def first_step_simulation(strand_seq, trials, T=25, material="DNA"):

   print "Running %d first step mode simulations for %s (with Boltzmann sampling)..." % (trials, strand_seq)

   # Using domain representation makes it easier to write secondary structures.
   onedomain = Domain(name="itall",sequence=strand_seq)
   top = Strand(name="top",domains=[onedomain])
   bot = top.C

   # Note that the structure is specified to be single stranded, but this will be over-ridden when Boltzmann sampling is turned on.
   start_complex_top = Complex(strands=[top],structure=".")
   start_complex_bot = Complex(strands=[bot],structure=".")
   start_complex_top.boltzmann_count = trials
   start_complex_bot.boltzmann_count = trials
   start_complex_top.boltzmann_sample = True
   start_complex_bot.boltzmann_sample = True
   # Turns Boltzmann sampling on for this complex and also does sampling more efficiently by sampling 'trials' states.

   # Stop when the exact full duplex is achieved. (No breathing!)
   success_complex = Complex(strands=[top, bot],structure="(+)")
   success_stop_condition = StopCondition("SUCCESS",[(success_complex,Exact_Macrostate,0)])

   # Declare the simulation unproductive if the strands become single-stranded again.
   failed_complex = Complex(strands = [top], structure=".")
   failed_stop_condition = StopCondition("FAILURE",[(failed_complex,Dissoc_Macrostate,0)])

   o = Options(simulation_mode="First Step",parameter_type="Nupack", substrate_type=material,
               rate_method = "Metropolis", num_simulations = trials, simulation_time=1.0,
               dangles = "Some", temperature = T, rate_scaling = "Calibrated", verbosity = 0)

   o.start_state = [start_complex_top, start_complex_bot]
   o.stop_conditions = [success_stop_condition,failed_stop_condition]

   # Now go ahead and run the simulations.
   initialize_energy_model(o)  # concentration changes, so we must make sure energies are right
   s = SimSystem(o)
   dataset = o.interface.results

   # Now determine the reaction model parameters from the simulation results.  (Simplified from
   collision_rates = np.array( [i.collision_rate for i in dataset] )
   was_success = np.array([1 if i.tag=="SUCCESS" else 0 for i in dataset])
   was_failure = np.array([0 if i.tag=="SUCCESS" else 1 for i in dataset])
   forward_times = np.array( [i.time for i in dataset if i.tag == "SUCCESS"] )
   reverse_times = np.array( [i.time for i in dataset if i.tag == "FAILURE" or i.tag == None] )

   # Calculate first-order rate constants for the duration of the reactions (both productive and unproductive).
   k2 = 1.0/np.mean(forward_times)
   k2prime = 1.0/np.mean(reverse_times)

   # Calculate second-order rate constants for productive and unproductive reactions.
   k1 = np.mean( collision_rates * was_success )
   k1prime = np.mean( collision_rates * was_failure )

   return k1, k2, k1prime, k2prime
Exemple #2
def first_step_simulation(strand_seq, num_traj, T=25, rate_method_k_or_m="Metropolis", concentration=50e-9, material="DNA"):

    # Run the simulations

    print "Running %d first step mode simulations for %s (with Boltzmann sampling)..." % (num_traj,strand_seq)
    o = create_setup(strand_seq, num_traj, T, rate_method_k_or_m, material)
    initialize_energy_model(o)  # Prior simulations could have been for different temperature, material, etc.
                                # But Multistrand "optimizes" by sharing the energy model parameters from sim to sim.
                                # So if in the same python session you have changed parameters, you must re-initialize.
    s = SimSystem(o)
    return o
def first_passage_dissociation(strand_seq, trials, T=25, material="DNA"):

    print "Running %d first passage time simulations for dissociation of %s..." % (
        trials, strand_seq)

    # Using domain representation makes it easier to write secondary structures.
    onedomain = Domain(name="itall", sequence=strand_seq)
    top = Strand(name="top", domains=[onedomain])
    bot = top.C
    single_strand_top = Complex(strands=[top], structure=".")
    single_strand_bot = Complex(strands=[bot], structure=".")
    duplex_complex = Complex(strands=[top, bot], structure="(+)")

    # Declare the simulation complete if the strands become single-stranded again.
    success_stop_condition = StopCondition(
        "SUCCESS", [(single_strand_top, Dissoc_Macrostate, 0)])

    o = Options(
        simulation_mode="First Passage Time",
        1e-6,  # 1 uM concentration, but doesn't matter for dissociation
    o.start_state = [duplex_complex]
    o.stop_conditions = [success_stop_condition]

    # Now go ahead and run the simulations.
        o)  # concentration changes, so we must make sure energies are right
    s = SimSystem(o)
    dataset = o.interface.results

    times = np.array([i.time for i in dataset])
    timeouts = [i for i in dataset if not i.tag == 'SUCCESS']
    if len(timeouts) > 0:
        print "Warning: %d of %d dissociation trajectories did not finishin allotted %g seconds..." % (
            len(timeouts), len(times), 10.0)
        for i in timeouts:
            assert (i.tag == Literals.time_out)
            assert (i.time >= 10.0)

    krev = 1.0 / np.mean(times)

    return krev
def first_passage_association(strand_seq, trials, concentration, T=25, material="DNA"):

   print "Running %d first passage time simulations for association of %s at %s..." % (trials, strand_seq, concentration_string(concentration))

   # Using domain representation makes it easier to write secondary structures.
   onedomain = Domain(name="itall",sequence=strand_seq)
   top = Strand(name="top",domains=[onedomain])
   bot = top.C
   duplex_complex = Complex(strands=[top, bot],structure="(+)")
   single_strand_top = Complex(strands=[top],structure=".")
   single_strand_bot = Complex(strands=[bot],structure=".")
   # Start with Boltzmann-sampled single-strands... it only seems fair.
   single_strand_top.boltzmann_count = trials
   single_strand_bot.boltzmann_count = trials
   single_strand_top.boltzmann_sample = True
   single_strand_bot.boltzmann_sample = True

   # Declare the simulation complete if the strands become a perfect duplex.
   success_stop_condition = StopCondition("SUCCESS",[(duplex_complex,Exact_Macrostate,0)])

   o = Options(simulation_mode="First Passage Time",parameter_type="Nupack", substrate_type=material,
               rate_method = "Metropolis", num_simulations = trials, simulation_time=10.0, 
               dangles = "Some", temperature = T, rate_scaling = "Calibrated", verbosity = 0)
   o.start_state = [single_strand_top, single_strand_bot]
   o.stop_conditions = [success_stop_condition]

   # Now go ahead and run the simulations.
   initialize_energy_model(o)  # concentration changes, so we must make sure energies are right
   s = SimSystem(o)
   dataset = o.interface.results

   times = np.array([i.time for i in dataset])
   timeouts = [i for i in dataset if not i.tag == 'SUCCESS']
   if len(timeouts)>0 :
        print "some association trajectories did not finish..."
        for i in timeouts :
            assert (i.type_name=='Time')
            assert (i.tag == None )
            assert (i.time >= 10.0)
   print "average completion time = %g seconds at %s" % (np.mean(times),concentration_string(concentration))

   keff = 1.0/np.mean( times )/concentration

   return keff
def transition_mode_simulation(strand_seq, duration, concentration, T=25, material="DNA"):

   print "Running %g seconds of transition mode simulations of %s at %s..." % (duration, strand_seq, concentration_string(concentration))

   # Using domain representation makes it easier to write secondary structures.
   onedomain = Domain(name="itall",sequence=strand_seq)
   top = Strand(name="top",domains=[onedomain])
   bot = top.C
   duplex_complex = Complex(strands=[top, bot],structure="(+)")
   single_strand_top = Complex(strands=[top],structure=".")
   single_strand_bot = Complex(strands=[bot],structure=".")

   # Declare macrostates 
   single_stranded_macrostate = Macrostate("SINGLE",[(single_strand_top,Dissoc_Macrostate,0)])
   duplex_macrostate = Macrostate("DUPLEX",[(duplex_complex,Loose_Macrostate,4)])

   o = Options(simulation_mode="Transition",parameter_type="Nupack", substrate_type=material,
               rate_method = "Metropolis", num_simulations = 1, simulation_time=float(duration),   # time must be passed as float, not int
               dangles = "Some", temperature = T, rate_scaling = "Calibrated", verbosity = 0)
   o.start_state = [single_strand_top, single_strand_bot]
   o.stop_conditions = [single_stranded_macrostate, duplex_macrostate] # not actually stopping, just tracking

   # Now go ahead and run the simulations until time-out.
   initialize_energy_model(o)  # concentration changes, so we must make sure energies are right
   s = SimSystem(o)
   # Now make sense of the results.
   transition_dict = parse_transition_lists(o.interface.transition_lists)
   print_transition_dict( transition_dict, o )

   # A is SINGLE, B is DUPLEX
   N_AtoA = float(len( transition_dict['A -> A'] )) if 'A -> A' in transition_dict else 0
   dT_AtoA = np.mean( transition_dict['A -> A'] ) if N_AtoA > 0 else 1 # will be mult by zero in that case
   N_AtoB = float(len( transition_dict['A -> B'] )) if 'A -> B' in transition_dict else 0
   dT_AtoB = np.mean( transition_dict['A -> B'] ) if N_AtoB > 0 else 1
   N_BtoB = float(len( transition_dict['B -> B'] )) if 'B -> B' in transition_dict else 0
   dT_BtoB = np.mean( transition_dict['B -> B'] ) if N_BtoB > 0 else 1
   N_BtoA = float(len( transition_dict['B -> A'] )) if 'B -> A' in transition_dict else 0
   dT_BtoA = np.mean( transition_dict['B -> A'] ) if N_BtoA > 0 else 1

   keff = 1.0/(dT_AtoB + (N_AtoA/N_AtoB)*dT_AtoA)/concentration if N_AtoB > 0 else None
   krev = 1.0/(dT_BtoA + (N_BtoB/N_BtoA)*dT_BtoB) if N_BtoA > 0 else None
   return keff, krev
Exemple #6
def first_step_simulation(strand_seq, num_traj, T=25, rate_method_k_or_m="Metropolis", concentration=50e-9, material="DNA"):

    # Run the simulations

    print "Running first step mode simulations for %s (with Boltzmann sampling)..." % (strand_seq)
    o = create_setup(strand_seq, num_traj, T, rate_method_k_or_m, material)
    initialize_energy_model(o)  # Prior simulations could have been for different temperature, material, etc.
                                # But Multistrand "optimizes" by sharing the energy model parameters from sim to sim.
                                # So if in the same python session you have changed parameters, you must re-initialize.
    s = SimSystem(o)
    dataset = o.interface.results

    # You might be interested in examining the data manually when num_traj < 10
    # for i in dataset:
    #    print i.type_name
    #    print i
    # Extract the timing information for successful and failed runs

    print "Inferred rate constants with analytical error bars:"
    N_forward, N_reverse, kcoll, forward_kcoll, reverse_kcoll, k1, k2, k1prime, k2prime, keff, zcrit = compute_rate_constants(dataset,concentration)

    # Bootstrapping is a technique that estimates statistical properties by assuming that the given samples adequately represent the true distribution,
    # and then resampling from that distribution to create as many mock data sets as you want.  The variation of statistical quantities 
    # in the mock data sets are often a good estimate of the true values.
    # We rely on bootstrapping to get error bars for k_eff, and to validate our estimated error bars for k2 and k2prime.

    Nfs, Nrs, kcfs, kcrs, k1s, k2s, k1primes, k2primes, keffs, zcrits = ([],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[])
    for i in range(1000):
        t_dataset = resample_with_replacement(dataset,len(dataset))
        t_N_forward, t_N_reverse, t_kcoll, t_forward_kcoll, t_reverse_kcoll, t_k1, t_k2, t_k1prime, t_k2prime, t_keff, t_zcrit = \
            compute_rate_constants(t_dataset, concentration, printit=False)

    std_Nfs = np.std(Nfs)
    std_Nrs = np.std(Nrs)
    std_kcfs = np.std(kcfs)
    std_kcrs = np.std(kcrs)
    std_k1 = np.std(k1s)
    std_k2 = np.std(k2s)
    std_k1prime = np.std(k1primes)
    std_k2prime = np.std(k2primes)
    std_keff = np.std(keffs)        
    std_zcrit = np.std(zcrits)        

    print "Re-sampled rate constants with bootstrapped error bars:"
    if True:
        print "N_forward = %d +/- %g" % (t_N_forward, std_Nfs)
        print "N_reverse = %d +/- %g" % (t_N_reverse, std_Nrs)
        print "k_collision_forward = %g +/- %g /M/s (i.e. +/- %g %%)" % (t_forward_kcoll, std_kcfs, 100*std_kcfs/forward_kcoll)
        print "k_collision_reverse = %g +/- %g /M/s (i.e. +/- %g %%)" % (t_reverse_kcoll, std_kcrs, 100*std_kcrs/reverse_kcoll)
        print "k1                  = %g +/- %g /M/s (i.e. +/- %g %%)" % (t_k1,std_k1,100*std_k1/k1)
        print "k2                  = %g +/- %g /s   (i.e. +/- %g %%)" % (t_k2,std_k2,100*std_k2/k2)
        print "k1prime             = %g +/- %g /M/s (i.e. +/- %g %%)" % (t_k1prime,std_k1prime,100*std_k1prime/k1prime)
        print "k2prime             = %g +/- %g /s   (i.e. +/- %g %%)" % (t_k2prime,std_k2prime,100*std_k2prime/k2prime)
        print "k_eff               = %g +/- %g /M/s (i.e. +/- %g %%) at %s" % (t_keff,std_keff,100*std_keff/keff,concentration_string(concentration)) 
        print "z_crit              = %s +/- %s (i.e. +/- %g %%)" % (concentration_string(t_zcrit),concentration_string(std_zcrit),100*std_zcrit/zcrit)

    return [N_forward, N_reverse, k1, k1prime, k2, k2prime, keff, zcrit, o]   
Exemple #7
    import multistrand_setup

    from multistrand.objects import *
    from multistrand.options import Options
    from multistrand.system import energy, initialize_energy_model

except ImportError:
    print("Could not import Multistrand.")


o = Options(temperature=25, dangles="Some")  # prepares for simulation.
)  # necessary if you want to use energy() without running a simulation first.
# see more about the energy model usage and initialization in

# More meaningful names for argument values to the energy() function call, below.
Loop_Energy = 0  # requesting no dG_assoc or dG_volume terms to be added.  So only loop energies remain.
Volume_Energy = 1  # requesting dG_volume but not dG_assoc terms to be added.  No clear interpretation for this.
Complex_Energy = 2  # requesting dG_assoc but not dG_volume terms to be added.  This is the NUPACK complex microstate energy, sans symmetry terms.
Tube_Energy = 3  # requesting both dG_assoc and dG_volume terms to be added.  Summed over complexes, this is the system state energy.

# Sequence is from Schaeffer's PhD thesis, chapter 7, figure 7.1

# Just for illustration, create a hairping strand with just the outermost 4 base pairs of the stem formed:
c = Complex(strands=[Strand(name="hairpin", sequence="GTTCGGGCAAAAGCCCGAAC")],
            structure='((((' + 12 * '.' + '))))')
energy([c], o, Complex_Energy)  # should be -1.1449...