def check_tag(key_value_tuple): key, value = key_value_tuple if not _TAG_KEY_REGEX.match(key): raise UsageError("invalid tag key: " + key) if not _TAG_VALUE_REGEX.match(value): raise UsageError("invalid tag value: " + value) return (key, value)
def parse_tag_filter(tagspec): """Parses a tag filter specification in the format NAME=VALUE into a dict with 'Name' and 'Values' entries.""" if sum([1 if c == '=' else 0 for c in tagspec]) != 1: raise UsageError("tag spec must contain exactly one '=' character") name, value = tagspec.split('=') return {'Name': 'tag:' + name, 'Values': [value]}
def act_on_rule(security_groups, cidrip, port, action, verbose, dry_run, ignore_not_found): """Adds or removes a rule. Use action='authorize_ingress' to add a rule; use action='revoke_ingress' to remove a rule.""" if action not in ('authorize_ingress', 'revoke_ingress'): raise ValueError("invalid action: " + action) if '/' not in cidrip: raise UsageError( 'CIDR does not specify subnet; use /32 to restrict to only the explicit IP address' ) cidrip_obj = ipcalc.Network(cidrip) from_port, to_port = parse_port_range(port) _log.debug( "executing %s to %d security groups allowing TCP traffic on port(s) %d-%d from %d addresses (%s)", action, len(security_groups), from_port, to_port, cidrip_obj.size(), cidrip) num_successes = 0 for secgroup in security_groups: try: fn = type(secgroup).__dict__[action] fn(secgroup, DryRun=dry_run, FromPort=from_port, ToPort=to_port, CidrIp=cidrip, IpProtocol='tcp') num_successes += 1 except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: error_code = e.response['Error']['Code'] if error_code == 'DryRunOperation': num_successes += 1 elif error_code == 'InvalidPermission.NotFound' and not ignore_not_found: raise else: raise _log.debug("%s '%s' on rule of security group %s (%s)", "dry-ran" if dry_run else "executed", action, secgroup.group_name, secgroup.group_id) _log.debug("%d successful actions executed on %d security groups", num_successes, len(security_groups)) return num_successes
def is_suspended(config, instance_id): """Check the configuration to see if the limits defined are temporarily suspended.""" suspensions = get_instance_criterion(config, instance_id, 'suspensions', default_value=[]) now = for bounds in suspensions: try: earliest = dateparser.parse( '1996-08-29T02:14:00-04:00' if bounds['from'] == '*' else bounds['from']) latest = dateparser.parse('2038-01-19T03:14:07' if bounds['to'] == '*' else bounds['to']) except KeyError: raise UsageError( "suspensions objects in config must have 'from' and 'to' fields" ) if now >= earliest and now <= latest: return True return False
def main(argv): from argparse import ArgumentParser parser = ArgumentParser(description="""Creates security groups in multiple VPCs with common name and tags.""") myawscommon.add_log_level_option(parser) parser.add_argument("--verbose", help="print more messages on stdout", action='store_true', default=False) myawscommon.add_credentials_options(parser) myawscommon.add_region_option(parser) parser.add_argument("sg_name", metavar="NAME", help="name for the security groups") parser.add_argument("vpcs", nargs='+', metavar="VPC_ID", help="one or more VPC IDs") parser.add_argument("--dry-run", action='store_true', default=False, help="execute in dry-run mode") parser.add_argument("--description", metavar="TEXT", help="specify description for security groups") parser.add_argument( "--tags", nargs='+', metavar="KEY=VALUE", default=(), help="one or more key=value pairs to add as tags to each group created" ) args = parser.parse_args(argv[1:]) myawscommon.configure_logging(_LOGGER_NAME, args.log_level) check_security_group_name(args.sg_name) tags = [check_tag(pair.split('=', 1)) for pair in args.tags] session = boto3.session.Session( aws_access_key_id=args.aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key=args.aws_secret_access_key, profile_name=args.profile) regions = myawscommon.filter_regions(session, args.regions) vpcs_by_region = collections.defaultdict(list) region_by_vpc_id = {} vpc_filters = [] # [{'Name': 'isDefault', 'Values': ['False']}] for region in regions: _log.debug("gathering VPCs from region %s", region) ec2 = session.client('ec2', region_name=region) vpcs = ec2.describe_vpcs(Filters=vpc_filters)['Vpcs'] vpcs = [vpc for vpc in vpcs if not vpc['IsDefault'] ] # the IsDefault query filter doesn't seem to work for vpc in vpcs: vpc_id = vpc['VpcId'] region_by_vpc_id[vpc_id] = region if len(vpcs) > 0: vpcs_by_region[region] = vpcs if args.verbose: print("%d VPCs in %s%s%s" % (len(vpcs), region, ': ' if (len(vpcs) > 0) else '', '. '.join( [vpc['VpcId'] for vpc in vpcs]))) _log.debug("%d VPCs across %d regions", len(region_by_vpc_id), len(vpcs_by_region)) for vpc_id in args.vpcs: if vpc_id not in region_by_vpc_id: raise UsageError("vpc id not found in region scope: " + vpc_id) _log.debug("creating security group named '%s' in %d VPCs with %d tags", args.sg_name, len(args.vpcs), len(tags)) client_cache = SessionProductCache( lambda region: session.client('ec2', region_name=region)) resource_cache = SessionProductCache( lambda region: session.resource('ec2', region_name=region)) for vpc_id in args.vpcs: region = region_by_vpc_id[vpc_id] ec2 = client_cache[region] ec2_resource = resource_cache[region] _log.debug("using client %s for region %s", ec2, region) try: group_id = ec2.create_security_group( DryRun=args.dry_run, GroupName=args.sg_name, Description=construct_description(args, vpc_id, region), VpcId=vpc_id)['GroupId'] except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: if myawscommon.client_error_has_code(e, 'DryRunOperation'): group_id = "sg-%012x" % random.getrandbits(48) else: raise print(group_id, "%screated" % "(dry-run) " if args.dry_run else '', end="") if len(tags) > 0: security_group = ec2_resource.SecurityGroup(group_id) try: response = security_group.create_tags(DryRun=args.dry_run, Tags=[{ 'Key': key, 'Value': value } for key, value in tags ]) except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: if myawscommon.client_error_has_code(e, 'DryRunOperation'): response = [ ec2_resource.Tag(group_id, key, value) for key, value in tags ] else: raise print('with', len(response), 'tag(s)', end="") _log.debug("created tags: %s", response) print() return 0
def check_security_group_name(sg_name): if len(sg_name) > _SG_DESC_LEN_MAX: raise UsageError( f"security group name is invalid; must be no more than {_SG_NAME_LEN_MAX} characters" ) return sg_name
def main(argv): parser = ArgumentParser(description="""\ Perform operations on security groups. Print security groups, check that they have identical ingress rules, and add/remove ingress rules.""") myawscommon.add_log_level_option(parser) myawscommon.add_credentials_options(parser) myawscommon.add_region_option(parser) parser.add_argument("--group-ids", nargs="+", help="filter target groups by group id", metavar="ID") parser.add_argument("--group-names", nargs="+", help="filter target groups by group name", metavar="NAME") parser.add_argument("--tag", metavar="NAME=VALUE", help="filter target groups by tag value") parser.add_argument("--verbose", help="print more messages on stdout", action='store_true', default=False) parser.add_argument( "--check-in-use", action='store_true', default=False, help= "check whether security groups are in use (and mark those not in use with * in list)" ) parser.add_argument( "--dry-run", action='store_true', default=False, help= "set DryRun flag to true for actions that would modify security groups" ) parser.add_argument( "--check", nargs="?", metavar="TAGNAME", const='ALL', help= "checks that security group subsets contain the same set of ingress IP permission rules; " + "security groups can be partitioned into subsets based on the value of the tag specified" ) parser.add_argument( "--add-rule", nargs=2, action='append', metavar="ARG", help= "for each security group, adds a rule (formatted as two args, PORT SPEC) allowing ingress " + "via TCP on port PORT from IP addresses within the range CIDR; e.g. --add-rule 8080" ) parser.add_argument( "--remove-rule", nargs=2, action='append', metavar="ARG", help= "each security group, removes the rule (formatted as two args, PORT SPEC) that allows " + "ingress via TCP on port PORT from IP addresses within the range CIDR") parser.add_argument( "--ignore-rule-not-found", action="store_true", default=False, help= "with --remove-rule, ignore errors that are due to absence of the specified rule in any security group" ) parser.add_argument( "--allow-action-on-all", action='store_true', default=False, help= "allows --add-rule or --remove-rule to operate on all security groups; by default, as " + "a precaution, it is assumed that the user erred in requesting a rule be added to every " + "security group; this option overrides that assumption") parser.add_argument( "--delete-unused", action="store_true", default=False, help= "delete security groups that are not in use by any instances (running or stopped)" ) parser.add_argument( "--ignore-empty-target-list", action='store_true', default=False, help= "do not exit dirty when an action is specified but the target list is empty" ) args = parser.parse_args(argv[1:]) myawscommon.configure_logging(_LOGGER_NAME, args.log_level) session = boto3.session.Session( aws_access_key_id=args.aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key=args.aws_secret_access_key, profile_name=args.profile) try: regions = myawscommon.filter_regions(session, args.regions) _log.debug( "regions filtered to %s according to user specification %s; tasks: %s", regions, args.regions, _get_task_argument_values(args)) filters = [] if args.tag: filters.append(parse_tag_filter(args.tag)) security_groups = fetch_security_groups( session, regions, args.group_ids, args.group_names, filters, print_security_group if args.verbose or not _has_task_argument(args) else _NOOP, args.check_in_use, args.delete_unused, args.dry_run) if len(security_groups) == 0: "target security group list is empty (%d regions searched)", len(regions)) if _has_task_argument(args) and not args.ignore_empty_target_list: return ERR_USAGE if args.check is not None: _log.debug( "checking synchronization of security groups based on partition spec %s", args.check) secgroups_by_key = defaultdict(list) if args.check == 'ALL': secgroups_by_key['ALL'] += security_groups else: for secgroup in security_groups: for tag in secgroup.tags or (): if args.check == tag['Key']: secgroups_by_key[tag['Value']].append(secgroup) if len(secgroups_by_key) == 0: raise UsageError( "the set of partitions created from tag '%s' is empty (no security groups have this tag)" % args.check) not_in_sync = list() for sync_key in secgroups_by_key: expect_in_sync = secgroups_by_key[sync_key] _log.debug( "expecting %d security groups (annotated as %s) to be synchronized", len(expect_in_sync), sync_key) if not are_synchronized(expect_in_sync, verbose=args.verbose, annotation=sync_key): not_in_sync.append(sync_key) if len(not_in_sync) > 0:"not in sync: %s", ','.join(not_in_sync)) return ERR_NOT_SYNCHRONIZED for option in ((args.add_rule, 'authorize_ingress'), (args.remove_rule, 'revoke_ingress')): option_value, action = option if option_value is not None: for unexpanded_rule_spec in option_value: if not is_any_restriction_specified(args): _log.error( "denying request to add or remove rule to/from all security groups; " + "use --group-ids, --group-names, or --tag to restrict the security " + "groups list, or use --allow-action-on-all to override this check" ) return ERR_UNRESTRICTED_RULE_APPLICATION_REQUESTED rule_specs = expand_rule_spec(unexpanded_rule_spec) for rule_spec in rule_specs: port, cidrip = rule_spec[0], rule_spec[1] act_on_rule(security_groups, cidrip, port, action, args.verbose, args.dry_run, args.ignore_rule_not_found) if args.verbose: print("dry-ran" if args.dry_run else "executed", action, port, cidrip, "on", len(security_groups), "security groups") except UsageError as e: print(e, file=sys.stderr) return ERR_USAGE return 0
def fetch_security_groups(session, regions, group_ids, group_names, filters, foreach, check_in_use, delete_unused, dry_run): """Fetches a list of security groups, compiled from multiple regions and filtered by group IDs and other optional filters.""" if delete_unused and not check_in_use: raise UsageError("--delete-unused requires --check-in-use") if not callable(foreach): raise ValueError("'foreach' parameter must be a function") secgroups = [] group_ids, group_names = group_ids or [], group_names or [] for region in regions: ec2 = session.resource('ec2', region_name=region) try: secgroups_in_region = list( ec2.security_groups.filter(GroupIds=group_ids, GroupNames=group_names, Filters=filters)) except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: error_code = e.response['Error']['Code'] if error_code == 'InvalidGroup.NotFound': secgroups_in_region = [] elif error_code == 'InvalidParameterValue' and 'You may not reference Amazon VPC security groups by name.' in str( e): "adjusting fetch strategy for inconsistent server behavior ('%s' client error)", error_code) secgroups_in_region = [ sg for sg in ec2.security_groups.filter( GroupIds=group_ids, GroupNames=[], Filters=filters) if sg.group_name in group_names ] else: raise groups_in_use = None if check_in_use: groups_in_use = fetch_security_groups_in_use(ec2) for sg in sorted(secgroups_in_region, key=operator.attrgetter('vpc_id', 'group_name')): foreach(sg, region, groups_in_use) if delete_unused: not_deleted = [] for sg in secgroups_in_region: if sg.group_name != 'default' and sg.group_id not in groups_in_use: try: sg.delete(DryRun=dry_run, GroupId=sg.group_id) except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: error_code = e.response['Error']['Code'] if error_code == 'DryRunOperation': _log.debug("error_code=%s operation_name=%s", error_code, e.operation_name) elif error_code == 'DependencyViolation': _log.warning( "failed to delete %s (%s) due to dependency violation", sg.group_id, sg.group_name) else: raise else: not_deleted.append(sg)"%sdeleted %d unused security groups (out of %d)", "(dry run) " if dry_run else "", len(secgroups_in_region) - len(not_deleted), len(secgroups_in_region)) secgroups_in_region = secgroups_in_region if dry_run else not_deleted _log.debug("fetched %d security group(s) in region %s", len(secgroups_in_region), region) secgroups += secgroups_in_region if len(group_ids) > 0 and (len(secgroups) >= len(group_ids)): _log.debug( "already found %d security groups, and %d group IDs were specified; not searching any more regions", len(secgroups), len(group_ids)) break return secgroups