def __init__(self):
     self.random = MyRand(123)
     self.round = 0
     self.players_money = [0] * get_players()
     self.sumof_bit_bellow_values = 0  # sum of all bit_below_values that won
     self.behaviours = {
         1: [
             0, self.allin
         ],  # first value is the winning counter of this behaviour in the specific auction.
         0.5: [0, self.halfin],
         "not specific value": [0, self.bit_below],
         0: [0,]
Exemple #2
class NoTieBot:
    def __init__(self):
        self.players_money = [0] * get_players()
        self.random = MyRand(123)

    def play_round(self, winner, win_amount):
        self.players_money = [d + get_dollars() for d in self.players_money]
        if winner == -10:
                                                   get_players() -
                                                   1)] -= win_amount
        elif winner != -1:
            self.players_money[winner] -= win_amount

        if self.players_money[0] in self.players_money[1:]:
            return self.players_money[0] - self.random.randint(1, 10)
        return self.players_money[0]
class BitBelowBot:
    def __init__(self):
        self.dollar = 0
        self.random = MyRand(123)

    def play_round(self, winner, win_amount):
        self.dollar += get_dollars()
        if winner == 0:
            self.dollar -= win_amount
        return self.dollar - self.random.randint(0, min(20, get_dollars()))
Exemple #4
class RandomBot:
    def __init__(self):
        self.dollar = 0
        self.random = MyRand(1)

    def play_round(self, winner, win_amount):
        self.dollar += get_dollars()
        if winner == 0:
            self.dollar -= win_amount
        return self.random.randint(0, self.dollar)
 def __init__(self):
     self.dollar = 0
     self.random = MyRand(123)
class SelectiveBot:
    # 1 means all in,0.5 means half in, 0 means biding 0 and all the other situations are "not specific value".
    keys = [1, 0.5, "not specific value",
            0]  # keys represent the value win_amount/winner_player_money

    def allin(self):
        return self.players_money[0]

    def halfin(self):
        return self.players_money[0] / 2

    def bit_below(self):
        average_bit_bellow = self.sumof_bit_bellow_values / self.behaviours[
            "not specific value"][0]
        total_biding = self.players_money[0] - average_bit_bellow
        if total_biding >= 0:
            return total_biding
        return self.allin(
        )  #all in if the budget is lower than average_bit_bellow

    def zero(self):
        return 0

    def __init__(self):
        self.random = MyRand(123)
        self.round = 0
        self.players_money = [0] * get_players()
        self.sumof_bit_bellow_values = 0  # sum of all bit_below_values that won
        self.behaviours = {
            1: [
                0, self.allin
            ],  # first value is the winning counter of this behaviour in the specific auction.
            0.5: [0, self.halfin],
            "not specific value": [0, self.bit_below],
            0: [0,]

    def play_round(self, winner, win_amount):
        self.round += 1
        self.players_money = [d + get_dollars() for d in self.players_money]

        if winner == -10:
            print("I don't know what I am doing")
        elif winner != -1:
            self.winning_behaviour_inturn = win_amount / (
                self.players_money[winner] - get_dollars()
            )  # the behaviour of the recent winner
            if self.winning_behaviour_inturn != 1 and self.winning_behaviour_inturn != 0.5 and self.winning_behaviour_inturn != 0:
                self.winning_behaviour_inturn = "not specific value"
                self.sumof_bit_bellow_values += (
                    self.players_money[winner] - get_dollars()
                ) - win_amount  # the needed bit bellow value to win
            self.players_money[winner] -= win_amount
                0] += 1  # adding 1 to the winning behaviour of this turn

        if self.round == get_rounds():
            return self.players_money[
                0]  # default all in acting if it is the final round.

        max_wins = max([
            self.behaviours[key][0] for key in self.keys
        ])  # the max_wins that have been with 1 or more behaviours
        winnable_behaviours = [
        ]  # saves all the behaviours that won max_wins times.

        for key in self.keys:
            if self.behaviours[key][0] == max_wins:

        # ideally it's only one the winnable behaviour but if it isn't the chosen behaviour will be randomly.
        chosen_behaviour = winnable_behaviours[self.random.randint(
            len(winnable_behaviours) - 1)]

        return self.behaviours[chosen_behaviour][1]()
Exemple #7
 def __init__(self):
     self.players_money = [0] * get_players()
     self.random = MyRand(123)