input_real(mask_arr)
             # =====
             # store the enc reprs and sent offsets
             sent_size, sent_len = BK.get_shape(enc_repr_ef)[:2]
             assert BK.get_shape(enc_repr_ef) == BK.get_shape(enc_repr_evt)
             flattened_ef_ereprs.append(enc_repr_ef.view(sent_size*sent_len, -1))  # [cur_flatten_size, D]
             flattened_evt_ereprs.append(enc_repr_evt.view(sent_size*sent_len, -1))
             for one_sent in sent_insts:
                 sent_offsets[one_sent.sid] = cur_offset
                 cur_offset += sent_len
             # =====
             lkrc = not conf.dec_debug_mode  # lookup.ret_copy?
             # =====
             # ef
             if conf.lookup_ef:
                 ef_items, ef_widxes, ef_valid_mask, ef_lab_idxes, ef_lab_embeds = \
                     model._lookup_mentions(sent_insts, lexi_repr, enc_repr_ef, mask_expr, model.ef_extractor, ret_copy=lkrc)
                 ef_items, ef_widxes, ef_valid_mask, ef_lab_idxes, ef_lab_embeds = \
                     model._inference_mentions(sent_insts, lexi_repr, enc_repr_ef, mask_expr, model.ef_extractor, model.ef_creator)
             # collect all valid ones
             # event
             if conf.lookup_evt:
                 evt_items, evt_widxes, evt_valid_mask, evt_lab_idxes, evt_lab_embeds = \
                     model._lookup_mentions(sent_insts, lexi_repr, enc_repr_evt, mask_expr, model.evt_extractor, ret_copy=lkrc)
                 evt_items, evt_widxes, evt_valid_mask, evt_lab_idxes, evt_lab_embeds = \
                     model._inference_mentions(sent_insts, lexi_repr, enc_repr_evt, mask_expr, model.evt_extractor, model.evt_creator)
             # collect all valid ones
             if test_constrain_evt_types is None:
                 all_evt_items.extend([z for z in evt_items[BK.get_value(evt_valid_mask).astype(np.bool)]
                                       if z.type in test_constrain_evt_types])
         # ====
         # cross-sentence pairwise arg score
         # flattened all enc: [Offset, D]
         flattened_ef_enc_repr, flattened_evt_enc_repr = BK.concat(flattened_ef_ereprs, 0), BK.concat(flattened_evt_ereprs, 0)
         # sort by position in doc
         all_ef_items.sort(key=lambda x: x.mention.hard_span.position(True))
         all_evt_items.sort(key=lambda x: x.mention.hard_span.position(True))
         if not conf.dec_debug_mode:
             # todo(note): delete origin links!
             for z in all_ef_items:
                 if z is not None:
             for z in all_evt_items:
                 if z is not None:
         # get other info
         # todo(note): currently all using head word
         all_ef_offsets = BK.input_idx([sent_offsets[x.mention.hard_span.sid]+x.mention.hard_span.head_wid for x in all_ef_items])
         all_evt_offsets = BK.input_idx([sent_offsets[x.mention.hard_span.sid]+x.mention.hard_span.head_wid for x in all_evt_items])
         all_ef_lab_idxes = BK.input_idx([model.ef_extractor.hlidx2idx(x.type_idx) for x in all_ef_items])
         all_evt_lab_idxes = BK.input_idx([model.evt_extractor.hlidx2idx(x.type_idx) for x in all_evt_items])
         # score all the pairs (with mini-batch)
         mini_batch_size = conf.score_mini_batch
         arg_linker = model.arg_linker
         all_logprobs = BK.zeros([len(all_ef_items), len(all_evt_items), arg_linker.num_label])
         for bidx_ef in range(0, len(all_ef_items), mini_batch_size):
             cur_ef_enc_repr = flattened_ef_enc_repr[all_ef_offsets[bidx_ef:bidx_ef+mini_batch_size]].unsqueeze(0)
             cur_ef_lab_idxes = all_ef_lab_idxes[bidx_ef:bidx_ef+mini_batch_size].unsqueeze(0)
             for bidx_evt in range(0, len(all_evt_items), mini_batch_size):
                 cur_evt_enc_repr = flattened_evt_enc_repr[all_evt_offsets[bidx_evt:bidx_evt+mini_batch_size]].unsqueeze(0)
                 cur_evt_lab_idxes = all_evt_lab_idxes[bidx_evt:bidx_evt + mini_batch_size].unsqueeze(0)
                 all_logprobs[bidx_ef:bidx_ef+mini_batch_size,bidx_evt:bidx_evt+mini_batch_size] = \
                     arg_linker.predict(cur_ef_enc_repr, cur_evt_enc_repr, cur_ef_lab_idxes, cur_evt_lab_idxes,
         all_logprobs_arr = BK.get_value(all_logprobs)
     # =====
     # then decode them all using the scores
     self.arg_decode(inst, all_ef_items, all_evt_items, all_logprobs_arr)
     # =====
     # assign and return
     num_pred_arg = 0
     for one_sent in inst.sents:
     for z in all_ef_items:
     for z in all_evt_items:
         num_pred_arg += len(z.links)
     info = {"doc": 1, "sent": len(inst.sents), "token": sum(s.length-1 for s in inst.sents),
             "p_ef": len(all_ef_items), "p_evt": len(all_evt_items), "p_arg": num_pred_arg}
     return info
Exemple #26
    def _viterbi_decode(self, feats, mask):
                feats: (batch, seq_len, self.tag_size+2)
                mask: (batch, seq_len)
                decode_idx: (batch, seq_len) decoded sequence
                path_score: (batch, 1) corresponding score for each sequence (to be implementated)
        batch_size = feats.size(0)
        seq_len = feats.size(1)
        tag_size = feats.size(2)
        assert (tag_size == self.tagset_size + 2)
        ## calculate sentence length for each sentence
        length_mask = torch.sum(mask.long(), dim=1).view(batch_size, 1).long()
        ## mask to (seq_len, batch_size)
        mask = mask.transpose(1, 0).contiguous()
        ins_num = seq_len * batch_size
        ## be careful the view shape, it is .view(ins_num, 1, tag_size) but not .view(ins_num, tag_size, 1)
        feats = feats.transpose(1, 0).contiguous().view(
            ins_num, 1, tag_size).expand(ins_num, tag_size, tag_size)
        ## need to consider start
        scores = feats + self.transitions.view(1, tag_size, tag_size).expand(
            ins_num, tag_size, tag_size)
        scores = scores.view(seq_len, batch_size, tag_size, tag_size)

        # build iter
        seq_iter = enumerate(scores)
        ## record the position of best score
        back_points = list()
        partition_history = list()
        ##  reverse mask (bug for mask = 1- mask, use this as alternative choice)
        # mask = 1 + (-1)*mask
        # mask =  (1 - mask.long()).byte()
        mask = (1 - mask.long()).bool()
        _, inivalues = next(
            seq_iter)  # bat_size * from_target_size * to_target_size
        # only need start from start_tag
        partition = inivalues[:, START_TAG, :].clone().view(
            batch_size, tag_size)  # bat_size * to_target_size
        # print "init part:",partition.size()
        # iter over last scores
        for idx, cur_values in seq_iter:
            # previous to_target is current from_target
            # partition: previous results log(exp(from_target)), #(batch_size * from_target)
            # cur_values: batch_size * from_target * to_target
            cur_values = cur_values + partition.contiguous().view(
                batch_size, tag_size, 1).expand(batch_size, tag_size, tag_size)
            ## forscores, cur_bp = torch.max(cur_values[:,:-2,:], 1) # do not consider START_TAG/STOP_TAG
            # print "cur value:", cur_values.size()
            partition, cur_bp = torch.max(cur_values, 1)
            # print "partsize:",partition.size()
            # exit(0)
            # print partition
            # print cur_bp
            # print "one best, ",idx
            ## cur_bp: (batch_size, tag_size) max source score position in current tag
            ## set padded label as 0, which will be filtered in post processing
                mask[idx].view(batch_size, 1).expand(batch_size, tag_size), 0)
        # exit(0)
        ### add score to final STOP_TAG
        partition_history = torch.cat(partition_history, 0).view(
            seq_len, batch_size,
                          0).contiguous()  ## (batch_size, seq_len. tag_size)
        ### get the last position for each setences, and select the last partitions using gather()
        last_position = length_mask.view(batch_size, 1, 1).expand(
            batch_size, 1, tag_size) - 1
        last_partition = torch.gather(partition_history, 1,
                                          batch_size, tag_size, 1)
        ### calculate the score from last partition to end state (and then select the STOP_TAG from it)
        last_values = last_partition.expand(
            batch_size, tag_size, tag_size) + self.transitions.view(
                1, tag_size, tag_size).expand(batch_size, tag_size, tag_size)
        _, last_bp = torch.max(last_values, 1)
        # pad_zero = autograd.Variable(torch.zeros(batch_size, tag_size)).long()
        # if self.gpu:
        #     pad_zero = pad_zero.cuda()
        pad_zero = BK.zeros((batch_size, tag_size)).long()
        back_points = torch.cat(back_points).view(seq_len, batch_size,

        ## select end ids in STOP_TAG
        pointer = last_bp[:, STOP_TAG]
        insert_last = pointer.contiguous().view(batch_size, 1, 1).expand(
            batch_size, 1, tag_size)
        back_points = back_points.transpose(1, 0).contiguous()
        ## move the end ids(expand to tag_size) to the corresponding position of back_points to replace the 0 values
        # print "lp:",last_position
        # print "il:",insert_last
        back_points.scatter_(1, last_position, insert_last)
        # print "bp:",back_points
        # exit(0)
        back_points = back_points.transpose(1, 0).contiguous()
        ## decode from the end, padded position ids are 0, which will be filtered if following evaluation
        # decode_idx = autograd.Variable(torch.LongTensor(seq_len, batch_size))
        # if self.gpu:
        #     decode_idx = decode_idx.cuda()
        decode_idx = BK.zeros((seq_len, batch_size)).long()
        decode_idx[-1] = pointer.detach()
        for idx in range(len(back_points) - 2, -1, -1):
            pointer = torch.gather(back_points[idx], 1,
                                   pointer.contiguous().view(batch_size, 1))
            decode_idx[idx] = pointer.detach().view(batch_size)
        path_score = None
        decode_idx = decode_idx.transpose(1, 0)
        return path_score, decode_idx
Exemple #27
 def predict(self, insts: List, input_lexi, input_expr, input_mask):
     conf = self.conf
     bsize, slen = BK.get_shape(input_mask)
     bsize_arange_t_1d = BK.arange_idx(bsize)  # [*]
     bsize_arange_t_2d = bsize_arange_t_1d.unsqueeze(-1)  # [*, 1]
     beam_size = conf.beam_size
     # prepare things with an extra beam dimension
     beam_input_expr, beam_input_mask = input_expr.unsqueeze(-3).expand(-1, beam_size, -1, -1).contiguous(), \
                                        input_mask.unsqueeze(-2).expand(-1, beam_size, -1).contiguous()  # [*, beam, slen, D?]
     # -----
     # recurrent states
     beam_hard_coverage = BK.zeros([bsize, beam_size, slen])  # [*, beam, slen]
     # tuple([*, beam, D], )
     beam_prev_state = [z.unsqueeze(-2).expand(-1, beam_size, -1) for z in self.rnn_unit.zero_init_hidden(bsize)]
     # frozen after reach eos
     beam_noneos = 1.-BK.zeros([bsize, beam_size])  # [*, beam]
     beam_logprobs = BK.zeros([bsize, beam_size])  # [*, beam], sum of logprobs
     beam_logprobs_paths = BK.zeros([bsize, beam_size, 0])  # [*, beam, step]
     beam_tok_paths = BK.zeros([bsize, beam_size, 0]).long()
     beam_lab_paths = BK.zeros([bsize, beam_size, 0]).long()
     # -----
     for cstep in range(conf.max_step):
         # get things of [*, beam, beam]
         sel_tok_idxes, sel_tok_logprobs, sel_lab_idxes, sel_lab_logprobs, sel_lab_embeds, next_state = \
             self._step(beam_input_expr, beam_input_mask, beam_hard_coverage, beam_prev_state, None, None, beam_size)
         sel_logprobs = sel_tok_logprobs + sel_lab_logprobs  # [*, beam, beam]
         if cstep == 0:
             # special for the first step, only select for the first element
             cur_selections = BK.arange_idx(beam_size).unsqueeze(0).expand(bsize, beam_size)  # [*, beam]
             # then select the topk in beam*beam (be careful about the frozen ones!!)
             beam_noneos_3d = beam_noneos.unsqueeze(-1)
             # eos can only followed by eos
             sel_tok_idxes *= beam_noneos_3d.long()
             sel_lab_idxes *= beam_noneos_3d.long()
             # numeric tricks to keep the frozen ones ([0] with 0. score, [1:] with -inf scores)
             sel_logprobs *= beam_noneos_3d
             tmp_exclude_mask = 1. - beam_noneos_3d.expand_as(sel_logprobs)
             tmp_exclude_mask[:, :, 0] = 0.
             sel_logprobs += tmp_exclude_mask * Constants.REAL_PRAC_MIN
             # select for topk
             topk_logprobs = (beam_noneos * beam_logprobs).unsqueeze(-1) + sel_logprobs
             _, cur_selections = topk_logprobs.view([bsize, -1]).topk(beam_size, dim=-1, sorted=True)  # [*, beam]
         # read and write the selections
         # gathering previous ones
         cur_sel_previ = cur_selections // beam_size  # [*, beam]
         prev_hard_coverage = beam_hard_coverage[bsize_arange_t_2d, cur_sel_previ]  # [*, beam]
         prev_noneos = beam_noneos[bsize_arange_t_2d, cur_sel_previ]  # [*, beam]
         prev_logprobs = beam_logprobs[bsize_arange_t_2d, cur_sel_previ]  # [*, beam]
         prev_logprobs_paths = beam_logprobs_paths[bsize_arange_t_2d, cur_sel_previ]  # [*, beam, step]
         prev_tok_paths = beam_tok_paths[bsize_arange_t_2d, cur_sel_previ]  # [*, beam, step]
         prev_lab_paths = beam_lab_paths[bsize_arange_t_2d, cur_sel_previ]  # [*, beam, step]
         # prepare new ones
         cur_sel_newi = cur_selections % beam_size
         new_tok_idxes = sel_tok_idxes[bsize_arange_t_2d, cur_sel_previ, cur_sel_newi]  # [*, beam]
         new_lab_idxes = sel_lab_idxes[bsize_arange_t_2d, cur_sel_previ, cur_sel_newi]  # [*, beam]
         new_logprobs = sel_logprobs[bsize_arange_t_2d, cur_sel_previ, cur_sel_newi]  # [*, beam]
         new_prev_state = [z[bsize_arange_t_2d, cur_sel_previ, cur_sel_newi] for z in next_state]  # [*, beam, ~]
         # update
         prev_hard_coverage[bsize_arange_t_2d, BK.arange_idx(beam_size).unsqueeze(0), new_tok_idxes] += 1.
         beam_hard_coverage = prev_hard_coverage
         beam_prev_state = new_prev_state
         beam_noneos = prev_noneos * (new_tok_idxes!=0).float()
         beam_logprobs = prev_logprobs + new_logprobs
         beam_logprobs_paths = BK.concat([prev_logprobs_paths, new_logprobs.unsqueeze(-1)], -1)
         beam_tok_paths = BK.concat([prev_tok_paths, new_tok_idxes.unsqueeze(-1)], -1)
         beam_lab_paths = BK.concat([prev_lab_paths, new_lab_idxes.unsqueeze(-1)], -1)
     # finally force an extra eos step to get ending tok-logprob (no need to update other things)
     final_eos_idxes = BK.zeros([bsize, beam_size]).long()
     _, eos_logprobs, _, _, _, _ = self._step(beam_input_expr, beam_input_mask, beam_hard_coverage, beam_prev_state, final_eos_idxes, final_eos_idxes, None)
     beam_logprobs += eos_logprobs.squeeze(-1) * beam_noneos  # [*, beam]
     # select and return the best one
     beam_tok_valids = (beam_tok_paths > 0).float()  # [*, beam, steps]
     final_scores = beam_logprobs / ((beam_tok_valids.sum(-1) + 1.) ** conf.len_alpha)  # [*, beam]
     _, best_beam_idx = final_scores.max(-1)  # [*]
     # -----
     # prepare returns; cut by max length: [*, all_step] -> [*, max_step]
     ret0_valid_mask = beam_tok_valids[bsize_arange_t_1d, best_beam_idx]
     cur_max_step = ret0_valid_mask.long().sum(-1).max().item()
     ret_valid_mask = ret0_valid_mask[:, :cur_max_step]
     ret_logprobs = beam_logprobs_paths[bsize_arange_t_1d, best_beam_idx][:, :cur_max_step]
     ret_tok_idxes = beam_tok_paths[bsize_arange_t_1d, best_beam_idx][:, :cur_max_step]
     ret_lab_idxes = beam_lab_paths[bsize_arange_t_1d, best_beam_idx][:, :cur_max_step]
     # embeddings
     ret_lab_embeds = self._hl_lookup(ret_lab_idxes)
     return ret_logprobs, ret_tok_idxes, ret_valid_mask, ret_lab_idxes, ret_lab_embeds
Exemple #28
 def zeros(self, batch):
     return BK.zeros((batch, self.dim))
Exemple #29
 def inference_on_batch(self, insts: List[DocInstance], **kwargs):
     test_constrain_evt_types = self.test_constrain_evt_types
     ndoc, nsent = len(insts), 0
     iconf = self.conf.iconf
     with BK.no_grad_env():
         # splitting into buckets
         all_packs = self.bter.run(insts, training=False)
         for one_pack in all_packs:
             # =====
             # predict
             sent_insts, lexi_repr, enc_repr_ef, enc_repr_evt, mask_arr = one_pack
             nsent += len(sent_insts)
             mask_expr = BK.input_real(mask_arr)
             # entity and filler
             if iconf.lookup_ef:
                 ef_items, ef_widxes, ef_valid_mask, ef_lab_idxes, ef_lab_embeds = \
                     self._lookup_mentions(sent_insts, lexi_repr, enc_repr_ef, mask_expr, self.ef_extractor, ret_copy=True)
             elif iconf.pred_ef:
                 ef_items, ef_widxes, ef_valid_mask, ef_lab_idxes, ef_lab_embeds = \
                     self._inference_mentions(sent_insts, lexi_repr, enc_repr_ef, mask_expr, self.ef_extractor, self.ef_creator)
                 ef_items = [[] for _ in range(len(sent_insts))]
                 ef_valid_mask = BK.zeros((len(sent_insts), 0))
                 ef_widxes = ef_lab_idxes = ef_lab_embeds = None
             # event
             if iconf.lookup_evt:
                 evt_items, evt_widxes, evt_valid_mask, evt_lab_idxes, evt_lab_embeds = \
                     self._lookup_mentions(sent_insts, lexi_repr, enc_repr_evt, mask_expr, self.evt_extractor, ret_copy=True)
                 evt_items, evt_widxes, evt_valid_mask, evt_lab_idxes, evt_lab_embeds = \
                     self._inference_mentions(sent_insts, lexi_repr, enc_repr_evt, mask_expr, self.evt_extractor, self.evt_creator)
             # arg
             if iconf.pred_arg:
                 # todo(note): for this step of decoding, we only consider inner-sentence pairs
                 # todo(note): inplaced
                 self._inference_args(ef_items, ef_widxes, ef_valid_mask, ef_lab_idxes, enc_repr_ef,
                                      evt_items, evt_widxes, evt_valid_mask, evt_lab_idxes, enc_repr_evt)
             # =====
             # assign
             for one_sent_inst, one_ef_items, one_ef_valid, one_evt_items, one_evt_valid in \
                     zip(sent_insts, ef_items, BK.get_value(ef_valid_mask), evt_items, BK.get_value(evt_valid_mask)):
                 # entity and filler
                 one_ef_items = [z for z,va in zip(one_ef_items, one_ef_valid) if (va and z is not None)]
                 one_sent_inst.pred_entity_fillers = one_ef_items
                 # event
                 one_evt_items = [z for z,va in zip(one_evt_items, one_evt_valid) if (va and z is not None)]
                 if test_constrain_evt_types is not None:
                     one_evt_items = [z for z in one_evt_items if z.type in test_constrain_evt_types]
                 # =====
                 # todo(note): special rule (actually a simple rule based extender)
                 if iconf.expand_evt_compound:
                     for one_evt in one_evt_items:
                         one_hard_span = one_evt.mention.hard_span
                         sid, hwid, _ = one_hard_span.position(True)
                         assert one_hard_span.length == 1  # currently no way to predict more
                         if hwid+1 < one_sent_inst.length:
                             if one_sent_inst.uposes.vals[hwid]=="VERB" and one_sent_inst.ud_heads.vals[hwid+1]==hwid \
                                     and one_sent_inst.ud_labels.vals[hwid+1]=="compound":
                                 one_hard_span.length += 1
                 # =====
                 one_sent_inst.pred_events = one_evt_items
     return {"doc": ndoc, "sent": nsent}