def test_init(): """ Ensure the web mode has the expected default settings. Tested so these cannot be accidentally changed..! """ editor = mock.MagicMock() view = mock.MagicMock() wm = WebMode(editor, view) assert == "Web" assert wm.icon == "web" assert wm.runner is None assert wm.save_timeout == 0 assert wm.file_extensions == ["css", "html"] assert wm.code_template == CODE_TEMPLATE actions = wm.actions() assert len(actions) == 5 assert actions[0]["name"] == "run" assert actions[0]["handler"] == wm.run_toggle assert actions[1]["name"] == "browse" assert actions[1]["handler"] == wm.browse assert actions[2]["name"] == "templates" assert actions[2]["handler"] == wm.load_templates assert actions[3]["name"] == "css" assert actions[3]["handler"] == wm.load_css assert actions[4]["name"] == "static" assert actions[4]["handler"] == wm.show_images
def test_web_api(): """ Ensure the API documentation is correct. """ editor = mock.MagicMock() view = mock.MagicMock() wm = WebMode(editor, view) result = wm.api() assert result == SHARED_APIS + PYTHON3_APIS + FLASK_APIS
def test_load_css(): """ The OS's file system explorer is opened in the correct location for the web application's CSS files. """ editor = mock.MagicMock() view = mock.MagicMock() wm = WebMode(editor, view) wm.load_css(None) expected_path = os.path.join(wm.workspace_dir(), 'static', 'css') editor.load.assert_called_once_with(default_path=expected_path)
def test_stop(): """ Ensure that this method, called when Mu is quitting, stops the local web server. """ editor = mock.MagicMock() view = mock.MagicMock() wm = WebMode(editor, view) wm.stop_server = mock.MagicMock() wm.stop() wm.stop_server.assert_called_once_with()
def test_show_images(): """ The OS's file system explorer is opened in the correct location for the web application's CSS files. """ editor = mock.MagicMock() view = mock.MagicMock() wm = WebMode(editor, view) wm.show_images(None) expected_path = os.path.join(wm.workspace_dir(), 'static', 'img') view.open_directory_from_os.assert_called_once_with(expected_path)
def test_load_templates_no_file(): """ The OS's file system explorer is opened in the correct location for the templates / views used by the web application. """ editor = mock.MagicMock() view = mock.MagicMock() view.current_tab = None wm = WebMode(editor, view) wm.load_templates(None) expected_path = os.path.join(wm.workspace_dir(), "templates") editor.load.assert_called_once_with(default_path=expected_path)
def test_start_server_no_tab(): """ If there's no tab, the resver isn't started. """ editor = mock.MagicMock() view = mock.MagicMock() view.current_tab = None wm = WebMode(editor, view) wm.stop_server = mock.MagicMock() wm.start_server() wm.stop_server.assert_called_once_with() assert view.add_python3_runner.call_count == 0
def test_start_server_unsaved_tab(): """ If there's a tab, but no associated path, then call the save method on the editor to get one. If none is returned no further action is taken. """ editor = mock.MagicMock() = None view = mock.MagicMock() view.current_tab.path = None wm = WebMode(editor, view) wm.start_server() assert == 1 assert view.add_python3_runner.call_count == 0
def test_start_server(): """ The server is started and stored as the runner associated with the mode. """ editor = mock.MagicMock() view = mock.MagicMock() view.current_tab.path = "" view.current_tab.isModified.return_value = True wm = WebMode(editor, view) wm.stop_server = mock.MagicMock() wm.start_server() assert view.add_python3_runner.call_count == 1 view.add_python3_runner().process.waitForStarted.assert_called_once_with()
def test_browse(): """ The user's default web browser is opened to the correct URL for the root endpoint of the site served from localhost. """ editor = mock.MagicMock() view = mock.MagicMock() wm = WebMode(editor, view) wm.runner = True with mock.patch("mu.modes.web.webbrowser") as mock_browser: wm.browse(None) expected = ""
def test_browse_not_serving(): """ If the user attempts to open their browser at their website, but the local web server isn't running, then display a friendly message explaining so. """ editor = mock.MagicMock() view = mock.MagicMock() wm = WebMode(editor, view) wm.runner = None with mock.patch("mu.modes.web.webbrowser") as mock_browser: wm.browse(None) assert == 0 assert view.show_message.call_count == 1
def test_stop_server(): """ Stopping the server will send SIGINT to the child process and remove the Python runner pane from the UI. """ editor = mock.MagicMock() view = mock.MagicMock() wm = WebMode(editor, view) mock_runner = mock.MagicMock() wm.runner = mock_runner wm.stop_server() mock_runner.stop_process.assert_called_once_with() assert wm.runner is None view.remove_python_runner.assert_called_once_with()
def test_start_server_not_python_file(): """ If the user attempts to start the server from not-a-Python-file, then complain and abort. """ editor = mock.MagicMock() view = mock.MagicMock() view.current_tab.path = "foo.html" wm = WebMode(editor, view) wm.stop_server = mock.MagicMock() wm.start_server() assert view.show_message.call_count == 1 wm.stop_server.assert_called_once_with() assert view.add_python3_runner.call_count == 0
def test_start_server_no_templates(): """ If the user attempts to start the server from a location without a templates directory, then complain and abort. """ editor = mock.MagicMock() view = mock.MagicMock() view.current_tab.path = "" wm = WebMode(editor, view) wm.stop_server = mock.MagicMock() with mock.patch("os.path.isdir", return_value=False): wm.start_server() assert view.show_message.call_count == 1 wm.stop_server.assert_called_once_with() assert view.add_python3_runner.call_count == 0
def test_open_file(): """ The open_file method is used to deal with files that are not Python source files. In this case, ensure it just returns the content of the referenced file. """ editor = mock.MagicMock() view = mock.MagicMock() wm = WebMode(editor, view) with mock.patch("mu.modes.web.read_and_decode", return_value=("foo", "\n")) as m: text, newline = wm.open_file("file.html") m.assert_called_once_with("file.html") assert text == "foo" assert newline == "\n"
def test_stop_server(): """ Stopping the server will send SIGINT to the child process and remove the Python runner pane from the UI. """ editor = mock.MagicMock() view = mock.MagicMock() wm = WebMode(editor, view) mock_runner = mock.MagicMock() mock_runner.process.processId.return_value = 666 # ;-) wm.runner = mock_runner with mock.patch("os.kill") as mock_kill: wm.stop_server() mock_kill.assert_called_once_with(666, signal.SIGINT) mock_runner.process.waitForFinished.assert_called_once_with() assert wm.runner is None view.remove_python_runner.assert_called_once_with()
def test_stop_server_with_error(): """ If killing the server's child process encounters a problem (perhaps the process is already dead), then log this and tidy up. """ editor = mock.MagicMock() view = mock.MagicMock() wm = WebMode(editor, view) mock_runner = mock.MagicMock() mock_runner.process.processId.return_value = 666 # ;-) wm.runner = mock_runner with mock.patch("os.kill", side_effect=Exception("Bang")) as mock_kill, \ mock.patch("mu.modes.web.logger.error") as mock_log: wm.stop_server() mock_kill.assert_called_once_with(666, signal.SIGINT) assert mock_log.call_count == 2 mock_runner.process.waitForFinished.assert_called_once_with() assert wm.runner is None view.remove_python_runner.assert_called_once_with()
def test_start_server_no_duplicate_envars(): """ Check that we don't add repeated envars to the Python3 Environment. """ editor = mock.MagicMock() editor.envars = {} view = mock.MagicMock() view.current_tab.path = "" view.current_tab.isModified.return_value = True wm = WebMode(editor, view) wm.stop_server = mock.MagicMock() with mock.patch("os.path.isdir", return_value=True): wm.start_server() assert len(editor.envars) == 4 with mock.patch("os.path.isdir", return_value=True): wm.start_server() assert len(editor.envars) == 4
def test_run_toggle_off(): """ Check the handler for toggling the local server stops the process and reverts the UI state. """ editor = mock.MagicMock() view = mock.MagicMock() wm = WebMode(editor, view) wm.runner = True wm.stop_server = mock.MagicMock() wm.set_buttons = mock.MagicMock() wm.run_toggle(None) wm.stop_server.assert_called_once_with() slot = wm.view.button_bar.slots["play"] assert slot.setIcon.call_count == 1 slot.setText.assert_called_once_with("Run") slot.setToolTip.assert_called_once_with("Run the web server.") wm.set_buttons.assert_called_once_with(modes=True)
def test_run_toggle_on(): """ Check the handler for running the local server starts the sub-process and updates the UI state. """ editor = mock.MagicMock() view = mock.MagicMock() wm = WebMode(editor, view) wm.runner = None def runner(wm=wm): wm.runner = True wm.start_server = mock.MagicMock(side_effect=runner) wm.set_buttons = mock.MagicMock() wm.run_toggle(None) wm.start_server.assert_called_once_with() slot = wm.view.button_bar.slots["run"] assert slot.setIcon.call_count == 1 slot.setText.assert_called_once_with("Stop") slot.setToolTip.assert_called_once_with("Stop the web server.") wm.set_buttons.assert_called_once_with(modes=False)