Exemple #1
def download(workspace: str, table: str) -> Any:
    Download a table from the database as a CSV file.

    `workspace` - the target workspace
    `table` - the target table
    loaded_workspace = Workspace(workspace)
    if not loaded_workspace.has_table(table):
        raise NotFound("table", table)

    loaded_table = loaded_workspace.table(table)
    table_rows = loaded_table.rows()["rows"]

    fields = loaded_table.headers()

    def csv_row_generator() -> Generator[str, None, None]:
        header_line = StringIO()
        writer = csv.DictWriter(header_line, fieldnames=fields)
        yield header_line.getvalue()

        for csv_row in generate_filtered_docs(table_rows):
            line = StringIO()
            writer = csv.DictWriter(line, fieldnames=fields)
            yield line.getvalue()

    response = Response(csv_row_generator(), mimetype="text/csv")
        "Content-Disposition"] = f"attachment; filename={table}.csv"
    response.headers["Content-type"] = "text/csv"

    return response
def download(workspace: str, graph: str) -> Any:
    """Return a graph as a d3 json-encoded graph.

    `workspace` - the target workspace
    `graph` - the target graph

    loaded_workspace = Workspace(workspace)
    if not loaded_workspace.has_graph(graph):
        raise NetworkNotFound(workspace, graph)

    loaded_graph = loaded_workspace.graph(graph)

    def d3_json_generator() -> Generator[str, None, None]:
        yield """{"nodes":["""
        yield from node_generator(loaded_workspace, loaded_graph)
        yield """],"links":["""
        yield from link_generator(loaded_workspace, loaded_graph)
        yield "]}"

    response = Response(d3_json_generator(), mimetype="application/json")
        "Content-Disposition"] = f"attachment; filename={graph}.json"
    response.headers["Content-type"] = "application/json"

    return response
def managed_workspace(generated_workspace: Workspace):
    Create a workspace, and yield the name of the workspace.

    On teardown, deletes the workspace.
    yield generated_workspace
Exemple #4
def create_workspace(workspace: str) -> Any:
    """Create a new workspace."""
    # The `require_login()` decorator ensures that a user is logged in
    user = current_user()
    assert user is not None

    Workspace.create(workspace, user)
    return workspace
Exemple #5
def create_graph(workspace: str,
                 graph: str,
                 edge_table: Optional[str] = None) -> Any:
    """Create a graph."""
    if not edge_table:
        raise RequiredParamsMissing(["edge_table"])

    loaded_workspace = Workspace(workspace)
    if loaded_workspace.has_graph(graph):
        raise AlreadyExists("Graph", graph)

    Workspace(workspace).create_graph(graph, edge_table)
    return graph
Exemple #6
def upload(workspace: str,
           table: str,
           key: str = "_key",
           overwrite: bool = False) -> Any:
    Store a CSV file into the database as a node or edge table.

    `workspace` - the target workspace
    `table` - the target table
    `data` - the CSV data, passed in the request body. If the CSV data contains
             `_from` and `_to` fields, it will be treated as an edge table.
    loaded_workspace = Workspace(workspace)

    if loaded_workspace.has_table(table):
        raise AlreadyExists("table", table)

    app.logger.info("Bulk Loading")

    # Read the request body into CSV format
    body = decode_data(request.data)

        # Type to a Dict rather than an OrderedDict
        rows: List[Dict[str, str]] = list(csv.DictReader(StringIO(body)))
    except csv.Error:
        raise CSVReadError()

    # Perform validation.
    validate_csv(rows, key, overwrite)

    # Once we reach here, we know that the specified key field must be present,
    # and either:
    #   key == "_key"   # noqa: E800
    #   or key != "_key" and the "_key" field is not present
    #   or key != "_key" and "_key" is present, but overwrite = True
    if key != "_key":
        rows = set_table_key(rows, key)

    # Check if it's an edge table or not
    fieldnames = rows[0].keys()
    edges = "_from" in fieldnames and "_to" in fieldnames

    # Create table and insert the data
    loaded_table = loaded_workspace.create_table(table, edges)
    results = loaded_table.insert(rows)

    return {"count": len(results)}
Exemple #7
    def wrapper(workspace: str, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any:
        user = current_user()
        if not is_writer(user, Workspace(workspace)):
            raise Unauthorized(
                f"You must be a writer of workspace '{workspace}'")

        return f(workspace, *args, **kwargs)
def link_generator(loaded_workspace: Workspace,
                   loaded_graph: Graph) -> Generator[str, None, None]:
    """Generate the JSON list of links."""

    # Checks for node tables that have a `_nodes` suffix.
    # If matched, removes this suffix.
    table_nodes_pattern = re.compile(r"^([^\d_]\w+)_nodes(/.+)")

    # Done this way to preserve logic in the future case of multiple edge tables
    edge_tables: List[str] = [loaded_graph.edge_table()]

    comma = ""
    for edge_table in edge_tables:
        edges = loaded_workspace.table(edge_table).rows()["rows"]

        for edge in edges:
            source = edge["_from"]
            target = edge["_to"]
            source_match = table_nodes_pattern.search(source)
            target_match = table_nodes_pattern.search(target)

            if source_match and target_match:
                source = "".join(source_match.groups())
                target = "".join(target_match.groups())

            edge["source"] = source
            edge["target"] = target
            del edge["_from"]
            del edge["_to"]

            yield f"{comma}{json.dumps(edge, separators=(',', ':'))}"
            comma = comma or ","
Exemple #9
def aql(workspace: str) -> Any:
    """Perform an AQL query in the given workspace."""
    query = request.data.decode("utf8")
    if not query:
        raise MalformedRequestBody(query)

    result = Workspace(workspace).run_query(query)
    return util.stream(result)
def test_workspace_create(managed_user):
    """Test that creating a workspace doesn't result in invalid caching."""
    workspace_name = uuid4().hex

    pre_create = workspace_mapping(workspace_name)
    workspace = Workspace.create(workspace_name, managed_user)

    post_create = workspace_mapping(workspace_name)
    post_create_exists = Workspace.exists(workspace_name)

    # Teardown

    # Asserts
    assert pre_create is None
    assert post_create is not None
    assert post_create_exists
Exemple #11
def get_workspaces() -> Any:
    """Return the list of available workspaces, based on the logged in user."""
    user = current_user()

    # If the user is logged in, return all workspaces visible to them
    if user is not None:
        return util.stream(user.available_workspaces())

    # Otherwise, return only public workspaces
    return util.stream(Workspace.list_public())
Exemple #12
def set_workspace_permissions(workspace: str) -> Any:
    """Set the permissions on a workspace."""
    if set(request.json.keys()) != {
        raise MalformedRequestBody(request.json)

    perms = util.contract_user_permissions(request.json)
    return Workspace(workspace).set_permissions(perms).__dict__
def test_workspace_delete(generated_workspace):
    """Tests that deleting a workspace doesn't result in invalid caching."""

    pre_delete = workspace_mapping(generated_workspace.name)

    post_delete = workspace_mapping(generated_workspace.name)
    exists_post_delete = Workspace.exists(generated_workspace.name)

    # Asserts
    assert pre_delete is not None
    assert post_delete is None
    assert not exists_post_delete
def test_workspace_rename(generated_workspace):
    """Test that renaming a workspace doesn't result in invalid caching."""
    new_workspace_name = uuid4().hex
    old_workspace_name = generated_workspace.name
    pre_rename = workspace_mapping(old_workspace_name)


    post_rename_old = workspace_mapping(old_workspace_name)
    post_rename_new = workspace_mapping(new_workspace_name)

    new_exists = Workspace.exists(new_workspace_name)
    old_exists = Workspace.exists(old_workspace_name)

    # Teardown

    # Asserts
    assert pre_rename is not None
    assert post_rename_old is None
    assert post_rename_new is not None

    assert new_exists
    assert not old_exists
def node_generator(loaded_workspace: Workspace,
                   loaded_graph: Graph) -> Generator[str, None, None]:
    """Generate the JSON list of nodes."""

    comma = ""
    node_tables = loaded_graph.node_tables()
    for node_table in node_tables:
        table_nodes = loaded_workspace.table(node_table).rows()["rows"]

        for node in table_nodes:
            node["id"] = node["_key"]
            del node["_key"]

            yield f"{comma}{json.dumps(node, separators=(',', ':'))}"
            comma = comma or ","
Exemple #16
def get_node_edges(
    workspace: str,
    graph: str,
    table: str,
    node: str,
    direction: EdgeDirection = "all",
    offset: int = 0,
    limit: int = 30,
) -> Any:
    """Return the edges connected to a node."""
    allowed = ["incoming", "outgoing", "all"]
    if direction not in allowed:
        raise BadQueryArgument("direction", direction, allowed)

    return (Workspace(workspace).graph(graph).node_edges(
        table, node, direction, offset, limit))
def upload(workspace: str, graph: str) -> Any:
    Store a newick tree into the database in coordinated node and edge tables.

    `workspace` - the target workspace.
    `graph` - the target graph.
    `data` - the newick data, passed in the request body.
    app.logger.info("newick tree")

    loaded_workspace = Workspace(workspace)
    if loaded_workspace.has_graph(graph):
        raise AlreadyExists("graph", graph)

    body = decode_data(request.data)
    tree = newick.loads(body)

    edgetable_name = f"{graph}_edges"
    nodetable_name = f"{graph}_nodes"

    if loaded_workspace.has_table(edgetable_name):
        edgetable = loaded_workspace.table(edgetable_name)
        # Note that edge=True must be set or the _from and _to keys
        # will be ignored below.
        edgetable = loaded_workspace.create_table(edgetable_name, edge=True)

    if loaded_workspace.has_table(nodetable_name):
        nodetable = loaded_workspace.table(nodetable_name)
        nodetable = loaded_workspace.create_table(nodetable_name, edge=False)

    edgecount = 0
    nodecount = 0

    def read_tree(parent: Optional[str], node: newick.Node) -> None:
        nonlocal nodecount
        nonlocal edgecount
        key = node.name or uuid.uuid4().hex
        if not nodetable.row(key):
            nodetable.insert([{"_key": key}])
        nodecount = nodecount + 1
        for desc in node.descendants:
            read_tree(key, desc)
        if parent:
                        "_from": f"{nodetable_name}/{parent}",
                        "_to": f"{nodetable_name}/{key}",
                        "length": node.length,
            edgecount += 1

    read_tree(None, tree[0])

    loaded_workspace.create_graph(graph, edgetable_name)

    return {"edgecount": edgecount, "nodecount": nodecount}
Exemple #18
def get_table_rows(workspace: str,
                   table: str,
                   offset: int = 0,
                   limit: int = 30) -> Any:
    """Retrieve the rows and headers of a table."""
    return Workspace(workspace).table(table).rows(offset, limit)
Exemple #19
def create_aql_table(workspace: str, table: str) -> Any:
    """Create a table from an AQL query."""
    aql = request.data.decode()
    Workspace(workspace).create_aql_table(table, aql)

    return table
Exemple #20
def get_workspace_tables(workspace: str,
                         type: TableType = "all") -> Any:  # noqa: A002
    """Retrieve the tables of a single workspace."""
    tables = Workspace(workspace).tables(type)
    return util.stream(tables)
Exemple #21
def get_graph_nodes(workspace: str,
                    graph: str,
                    offset: int = 0,
                    limit: int = 30) -> Any:
    """Retrieve the nodes of a graph."""
    return Workspace(workspace).graph(graph).nodes(offset, limit)
Exemple #22
def get_workspace_permissions(workspace: str) -> Any:
    """Retrieve the permissions of a workspace."""
    perms = Workspace(workspace).permissions
    return util.expand_user_permissions(perms)
Exemple #23
def get_node_data(workspace: str, graph: str, table: str, node: str) -> Any:
    """Return the attributes associated with a node."""
    return Workspace(workspace).graph(graph).node_attributes(table, node)
Exemple #24
def get_workspace_graph(workspace: str, graph: str) -> Any:
    """Retrieve information about a graph."""
    node_tables = Workspace(workspace).graph(graph).node_tables()
    edge_table = Workspace(workspace).graph(graph).edge_table()
    return {"edgeTable": edge_table, "nodeTables": node_tables}
def upload(workspace: str, graph: str) -> Any:
    Store a nested_json tree into the database in coordinated node and edge tables.

    `workspace` - the target workspace.
    `graph` - the target graph.
    `data` - the nested_json data, passed in the request body.
    loaded_workspace = Workspace(workspace)
    if loaded_workspace.has_graph(graph):
        raise AlreadyExists("graph", graph)

    # Set up the parameters.
    data = request.data.decode("utf8")

    edgetable_name = f"{graph}_edges"
    int_nodetable_name = f"{graph}_internal_nodes"
    leaf_nodetable_name = f"{graph}_leaf_nodes"

    # Set up the database targets.
    if loaded_workspace.has_table(edgetable_name):
        edgetable = loaded_workspace.table(edgetable_name)
        edgetable = loaded_workspace.create_table(edgetable_name, edge=True)

    if loaded_workspace.has_table(int_nodetable_name):
        int_nodetable = loaded_workspace.table(int_nodetable_name)
        int_nodetable = loaded_workspace.create_table(int_nodetable_name,

    if loaded_workspace.has_table(leaf_nodetable_name):
        leaf_nodetable = loaded_workspace.table(leaf_nodetable_name)
        leaf_nodetable = loaded_workspace.create_table(leaf_nodetable_name,

    # Analyze the nested_json data into a node and edge table.
    (nodes, edges) = analyze_nested_json(data, int_nodetable_name,

    # Upload the data to the database.

    # Create graph
    loaded_workspace.create_graph(graph, edgetable_name)

    return {
        "edgecount": len(edges),
        "int_nodecount": len(nodes[0]),
        "leaf_nodecount": len(nodes[1]),
Exemple #26
def delete_workspace(workspace: str) -> Any:
    """Delete a workspace."""
    return workspace
Exemple #27
def delete_graph(workspace: str, graph: str) -> Any:
    """Delete a graph."""
    return graph
Exemple #28
def delete_table(workspace: str, table: str) -> Any:
    """Delete a table."""
    return table
Exemple #29
def rename_workspace(workspace: str, name: str) -> Any:
    """Delete a workspace."""
    return name
Exemple #30
def get_workspace_graphs(workspace: str) -> Any:
    """Retrieve the graphs of a single workspace."""
    return util.stream((g["name"] for g in Workspace(workspace).graphs()))