Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, name, mask, config=DEFAULT_CONFIG):
        """Create a new session:

        :param name: The name of the session. Used to load it again from disk.
        :param mask: The mask. See :term:`Mask`
        :param config: A dictionary with config values. See :class:`DefaultConfig` for available keys.
        self._config = config
        self._name = name

        # Publicly readable attribute.
        self.mapping = {}

        # Make access to the mask more efficient
        self._mask = copy(mask)
        self._attribute_list = sorted(mask)
        self._listidx_to_key = {k: i for i, k in enumerate(self._attribute_list)}

        # Lookup tables for those attributes (fast access is crucial here)
        def make_index(idx, default_func):
            index = {}
            for key, descr in self._mask.items():
                if descr[idx] is not None:
                    index[key] = descr[idx]
                    index[key] = default_func(key)

            return index

        # Import this locally, since we might get circular import otherway:
        from munin.distance import DistanceFunction
        from munin.provider import Provider

        # Build indices and set default values:
        self._key_to_providers = make_index(0,
                lambda key: Provider()
        self._key_to_distfuncs = make_index(1,
                lambda key: DistanceFunction(self._key_to_providers[key])
        self._key_to_weighting = make_index(2,
                lambda key: 1.0

        # Sum of the individual weights, pre-calculated once.
        self._weight_sum = sum((descr[2] for descr in mask.values()))

        # Create the associated database.
        self._database = Database(self)

        # Filtering related:
        self._filtering_enabled = config['recom_history_sieving']
        self._recom_history = RecommendationHistory(

        # Publicly readable attribute.
        self.mapping = bidict()
Exemple #2
class Session:
    """Main API to *libmunin* and caching layer."""
    def __init__(self, name, mask, config=DEFAULT_CONFIG):
        """Create a new session:

        :param name: The name of the session. Used to load it again from disk.
        :param mask: The mask. See :term:`Mask`
        :param config: A dictionary with config values. See :class:`DefaultConfig` for available keys.
        self._config = config
        self._name = name

        # Publicly readable attribute.
        self.mapping = {}

        # Make access to the mask more efficient
        self._mask = copy(mask)
        self._attribute_list = sorted(mask)
        self._listidx_to_key = {k: i for i, k in enumerate(self._attribute_list)}

        # Lookup tables for those attributes (fast access is crucial here)
        def make_index(idx, default_func):
            index = {}
            for key, descr in self._mask.items():
                if descr[idx] is not None:
                    index[key] = descr[idx]
                    index[key] = default_func(key)

            return index

        # Import this locally, since we might get circular import otherway:
        from munin.distance import DistanceFunction
        from munin.provider import Provider

        # Build indices and set default values:
        self._key_to_providers = make_index(0,
                lambda key: Provider()
        self._key_to_distfuncs = make_index(1,
                lambda key: DistanceFunction(self._key_to_providers[key])
        self._key_to_weighting = make_index(2,
                lambda key: 1.0

        # Sum of the individual weights, pre-calculated once.
        self._weight_sum = sum((descr[2] for descr in mask.values()))

        # Create the associated database.
        self._database = Database(self)

        # Filtering related:
        self._filtering_enabled = config['recom_history_sieving']
        self._recom_history = RecommendationHistory(

        # Publicly readable attribute.
        self.mapping = bidict()

    def __getitem__(self, idx):
        """Return the song with a certain uid.

        :raises KeyError: On invalid uid.
        :returns: a song object which has the same uid attribute.
        return self.database[idx]

    def __iter__(self):
        """Iterate over all songs in the database

        This is a proxy to Database.__iter__
        return iter(self.database)

    def __len__(self):
        """Get the number of songs currently in the database"""
        return len(self.database)

    def name(self):
        'Return the name you passed to the session'
        return self._name

    def database(self):
        'yield the associated :class:`munin.database.Database`'
        return self._database

    def config(self):
        'Return the config dictionary passed to ``__init__``'
        return self._config

    #  Attribute Mask Attributes  #

    # Make this only gettable, so we can distribute the reference
    # around all session objects.
    def mask(self):
        'Returns a copy of the mask (as passed in)'
        return copy(self._mask)

    def mask_length(self):
        'Returns the length of the attribte mask (number of keys)'
        return len(self._mask)

    def key_at_index(self, idx):
        'Retrieve the key of the mask at index ``idx``'
        return self._attribute_list[idx]

    def index_for_key(self, key):
        'Retrieve the index for the key given by ``key``'
        return self._listidx_to_key[key]

    def provider_for_key(self, key):
        'Get the provider for the key in ``key``'
        return self._key_to_providers[key]

    def distance_function_for_key(self, key):
        'Get the :class:`munin.distance.DistanceFunction` for ``key``'
        return self._key_to_distfuncs[key]

    def weight_for_key(self, key):
        'Get the weighting (*float*) for ``key``'
        return self._key_to_weighting[key]

    def _weight(self, dist_dict):
        'This is in Session for performance reasons'
        dist_sum = 0.0

        for key, (_, _, weight) in self._mask.items():
                dist_sum += dist_dict[key] * weight
            except KeyError:
                dist_sum += weight

        return dist_sum / self._weight_sum

    #  Caching Implementation  #

    def from_archive_path(full_path):
        """Load a cached session from a file on the disk.

        Example usage: ::

            >>> Session.from_archive_path('/tmp/test.gz')
            <Session object at 0x2343424>

        .. note::

            If you prefer to save the sessions in XDG_CACHE_HOME anyway,
            just use :func:`Session.from_name`.

        :param full_path: a path to a packed session.
        :type full_path: str
        :returns: A cached session.
        :rtype: :class:`Session`
        base_path, _ = os.path.splitext(full_path)
            with tarfile.open(full_path, 'r:*') as tar:

            with open(os.path.join(base_path, 'session.pickle'), 'rb') as handle:
                return pickle.load(handle)
        except OSError as err:
            LOGGER.debug('Could not load session: ' + str(err))
            return None

    def from_name(session_name):
        """Like :func:`from_archive_path`, but be clever and load it
        from *${XDG_CACHE_HOME}/libmunin/<session_name>/session.pickle*

        :param session_name: The name of a session.
        :type session_name: str
        :returns: A cached session.
        :rtype: :class:`Session`
        return Session.from_archive_path(get_cache_path(session_name) + '.gz')

    def save(self, path=None):
        """Save the session (and all caches) to disk.

        :param path: Where to save the session in. If none XDG_CACHE_HOME is used.
        path = os.path.join(path, self.name) if path else get_cache_path(self.name)
        if os.path.isfile(path):
        if os.path.isdir(path):
            rmtree(path, ignore_errors=True)

        # class VerbosePickler (pickle._Pickler):
        #     def save(self, obj):
        #         print('pickling object  {0} of type {1}'.format(obj, type(obj)))
        #         pickle._Pickler.save(self, obj)

        with open(os.path.join(path, 'session.pickle'), 'wb') as handle:
            # VerbosePickler(handle).dump(self)
            pickle.dump(self, handle)

        with tarfile.open(path + '.gz', 'w:gz') as tar:
            tar.add(path, arcname='')


    #                             Recommendations                             #

    def sieving(self):
        Return True if sieving is enabled.
        return self._filtering_enabled

    def sieving(self, mode):
        """Enable the sieving, i.e. filter recommendation that were given in
        similar form recently.

        .. seealso::

            :class:`munin.history.RecommendationHistory` for more information
            on what is used in the background here.

        :param bool mode: The mode to set.
        self._filtering_enabled = mode

    def _recom_sieve(self, iterator, number):
        """Filter songs that are now allowed by history, if sieving is enabled.

        This also feeds the recommendation history.

        :param iterator: Any recommendation iterator that yields songs.
                         You should pass an infinite iterator here.
        :param number: The number to finally yield
        :return: iterator that yields the sieved songs.
        enabled = self._filtering_enabled
        if not enabled:
            iterator = islice(iterator, number) if number else iterator
            for recom in iterator:
                yield recom
            for recom in islice(self._recom_sieve_enabled(iterator), number):
                yield recom

    def _recom_sieve_enabled(self, iterator):
            recom_set = set()
            while True:
                iterator, starter = tee(iterator)

                for recom in filter(lambda r: r not in recom_set, starter):
                    if self._recom_history.allowed(recom):
                        # we found a candidate!
                    # exhausted.


                yield recom

    def recommend_from_attributes(self, subset, number=20, max_seeds=10, max_numeric_offset=None):
        """Find n recommendations solely from intelligent guessing.

        This will try to find a good rule, that indicates a user's
        favourite song, and will call :func:`recommendations_from_seed` on it.
        If no rules are known, the most played song will be chosen.
        If there is none, a random song is picked.

        The first song in the recommendations yielded is the seed song.

        .. seealso: :func:`recommendations_from_seed`

        :param dict subset: Attribute-Value mapping that seed songs must have.
        :param max_seeds: Maximum songs with the subset to get as a base.
        :param max_numeric_offset: Same as with :func:`find_matching_attributes`
        return self._recom_sieve(munin.graph.recommendations_from_attributes(
        ), number)

    def recommend_from_seed(self, song, number=20):
        """Recommend songs based on a certain attribute.

        For example you can search by a certain genre by calling it like this: ::

            >>> recommend_from_attributes({'genre', 'death metal'}, ...)

        The value passed must match fully, no fuzzy matching is performed.

        :returns: Recommendations like the others or None if no suitable song found.
        song = song_or_uid(self.database, song)
        return self._recom_sieve(munin.graph.recommendations_from_seed(
        ), number)

    def recommend_from_heuristic(self, number=20):
        """Give 'n' recommendations based on 'song'.

        - Will lookup rules for song.
        - If no rules found, a breadth first search starting with song is performed.
        - Otherwise, breadth first from songs mentioned in the rules are done.

        The first song in the recommendations yielded is the seed song.

        :param graph: The graph to breadth first search on.
        :type graph: :class:`igraph.Graph`
        :param rule_index: Rule database.
        :type rule_index: :class:`munin.history.RuleIndex`
        :param song: Song to base recommendations on.
        :type song: :class:`munin.song.Song`
        :param n: Deliver so many recommendations (at max.)
        :returns: An iterator that yields recommend songs.
        return self._recom_sieve(munin.graph.recommendations_from_heuristic(
        ), number)

    def explain_recommendation(self, seed_song, recommendation, max_reasons=3):
        """Explain the recommendation you got.

        **Usage Example:**

            >>> explain_recommendation(seed_song, recommendation)
            (~0.4, [
                ('genre', 0.1),    # Very similar common attribute
                ('moodbar', 0.2),  # Quite similar
                ('lyrics', 0.5)    # Well, that's okay.

        :param seed_song: The seed song used.
                          For ``_heuristic`` and ``_attribute`` this is the first song.
        :param recommendation: The recommendation you want to have explained.
        :param max_reasons: How many reasons to yield at a maximum.
        :retruns: Tuple of the total distance to each other and a list of pairs
                  that consist of (attribute_name: subdistance_float)
        seed_song = song_or_uid(self.database, seed_song)
        recommend = song_or_uid(self.database, recommendation)
        return munin.graph.explain_recommendation(

    #                          Proxy Methods                                  #

    def feed_history(self, song):
        """Feed a single song to the history.

        If the feeded song is not yet in the database,
        it will be added automatically.

        :param song: The song to feed in the history.
        self.database.feed_history(song_or_uid(self.database, song))

    def add(self, value_mapping):
        """Add a song with the values in the ``value_mapping``.

        This function should be always called like this to trigger a rebuild:

        .. code-block:: python

            >>> with session.transaction():
            ...     session.add({'genre': 'death metal', ...})

        :param dict value_mapping: A mapping :term:`Attribute` : Value.
        :raises KeyError: If an unknown :term:`Attribute` was used.
        :returns: The *UID* of the newly added song.
        return self.database.add(value_mapping)

    def modify(self, song, sub_value_mapping):
        """Modify an existing and known song by the attributes mentioned
        in ``sub_value_mapping``.

        This should be run during the ``fix_graph`` contextmanager.

        Usage example:

        .. code-block:: python

            >>> with session.fix_graph():
            ...     session.modify(some_song, {'rating': 5})

        One usecase is shown in the example, the adjustment of the rating.

        .. note::

            This is **not a cheap function**. The song is removed and all
            distances to it are recalculated under the hood.

        .. seealso::


        .. warning::

            Attention! The returned uid is the same as before, but the underlying
            song is different. Do not compare by reference!

        :param song: The song to modify, either an uid or a :class:`munin.song.Song`
        :param sub_value_mapping: A mapping of attributes in values.
        :returns: ``song.uid``
        song = song_or_uid(self.database, song)
        return self.database.modify(song, sub_value_mapping)

    def insert(self, value_mapping):
        """Insert a song without triggering a rebuild.

        This function should be always called like this to trigger a cleanup of the graph:

        .. code-block:: python

            >>> with session.fix_graph():
            ...     session.insert({'genre': 'death metal', ...})

        The rest is the same as with :meth:`add`.
        return self.database.insert(value_mapping)

    def remove(self, song):
        """Remove a single song (or *UID*) from the Graph.

        This function will try to close the hole. If :meth:`insert`
        is called afterwards the *UID* of the deleted song will be re-used.

        :returns: The *UID* of the deleted song.
        song = song_or_uid(self.database, song)
        return self.database.remove(song.uid)

    def playcount(self, song):
        """Get the playcount of a song.

        If no playcount is known for it, 0 will be returned.

        :returns: Number of times this song was played.
        :rtype: int
        song = song_or_uid(self.database, song)
        return self.database.playcount(song)

    def playcounts(self, n=0):
        """Get all playcounts, or the most common.

        :param n: The number of most  common plays to select. Might be less.
        :returns: A list of tuples if n > 0, or a Mapping.
        return self.database.playcounts(n)

    def find_matching_attributes(self, subset, max_numeric_offset=None):
        """Search the database for a subset of the attributes/values in subset.


        .. code-block:: python

            >>> find_matching_attributes({'genre': 'metal', 'artist': 'Debauchery'})
            # yields songs from Debauchery with that have the exact genre 'metal'

        Numeric example:

        .. code-block:: python

            >>> find_matching_attributes({'rating': 5}, max_numeric_offset=1)
            # yield songs with rating 4-5

        .. warning::

            If ``max_numeric_offset`` is used, you may only use attributes
            that support the *__sub__* operator, otherwise a TypeError will be raised.

        :raises KeyError: if an unknown key is specified in subset.
        :raises TypeError: if max_numeric_offset is not None and some values do
                           not support substraction.
        :param subset: The subset of attributes the songs must have.
        :param max_numeric_offset:
        :returns: A lazy iterator over the matching songs.
        return self.database.find_matching_attributes(subset, max_numeric_offset)

    def transaction(self):
        'Convienience method: Excecute block and call :func:`rebuild` afterwards.'
        with self.fix_graph():

    def fix_graph(self):
        """Fix the previosuly rebuild graph.

        This means checking if unsorted distances can be found (which should not happend)
        and checking if unidirectional edges can be found (which get deleted).

        You should this contextmanager when calling :meth:`insert` or :meth:`remove`.

    def rule_index(self):
        return self.database._rule_index

    def listen_history(self):
        return self.database._listen_history

    def recom_history(self):
        return self._recom_history