def forward(self, x):
     # Because this encoder decoder setup uses convolutional layers 
     # There is no need to flatten anything
     # x.shape = (batch_size, n_channels, width, height)
     # Get the latent layer
     latent_layer = self.encoder(x)
     # Split the latent layer into latent means and latent log vars
     latent_mean = nd.split(latent_layer, axis=1, num_outputs=2)[0]
     latent_logvar = nd.split(latent_layer, axis=1, num_outputs=2)[1]
     # Compute the latent variable with reparametrization trick applied
     eps = nd.random_normal(0, 1, shape=(x.shape[0], self.n_latent), ctx=CTX)
     latent_z = latent_mean + nd.exp(0.5 * latent_logvar) * eps
     # Compute the KL Divergence between latent variable and standard normal
     kl_div_loss = -0.5 * nd.sum(1 + latent_logvar - latent_mean * latent_mean - nd.exp(latent_logvar),
     # Use the decoder to generate output
     x_hat = self.decoder(latent_z.reshape((x.shape[0], self.n_latent, 1, 1)))
     # Compute the pixel-by-pixel loss; this requires that x and x_hat be flattened
     x_flattened = x.reshape((x.shape[0], -1))
     x_hat_flattened = x_hat.reshape((x_hat.shape[0], -1))
     logloss = - nd.sum(x_flattened*nd.log(x_hat_flattened + 1e-10) +
     # Sum up the loss
     loss = kl_div_loss + logloss * self.pbp_weight
     return loss
Exemple #2
    def hybrid_forward(self, F, X, *args, **kwargs):
        # Perform neural network pass
        X = self.linear_1(X)
        X = self.linear_2(X)
        X = self.linear_3(X)
        X = self.linear_4(X)

        # Extract mixture coefficients according to formula 25 in Bishop
        z_alpha = X[:, :self.n_components]
        z_alpha_exp = nd.exp(z_alpha)
        alpha = (z_alpha_exp / nd.sum(z_alpha_exp))[0]

        # Extract variance according to formula 26 in Bishop
        z_sigma = X[:, self.n_components:2 * self.n_components]
        sigma = nd.exp(z_sigma)[0]

        # Extract mu according to formula 27 in Bishop
        mu = nd.reshape(X[:, 2 * self.n_components:],
                        (self.n_components, self.t_dim))

        # create bunch of Gaussians
        distributions = [
                mu[i], nd.linalg.potrf(sigma[i] * nd.eye(self.t_dim)))
            for i in range(self.n_components)

        # Create mixture model
        p_t_X = MixtureDistribution(alpha, distributions)

        return p_t_X
    def hybrid_forward(self, F, past_target, future_target):
        # compute network output
        net_output = self.nn(past_target)

        # (batch, prediction_length * nn_features)  ->  (batch, prediction_length, nn_features)
        net_output = net_output.reshape(0, self.prediction_length, -1)

        # project network output to distribution parameters domain
        distr_args = self.proj_distr_args(net_output)

        # compute distribution
        distr = self.distr_output.distribution(distr_args)

        # negative log-likelihood
        loss = distr.loss(future_target)

        # custom quantile based loss
        if self.distr_output_type == "Gaussian":
            alpha = self.alpha
            quantile_high = distr.quantile(nd.array([0.995]))[0]
            quantile_low = distr.quantile(nd.array([0.005]))[0]
            future_high = future_target - quantile_high
            future_low = quantile_low - future_target
            loss1 = nd.exp(future_high) * alpha
            loss2 = nd.exp(future_low) * alpha
            loss = loss1 + loss2 + loss

        return loss
    def generate(self, x):
        # Repeat the process of forward, but stop at x_hat and return it
        # input x is image and thus 4-dimensional ndarray
        batch_size, n_channels_in, input_width, input_height = x.shape

        # First run it through the encoder

        x_flattened = x.reshape(batch_size, -1)
        latent_layer = self.encoder(x_flattened)

        # Split latent layer into latent mean and latent log variances
        latent_mean = nd.split(latent_layer, axis=1, num_outputs=2)[0]
        latent_logvar = nd.split(latent_layer, axis=1, num_outputs=2)[1]

        # Compute the latent variable's value using the reparametrization trick
        eps = nd.random_normal(loc=0,
                               shape=(batch_size, self.n_latent),
        latent_z = latent_mean + nd.exp(0.5 * latent_logvar) * eps

        # At this point, also compute the KL_Divergence between latent variable and
        # Gaussian(0, 1)
        KL_div_loss = -0.5 * nd.sum(1 + latent_logvar - latent_mean *
                                    latent_mean - nd.exp(latent_logvar),

        # Run the latent variable through the decoder to get the flattened generated image
        x_hat_flattened = self.decoder(latent_z)

        # Inflate the flattened output to be fed into the discriminator
        x_hat = x_hat_flattened.reshape(batch_size, n_channels_in, input_width,

        return x_hat
Exemple #5
def softmax(x):
    if x.ndim == 2:
        x = x.T
        x = x - nd.max(x, axis=0)
        y = nd.exp(x) / nd.sum(nd.exp(x), axis=0)
        return y.T 

    x = x - nd.max(x) # avoid overflow
    return nd.exp(x) / nd.sum(nd.exp(x))
Exemple #6
 def _postprocess(self, data):
     data = data[0]
     softmax = nd.exp(data) / nd.sum(nd.exp(data))[0]
     values = {
         val: float(int(softmax[0][i].asnumpy() * 1000) / 1000.0)
         for i, val in enumerate(self.labels)
     index = int(nd.argmax(data, axis=1).asnumpy()[0])
     predicted = self.labels[index]
     return {'predicted': predicted, 'confidence': values}
def Treplit_hard_loss(net,data,label):
    label = label.reshape(-1, 1)
    label_mat = nd.equal(label, label.T).astype('float32')
    vec = net(data)
    dist_self = nd.sum(nd.square(vec), axis=1, keepdims=True)
    dist_mat = nd.broadcast_add(dist_self, dist_self.T) - 2 *, vec.T)
    return loss
    def forward(self, x, first_cycle=False):
        # input x is image and thus 4-dimensional ndarray
        batch_size, n_channels_in, input_width, input_height = x.shape

        # First run it through the encoder

        x_flattened = x.reshape(batch_size, -1)
        latent_layer = self.encoder(x_flattened)

        # Split latent layer into latent mean and latent log variances
        latent_mean = nd.split(latent_layer, axis=1, num_outputs=2)[0]
        latent_logvar = nd.split(latent_layer, axis=1, num_outputs=2)[1]

        # Compute the latent variable's value using the reparametrization trick
        eps = nd.random_normal(loc=0,
                               shape=(batch_size, self.n_latent),
        latent_z = latent_mean + nd.exp(0.5 * latent_logvar) * eps

        # At this point, also compute the KL_Divergence between latent variable and
        # Gaussian(0, 1)
        KL_div_loss = -0.5 * nd.sum(1 + latent_logvar - latent_mean *
                                    latent_mean - nd.exp(latent_logvar),

        # Run the latent variable through the decoder to get the flattened generated image
        x_hat_flattened = self.decoder(latent_z)

        # Inflate the flattened output to be fed into the discriminator
        x_hat = x_hat_flattened.reshape(batch_size, n_channels_in, input_width,

        # Content loss is given by the resnet
        # In later training process we will feed the discriminator genuine and generated images
        # with genuine images labeled 1 and generated images labeled 0
        # in this case a higher value in ResNet's output indicate higher confidence of
        # an image's realness; therefore we want to reduce the negative of the ResNet's output
        content_loss = -nd.sigmoid(self.discriminator(x_hat)).reshape(-1)

        # For the first training cycle, resnet is completely not trained
        # so we will not use the resnet as a content loss metric; instead we will use
        # the logloss as a content loss
        if first_cycle:
            content_loss = -nd.sum(
                x_flattened * nd.log(x_hat_flattened + 1e-10) +
                (1 - x_flattened) * nd.log(1 - x_hat_flattened + 1e-10),

        # Loss is the sum of KL_Divergence and the content loss
        loss = KL_div_loss + content_loss

        return loss
 def hybrid_forward(self, F, pred, label, sample_weight=None):
     label = _reshape_like(F, label, pred)
     if not self._from_sigmoid:
         max_val = F.relu(-pred)
         loss = pred - pred * label + max_val + F.log(F.exp(-max_val) + F.exp(-pred - max_val))
         p = mx.nd.array(1 / (1 + nd.exp(-pred)), ctx=ctx)
         weights = nd.exp(label + (1 - label * 2) * batch_ratios)
         gamma = 2
         w_p, w_n = nd.power(1. - p, gamma), nd.power(p, gamma)
         loss = - (w_p * F.log(p + 1e-12) * label + w_n * F.log(1. - p + 1e-12) * (1. - label))
         loss *= weights
     return F.mean(loss, axis=self._batch_axis, exclude=True)
Exemple #10
def refine_bbox_nd(bbox, bbox_delta, im_info=None, means=None, stds=None):

    xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = nd.split(data=bbox, num_outputs=4, axis=1)
    bbox_width = xmax - xmin + 1.
    bbox_height = ymax - ymin + 1.
    center_x = 0.5 * (xmin + xmax)
    center_y = 0.5 * (ymin + ymax)

    bbox_delta_reshape = nd.Reshape(data=bbox_delta, shape=(0, -1, 4))
    dx, dy, dw, dh = nd.split(data=bbox_delta_reshape,
    if (means is not None) and (stds is not None):
        dx = dx * stds[0] + means[0]
        dy = dy * stds[1] + means[1]
        dw = dw * stds[2] + means[2]
        dh = dh * stds[3] + means[3]

    refine_center_x = nd.broadcast_add(lhs=center_x,
    refine_center_y = nd.broadcast_add(lhs=center_y,
    refined_width = nd.broadcast_mul(lhs=bbox_width, rhs=nd.exp(dw))
    refined_height = nd.broadcast_mul(lhs=bbox_height, rhs=nd.exp(dh))
    w_offset = 0.5 * (refined_width - 1.)
    h_offset = 0.5 * (refined_height - 1.)
    refined_xmin = nd.expand_dims(refine_center_x - w_offset, axis=1)
    refined_ymin = nd.expand_dims(refine_center_y - h_offset, axis=1)
    refined_xmax = nd.expand_dims(refine_center_x + w_offset, axis=1)
    refined_ymax = nd.expand_dims(refine_center_y + h_offset, axis=1)

    refined_bbox = nd.concat(refined_xmin,
    if im_info is not None:
        # assume im_info [[height, width, scale]] with shape (1,3)
        im_hw = nd.slice_axis(im_info, axis=1, begin=0, end=2)
        im_wh = nd.reverse(im_hw, axis=1)
        im_wh = im_wh - 1.
        im_wh = nd.tile(data=im_wh, reps=(1, 2))
        im_wh = nd.Reshape(im_wh, shape=(1, 4, 1))
        refined_bbox = nd.broadcast_minimum(lhs=refined_bbox, rhs=im_wh)
        refined_bbox = nd.broadcast_maximum(lhs=refined_bbox,
    # print refined_bbox.debug_str()
    return refined_bbox
Exemple #11
def dynamic_range_decompression(x, c=1):
    c: compression factor used to compress
    return nd.exp(x) / c
    def forward(self, x):
        # x is input of shape (n_batch, n_channels, width, height)
        batch_size = x.shape[0]
        x = x.reshape(batch_size, -1)
        self.loss_net.batch_size = batch_size

        # Get the latent layer
        latent_vals = self.encoder(x)

        # Split the latent layer into latent means and latent log vars
        latent_mean = nd.split(latent_vals, axis=1, num_outputs=2)[0]
        latent_logvar = nd.split(latent_vals, axis=1, num_outputs=2)[1]

        # Use the reparametrization trick to ensure differentiability of the latent
        # variable
        eps = nd.random_normal(loc=0,
                               shape=(batch_size, self.n_latent),
        latent_z = latent_mean + nd.exp(0.5 * latent_logvar) * eps

        # Use the decoder to generate output
        x_hat = self.decoder(latent_z)
        self.x_hat = x_hat

        # Use the vgg loss net to compute the loss
        loss = self.loss_net(x, x_hat)
        return loss
Exemple #13
def test_periodic_kernel(x1, x2, amplitude, length_scale, exact) -> None:
    tol = 1e-5
    batch_size = amplitude.shape[0]
    history_length_1 = x1.shape[0]
    history_length_2 = x2.shape[0]
    num_features = x1.shape[1]
    if batch_size > 1:
        x1 = nd.tile(x1, reps=(batch_size, 1, 1))
        x2 = nd.tile(x2, reps=(batch_size, 1, 1))
        for i in range(1, batch_size):
            x1[i, :, :] = (i + 1) * x1[i, :, :]
            x2[i, :, :] = (i - 3) * x2[i, :, :]
        x1 = x1.reshape(batch_size, history_length_1, num_features)
        x2 = x2.reshape(batch_size, history_length_2, num_features)
    amplitude = amplitude.reshape(batch_size, 1, 1)
    length_scale = length_scale.reshape(batch_size, 1, 1)
    frequency = 1 / 24 * nd.ones_like(length_scale)
    periodic = PeriodicKernel(amplitude, length_scale, frequency)

    exact = amplitude * nd.exp(
        -2 * nd.sin(frequency * math.pi * nd.sqrt(exact))**2 / length_scale**2)

    res = periodic.kernel_matrix(x1, x2)
    assert nd.norm(exact - res) < tol
Exemple #14
    def forward(self, pred, target):
        pred is the output prob,target the multi-class set label
        batch, dim = pred.shape
        dist = nd.broadcast_minus(pred.reshape(batch, dim, 1),
                                  pred.reshape(batch, 1, dim))
        pos = mxnet.nd.greater(target, 0).reshape(batch, dim, 1)
        neg = mxnet.nd.equal(target, 0).reshape(batch, 1, dim)

        # pos_matrix = mxnet.nd.concat(*([pos]*dim),dim=2)
        # neg_matrix = mxnet.nd.concat(*([neg]*dim),dim=1)
        #loss_matrix = nd.log(1+nd.sum(pos_matrix*neg_matrix*nd.exp(-dist)))
        # print("----------------------")
        # print("pos is ",pos)
        # print("neg is ",neg)
        # print("multiply is ",nd.broadcast_mul(pos,neg))
        # print("the distance is ",dist)
        # print("the mat mul is ",nd.broadcast_mul(pos,neg)*dist)
        # print("-----------------------")
        loss_matrix = nd.log(
            1 + nd.sum(nd.broadcast_mul(pos, neg) * nd.exp(-dist)))
        return loss_matrix
Exemple #15
    def backward(self, grad_loss):
        pred, target, pos_mask, neg_mask, loss = self.saved_tensors
        fac = -1 / loss
        grad_input = mxnet.nd.zeros_like(pred)
        ## make one-hot vecters
        one_hot_pos, one_hot_neg = [], []

        for i in range(grad_input.shape[0]):  # loop on batch each vector
            pos = np.array([
                j for j, pos in enumerate(pos_mask[i]) if pos != 0
            ])  # filter pos
            neg = np.array([
                j for j, neg in enumerate(neg_mask[i]) if neg != 0
            ])  # filter neg
            one_hot_pos.append(mxnet.nd.one_hot(nd.array(pos), pred.shape[1]))
            one_hot_neg.append(mxnet.nd.one_hot(nd.array(neg), pred.shape[1]))

        ## grad
        for i in range(grad_input.shape[0]
                       ):  # for each pred and label sample instance
            for dum_j, phot in enumerate(one_hot_pos[i]):
                for dum_k, nhot in enumerate(one_hot_neg[i]):
                    grad_input[i] += (phot - nhot) * nd.exp(-pred[i] *
                                                            (phot - nhot))
        #this is the grad input
        grad_input = grad_input * grad_loss * fac
        return grad_input, mx.nd.ones(target.shape[0], ctx=target.context)
Exemple #16
    def evaluate_accuracy(data_loader, model, kclasses):

        if (data_loader == None):
            return (0, 0)

        n_accum = 0.0
        accuracy_accum = 0.0

        for i, (data, label) in enumerate(data_loader):
            data = data.as_in_context(mx.cpu())
            label = label.as_in_context(mx.cpu())

            log_c = model(data)

            # standard practice classification accuracy
            accuracy = (nd.argmax(
                log_c, axis=1).astype('int32') == label.astype('int32')

            accuracy_accum += nd.sum(accuracy)
            n_accum += len(label)

        avg_accuracy = (accuracy_accum / n_accum).asscalar()
        avg_c_max = nd.exp(nd.max(log_c, axis=1)).mean().asscalar(
        )  # maximum value in classification vector
        return (avg_accuracy, avg_c_max)
Exemple #17
    def adaptOptimization(self, data_loader, n_epochs, domainTests):
        # Unsupervised in Target Domain
        tracelog = TrainerTraceLog()
        cumulative_points = 0

        for e in range(n_epochs):
            epoch_loss = 0
            for i, (tgt_data, _) in enumerate(
                    data_loader['target']):  # Target domain, without labels
                tgt_data = tgt_data.as_in_context(self.context)
                n_points = tgt_data.shape[0]

                with autograd.record():
                    logP_c = self.model(tgt_data)
                    loss = nd.mean(self.crossEntropy(nd.exp(logP_c),
                                                     logP_c))  # entropy


                epoch_loss += loss.asscalar()
                cumulative_points += n_points

            # log at completion of epoch
            tracelog.logPerformanceData(self, domainTests, e,
                                        epoch_loss / (1 + i))
        return tracelog
Exemple #18
 def forward(self, C):
     # input value is of shape (batch_size, num_matches*emb_size, num_candidates),
     # with num_matches=3, num_candidates=2 in our case
     exp_C = nd.exp(, 2, 1)),
     # L(A_i | P, Q) = -log(exp(V^T C_i) / exp(V^T C))
     L = -nd.log(exp_C / nd.sum(exp_C, axis=-1, keepdims=True))
     return L
Exemple #19
    def poisson(self, n, lam):
        The continous approximation, using :math:`n! = \Gamma\left(n+1\right)`,
        to the probability mass function of the Poisson distribution evaluated
        at :code:`n` given the parameter :code:`lam`.


            >>> import pyhf
            >>> pyhf.set_backend(pyhf.tensor.mxnet_backend())
            >>> pyhf.tensorlib.poisson(5., 6.)
            <NDArray 1 @cpu(0)>

            n (Number or Tensor): The value at which to evaluate the approximation to the Poisson distribution p.m.f.
                                  (the observed number of events)
            lam (Number or Tensor): The mean of the Poisson distribution p.d.f.
                                    (the expected number of events)

            MXNet NDArray: Value of the continous approximation to Poisson(n|lam)
        n = self.astensor(n)
        lam = self.astensor(lam)

        # This is currently copied directly from PyTorch's source until a better
        # way can be found to do this in MXNet
        return nd.exp((nd.log(lam) * n) - lam - nd.gammaln(n + 1.0))
Exemple #20
    def old_update(self, b_s, b_a, b_r, b_logpac):
        b_s = nd.array(b_s, ctx=self.args.ctx).reshape(
            (-1, self.observation_dim))
        b_a = nd.array(b_a, ctx=self.args.ctx).reshape((-1, self.action_dim))
        b_r = nd.array(b_r, ctx=self.args.ctx).reshape((-1, 1))
        b_oldpi_log_prob = nd.array(b_logpac, ctx=self.args.ctx).reshape(
            (-1, self.action_dim))

        with autograd.record():
            # Value loss
            v_pred, mu, sigma =
            advantage = b_r - v_pred
            vf_loss = nd.mean(nd.square(advantage))

            # Detach from the computation graph
            advantage = advantage.detach()

            # Action loss
            pi_log_prob =, mu, sigma)
            ratio = nd.exp(pi_log_prob - b_oldpi_log_prob)
            surr1 = ratio * advantage
            surr2 = nd.clip(ratio, 1.0 - self.args.clip_param,
                            1.0 + self.args.clip_param) * advantage
            actor_loss = -nd.mean(nd.minimum(surr1, surr2))
            entropy =

            # Total (maximize entropy to encourage exploration)
            loss = vf_loss * self.args.value_coefficient + actor_loss \
                    - entropy * self.args.entropy_coefficient

Exemple #21
def softmax(y_linear):
    # exponent of a negative value is always between 0 and 1.
    exp = nd.exp(y_linear - nd.max(y_linear))
    # Finding the total sum of all the exponents
    norms = nd.sum(exp, axis=0, exclude=True).reshape((-1, 1))
    # Retrning value of exponent by total sum such that all of them overall sum up to 1.
    return exp / norms
Exemple #22
    def forward(self, original_idx, paraphrase_idx):
        forward pass of the whole model, original/paraphrase_idx are both of layout
        NT, to be added "C" by embedding layer
        # ENCODER part
        mean, logv, last_state = self.encoder(original_idx, paraphrase_idx)
        # sample from Gaussian distribution N(0, 1), of the shape (batch_size, hidden_size)
        z = nd.normal(loc=0,
                      shape=(original_idx.shape[0], self.latent_size),
        latent_input = mean + z * nd.exp(
            0.5 * logv)  # exp() is to make the std dev positive

        # DECODER part
        # the KL Div should be calculated between the sample from N(0, 1), and the distribution after
        # Parameterization Trick, negation since we want it to be small
        kl_loss = -self.kl_div(mean, logv)
        # first paraphrase_input should be the <bos> token
        last_idx = paraphrase_idx[:, 0:1]
        ce_loss = 0
        # decode the sample
        for pos in range(paraphrase_idx.shape[-1] - 1):
            vocab_output, last_state = self.decoder(last_state, last_idx,
            # only compare the label we predict, note the first is bos and will be ignored
            ce_loss = ce_loss + self.ce_loss(
                vocab_output, paraphrase_idx[:, pos + 1:pos + 2])
            last_idx = vocab_output.argmax(axis=-1, keepdims=True)
        return kl_loss, ce_loss
def softmax(y_linear):
    # here, elementwise subtraction of the max value stabilizes the score
    #   before it is exponentiated; this keeps higher scores from corresponding
    #   to disproportionately high probabilities
    exp = nd.exp(y_linear-nd.max(y_linear, axis=1).reshape((-1,1)))
    norms = nd.sum(exp, axis=1).reshape((-1,1))
    return exp / norms
Exemple #24
    def get_label_dist(self, ele, azi, sigma=0.1):
        ele: float
          angle of elevation in rad
        azi: float
          angle of azimuth in rad

        class_label: int
          Maximum likelihood of classes
        class_label_distribution: mxnet.ndarray
          probability of each class

        cos_ang = np.arccos(
            math.sin(ele) * np.sin(_deg_2_rad(self.ele_label)) +
            math.cos(ele) * np.cos(_deg_2_rad(self.ele_label)) *
            np.cos(azi - _deg_2_rad(self.azi_label)))

        cos_ang = np.expand_dims(cos_ang, axis=0)
        cos_ang_gaussion = nd.exp(-nd.array(cos_ang)**2 / sigma)

        cos_ang_gaussion_softmax = cos_ang_gaussion / sum(cos_ang_gaussion[0])
        class_label = np.argmin(cos_ang)

        return class_label, cos_ang_gaussion_softmax
Exemple #25
def test_radial_basis_function_kernel(
    x1, x2, amplitude, length_scale, exact
) -> None:
    tol = 1e-5
    batch_size = amplitude.shape[0]
    history_length_1 = x1.shape[0]
    history_length_2 = x2.shape[0]
    num_features = x1.shape[1]
    if batch_size > 1:
        x1 = nd.tile(x1, reps=(batch_size, 1, 1))
        x2 = nd.tile(x2, reps=(batch_size, 1, 1))
        for i in range(1, batch_size):
            x1[i, :, :] = (i + 1) * x1[i, :, :]
            x2[i, :, :] = (i - 3) * x2[i, :, :]
        x1 = x1.reshape(batch_size, history_length_1, num_features)
        x2 = x2.reshape(batch_size, history_length_2, num_features)
    amplitude = amplitude.reshape(batch_size, 1, 1)
    length_scale = length_scale.reshape(batch_size, 1, 1)
    rbf = RBFKernel(amplitude, length_scale)

    exact = amplitude * nd.exp(-0.5 * exact / length_scale ** 2)

    res = rbf.kernel_matrix(x1, x2)
    assert nd.norm(exact - res) < tol
Exemple #26
    def hybrid_forward(self, F, x, min_timescale=1.0, max_timescale=1e4):
        r"""Implement forward computation.

        x : NDArray
            input tensor with shape `(batch_size, sequence_length, hidden_size)`

         : NDArray
            output tensor with shape `(batch_size, sequence_length, hidden_size)`
        length = x.shape[1]
        channels = x.shape[2]
        position = nd.array(range(length))
        num_timescales = channels // 2
        log_timescale_increment = (
            math.log(float(max_timescale) / float(min_timescale)) /
            (num_timescales - 1))
        inv_timescales = min_timescale * \
            nd.exp(nd.array(range(num_timescales)) * -log_timescale_increment)
        scaled_time = F.expand_dims(position, 1) * F.expand_dims(
            inv_timescales, 0)
        signal = F.concat(F.sin(scaled_time), F.cos(scaled_time), dim=1)
        signal = F.reshape(signal, shape=(1, length, channels))
        return x + signal.as_in_context(x.context)
Exemple #27
def test_periodic_kernel_compute(
    x1, x2, amplitude, length_scale, frequency
) -> None:
    tol = 1e-5
    batch_size = amplitude.shape[0]
    history_length_1 = x1.shape[0]
    history_length_2 = x2.shape[0]
    num_features = x1.shape[1]
    x1 = x1.reshape(batch_size, history_length_1, num_features)
    x2 = x2.reshape(batch_size, history_length_2, num_features)
    amplitude = amplitude.reshape(batch_size, 1, 1)
    length_scale = length_scale.reshape(batch_size, 1, 1)
    frequency = frequency.reshape(batch_size, 1, 1)
    periodic = PeriodicKernel(amplitude, length_scale, frequency)

    exact = nd.zeros((batch_size, history_length_1, history_length_2))
    for i in range(history_length_1):
        for j in range(history_length_2):
            val = (
                * (
                    nd.sin(frequency * math.pi * (x1[:, i, :] - x2[:, j, :]))
                    / length_scale
                ** 2
            exact[:, i, j] = (amplitude * nd.exp(-val)).reshape(-1)
    res = periodic.kernel_matrix(x1, x2)
    assert nd.norm(res - exact) < tol
    def generate(self, x):
        # Because forward() returns the loss values, we still need a method that returns the generated image
        # Which is basically the forward process, up to (not including) the flattening of x_hat

        # x should be image arrays (4-dimensional) but encoder should be able
        # to handle this so I am not going flatten it

        # Use the encoder network to compute the values of latent layers
        latent_layer = self.encoder(x)

        # Split the latent layer into latent means and latent log vars
        latent_mean = nd.split(latent_layer, axis=1, num_outputs=2)[0]
        latent_logvar = nd.split(latent_layer, axis=1, num_outputs=2)[1]

        # Use the reparametrization trick to ensure differentiability of the latent
        # variable
        eps = nd.random_normal(loc=0,
                               shape=(x.shape[0], self.n_latent),
        latent_z = latent_mean + nd.exp(0.5 * latent_logvar) * eps

        # Use the decoder to generate output, then flatten it to compute loss
        return self.decoder(latent_z).reshape(-1, self.n_out_channels,
                                              self.out_width, self.out_height)
Exemple #29
def sample(match, cls_pred, iou, ratio=3, min_sample=0, threshold=0.5, do=True):
    if do is False:
        ones = nd.ones_like(match)
        sample = nd.where(match > -0.5, ones, ones*-1)
        return sample
    sample = nd.zeros_like(match)
    num_pos = nd.sum(match > -0.5, axis=-1)
    requre_neg = ratio * num_pos
    neg_mask = nd.where(match < -0.5, nd.max(iou, axis=-1) < threshold, sample)
    max_neg = neg_mask.sum(axis=-1)
    num_neg = nd.minimum(max_neg, nd.maximum(requre_neg, min_sample)).astype('int')
    neg_prob = cls_pred[:,:,0]
    max_value = nd.max(cls_pred, axis=-1, keepdims=True)
    score = max_value[:,:,0] - neg_prob + nd.log(
                                   nd.exp(cls_pred-max_value), axis=-1))

    score = nd.where(neg_mask, score, nd.zeros_like(score))
    argmax = nd.argsort(score, axis=-1, is_ascend=False)
    sample = nd.where(match > -0.5, nd.ones_like(sample), sample)
    for i, num in enumerate(num_neg):
        sample[i, argmax[i,:num.asscalar()]] = -1
    return sample
Exemple #30
def test_exponent_logarithm_operators():
    a = 2 * nd.ones(shape=LARGE_X)
    # exponent
    result = nd.exp(a)
    assert result[-1] == 7.389056
    assert result.shape == a.shape

    # exponent minus 1
    result = nd.expm1(a)
    assert result[-1] == 6.389056
    assert result.shape == a.shape

    # log2
    result = nd.log2(a)
    assert result[-1] == 1
    assert result.shape == a.shape

    # log10
    result = nd.log10(a)
    assert result[-1] == 0.30103
    assert result.shape == a.shape

    # log1p
    result = nd.log1p(a)
    assert result[-1] == 1.0986123
    assert result.shape == a.shape

    # log
    result = nd.log(a)
    assert result[-1] == 0.6931472
    assert result.shape == a.shape
Exemple #31
def softmax(y_linear, temperature=1.0):
    lin = (y_linear-nd.max(y_linear)) / temperature
    exp = nd.exp(lin)
    partition = nd.sum(exp, axis=0, exclude=True).reshape((-1,1))
    return exp / partition