def __init__( self, data_path, save_path, eval_paths=[], basic_model=-2, model=None, compile=True, batch_size=128, lr_base=0.001, lr_decay=0.05, lr_min=0, eval_freq=1, random_status=0, custom_objects={}, ): self.model, self.basic_model = None, None if isinstance(model, str): if model.endswith(".h5") and os.path.exists(model) and isinstance( basic_model, int): print(">>>> Load model from h5 file: %s..." % model) custom_objects.update({ "NormDense": NormDense, "margin_softmax": losses.margin_softmax, "arcface_loss": losses.arcface_loss, "ArcfaceLoss": losses.ArcfaceLoss, "CenterLoss": losses.CenterLoss, }) with keras.utils.custom_object_scope(custom_objects): self.model = keras.models.load_model( model, compile=compile, custom_objects=custom_objects) self.basic_model = keras.models.Model( self.model.inputs[0], self.model.layers[basic_model].output) self.model.summary() elif isinstance(model, keras.models.Model): self.model = model self.basic_model = keras.models.Model( self.model.inputs[0], self.model.layers[basic_model].output) elif isinstance(basic_model, str): if basic_model.endswith(".h5") and os.path.exists(basic_model): custom_objects.update({ "batch_hard_triplet_loss": losses.batch_hard_triplet_loss, "batch_all_triplet_loss": losses.batch_all_triplet_loss, "BatchHardTripletLoss": losses.BatchHardTripletLoss, "BatchAllTripletLoss": losses.BatchAllTripletLoss, }) print(">>>> Load basic_model from h5 file: %s..." % basic_model) with keras.utils.custom_object_scope(custom_objects): self.basic_model = keras.models.load_model( basic_model, compile=compile, custom_objects=custom_objects) elif isinstance(basic_model, keras.models.Model): self.basic_model = basic_model if self.basic_model == None: print( "Initialize model by:\n" "| basicmodel | model |\n" "| ---------------------------------------- | --------------- |\n" "| model structure | None |\n" "| basic model .h5 file | None |\n" "| model layer index for basic model output | model .h5 file |\n" "| model layer index for basic model output | model structure |\n" ) return self.softmax, self.arcface, self.triplet = "softmax", "arcface", "triplet" self.batch_size = batch_size if tf.distribute.has_strategy(): strategy = tf.distribute.get_strategy() self.batch_size = batch_size * strategy.num_replicas_in_sync print(">>>> num_replicas_in_sync: %d, batch_size: %d" % (strategy.num_replicas_in_sync, self.batch_size)) self.data_path, self.random_status = data_path, random_status self.train_ds, self.steps_per_epoch, self.classes = None, 0, 0 self.is_triplet_dataset = False self.default_optimizer = "adam" self.metrics = ["accuracy"] my_evals = [ evals.eval_callback(self.basic_model, ii, batch_size=batch_size, eval_freq=eval_freq) for ii in eval_paths ] if len(my_evals) != 0: my_evals[-1].save_model = os.path.splitext(save_path)[0] basic_callbacks = myCallbacks.basic_callbacks(checkpoint=save_path, evals=my_evals, lr=lr_base, lr_decay=lr_decay, lr_min=lr_min) self.my_evals = my_evals self.basic_callbacks = basic_callbacks self.my_hist = self.basic_callbacks[-2]
def __init__( self, data_path, save_path, eval_paths=[], basic_model=None, model=None, compile=True, output_wd_multiply=1, # works ONLY for SGDW custom_objects={}, batch_size=128, lr_base=0.001, lr_decay=0.05, # lr_decay < 1 for exponential, or it's cosine decay_steps lr_decay_steps=0, # lr_decay_steps < 1 for update lr on epoch, or update on every [NUM] batches, or list for ConstantDecayScheduler lr_min=0, eval_freq=1, random_status=0, dataset_cache=False, ): custom_objects.update({ "NormDense": NormDense, "L2_decay_wdm": L2_decay_wdm, "margin_softmax": losses.margin_softmax, "MarginSoftmax": losses.MarginSoftmax, "arcface_loss": losses.arcface_loss, "ArcfaceLossT4": losses.ArcfaceLossT4, "ArcfaceLoss": losses.ArcfaceLoss, "CenterLoss": losses.CenterLoss, "batch_hard_triplet_loss": losses.batch_hard_triplet_loss, "batch_all_triplet_loss": losses.batch_all_triplet_loss, "BatchHardTripletLoss": losses.BatchHardTripletLoss, "BatchAllTripletLoss": losses.BatchAllTripletLoss, }) self.model, self.basic_model, self.save_path = None, None, save_path if isinstance(model, str): if model.endswith(".h5") and os.path.exists(model): print(">>>> Load model from h5 file: %s..." % model) with keras.utils.custom_object_scope(custom_objects): self.model = keras.models.load_model( model, compile=compile, custom_objects=custom_objects) embedding_layer = basic_model if basic_model is not None else self.__search_embedding_layer__( self.model) self.basic_model = keras.models.Model( self.model.inputs[0], self.model.layers[embedding_layer].output) # self.model.summary() elif isinstance(model, keras.models.Model): self.model = model embedding_layer = basic_model if basic_model is not None else self.__search_embedding_layer__( self.model) self.basic_model = keras.models.Model( self.model.inputs[0], self.model.layers[embedding_layer].output) elif isinstance(basic_model, str): if basic_model.endswith(".h5") and os.path.exists(basic_model): print(">>>> Load basic_model from h5 file: %s..." % basic_model) with keras.utils.custom_object_scope(custom_objects): self.basic_model = keras.models.load_model( basic_model, compile=compile, custom_objects=custom_objects) elif isinstance(basic_model, keras.models.Model): self.basic_model = basic_model if self.basic_model == None: print( "Initialize model by:\n" "| basic_model | model |\n" "| --------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------- |\n" "| model structure | None |\n" "| basic model .h5 file | None |\n" "| None for 'embedding' layer or layer index of basic model output | model .h5 file |\n" "| None for 'embedding' layer or layer index of basic model output | model structure |\n" ) return self.softmax, self.arcface, self.triplet, = "softmax", "arcface", "triplet", "center" self.batch_size = batch_size if tf.distribute.has_strategy(): strategy = tf.distribute.get_strategy() self.batch_size = batch_size * strategy.num_replicas_in_sync print(">>>> num_replicas_in_sync: %d, batch_size: %d" % (strategy.num_replicas_in_sync, self.batch_size)) self.data_path, self.random_status = data_path, random_status self.train_ds, self.steps_per_epoch, self.classes = None, None, 0 self.is_triplet_dataset = False self.default_optimizer = "adam" self.metrics = ["accuracy"] my_evals = [ evals.eval_callback(self.basic_model, ii, batch_size=batch_size, eval_freq=eval_freq) for ii in eval_paths ] if len(my_evals) != 0: my_evals[-1].save_model = os.path.splitext(save_path)[0] basic_callbacks = myCallbacks.basic_callbacks( checkpoint=save_path, evals=my_evals, lr=lr_base, lr_decay=lr_decay, lr_min=lr_min, lr_decay_steps=lr_decay_steps) self.my_evals = my_evals self.basic_callbacks = basic_callbacks self.my_hist = [ ii for ii in self.basic_callbacks if isinstance(ii, myCallbacks.My_history) ][0] self.custom_callbacks = [] self.output_wd_multiply = output_wd_multiply self.dataset_cache = dataset_cache self.is_distiller = False
def __init__( self, data_path, save_path, eval_paths=[], basic_model=None, model=None, compile=True, output_weight_decay=0, # L2 regularizer for output layer, 0 for None, >=1 for value in basic_model, (0, 1) for specific value custom_objects={}, batch_size=128, lr_base=0.001, lr_decay=0.05, # for cosine it's m_mul, or it's decay_rate for exponential or constant lr_decay_steps=0, # <=1 for Exponential, (1, 500) for Cosine decay on epoch, >= 500 for Cosine decay on batch, list for Constant lr_min=0, eval_freq=1, random_status=0, image_per_class=0, # For triplet, image_per_class will be `4` if it's `< 4` teacher_model_interf=None, # Teacher model to generate embedding data, used for distilling training. ): from inspect import getmembers, isfunction, isclass custom_objects.update( dict([ ii for ii in getmembers(losses) if isfunction(ii[1]) or isclass(ii[1]) ])) custom_objects.update({"NormDense": models.NormDense}) self.model, self.basic_model, self.save_path, self.default_type = None, None, save_path, None if isinstance(model, str): if model.endswith(".h5") and os.path.exists(model): print(">>>> Load model from h5 file: %s..." % model) with keras.utils.custom_object_scope(custom_objects): self.model = keras.models.load_model( model, compile=compile, custom_objects=custom_objects) embedding_layer = basic_model if basic_model is not None else self.__search_embedding_layer__( self.model) self.basic_model = keras.models.Model( self.model.inputs[0], self.model.layers[embedding_layer].output) # self.model.summary() elif isinstance(model, keras.models.Model): self.model = model embedding_layer = basic_model if basic_model is not None else self.__search_embedding_layer__( self.model) self.basic_model = keras.models.Model( self.model.inputs[0], self.model.layers[embedding_layer].output) self.default_type = "MODEL" print( ">>>> Specified model structure, output layer will keep from changing" ) elif isinstance(basic_model, str): if basic_model.endswith(".h5") and os.path.exists(basic_model): print(">>>> Load basic_model from h5 file: %s..." % basic_model) with keras.utils.custom_object_scope(custom_objects): self.basic_model = keras.models.load_model( basic_model, compile=compile, custom_objects=custom_objects) elif isinstance(basic_model, keras.models.Model): self.basic_model = basic_model if self.basic_model == None: print( "Initialize model by:\n" "| basic_model | model |\n" "| --------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------- |\n" "| model structure | None |\n" "| basic model .h5 file | None |\n" "| None for 'embedding' layer or layer index of basic model output | model .h5 file |\n" "| None for 'embedding' layer or layer index of basic model output | model structure |\n" ) return self.softmax, self.arcface, self.triplet,, self.distill = "softmax", "arcface", "triplet", "center", "distill" if output_weight_decay >= 1: l2_weight_decay = 0 for ii in self.basic_model.layers: if hasattr(ii, "kernel_regularizer") and isinstance( ii.kernel_regularizer, keras.regularizers.L2): l2_weight_decay = ii.kernel_regularizer.l2 break print(">>>> L2 regularizer value from basic_model:", l2_weight_decay) output_weight_decay *= l2_weight_decay * 2 self.output_weight_decay = output_weight_decay self.batch_size = batch_size if tf.distribute.has_strategy(): strategy = tf.distribute.get_strategy() self.batch_size = batch_size * strategy.num_replicas_in_sync print(">>>> num_replicas_in_sync: %d, batch_size: %d" % (strategy.num_replicas_in_sync, self.batch_size)) self.data_options = self.data_options.experimental_distribute.auto_shard_policy = my_evals = [ evals.eval_callback(self.basic_model, ii, batch_size=batch_size, eval_freq=eval_freq) for ii in eval_paths ] if len(my_evals) != 0: my_evals[-1].save_model = os.path.splitext(save_path)[0] self.my_history, self.model_checkpoint, self.lr_scheduler, self.gently_stop = myCallbacks.basic_callbacks( checkpoint=save_path, evals=my_evals, lr=lr_base, lr_decay=lr_decay, lr_min=lr_min, lr_decay_steps=lr_decay_steps) self.my_evals, self.custom_callbacks = my_evals, [] self.metrics = ["accuracy"] self.default_optimizer = "adam" self.data_path, self.random_status, self.image_per_class, self.teacher_model_interf = data_path, random_status, image_per_class, teacher_model_interf self.train_ds, self.steps_per_epoch, self.classes, self.is_triplet_dataset, self.is_distill_ds = None, None, 0, False, False self.distill_emb_map_layer = None