def getSymbolDataToFileInParallel(self, symbolArray, outFileArray, errorFile, numProcesses, numThreads):
		getSymbolDataToFileInParallel() : Using a linear extractor, launches multiple threads to extract data in parallel
		Parameters are:
			symbolArray: An array of symbols to download
			outFileArray: An array of filenames (with path) where symbol data is to be saved
			errorFile:	An error file where any and all runtime errors are captured.
			numThreads: An integer value between 1-32 of the number of threads to launch in parallel
		if (numProcesses > settings.MAX_PROCESSES):
			numThreads = settings.MAX_PROCESSES
		if (numThreads > settings.MAX_THREADS):
			numThreads = settings.MAX_THREADS
		if (len(symbolArray) < 1 or len(outFileArray) < 1 or len(symbolArray) != len(outFileArray)) :
			raise Exception("Incorrect size of symbol or outputfile arrays")
		print "Total symbols to download are : "+str(len(symbolArray))+'\n'
		sliceSize = len(symbolArray)/numProcesses if len(symbolArray)%numProcesses == 0 else len(symbolArray)/(numProcesses-1)
		myprocs = []
		for x in range(numProcesses):
			procName = "Process"+str(x)
			start = sliceSize * x
			if (x==numProcesses-1 and len(symbolArray)%numProcesses != 0):
				print "Last Process will go with a length of : ",len(symbolArray)%(numProcesses-1)," instead of the sliceSize of ",sliceSize, "\n"
				end = start + len(symbolArray)%(numProcesses-1) - 1
				end = start + sliceSize -1  
			ppr = ParallelProcessRunner(self.LinearExtractor)
			pr = Process(target= ppr.launchThreadsForProcess, args=(symbolArray, outFileArray, errorFile+"_"+str(x), x, numThreads, start, end)) 
			pr.procID = x
			print "Launching Process number "+str(x) + "from "+str(start)+" to "+str(end)+'\n'

		for i in myprocs:

		""" Awaiting the threads to complete execution """
		for i in myprocs:
			final_error = open(errorFile, "w")
			for i in myprocs:
				err = open(errorFile+"_"+str(i.procID), "r")
			print "Error writing output to the final error file \n"