Exemple #1
def teardown_run_tests(state):
    # Discard the multiprocessing.util finalizer that tries to remove a
    # temporary directory that's already removed by this script's
    # atexit.register(shutil.rmtree, TMPDIR) handler. Prevents
    # FileNotFoundError at the end of a test run (#27890).
    from multiprocessing.util import _finalizer_registry
    _finalizer_registry.pop((-100, 0), None)
    del os.environ['RUNNING_DJANGOS_TEST_SUITE']
Exemple #2
def teardown(state):
    # Restore the old settings.
    for key, value in state.items():
        setattr(settings, key, value)
    # Discard the multiprocessing.util finalizer that tries to remove a
    # temporary directory that's already removed by this script's
    # atexit.register(shutil.rmtree, TMPDIR) handler. Prevents
    # FileNotFoundError at the end of a test run on Python 3.6+ (#27890).
    from multiprocessing.util import _finalizer_registry
    _finalizer_registry.pop((-100, 0), None)
def teardown(state):
    # Restore the old settings.
    for key, value in state.items():
        setattr(settings, key, value)
    # Discard the multiprocessing.util finalizer that tries to remove a
    # temporary directory that's already removed by this script's
    # atexit.register(shutil.rmtree, TMPDIR) handler. Prevents
    # FileNotFoundError at the end of a test run on Python 3.6+ (#27890).
    from multiprocessing.util import _finalizer_registry
    _finalizer_registry.pop((-100, 0), None)