Exemple #1
 def _eval_one(self, gold_inst: Sent, pred_inst: Sent):
     conf: DparEvalConf = self.conf
     # assert gold_inst.id == pred_inst.id, "Err: SentID mismatch!"
     # assert gold_inst.seq_word.vals == pred_inst.seq_word.vals, "Err: sent text mismatch!"
     # --
     gold_tokens = gold_inst.get_tokens()
     pred_tokens = pred_inst.get_tokens()
     assert len(gold_tokens) == len(pred_tokens)
     if conf.exclude_punct:
         res = DparEvalResult(conf, [
             (a, b)
             for a, b in zip(gold_tokens, pred_tokens) if a.upos != "PUNCT"
         res = DparEvalResult(conf,
                              [(a, b)
                               for a, b in zip(gold_tokens, pred_tokens)])
     return res
Exemple #2
 def span2feat(self, sent: Sent, widx: int,
               wlen: int):  # from a span to feat
     # def span2feat(self, sent: Sent, widx: int, wlen: int, try_head=True):  # from a span to feat
     conf: LexConstrainerConf = self.conf
     hwidx = self.hf.find_shead(sent, widx, wlen)  # try to find head word
     if conf.use_fn_style:
         hpos = sent.seq_upos.vals[hwidx]
         lu_name = " ".join(sent.seq_lemma.vals[widx:widx+wlen]).lower() + "." \
                   + UD2FN_POS_MAP.get(hpos, hpos.lower())
         feat = self.lu2feat(lu_name)
         tokens = sent.get_tokens(widx, widx + wlen)
         feat = " ".join([self.lex_feat_f(t)
                          for t in tokens])  # my own feat!
     # special try_head if not found
     # if try_head and wlen>0 and feat not in self.cmap:
     #     return self.span2feat(sent, hwidx, 1, False)
     return feat
Exemple #3
 def feat_toks(self, s: Sent):
     sent_toks = s.get_tokens()
     sent_tok_feats = [self.feat_tok_f(t) for t in sent_toks]
     return sent_toks, sent_tok_feats