import importlib.machinery
import zipimport
import unittest
import sys
import os
import os.path
import py_compile

from import (make_pkg, make_script, make_zip_pkg,
                                        make_zip_script, assert_python_ok,
                                        assert_python_failure, spawn_python,

# Look up which start methods are available to test
import multiprocess as multiprocessing
AVAILABLE_START_METHODS = set(multiprocessing.get_all_start_methods())

# Issue #22332: Skip tests if sem_open implementation is broken.

verbose = support.verbose

test_source = """\
# multiprocessing includes all sorts of shenanigans to make __main__
# attributes accessible in the subprocess in a pickle compatible way.

# We run the "doesn't work in the interactive interpreter" example from
# the docs to make sure it *does* work from an executed __main__,
# regardless of the invocation mechanism

import sys
import unittest
import sys
import os
import os.path
import py_compile

from import (
    make_pkg, make_script, make_zip_pkg, make_zip_script,

if support.PGO:
    raise unittest.SkipTest("test is not helpful for PGO")

# Look up which start methods are available to test
import multiprocess as multiprocessing
AVAILABLE_START_METHODS = set(multiprocessing.get_all_start_methods())

# Issue #22332: Skip tests if sem_open implementation is broken.

verbose = support.verbose

test_source = """\
# multiprocessing includes all sorts of shenanigans to make __main__
# attributes accessible in the subprocess in a pickle compatible way.

# We run the "doesn't work in the interactive interpreter" example from
# the docs to make sure it *does* work from an executed __main__,
# regardless of the invocation mechanism

import sys