Exemple #1
def update_item(table_name, new_value, **name):
    with session_scope() as s:
        keys = get_all_keys(table_name)
        for key, value in name.items():
            f = False

            for item in keys:
                if key == item:
                    f = True
                    d = getattr(table_name, key).type
                    if type(d) is Integer:
                        d = 0
                    elif type(d) is Boolean:
                        d = False
                    elif type(d) is Date:
                        d = DT.datetime.strptime('2020,1,1', '%Y,%m,%d').date()
                    elif type(d) is String:
                        d = 'str'

                    if type(d) != type(value):
                        raise mvc_exc.ValueTypeError(f"Value: <{value}> must be the same type as key!")
                    elif type(d) != type(new_value):
                        raise mvc_exc.ValueTypeError(f"Value: <{new_value}> must be the same type as key!")

            if f is False:
                raise mvc_exc.KeyNameError(f"Key: <{key}> doesn't exist in table '{table_name.__tablename__}'!")

            update_it = s.query(table_name).filter_by(**name).one()
        except Exception:
            raise mvc_exc.ItemNotStored(f"Can't update {name.items()} because it is not stored")

        for key, value in name.items():
            setattr(update_it, key, new_value)
Exemple #2
def read_item(table_name, **name):
    with session_scope() as s:
        keys = get_all_keys(table_name)
        for key, value in name.items():
            f = False

            for item in keys:
                if key == item:
                    f = True
                    d = getattr(table_name, key).type
                    if type(d) is Integer:
                        d = 0
                    elif type(d) is Boolean:
                        d = False
                    elif type(d) is Date:
                        d = DT.datetime.strptime('2020,1,1', '%Y,%m,%d').date()
                    elif type(d) is String:
                        d = 'str'
                    if type(d) != type(value):
                        raise mvc_exc.ValueTypeError(f"Value: <{value}> must be the same type as key!")

            if f is False:
                raise mvc_exc.KeyNameError(f"Key: <{key}> doesn't exist in table '{table_name.__tablename__}'!")

        read_it = s.query(table_name).filter_by(**name).all()

        if not read_it:
            raise mvc_exc.ItemNotStored(f"{name.items()} not stored")

        for rows in read_it:
Exemple #3
def read_from_range(conn, key, a, b, table_name):
    cur = conn.cursor()

        f"SELECT column_name, data_type FROM information_schema.columns "
        f"WHERE table_schema='public' AND table_name = '{table_name}'")
    data_type = cur.fetchall()

    type_dat = []
    for item in data_type:
        type_dat += [item[1]]

    j = 0
    for item in type_dat:
        if type_dat[j] == 'integer':
            type_dat[j] = 1
        if type_dat[j] == 'boolean':
            type_dat[j] = False
        if type_dat[j] == 'date':
            type_dat[j] = DT.datetime.strptime('2020,1,1', '%Y,%m,%d').date()
        j = j + 1

    cur.execute(f"SELECT * FROM {table_name}")
    keys = [description[0] for description in cur.description]

    i = 0
    for ids in keys:
        if key == ids:
            if (type(data_type[i]) != type(a)) or (type(data_type[i]) !=
                raise mvc_exc.ValueTypeError(
                    f"Key {key} and value {a} type not the same!")

            if (type(a) is int) and (type(b) is int):
                    f"SELECT * FROM {table_name} WHERE ({key} > {a}) AND ({key} < {b}) "
                result = cur.fetchall()
            elif type(a) is str:
                    f"SELECT * FROM {table_name} WHERE {key} LIKE '%{a}%' ")
                result = cur.fetchall()
            elif type(a) is bool:
                cur.execute(f"SELECT * FROM {table_name} WHERE {key} = {a} ")
                result = cur.fetchall()
                    f"SELECT * FROM {table_name} WHERE ({key} > '{a}') AND ({key} < '{b}') "
                result = cur.fetchall()

    if cur.rowcount == 0:
        print(f"In table {table_name} no such objects")
        for rows in result:

Exemple #4
def delete_items(conn, table_name, **name):
    cur = conn.cursor()

        f"SELECT column_name, data_type FROM information_schema.columns "
        f"WHERE table_schema='public' AND table_name = '{table_name}'")
    data_type = cur.fetchall()

    type_dat = []
    for item in data_type:
        type_dat += [item[1]]

    j = 0
    for item in type_dat:
        if type_dat[j] == 'integer':
            type_dat[j] = 1
        if type_dat[j] == 'boolean':
            type_dat[j] = False
        if type_dat[j] == 'date':
            type_dat[j] = DT.datetime.strptime('2020,1,1', '%Y,%m,%d').date()
        j = j + 1

    f = False
    for key, value in name.items():
        i = 0
        for item in data_type:
            if item[0] == key:
                f = True
                if type(type_dat[i]) != type(value):
                    raise mvc_exc.ValueTypeError(
                        f"Type of argument {value} is not the same as key type"
            i = i + 1

        if f is False:
            raise mvc_exc.KeyNameError(f"Key name {key} doesn't exist")

        if type(value) is (int or bool):
            cur.execute(f"SELECT * FROM {table_name} WHERE {key} = {value}")
            if cur.rowcount == 0:
                raise mvc_exc.ItemNotStored(
                    'Can\'t delete "{}" because it\'s not stored'.format(name))
                cur.execute(f"DELETE FROM {table_name} WHERE {key} = {value}")
            cur.execute(f"SELECT * FROM {table_name} WHERE {key} = '{value}'")
            if cur.rowcount == 0:
                raise mvc_exc.ItemNotStored(
                    'Can\'t delete "{}" because it\'s not stored'.format(name))
                    f"DELETE FROM {table_name} WHERE {key} = '{value}'")

    return conn
Exemple #5
def create_item(table_name, *value):
    keys = get_all_keys(table_name)

    i = 0
    for key in keys:
        d = getattr(table_name, key).type
        if type(d) is Integer:
            d = 0
        elif type(d) is Boolean:
            d = False
        elif type(d) is Date:
            d = DT.datetime.strptime('2020,1,1', '%Y,%m,%d').date()
        elif type(d) is String:
            d = 'str'
        if type(d) != type(value[i]):
            raise mvc_exc.ValueTypeError(f"Value: <{value[i]}> must be the same type as key!")
        i = i + 1

    with session_scope() as s:
        check_id = {keys[0]: value[0]}
        check = s.query(table_name).filter_by(**check_id).all()

        if not check:
            check_items = {keys[i]: value[i] for i in range(1, len(keys))}
            raise mvc_exc.ItemAlreadyStored(
                f"Can't create item with {keys[0]} = {value[0]} because it is already exists")

        check = s.query(table_name).filter_by(**check_items).all()
        if not check:
            create_it = {}
            i = 0
            for key in keys:
                create_it[key] = value[i]
                i = i + 1
            raise mvc_exc.ItemAlreadyStored(f"Can't create item because all data for its id {keys[0]} = {value[0]} "
                                            f"already exists")

Exemple #6
def create_item(conn, table_name, *value):
    cur = conn.cursor()

        f"SELECT column_name, data_type FROM information_schema.columns "
        f"WHERE table_schema='public' AND table_name = '{table_name}'")
    data_type = cur.fetchall()

    type_dat = []
    for item in data_type:
        type_dat += [item[1]]

    j = 0
    for item in type_dat:
        if type_dat[j] == 'integer':
            type_dat[j] = 1
        if type_dat[j] == 'boolean':
            type_dat[j] = False
        if type_dat[j] == 'date':
            type_dat[j] = DT.datetime.strptime('2020,1,1', '%Y,%m,%d').date()

        if type(type_dat[j]) != type(value[j]):
            raise mvc_exc.ValueTypeError(
                f"Type of value '{value[j]}' not the same as type of key name!"
        j = j + 1

    cur.execute(f"SELECT * FROM {table_name}")
    keys = [description[0] for description in cur.description]

    cur.execute(f"SELECT * FROM {table_name} WHERE {keys[0]} = {value[0]}")
    if cur.rowcount != 0:
        raise mvc_exc.ItemAlreadyStored(f'ID: "{value[0]}" already stored!')

    if table_name == 'users':
            f"SELECT * FROM {table_name} WHERE {keys[1]} = '{value[1]}' and {keys[2]} = {value[2]}"
        if cur.rowcount != 0:
            raise mvc_exc.ItemAlreadyStored(
                f'Item with that value "{value[1]}" "{value[2]}" already stored!'
    elif table_name == ('email' or 'folders'):
            f"SELECT * FROM {table_name} WHERE {keys[1]} = {value[1]} and {keys[2]} = '{value[2]}' "
            f"and {keys[3]} = '{value[3]}'")
        if cur.rowcount != 0:
            raise mvc_exc.ItemAlreadyStored(
                f'Item with that value "{value[1]}" "{value[2]}" "{value[3]}"'
                f' already stored!')
    elif table_name == 'messages':
            f"SELECT * FROM {table_name} WHERE {keys[1]} = {value[1]} and {keys[2]} = '{value[2]}' and "
            f"{keys[3]} = '{value[3]}'")
        if cur.rowcount != 0:
            raise mvc_exc.ItemAlreadyStored(
                f'Item with that value "{value[1]}" "{value[2]}" "{value[3]}"'
                f' already stored!')
    elif table_name == 'folders_messages':
            f"SELECT * FROM {table_name} WHERE {keys[0]} = {value[0]} and {keys[1]} = {value[1]}"
        if cur.rowcount != 0:
            raise mvc_exc.ItemAlreadyStored(
                f'Item with that value "{value[0]}" "{value[1]}" '
                f' already stored!')

    if table_name == ('email' or 'folders'):
            f"INSERT INTO {table_name} ({keys[0]},{keys[1]},{keys[2]},{keys[3]}) "
            f"VALUES ({value[0]}, {value[1]}, '{value[2]}', '{value[3]}')")
    elif table_name == 'users':
            f"INSERT INTO {table_name} ({keys[0]},{keys[1]},{keys[2]}) "
            f"VALUES ({value[0]}, '{value[1]}', {value[2]})")
    elif table_name == 'messages':
            f"INSERT INTO {table_name} ({keys[0]},{keys[1]},{keys[2]},{keys[3]}) "
            f"VALUES ({value[0]}, {value[1]}, '{value[2]}', '{value[3]}')")
    elif table_name == 'folders_messages':
        cur.execute(f"INSERT INTO {table_name} ({keys[0]},{keys[1]}) "
                    f"VALUES ({value[0]}, {value[1]})")
