Exemple #1
    def reset_world(self, world, epoch):
        world.origin = np.array([world.size / 2, world.size / 2])

        # agent colors
        for i, agent in enumerate(world.agents):
            if agent.adversary:
                # agent.color = world.predator_colors[i]
                agent.color = np.array([0.85, 0.35, 0.35])
                agent.color = np.array([0.35, 0.85, 0.35])

        # properties for landmarks
        for i, landmark in enumerate(world.landmarks):
            landmark.color = np.array([0.25, 0.25, 0.25])

        # generate predators in random circle of random radius with random angles
        redraw = True
        while redraw:
            # draw location for prey
            prey_pt = world.origin + np.random.normal(0.0, 0.0001, size=2)
            # prey_pt = np.array([0., 0.])

            # draw predator locations
            if world.init_pos_curriculum:
                world.pred_init_distance = world.pred_init_distance_end - (
                    world.pred_init_distance_end -
                    world.pred_init_distance_start) * max(
                        (world.decay - epoch) / world.decay, 0.0)
                init_pts = [
                    world.origin +
                    np.random.normal(0.0, world.pred_init_distance, size=2)
                    for _ in range(self.n_preds)
                init_pts = [
                    np.random.uniform(0.0, world.size, size=2)
                    for _ in range(self.n_preds)

            # init_pts = [np.array([5., 3.]), np.array([2., 4.73205081]), np.array([1.99999999, 1.2679492 ])]
            # init_pts = [np.array([7., 5.]), np.array([4., 6.73205081]), np.array([3.99999999, 3.2679492 ])]
            # init_pts = [np.array([1., 3.]), np.array([3., 5.]), np.array([5., 3])]

            # ensure predators not initialized on top of prey
            redraw = overlaps(prey_pt, init_pts, world.size, threshold=0.5)

        # set initial states
        for i, agent in enumerate(world.agents):
            agent.active = True
            agent.captured = False

            # agents can move beyond confines of camera image --> need to adjust coords accordingly
            agent.state.coords = init_pts[i]
            agent.state.p_pos = agent.state.coords % world.size
            agent.state.p_vel = np.zeros(world.dim_p)
            agent.state.theta = 0.0
            agent.state.c = np.zeros(world.dim_c)
    def reset_world(self, world):
        world.origin = np.array([world.size/2, world.size/2])

        print('world size = {}'.format(world.size))
        print('pred vel = {}'.format(world.agents[0].max_speed))
        print('prey vel = {}'.format(world.agents[-1].max_speed))
        print('tax = {}'.format(world.tax))
        print('action penalty = {}'.format(world.action_penalty))
        print('capture reward = {}'.format(world.cap_reward))

        # agent color
        for i, agent in enumerate(world.agents):
            if agent.adversary:
                agent.color = world.predator_colors[i]
                agent.color = np.array([0.35, 0.85, 0.35]) 

        # properties for landmarks
        for i, landmark in enumerate(world.landmarks):
            landmark.color = np.array([0.25, 0.25, 0.25])

        # generate predators in random circle of random radius with random angles
        redraw = True
        while redraw:
            # draw location for prey
            prey_pt = world.origin + np.random.normal(0.0, 0.0001, size=2)

            # draw predator locations
            init_pts = [np.random.uniform(0.0, world.size, size=2) for _ in range(self.n_preds)]
            # init_pts = [np.array([1.5, 1.5]) + np.random.normal(0.0, 0.01, size=2), np.array([1.5, 1.5])+np.random.normal(0.0, 0.01, size=2), np.array([1.5, 1.5])]

            # ensure predators not initialized on top of prey
            redraw = overlaps(prey_pt, init_pts, world.size, threshold=0.5)

        # set initial states
        for i, agent in enumerate(world.agents):
            agent.active = True
            agent.captured = False

            # agents can move beyond confines of camera image --> need to adjust coords accordingly
            agent.state.coords = init_pts[i]
            agent.state.p_pos = agent.state.coords % world.size
            agent.state.p_vel = np.zeros(world.dim_p)
            agent.state.theta = 0.0
            agent.state.c = np.zeros(world.dim_c)