def loading(x='', y=False): global a if == 'nt': print(x, end='', flush=True) if x != '' else None else: if y: a = pro(target=lod, args=(x, )) a.start() else: a.kill()
def dl(): con = False idih = input('url: ') if idih == '': return cls() a = pro(target=lod, args=('getting information',)) a.start() try: info = req(f'{idih}') except Exception as exc: a.kill() print() if 'code' in dir(exc): print(f'{exc.code} {exc.msg}') else: print(exc) return opt = {'quiet' : True} quest = ytdl(opt).extract_info(f'{idih}', download=False) title = quest['title'] form = '251' if tipe == 'mp3' else lsform[bit] for x in quest['formats']: if x['format_id'] == form: url = x['url'] break if os.path.exists(f'{dor}/{title}.{tipe}'): a.kill() ask = input(f'\n{title} exist\nLanjut?[y/n] ') if ask not in ('Y','y'): return else: os.remove(f'{dor}/{title}.{tipe}') elif os.path.exists(f'.{title}.download'): a.kill() ask = input('\nMau melanjutkan unduhan yang sudah ada?[y/n] ') if ask in ('y','Y'): con = True width = os.get_terminal_size().columns open('.0.jpg','wb').write(req(f'{quest["id"]}/0.jpg').read()) if con: hed = Request(url) pan = len(open(f'.{title}.download', 'rb').read()) hed.add_header('Range', f'bytes={pan}-') resp = req(hed) bytesdone = pan total = pan else: resp = req(url) bytesdone = 0 total = 0 total += int(['Content-Length'].strip()) chunksize, t0 = 16384, time.time() outfh = open(f'.{title}.download', 'ab') a.kill(); cls() open(f'logs/{quest["title"]}.txt','w').write(f'''{"Information".center(width,"=")} Uploader: {quest["uploader"]} Title: {quest["title"]} Thumbnail:{quest["id"]}/0.jpg Description: {quest["description"]} {"="*width}''') print('\r'+open(f'logs/{quest["title"]}.txt','r').read()) print(f'{w[1]}Information saved to logs/{quest["title"]}.txt\n{w[5]}Downloading: {title} ({size(total)})') while True: chunk = outfh.write(chunk) elapsed = time.time() - t0 bytesdone += len(chunk) rate = 0 if elapsed != 0: rate = (bytesdone / 1024) / elapsed if rate: eta = (total - bytesdone) / (rate * 1024) else: eta = 0 if not chunk: outfh.close() break print(f'\r{" "*(width)}', end='') print('\r{2}[{0}{1}{2}] [{0}{3:.2%}{2}] [{0}{4:4.0f} kbps{2}] [{0}{5:.0f} secs{2}]'.format(w[0], size(bytesdone), w[2], bytesdone * 1.0 / total, rate, eta),end='', flush=True) print() a = pro(target=lod, args=('menyelesaikan',)); a.start() if tipe == 'mp3': os.system(f'ffmpeg -nostats -loglevel 0 -i "{}" -vn -ab {bit}k -ar 48000 ".out.mp3"; ffmpeg -nostats -loglevel 0 -i ".out.mp3" -i .0.jpg -map 1:0 -map 0:0 -c:a copy -c:v copy -id3v2_version 3 "{dor}/{title}.mp3"; rm .0.jpg "{}" ".out.mp3"') else: open(f'.{title}.audio','wb').write(req(quest['requested_formats'][1]['url']).read()) os.system(f'ffmpeg -nostats -loglevel 0 -i "{}" -i ".{title}.audio" -c:v copy -map 0:v:0 -map 1:a:0 -b:a 320k "{dor}/{title}.mp4"; rm .0.jpg ".{title}.audio" "{}"') a.kill(); cls() print(f'Downloaded: {dor}/{title}.{tipe}')
print('\n'*30) os.system('clear') print(f'''{w[1]} /$$ /$$ /$$ /$$$$$$$ | $$ /$$/| $$ | $$__ $$ \ $$ /$$//$$$$$$ | $$ \ $$ /$$ /$$ \ $$$$/|_ $$_/ | $$$$$$$/| $$ | $$ \ $$/ | $$ | $$____/ | $$ | $$ {w[0]} | $$ | $$ /$$| $$ | $$ | $$ | $$ | $$$$/| $$ | $$$$$$$ |__/ \___/ |__/ \____ $$ /$$ | $$ | $$$$$$/ \______/ ''') cls() a = pro(target=lod, args=('Loading',)) a.start() try: import youtube_dl, readline, json, re, sys from urllib.request import urlopen as req, Request except Exception as ex: a.kill() exit(f"Module '{}' belum terinstall\nsilahkan install dengan command:\n\t[sudo] python3 -m pip install {}") ytdl = youtube_dl.YoutubeDL readline.set_history_length(1024) cmd = ( 'q', 'exit',
def op(): print('Load the web', end='') while True: for x in range(6): print('.', end='', flush=True) sleep(0.3) print('\b ', end='') for x in range(5): print('\b\b', end=' ', flush=True) sleep(0.1) print('\b', end='') p = pro(target=op) p.start() import requests, os from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as be uwu = os.getcwd().split('/') if 'figlet' not in uwu: os.chdir('/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/share/figlet') r = be(requests.get('').text, 'html.parser') r = [x.text + '.flf' for x in r.find_all('a') if 'flf' in x['href']] ls = os.listdir() def down(x): if x in ls: pass else:
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*-coding:utf-8 -*- from multiprocessing import Process as pro import os #子进程的方法 def run_sub_process(name): print("我是子进程:%s 进程号 %s " % (name, os.getpid())) if __name__ == "__main__": print('父进程是 %s.' % os.getpid()) p = pro(target=run_sub_process, args=('子进程0', )) p2 = pro(target=run_sub_process, args=('子进程1', )) p2.start() p2.join() p.start() p.join() print('Child process end.')