Exemple #1
def get_implicit_gpl_checkouts(builder):
    """Find all the checkouts to which GPL-ness propagates.

    Returns a tuple, (result, because), where:

    * 'result' is a set of the checkout labels that are implicitly made "GPL"
      by propagation, and
    * 'because' is a dictionary linking each such label to a set of strings
       explaining the reason for the labels inclusion

    # There are clearly two ways we can do this:
    # 1. For each checkout, follow its dependencies until we find something
    #    that is non-system GPL, or we don't (obviously, finding one such
    #    is enough).
    # 2. For each non-system GPL checkout, find everything that depends upon
    #    it and mark it as propagated-to
    # In either case, it is definitely worth checking to see if there are
    # *any* non-system GPL checkouts.
    # If we do (1) then we may need to traverse the entire dependency tree
    # for each and every checkout in it (e.g., if there are no non-system
    # GPL licensed checkouts).
    # If we do (2), then we do nothing if there are no non-system GPL
    # checkouts. For each that there is, we do need to traverse the entire
    # dependency tree, but we can hope that this is for significantly fewer
    # cases than in (1).
    # Also, it is possible that we may have "blockers" inserted into the tree,
    # which truncate such a traversal (I'm not 100% sure about this yet).
    # Regardless, approach (2) seems the more sensible.

    all_gpl_checkouts = get_gpl_checkouts(builder)

    # Localise for our loop
    get_checkout_license = builder.db.get_checkout_license
    get_license_not_affected_by = builder.db.get_license_not_affected_by
    get_nothing_builds_against = builder.db.get_nothing_builds_against
    ruleset = builder.ruleset

    DEBUG = False

    def add_if_not_us_or_gpl(our_co, this_co, result, because, reason):
        """Add 'this_co' to 'result' if it is not 'our_co' and not GPL itself.

        In which case, also add 'this_co':'reason' to 'because'

        Relies on 'our_co' having a wildcarded label tag.
        if our_co.just_match(this_co):
            # OK, that's just some variant on ourselves
            if DEBUG: print 'BUT %s is our_co' % this_co
        this_license = get_checkout_license(this_co, absent_is_None=True)
        if this_license and this_license.is_gpl():
            if DEBUG: print 'BUT %s is already GPL' % this_co
        lbl = this_co.copy_with_tag('*')
        if lbl in because:
            because[lbl] = set([reason])
        if DEBUG: print 'ADD %s' % lbl

    result = set()  # Checkouts implicitly affected
    because = {}  # checkout -> what it depended on that did so
    if DEBUG:
        print 'Finding implicit GPL checkouts'
    for co_label in all_gpl_checkouts:
        if DEBUG: print '.. %s' % co_label
        license = get_checkout_license(co_label)
        if not license.propagates():
            if DEBUG:
                print '     has a link-exception of some sort - ignoring it'
        if get_nothing_builds_against(co_label):
            if DEBUG: print '     nothing builds against this - ignoring it'
        depend_on_this = required_by(ruleset, co_label)
        for this_label in depend_on_this:
            # We should have a bunch of package labels (possibly the same
            # package present with different tags), plus quite likely some
            # variants on our own checkout label, and sometimes other stuff
            if DEBUG: print '     %s' % this_label,
            if this_label.type == LabelType.Package:

                not_affected_by = get_license_not_affected_by(this_label)
                if co_label in not_affected_by:
                    if DEBUG: print 'NOT against %s' % co_label

                # OK, what checkouts does that imply?
                pkg_checkouts = builder.checkouts_for_package(this_label)
                if DEBUG:
                    print 'EXPANDS to %s' % (

                for this_co in pkg_checkouts:
                    if DEBUG: print '         %s' % this_label,

                    not_affected_by = get_license_not_affected_by(this_co)
                    if co_label in not_affected_by:
                        if DEBUG: print 'NOT against %s' % co_label
                    # We know that our original 'co_label' has type '/*`
                        co_label, this_co, result, because,
                        '%s depends on %s' %
                        (this_label.copy_with_tag('*'), co_label))
            elif this_label.type == LabelType.Checkout:
                # We know that our original 'co_label' has type '/*`
                    co_label, this_label, result, because, '%s depends on %s' %
                    (this_label.copy_with_tag('*'), co_label))
                # Deployments don't build stuff, so we can ignore them
                if DEBUG: print 'IGNORE'
    return result, because
Exemple #2
def get_implicit_gpl_checkouts(builder):
    """Find all the checkouts to which GPL-ness propagates.

    Returns a tuple, (result, because), where:

    * 'result' is a set of the checkout labels that are implicitly made "GPL"
      by propagation, and
    * 'because' is a dictionary linking each such label to a set of strings
       explaining the reason for the labels inclusion

    # There are clearly two ways we can do this:
    # 1. For each checkout, follow its dependencies until we find something
    #    that is non-system GPL, or we don't (obviously, finding one such
    #    is enough).
    # 2. For each non-system GPL checkout, find everything that depends upon
    #    it and mark it as propagated-to
    # In either case, it is definitely worth checking to see if there are
    # *any* non-system GPL checkouts.
    # If we do (1) then we may need to traverse the entire dependency tree
    # for each and every checkout in it (e.g., if there are no non-system
    # GPL licensed checkouts).
    # If we do (2), then we do nothing if there are no non-system GPL
    # checkouts. For each that there is, we do need to traverse the entire
    # dependency tree, but we can hope that this is for significantly fewer
    # cases than in (1).
    # Also, it is possible that we may have "blockers" inserted into the tree,
    # which truncate such a traversal (I'm not 100% sure about this yet).
    # Regardless, approach (2) seems the more sensible.

    all_gpl_checkouts = get_gpl_checkouts(builder)

    # Localise for our loop
    get_checkout_license = builder.db.get_checkout_license
    get_license_not_affected_by = builder.db.get_license_not_affected_by
    get_nothing_builds_against = builder.db.get_nothing_builds_against
    ruleset = builder.ruleset

    DEBUG = False

    def add_if_not_us_or_gpl(our_co, this_co, result, because, reason):
        """Add 'this_co' to 'result' if it is not 'our_co' and not GPL itself.

        In which case, also add 'this_co':'reason' to 'because'

        Relies on 'our_co' having a wildcarded label tag.
        if our_co.just_match(this_co):
            # OK, that's just some variant on ourselves
            if DEBUG: print 'BUT %s is our_co'%this_co
        this_license = get_checkout_license(this_co, absent_is_None=True)
        if this_license and this_license.is_gpl():
            if DEBUG: print 'BUT %s is already GPL'%this_co
        lbl = this_co.copy_with_tag('*')
        if lbl in because:
            because[lbl] = set([reason])
        if DEBUG: print 'ADD %s'%lbl

    result = set()              # Checkouts implicitly affected
    because = {}                # checkout -> what it depended on that did so
    if DEBUG:
        print 'Finding implicit GPL checkouts'
    for co_label in all_gpl_checkouts:
        if DEBUG: print '.. %s'%co_label
        license = get_checkout_license(co_label)
        if not license.propagates():
            if DEBUG: print '     has a link-exception of some sort - ignoring it'
        if get_nothing_builds_against(co_label):
            if DEBUG: print '     nothing builds against this - ignoring it'
        depend_on_this = required_by(ruleset, co_label)
        for this_label in depend_on_this:
            # We should have a bunch of package labels (possibly the same
            # package present with different tags), plus quite likely some
            # variants on our own checkout label, and sometimes other stuff
            if DEBUG: print '     %s'%this_label,
            if this_label.type == LabelType.Package:

                not_affected_by = get_license_not_affected_by(this_label)
                if co_label in not_affected_by:
                    if DEBUG: print 'NOT against %s'%co_label

                # OK, what checkouts does that imply?
                pkg_checkouts = builder.checkouts_for_package(this_label)
                if DEBUG: print 'EXPANDS to %s'%(label_list_to_string(pkg_checkouts))

                for this_co in pkg_checkouts:
                    if DEBUG: print '         %s'%this_label,

                    not_affected_by = get_license_not_affected_by(this_co)
                    if co_label in not_affected_by:
                        if DEBUG: print 'NOT against %s'%co_label
                    # We know that our original 'co_label' has type '/*`
                    add_if_not_us_or_gpl(co_label, this_co, result, because,
                                         '%s depends on %s'%(this_label.copy_with_tag('*'),
            elif this_label.type == LabelType.Checkout:
                # We know that our original 'co_label' has type '/*`
                add_if_not_us_or_gpl(co_label, this_label, result, because,
                                     '%s depends on %s'%(this_label.copy_with_tag('*'),
                # Deployments don't build stuff, so we can ignore them
                if DEBUG: print 'IGNORE'
    return result, because
Exemple #3
def depend_unit_test():
    Some fairly simple tests for the dependency solver.

    l1 = Label(utils.LabelType.Checkout, "co_1", "role_1", utils.LabelTag.CheckedOut)
    l2 = Label(utils.LabelType.Checkout, "co_1", "role_1", utils.LabelTag.Pulled)
    l3 = Label(utils.LabelType.Package, "pkg_1", "role_1", utils.LabelTag.PreConfig)
    l4 = Label(utils.LabelType.Deployment, "dep_1", "role_2", utils.LabelTag.Built)

    # Check label_from_string ..
    lx = Label.from_string("foo:bar{baz}/wombat[T]")
    lx_a = Label("foo", "bar", "baz", "wombat")
    assert lx == lx_a
    assert lx.transient
    assert not lx.system

    lx = Label.from_string("foo:bar/wombat[T]")
    lx_a = Label("foo", "bar", None, "wombat")
    assert lx == lx_a
    assert lx.transient
    assert not lx.system

    lx = Label.from_string("*:bar/wombat")
    assert (lx is not None)
    lx_a = Label("*", "bar", None, "wombat")
    assert lx == lx_a
    assert not lx.transient
    assert not lx.system

    lx = Label.from_string("*:wombat/*")
    assert lx is not None
    lx_a = Label("*", "wombat", None, "*")
    assert lx == lx_a
    assert not lx.transient
    assert not lx.system

    lx = Label.from_string(l1.__str__())
    assert lx is not None
    assert lx == l1

    lx = Label.from_string(l2.__str__())
    assert lx is not None
    assert lx == l2

    lx = Label.from_string(l3.__str__())
    assert lx is not None
    assert lx == l3

    lx = Label.from_string(l4.__str__())
    assert lx is not None
    assert lx == l4

    # Let's check that label matching works the way we think it does ..
    la1 = Label(type='*', name=l1.name, domain=l1.domain, role=l1.role, tag=l1.tag)

    la2 = Label(type=l1.type, name='*', domain=l1.domain, role=l1.role, tag=l1.tag)

    la3 = Label(type=l1.type, name='*', domain=l1.domain, role='*', tag=l1.tag)

    la4 = l1.copy_with_tag('*')

    assert l1.match(l1) == 0
    assert l2.match(l1) is None
    assert la1.match(l1) == -1
    assert l1.match(la1) == -1
    assert (l2.match(la4)) == -1
    assert l1.match(la3) == -2

    r1 = depend.Rule(l1, pkg.NoAction())

    r2 = depend.Rule(l2, pkg.NoAction())

    r3 = depend.Rule(l3, pkg.NoAction())
    r4 = depend.Rule(l4, pkg.NoAction())

    r4.add(l3); r4.add(l2)

    rs = depend.RuleSet()
    assert str(rs).strip() == """\
checkout:co_1{role_1}/checked_out <-NoAction-- [ ]
checkout:co_1{role_1}/pulled <-NoAction-- [ checkout:co_1{role_1}/checked_out ]
deployment:dep_1{role_2}/built <-NoAction-- [ checkout:co_1{role_1}/pulled, package:pkg_1{role_1}/preconfig ]
package:pkg_1{role_1}/preconfig <-NoAction-- [ checkout:co_1{role_1}/pulled ]

    r3_required_for = depend.needed_to_build(rs, l3)
    assert depend.rule_list_to_string(r3_required_for) == "[ checkout:co_1{role_1}/checked_out <-NoAction-- [ ], checkout:co_1{role_1}/pulled <-NoAction-- [ checkout:co_1{role_1}/checked_out ], package:pkg_1{role_1}/preconfig <-NoAction-- [ checkout:co_1{role_1}/pulled ],  ]"

    r2_required_by = depend.required_by(rs, l2)
    assert depend.rule_list_to_string(r2_required_by) == "[ checkout:co_1{role_1}/pulled, deployment:dep_1{role_2}/built, package:pkg_1{role_1}/preconfig,  ]"
Exemple #4
def depend_unit_test():
    Some fairly simple tests for the dependency solver.

    l1 = Label(utils.LabelType.Checkout, "co_1", "role_1",
    l2 = Label(utils.LabelType.Checkout, "co_1", "role_1",
    l3 = Label(utils.LabelType.Package, "pkg_1", "role_1",
    l4 = Label(utils.LabelType.Deployment, "dep_1", "role_2",

    # Check label_from_string ..
    lx = Label.from_string("foo:bar{baz}/wombat[T]")
    lx_a = Label("foo", "bar", "baz", "wombat")
    assert lx == lx_a
    assert lx.transient
    assert not lx.system

    lx = Label.from_string("foo:bar/wombat[T]")
    lx_a = Label("foo", "bar", None, "wombat")
    assert lx == lx_a
    assert lx.transient
    assert not lx.system

    lx = Label.from_string("*:bar/wombat")
    assert (lx is not None)
    lx_a = Label("*", "bar", None, "wombat")
    assert lx == lx_a
    assert not lx.transient
    assert not lx.system

    lx = Label.from_string("*:wombat/*")
    assert lx is not None
    lx_a = Label("*", "wombat", None, "*")
    assert lx == lx_a
    assert not lx.transient
    assert not lx.system

    lx = Label.from_string(l1.__str__())
    assert lx is not None
    assert lx == l1

    lx = Label.from_string(l2.__str__())
    assert lx is not None
    assert lx == l2

    lx = Label.from_string(l3.__str__())
    assert lx is not None
    assert lx == l3

    lx = Label.from_string(l4.__str__())
    assert lx is not None
    assert lx == l4

    # Let's check that label matching works the way we think it does ..
    la1 = Label(type='*',

    la2 = Label(type=l1.type,

    la3 = Label(type=l1.type, name='*', domain=l1.domain, role='*', tag=l1.tag)

    la4 = l1.copy_with_tag('*')

    assert l1.match(l1) == 0
    assert l2.match(l1) is None
    assert la1.match(l1) == -1
    assert l1.match(la1) == -1
    assert (l2.match(la4)) == -1
    assert l1.match(la3) == -2

    r1 = depend.Rule(l1, pkg.NoAction())

    r2 = depend.Rule(l2, pkg.NoAction())

    r3 = depend.Rule(l3, pkg.NoAction())
    r4 = depend.Rule(l4, pkg.NoAction())


    rs = depend.RuleSet()
    assert str(rs).strip() == """\
checkout:co_1{role_1}/checked_out <-NoAction-- [ ]
checkout:co_1{role_1}/pulled <-NoAction-- [ checkout:co_1{role_1}/checked_out ]
deployment:dep_1{role_2}/built <-NoAction-- [ checkout:co_1{role_1}/pulled, package:pkg_1{role_1}/preconfig ]
package:pkg_1{role_1}/preconfig <-NoAction-- [ checkout:co_1{role_1}/pulled ]

    r3_required_for = depend.needed_to_build(rs, l3)
    assert depend.rule_list_to_string(
    ) == "[ checkout:co_1{role_1}/checked_out <-NoAction-- [ ], checkout:co_1{role_1}/pulled <-NoAction-- [ checkout:co_1{role_1}/checked_out ], package:pkg_1{role_1}/preconfig <-NoAction-- [ checkout:co_1{role_1}/pulled ],  ]"

    r2_required_by = depend.required_by(rs, l2)
    assert depend.rule_list_to_string(
    ) == "[ checkout:co_1{role_1}/pulled, deployment:dep_1{role_2}/built, package:pkg_1{role_1}/preconfig,  ]"