Exemple #1
class Test_audit(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self._mdb = MUGAlyserMongoDB( uri="mongodb://localhost/TEST_AUDIT" )
        self._audit = Audit( self._mdb )

    def tearDown(self):
        self._mdb.client().drop_database( "TEST_AUDIT" )
    def test_get_current_batch_id(self):
        self.assertFalse( self._audit.in_batch())
        batch_id = self._audit.start_batch( doc = { "test" : "doc"})
        self.assertTrue( self._audit.in_batch())
        self._audit.end_batch( batch_id )
        self.assertTrue( self._audit.get_batch( batch_id ))
        self.assertFalse( self._audit.in_batch())
        self.assertEqual( batch_id, self._audit.get_last_valid_batch_id())
    def test_get_valid_batches(self):
        id1 = self._audit.start_batch( doc = { "test" : "doc"})
        id2 = self._audit.start_batch( doc = { "test" : "doc"})

        self.assertTrue( self._audit.in_batch())
        self._audit.end_batch( id2 )
        self.assertTrue( self._audit.in_batch())
        self._audit.end_batch( id1 )
        batch = self._audit.get_batch_end( id1 )
        self.assertGreaterEqual( batch[ 'end'], parse( "1-Jun-2017", ) )
        self.assertFalse( self._audit.in_batch())
        idlist = list( self._audit.get_valid_batch_ids())
        self.assertTrue( id1 in idlist )
        self.assertTrue( id2 in idlist )
    def test_get_last_batch_id(self):
        id1 = self._audit.start_batch( doc = { "test" : "doc"})
        id2 = self._audit.start_batch( doc = { "test" : "doc"})
        self.assertEqual( 101, self._audit.get_last_batch_id())
        self._audit.end_batch( id2 )
        self.assertEqual( 101, self._audit.get_last_batch_id())
        self._audit.end_batch( id1 )
        id1 = self._audit.start_batch( doc = { "test" : "doc"})
        self.assertEqual( 102, self._audit.get_last_batch_id())
        self._audit.end_batch( id1 )
    def test_pro_batch_id(self):
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self,
        self._mdb = mdb
        audit = Audit(mdb)

        self._sorter = None
        self._start_date = None
        self._end_date = None
        self._format = formatter
        self._files = []
        self._limit = limit

        self._view = view
        if batchID is None:
            self._batchID = audit.get_last_valid_batch_id()
            self._batchID = batchID

        self._pro_account = audit.isProBatch(self._batchID)
Exemple #3
    print "Connecting to database..."
    mdb = MUGAlyserMongoDB(uri=uri)

except Exception as e:
    print "Error", e
    print "URI isn't valid, trying to run on localhost now"
    mdb = MUGAlyserMongoDB()

auditdb = Audit(mdb)
an = MUG_Analytics(mdb)
membersCollection = mdb.membersCollection()
proMemCollection = mdb.proMembersCollection()
groupCollection = mdb.groupsCollection()
proGrpCollection = mdb.proGroupsCollection()
eventsCollection = mdb.pastEventsCollection()
currentBatch = auditdb.get_last_valid_batch_id()

connection = mdb.client()
db = connection.MUGS
userColl = db.users
resetColl = db.resets

euList = an.get_group_names('EU')
usList = an.get_group_names('US')
otherList = euList + usList

euIDList = an.get_group_ids('EU')
usIDList = an.get_group_ids('US')
otherIDList = euIDList + usIDList

Exemple #4
class MUGData( object ):
    def __init__( self, mdb, collection_name ):
        self._mdb = mdb
        self._audit = Audit( mdb )
        self._collection = mdb.make_collection( collection_name )

    def collection(self):
        return self._collection
    def filter( cursor, selector, values ):
        for i in cursor:
            if i[ selector ] in values:
                yield i
    def find_one(self, query=None ):
        batch_query = { "batchID" : self._audit.get_last_valid_batch_id() }
        if query is not None:
            batch_query.update( query )
        #pprint.pprint( batch_query )
        return self._collection.find_one( batch_query )
    def find(self, q=None, *args, **kwargs ):

        query = { "batchID" : self._audit.get_last_valid_batch_id() } 
        if q :
            query.update( q )
        if args and kwargs :
            return self._collection.find( query, args, kwargs )
        elif args :
            return self._collection.find( query, args )
        elif kwargs:
            return self._collection.find( query, kwargs )
            return self._collection.find( query )

    def count(self, g ):
        count = 0
        for _ in g:
            count = count + 1
        return count
    def generator(self, cursor ):
        for i in cursor:
            yield i
    def summary(self, doc ):
    def one_line(self, doc ):
    def full(self, doc ):
    def doc_print(self, doc, format_type = None  ):
        if format_type == "summary" :
            print( self.summary( doc ))
        elif format_type == "oneline" :
            print( self.one_line( doc ))
            pprint.pprint( doc )
    def count_print( self, iterator, format_type=None ):
        count = 0
        for i in iterator :
            count = count + 1
            self.doc_print( i, format_type  )
        print( "Total: %i" % count )