def create_fig_pos_dep(dep_curr, df_code_dep, df_dep_r0, df_pos_fr, df_dep_sum): '''Confirmed evolution plots for one departement data : - dep_curr : current (dept that you display) - df_dep_r0 (date, [ date [Rt by dep.] ]) - df_code_dep (-, [ dept.code, ]) - pt_fr_test_last (-, [ p, t, dept.code,, cases, R0 ]) for last 14 days - df_pos_fr (date, [ date, [daily cases by dep.] ]) ''' display_msg("create_fig_pos_dep ...") # choice dept. dep_num_curr = df_code_dep.loc[df_code_dep["name"] == dep_curr, "code"].values[0] # calculation pos_mean = df_dep_sum[dep_num_curr] # new input style (temp) rt_last = df_dep_r0[dep_num_curr][-1] display_msg("create_fig_rt_dep END.") return figure_pos(df_pos_fr[dep_num_curr], pos_mean, dep_curr, rt_last)
def create_fig_pos_rate(df_feat_fr, country="France"): ''' data : - df_feat_fr (date, [date, pos , test, age_pos] ) pos_rate = 100*df_feat_fr["pos"] / df_feat_fr["test"] ''' display_msg("create_fig_pos_rate ...") rate_pos = df_feat_fr["rate_pos"] fig = make_subplots(specs=[[{"secondary_y": True}]]) fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=df_feat_fr["date"], y=rate_pos.values, mode='lines', name="pos. rate", line=dict(color="red"), fill='tozeroy'), secondary_y=False) fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=df_feat_fr["date"], y=df_feat_fr["age_pos"], mode='lines', name='pos. age', line=dict(color="blue")), secondary_y=True) age_last = df_feat_fr[df_feat_fr["age_pos"].notna()]["age_pos"].values[-1] subtitle_curr = \ f'<i>{df_feat_fr["date"].values[-1]}:</i> ' + \ 'pos. rate:<b> {:.1f}</b>'.format(rate_pos.values[-1]) + \ " %<br>mean pos. age:<b> {:.1f}</b>".format(age_last) fig.update_layout(showlegend=True, font=dict(size=12), title=dict(text=f"Positive rate and age: <b>{country}</b><br>" + \ subtitle_curr, xanchor="center", x=0.5, yanchor="top", y=0.95) ) fig.update_yaxes({ "color": "red", }, secondary_y=False) fig.update_yaxes({"color": "blue"}, secondary_y=True) fig.update_layout(margin={"r": 0, "t": 70, "l": 50}) fig.update_layout(legend_orientation="h", legend=dict(x=0, y=1)) fig.add_annotation(x=0, y=-0.18, text="<i>Only global country Curve available<br></i>") fig.update_annotations(dict(xref="paper", yref="paper", showarrow=False)) display_msg("create_fig_pos_rate END.") return fig
def update_fr(n_clicks, jsonified_pred, jsonified_pred_all, dropdown_value): display_msg("UPDATE DATA BUTTON ...")"UPDATE DATA BUTTON ...") if (dropdown_value != "France"): raise PreventUpdate if n_clicks < 1: # no update at loading display_msg("Nothing to do")"Nothing to do") display_msg("UPDATE DATA BUTTON END.")"UPDATE DATA BUTTON END.") return dash.no_update flag_update = check_update() # prepare data input df_feat_fr, str_date_mdl, str_data_date = prepare_data_input(flag_update) # plot data for positive cases df_plot, df_plot_pred, df_plot_pred_all, str_date_last = \ prepare_plot_data_pos(df_feat_fr, flag_update) # prepare plot data for MAPS df_dep_r0, pt_fr_test_last, dep_fr, df_code_dep, _ = \ prepare_plot_data_map(flag_update) display_msg("UPDATE DATA BUTTON END.")"UPDATE DATA BUTTON END.") return str_data_date, \ create_fig_pos(df_plot, df_plot_pred, df_plot_pred_all, str_date_mdl), \ create_fig_map(pt_fr_test_last, dep_fr, str_date_last)
def create_fig_rt_fr(df_feat_fr): '''Rt evolution plots for france data : - df_feat_fr (date, [date, pos] ) ''' display_msg("create_fig_rt_fr ...") ser_rt = df_feat_fr["Rt"] sum_last = df_feat_fr["sum_cases"].values[-1] display_msg("create_fig_rt_fr END.") return figure_rt(ser_rt, "France", sum_last)
def create_fig_map_kr(df_feat_kr, list_col, label): '''Graph Rt map France figure map of confirmed / testers and reproduction number by "départements" data : - dep_fr (geo json ) - pt_fr_test_last : pivot table : sum up last 14 days of confirmed cases ''' display_msg("create_fig_map_kr...") str_date_last = df_feat_kr.index[-1].strftime("%Y-%m-%d") # Initialize figure fig = go.Figure() # Add Traces fig.add_trace( go.Choroplethmapbox(geojson=GEOJSON_KR, name="positive", locations=LIST_NAME_GEOJSON, featureidkey="properties.NAME_1", z=df_feat_kr.filter(list_col).iloc[-1].values, marker_opacity=0.7, marker_line_width=0)) annot_conf=[dict( \ text="South Korea : " + label + f" (up to {str_date_last})", x=0, xref="paper", y=1, yref="paper", align="left", showarrow=False, bgcolor="#FFFFFF")] fig.update_layout(mapbox_style="carto-positron", mapbox_zoom=ZOOM_KR, mapbox_center=LAT_LON_KR) fig.update_layout(margin={"r": 0, "t": 0, "l": 0, "b": 0}) fig.update_layout(annotations=annot_conf) fig.update_traces(colorbar=dict(thicknessmode="pixels", thickness=10, len=0.8, x=0.9, xanchor="left", xpad=0), selector=dict(type='choroplethmapbox')) display_msg("create_fig_map_kr END.") return fig
def update_tabs(value): display_msg("update_tabs ...")"update_tabs ...") if (value == "South Korea"): '''# load data kr df_feat_kr = load_df_feat_kr() # figure mdl graph_mdl = [""] # figure map fig_map = create_fig_map_kr(df_feat_kr, LIST_SUM_GEOJSON, "<b>Confirmed</b> cases : Sum of last 14 days") # figure graph dep_curr = "South Korea" ser_pos = df_feat_kr["pos"] ser_sum_pos = df_feat_kr["sum_cases"] rt_last = df_feat_kr["Rt"].values[-1] fig_curve = figure_pos(ser_pos, ser_sum_pos, dep_curr, rt_last) graph_curve = dcc.Graph(id='covid-rt-map-curve', figure=fig_curve)''' return get_title(value), "app-hide", "graph-mdl", "app-hide", \ "app-hide", "app-map", "app-graph-map", "app-hide", \ "app-show-block", dcc.Markdown(children=markdown_info_mdl_kr) else: '''# prepare input data df_feat_fr, str_date_mdl, str_data_date = prepare_data_input(False) # prepare plot data for positive cases df_plot, df_plot_pred, df_plot_pred_all, str_date_last = \ prepare_plot_data_pos(df_feat_fr, False) # prepare plot data for MAPS df_dep_r0, pt_fr_test_last, dep_fr, df_code_dep, df_dep_sum = \ prepare_plot_data_map(False) df_pos_fr = pd.read_csv(PATH_DF_POS_FR) df_pos_fr.index = df_pos_fr["date"]''' return get_title(value), "graph-mdl", "app-hide", "app-map", \ "app-graph-map", "app-hide", "app-hide", "app-show-block", \ "app-hide", dcc.Markdown(children=markdown_info_mdl)
def create_fig_rt_dep(dep_curr, df_code_dep, pt_fr_test_last, df_dep_r0): '''Rt evolution plots for one departement data : - df_dep_r0 (date, date / dep. Rt) - df_code_dep (-, dep. code / dep name ) - pt_fr_test_last (-, p / t / dep / code / name / p_0 / R0) ''' display_msg("create_fig_rt_dep ...") dep_num_curr = df_code_dep.loc[df_code_dep["name"] == dep_curr, "code"].values[0] ser_rt = df_dep_r0[dep_num_curr] sum_pos_last = pt_fr_test_last.loc[ \ pt_fr_test_last.dep == dep_num_curr, "p"].values[0] display_msg("create_fig_rt_dep END.") return figure_rt(ser_rt, dep_curr, sum_pos_last)
def display_click_data(clickData, n_clicks, fig, graph_type_old, id_button_old, mode_country_old, dep_old, hoverData): display_msg(" ") display_msg("display_click_data ...")"display_click_data ...") print("clickData: ", clickData) print("hoverData: ", hoverData) # get context : # if "div-rt-map" => user clicked on buttons # if "covid-rt-map" => user clicked on data ctx = dash.callback_context if not ctx.triggered: button_id = 'No clicks yet' else: button_id = ctx.triggered[0]['prop_id'].split('.')[0] print("button_id: ", button_id) # check current dept.: try: dep_curr = clickData["points"][0]["location"] except: dep_curr = "Paris" print(dep_curr) # treat graph type : (a,) = fig["layout"]["updatemenus"] id_button = a["active"] if id_button < 3: graph_type = id_button else: graph_type = graph_type_old print('id_button (old): ', id_button_old) print('id_button (new): ', id_button) print("graph_type (old):", graph_type_old) print("graph_type (new):", graph_type) # if click change to France button, display Country not dept. if (id_button_old !=4) & (id_button==4): mode_country = 1 if (dep_curr != dep_old): mode_country = 0 else: mode_country = 1 # if no change for buttons or graph type but change dept # then displays dept. elif (id_button_old == id_button) & (graph_type_old == graph_type): if (dep_curr != dep_old): mode_country = 0 else: mode_country = 1 elif (id_button_old != id_button) & (id_button == 0): mode_country = 0 else: mode_country = mode_country_old print("mode_country: ", mode_country) # buttons Zoom (IDF or DOM-TOM) (prevent update) if ((id_button == 3) | (id_button == 5)) & (button_id == "div-rt-map"): print("PreventUpdate.") return dash.no_update, dash.no_update, graph_type, id_button, \ mode_country, dep_curr # si type graph Rt if (graph_type == 2): if (mode_country == 1): # load from disk df_feat_fr = load_data_pos() fig_out = create_fig_rt_fr(df_feat_fr) else: # prepare plot data for MAPS df_dep_r0, pt_fr_test_last, dep_fr, df_code_dep, _ = \ prepare_plot_data_map(False) fig_out = create_fig_rt_dep(dep_curr, df_code_dep, pt_fr_test_last, df_dep_r0) elif (graph_type == 1): if (graph_type_old != 1): df_feat_fr = load_data_pos() fig_out = create_fig_pos_rate(df_feat_fr) else: print("PreventUpdate.") return dash.no_update, dash.no_update, graph_type, id_button, \ mode_country, dep_curr # user in mode Confirmed, only dept. available else: # if user in mode "Confirmed" # # prepare plot data for MAPS if not mode_country: df_dep_r0, pt_fr_test_last, dep_fr, df_code_dep, df_dep_sum = \ prepare_plot_data_map(False) df_pos_fr = pd.read_csv(PATH_DF_POS_FR) df_pos_fr.index = df_pos_fr["date"] fig_out = create_fig_pos_dep(dep_curr, df_code_dep, df_dep_r0, df_pos_fr, df_dep_sum) else: print("PreventUpdate.") return dash.no_update, dash.no_update, graph_type, id_button, \ mode_country, dep_curr if dep_curr is None: dep_curr ="" display_msg("display_click_data END.")"display_click_data END.") return "", fig_out, graph_type, id_button, mode_country, dep_curr
def update_map_kr_callback(n_clicks, dropdown_value, clickData, n_clicks_country, n_clicks_test, n_clicks_rt, n_clicks_update, graph_type): if (dropdown_value != "South Korea"): raise PreventUpdate display_msg("update_map_kr_callback_callback...")"update_map_kr_callback_callback...") # take context button ctx = dash.callback_context if not ctx.triggered: button_id = 'No clicks yet' else: button_id = ctx.triggered[0]['prop_id'].split('.')[0] print("button_id: ", button_id) str_date_kr = dash.no_update # if update button : update KR data only if (button_id == "update-data"): #update_df_feat_kr() # prepare input data KR (update if available) df_feat_kr, str_date_mdl_kr, str_data_date_kr = \ prepare_data_input_kr(flag_update=True) else: df_feat_kr = None # graph-type if (button_id == "btn-conf"): graph_type = 0 elif (button_id == "btn-test"): graph_type = 1 elif (button_id == "btn-rt"): graph_type = 2 print("graph_type: ", graph_type) # check current dept.: try: if (button_id == "btn-kr"): dep_curr = "South Korea" else: dep_curr = clickData["points"][0]["location"] dep_curr = DICT_AREA[dep_curr] except: dep_curr = "South Korea" print(dep_curr) # figure curve confirmed if (graph_type == 0): # figure map if (button_id != "covid-rt-map-kr"): if (df_feat_kr is None): df_feat_kr = load_df_feat_kr() fig_map = create_fig_map_kr(df_feat_kr, LIST_SUM_GEOJSON, "<b>Confirmed</b> cases : Sum of last 14 days") else: fig_map = dash.no_update if (dep_curr == "South Korea"): if (df_feat_kr is None): df_feat_kr = load_df_feat_kr() ser_pos = df_feat_kr["pos"] ser_sum_pos = df_feat_kr["sum_cases"] rt_last = df_feat_kr["Rt"].values[-1] fig_curve = figure_pos(ser_pos, ser_sum_pos, dep_curr, rt_last) else: if (df_feat_kr is None): df_feat_kr = load_df_feat_kr() ser_pos = df_feat_kr[dep_curr] ser_sum_pos = df_feat_kr[f"sum_{dep_curr}"] rt_last = df_feat_kr[f"Rt_{dep_curr}"].values[-1] fig_curve = figure_pos(ser_pos, ser_sum_pos, dep_curr, rt_last) elif(graph_type == 1): # test pos rate # map fig_map = dash.no_update # curve if (df_feat_kr is None): df_feat_kr = load_df_feat_kr() fig_curve = create_fig_pos_rate(df_feat_kr, "South Korea") elif(graph_type == 2): # mode Rt # figure map if (button_id != "covid-rt-map-kr"): if (df_feat_kr is None): df_feat_kr = load_df_feat_kr() fig_map = create_fig_map_kr(df_feat_kr, LIST_RT_GEOJSON, "<b>Rt</b> estimated for last 14 days") else: fig_map = dash.no_update if (dep_curr == "South Korea"): if (df_feat_kr is None): df_feat_kr = load_df_feat_kr() dep_curr = "South Korea" ser_rt = df_feat_kr[df_feat_kr["date"] >= "2020-03-19"]["Rt"] sum_pos_last = df_feat_kr["sum_cases"].values[-1] fig_curve = figure_rt(ser_rt, dep_curr, sum_pos_last, country="South Korea") else: if (df_feat_kr is None): df_feat_kr = load_df_feat_kr() ser_rt = df_feat_kr[df_feat_kr["date"] >= \ "2020-03-19"][f"Rt_{dep_curr}"] sum_pos_last = df_feat_kr[f"sum_{dep_curr}"].values[-1] fig_curve = figure_rt(ser_rt, dep_curr, sum_pos_last, country="South Korea") if ((button_id == "update-data") & (df_feat_kr is not None)): str_date_kr = f'(up to: {df_feat_kr["date"].values[-1]})' # prepare plot data for positive cases KR df_plot_kr, df_plot_pred_kr, df_plot_pred_all_kr, str_date_last_kr = \ prepare_plot_data_pos_kr(df_feat_kr, flag_update=True) # update graph pos mdl fig_mdl = create_fig_pos(df_plot_kr, df_plot_pred_kr, df_plot_pred_all_kr, str_date_mdl_kr, "South-Korea") return "", fig_map, fig_curve, graph_type, str_date_kr, fig_mdl else: # no need to update graph pos mdl return "", fig_map, fig_curve, graph_type, str_date_kr, dash.no_update
def startup_layout(): ''' startup web page ''' display_msg("STARTUP...")"STARTUP...") try: # update if settings.MODE_FORCE_UPDATE: flag_update = True flag_update_kr = True else: flag_update = check_update() flag_update_kr = check_update_kr() # prepare input data df_feat_fr, str_date_mdl, str_data_date = prepare_data_input(flag_update) # prepare plot data for positive cases df_plot, df_plot_pred, df_plot_pred_all, str_date_last = \ prepare_plot_data_pos(df_feat_fr, flag_update) # prepare plot data for MAPS df_dep_r0, pt_fr_test_last, dep_fr, df_code_dep, df_dep_sum = \ prepare_plot_data_map(flag_update) df_pos_fr = pd.read_csv(PATH_DF_POS_FR) df_pos_fr.index = df_pos_fr["date"] # prepare input data KR df_feat_kr, str_date_mdl_kr, str_data_date_kr = \ prepare_data_input_kr(flag_update=flag_update_kr) # prepare plot data for positive cases KR df_plot_kr, df_plot_pred_kr, df_plot_pred_all_kr, str_date_last_kr = \ prepare_plot_data_pos_kr(df_feat_kr, flag_update=flag_update_kr) str_country = "France" display_msg("STARTUP END.")"STARTUP END.") except Exception as e: #logger.error("ERROR STARTUP: " + str(e)) raise(e) return html.Div(children=[ dcc.Location(id='url', refresh=False), html.H1(children=get_title(str_country), id="app-title"), html.Div(children=dcc.Dropdown( id='country-dropdown', options=[ {'label': 'France', 'value': 'France'}, {'label': 'South Korea', 'value': 'South Korea', "disabled": False, "title": "Coming soon..."} ], value=str_country, clearable=False, searchable=False, ), style={'float': 'left', 'width': 120, 'margin-right': 10}), html.Div(children=html.Button('Update', id='update-data', n_clicks=0), style={'display': 'inline-block', 'margin-right': 10}), html.Div(children=dcc.Loading( id="loading-fig-pos", type="default", children=[html.Div(id="loading-output-1", children=str_data_date), html.Div(id="loading-output-kr", children=str_data_date_kr, className="app-hide")]), style={'display': 'inline-block', 'margin-right': 10}), html.Div(children=html.A( children="By Gregory LANG, Data Scientist Freelance", href="", target="_blank"), style={'display': 'inline-block'}), dcc.Tabs(id='tabs-app', value='tab-mdl', children=[ dcc.Tab(id="tab-mdl", label='Evolution & Model', value='tab-mdl', children=[ dcc.Graph(id='covid-pos-graph', figure=create_fig_pos(df_plot, df_plot_pred, df_plot_pred_all, str_date_mdl), className="graph-mdl" ), dcc.Graph(id='covid-pos-graph-kr', className="app-hide", figure=create_fig_pos(df_plot_kr, df_plot_pred_kr, df_plot_pred_all_kr, str_date_mdl_kr, area="South-Korea")), html.Div(id='info_mdl', children=dcc.Markdown(children=markdown_info_mdl)) ] ), dcc.Tab(id="tab-map", label='Maps', value='tab-map', children=[ html.Div(id="div-rt-map", children=[ dcc.Graph(id='covid-rt-map', figure=create_fig_map(pt_fr_test_last, dep_fr, str_date_last), )], n_clicks=0, className="app-map" ), html.Div(id="div-rt-map-kr", children=[ html.Button('Confirmed', id='btn-conf', n_clicks=0, style={"padding-right": 15, "padding-left": 15}), html.Button('Tested', id='btn-test', n_clicks=0, style={"padding-right": 15, "padding-left": 15}), html.Button('Rt', id='btn-rt', n_clicks=0, style={"padding-right": 15, "padding-left": 15}), html.Button('South Korea', id='btn-kr', n_clicks=0, style={"padding-right": 15, "padding-left": 15}), dcc.Graph(id='covid-rt-map-kr') ], n_clicks=0, className="app-hide" ), html.Div(id="div-rt-curve", children=[ dcc.Loading(id="loading-graph-map", type="default"), dcc.Graph(id='covid-rt-dep-graph', figure=create_fig_pos_dep("Paris", df_code_dep, df_dep_r0, df_pos_fr, df_dep_sum) ) ], className="app-graph-map" ), html.Div(id="div-rt-curve-kr", children=[ dcc.Loading(id="loading-graph-map-kr", type="default"), dcc.Graph(id='covid-rt-dep-graph-kr') ], className="app-hide" ) ]) ], style={'margin-top': 10}), # Hidden div inside the app that stores the intermediate value html.Div(id='predicted-value', style={'display': 'none'}, children=jsonifed_pred(df_plot_pred)), html.Div(id='predicted-value-all', style={'display': 'none'}, children=jsonifed_pred(df_plot_pred_all)), html.Div(id='graph_type', style={'display': 'none'}, children=0), html.Div(id='graph_type_kr', style={'display': 'none'}, children=0), html.Div(id='id_button', style={'display': 'none'}, children=0), html.Div(id='mode_country', style={'display': 'none'}, children=0), html.Div(id='dep', style={'display': 'none'}, children=""), html.Div(id='info', children=dcc.Markdown(children=markdown_info)) ])
def create_fig_rt(df_dep_r0, df_code_dep, pt_fr_test_last): display_msg("create_fig_rt...") list_num_dep = df_dep_r0.columns[1:].tolist() # path 975 & 977 & 978 doesn't exist in dep name data list_num_dep.remove('975') list_num_dep.remove('977') list_num_dep.remove('978') list_name_dep = [f'{dep_num_curr} - ' + \ df_code_dep.loc[df_code_dep["code"] == dep_num_curr, "name"].values[0] + \ "<br>Rt=<b>{:.2f}</b>".format(df_dep_r0[dep_num_curr][-1]) + \ " cases={}".format(pt_fr_test_last.loc[ \ pt_fr_test_last.dep == dep_num_curr, "p"].values[0]) \ for dep_num_curr in list_num_dep] nb_dep = len(list_num_dep) nb_col = 4 nb_row = math.ceil(nb_dep / nb_col) fig = make_subplots(rows=nb_row, cols=nb_col, shared_xaxes=True, shared_yaxes=True, subplot_titles=list_name_dep) I_dep = 0 #list_color = [] for row in range(nb_row): for col in range(nb_col): dep_num_curr = list_num_dep[I_dep] dep_curr = df_code_dep.loc[df_code_dep["code"] == dep_num_curr, "name"].values[0] if (df_dep_r0[dep_num_curr][-1] > 1) & \ (pt_fr_test_last.loc[ \ pt_fr_test_last.dep == dep_num_curr, "p"].values[0] > 400): color_curr = "red" elif (df_dep_r0[dep_num_curr][-1] > 1): color_curr = "orange" else: color_curr = "blue" fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=df_dep_r0["date"], y=df_dep_r0[dep_num_curr], mode='lines', name=dep_curr, line=dict(color=color_curr), fill='tozeroy'), row=row + 1, col=col + 1) fig.add_trace(go.Scatter( x=[df_dep_r0["date"][0], df_dep_r0["date"][-1]], y=[1, 1], mode='lines', line=dict(color="red", dash='dash'), hoverinfo="skip"), row=row + 1, col=col + 1) I_dep += 1 if I_dep >= nb_dep: #nb_dep: break if I_dep >= nb_dep: #nb_dep: break #fig.update_traces(patch=dict(font=dict(size=6))) for I, subplot_title_curr in enumerate(fig['layout']['annotations']): subplot_title_curr['font'] = dict(size=10) subplot_title_curr['xshift'] = 0 subplot_title_curr['yshift'] = -10 fig.update_layout( height=1800, title="Rt: Estimated Reproduction Nb. in France ( until {} )".format( \ df_dep_r0['date'].max()), showlegend=False, font=dict( size=12, ) ) display_msg("create_fig_rt END.") return fig
def create_fig_pos(df_plot, df_plot_pred, df_plot_pred_all, str_date_mdl, area="France"): display_msg("create_fig_pos...") # Create figure with secondary y-axis fig = make_subplots(specs=[[{"secondary_y": True}]]) # Create and style traces # total fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=df_plot["date"].astype(np.datetime64), y=df_plot["nb_cases"], mode='lines+markers', line_shape='linear', line_color="blue", connectgaps=True, name="Total"), secondary_y=False) fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=df_plot_pred_all["date"].astype(np.datetime64), y=df_plot_pred_all["nb_cases"], mode='lines+markers', line_shape='hv', line_color="red", connectgaps=True, name="Total (estim.)"), secondary_y=False) fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=df_plot_pred["date"].astype(np.datetime64), y=df_plot_pred["nb_cases"], mode='lines+markers', line_shape='hv', line_color="orange", connectgaps=True, name="Total (future estim.)"), secondary_y=False) # new cases fig.add_trace(go.Bar(x=df_plot["date"].astype(np.datetime64), y=df_plot["pos"], name="Daily", opacity=0.33, marker_color="blue"), secondary_y=True) fig.add_trace(go.Bar(x=df_plot_pred["date"].astype(np.datetime64), y=df_plot_pred["pos"], name="Daily (future estim.)", opacity=0.33, marker_color="orange"), secondary_y=True) fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=df_plot_pred_all["date"].astype(np.datetime64), y=df_plot_pred_all["pos"], mode='lines+markers', marker_symbol="cross", line_color="red", opacity=0.33, connectgaps=True, name="Daily (estim.)"), secondary_y=True) # Edit the layout title_fig = f'<b>COVID-19 Confirmed cases in {area}</b>' + \ '<br>Model trained until <b>' + str_date_mdl + '</b>' + \ '<br>predicts next {} days with last {} days until <b>' \ .format(FUTURE_TARGET, PAST_HISTORY) + \ df_plot_pred["date"].max() + '</b>' fig.update_layout(title=title_fig, yaxis_title='nb <b>Total</b> cases') fig.update_layout(legend_orientation="h", legend=dict(x=0, y=1)) fig.update_layout(height=600) fig.update_yaxes(title_text="nb <b>Daily</b> cases", secondary_y=True) display_msg("create_fig_pos END") return fig
def create_fig_map(pt_fr_test_last, dep_fr, str_date_last): '''Graph Rt map France figure map of confirmed / testers and reproduction number by "départements" data : - dep_fr (geo json ) - pt_fr_test_last : pivot table : sum up last 14 days of confirmed cases ''' display_msg("create_fig_map...") lat_lon_fr = {'lat': 47, 'lon': 2} zoom_fr = 4.25 mapbox_args_fr = { 'center': lat_lon_fr, 'style': 'carto-positron', 'zoom': zoom_fr } mapbox_args_idf = { 'center': { 'lat': 48.86, 'lon': 2.33 }, 'style': 'carto-positron', 'zoom': 7 } mapbox_args_dom = { 'center': { 'lat': 17, 'lon': -2 }, 'style': 'carto-positron', 'zoom': 2 } # Initialize figure fig = go.Figure() # Add Traces fig.add_trace( go.Choroplethmapbox(geojson=dep_fr, name="positive", locations=pt_fr_test_last["name"], featureidkey="properties.nom", z=pt_fr_test_last["p"], marker_opacity=0.7, marker_line_width=0)) fig.add_trace( go.Choroplethmapbox(geojson=dep_fr, name="tested", locations=pt_fr_test_last["name"], featureidkey="properties.nom", z=pt_fr_test_last["t"], marker_opacity=0.7, marker_line_width=0, visible=False)) fig.add_trace( go.Choroplethmapbox(geojson=dep_fr, name="Rt", locations=pt_fr_test_last["name"], featureidkey="properties.nom", z=pt_fr_test_last["R0"], zmin=.5, zmax=1.5, marker_opacity=0.7, marker_line_width=0, visible=False)) annot_conf=[dict( \ text="France : <b>Confirmed</b> cases (Total for 14 days before " + \ f"{str_date_last})", x=0, xref="paper", y=1, yref="paper", align="left", showarrow=False, bgcolor="#FFFFFF")] annot_test=[dict( \ text="France : <b>Tested</b> cases (Total for 14 days before " + \ f"{str_date_last})", x=0, xref="paper", y=1, yref="paper", align="left", showarrow=False, bgcolor="#FFFFFF")] annot_r0=[dict( \ text="France : <b>Rt</b> estimated for 14 days before " + \ f"{str_date_last})", x=0, xref="paper", y=1, yref="paper", align="left", showarrow=False, bgcolor="#FFFFFF")] fig.update_layout(updatemenus=[ dict( type="buttons", direction="right", xanchor="left", y=0.95, x=0, active=0, showactive=True, buttons=list([ dict(label="Confirmed", method="update", args=[{ "visible": [True, False, False] }, { "annotations": annot_conf }]), dict(label="Tested", method="update", args=[{ "visible": [False, True, False] }, { "annotations": annot_test }]), dict(label="Rt", method="update", args=[{ "visible": [False, False, True] }, { "annotations": annot_r0 }]), dict(label="Zoom : IdF", method="relayout", args=[{ "mapbox": mapbox_args_idf }]), dict(label="France", method="relayout", args=[{ "mapbox": mapbox_args_fr }]), dict(label="DOM-TOM", method="relayout", args=[{ "mapbox": mapbox_args_dom }]), ]), ) ]) fig.update_layout(mapbox_style="carto-positron", mapbox_zoom=zoom_fr, mapbox_center=lat_lon_fr) fig.update_layout(margin={"r": 0, "t": 0, "l": 0, "b": 0}) fig.update_layout(annotations=annot_conf) fig.update_traces(colorbar=dict(thicknessmode="pixels", thickness=10, len=0.8, x=0.9, xanchor="left", xpad=0), selector=dict(type='choroplethmapbox')) display_msg("create_fig_map END.") return fig