def index(request): #Set cookie if 'voter_id' not in request.session: cookie = False voter = User() request.session['voter_id'] = request.session.set_expiry(24*60*60) else: try: voter = User.objects.get(pk=request.session['voter_id']) except User.DoesNotExist: #In case there is a cookie with a voter_id but not an corresponding entry in the database voter = User() request.session['voter_id'] = request.session.set_expiry(24*60*60) cookie = True #Get current track sock = mysocket.Mysocket() sock.connect(mysocket.ADDR, mysocket.PORT) sock.mysend(format(4, '07')) answer = sock.myreceive() sock.close() current_track = Track.objects.get(pk=int(answer)) #Get current playing status sock = mysocket.Mysocket() sock.connect(mysocket.ADDR, mysocket.PORT) sock.mysend(format(5, '07')) answer = sock.myreceive() sock.close() if answer == format(1, '07'): playing = True elif answer == format(0, '07'): playing = False else: playing = 'Error' #Get tracks ranked by votes track_ranking = Track.objects.filter(votes__gt=0).order_by('-votes') #Check if admin admin = request.user.is_superuser context = { 'current_track': current_track, 'track_ranking': track_ranking, 'cookie': cookie, 'voter': voter, 'playing': playing, 'admin': admin, } response = render(request, 'musicvoting/index.html', context) if cookie == False: response.set_cookie('test_cookie', 'true') return response
def unpause(request): permission = request.user.is_superuser if permission == True: sock = mysocket.Mysocket() sock.connect(mysocket.ADDR, mysocket.PORT) sock.mysend(format(2, '07')) answer = sock.myreceive() sock.close() if answer == format(1, '07'): return HttpResponse("Music is unpaused. " + answer) else: return HttpResponse("ERROR") else: return HttpResponse('Unauthorized', status=401)
def next_track(request): permission = request.user.is_superuser if permission == True: sock = mysocket.Mysocket() sock.connect(mysocket.ADDR, mysocket.PORT) sock.mysend(format(3, '07')) answer = sock.myreceive() sock.close() current_track = get_object_or_404(Track, pk=int(answer)) context = { 'current_track': current_track, } return render(request, 'musicvoting/player.html', context) else: return HttpResponse('Unautorized', status=401)
def handle_clientsocket(clientsocket): mysock = mysocket.Mysocket(clientsocket) msg = mysock.myreceive() #pause if msg == format(1, '07'): print "pausing music" global playing playing = False mysock.mysend(format(1, '07')) mysock.close() #unpause elif msg == format(2, '07'): print "unpausing music" global playing playing = True mysock.mysend(format(1, '07')) mysock.close() #nexttrack elif msg == format(3, '07'): print "playing next track" next_track() global current_track mysock.mysend(format(, '07')) mysock.close() #get track elif msg == format(4, '07'): global current_track #send back id of new track ret = format(, '07') mysock.mysend(ret) mysock.close() #is playing? elif msg == format(5, '07'): global playing if playing: mysock.mysend(format(1, '07')) else: mysock.mysend(format(0, '07')) mysock.close()