Exemple #1
    def clear(self):
        # trigger event before clear
        self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NETWORK_CLEAR_PRE, self)

        # retract all facts
            for wme in self.facts:

        # destroy the network
        for rule in self._rules.keys():
            del self._rules[rule]

        # close all pending resources
        for (name, res) in self._resources.items():
            if not self._init_resources.has_key(name) and hasattr(
                    res, "close"):

        # and reset the resources map
        self._resources = self._init_resources

        # renew the root node
        self._root = RootNode(self)

        # renew agenda and maps
        self._agenda = Agenda(self)
        self._rules = {}
        self._facts = {}
        self._factsWmeMap = {}
        self._currentWmeId = 0
        self._linkedParser = None
        self._deffacts = {}

        # destoy MM
        self._modulesManager = ModulesManager()

            # assert the first fact: initial-fact
            import myclips
            myclips.logger.warning("initial-fact redefinition")

        # notify completed clear operation
        self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NETWORK_CLEAR_POST, self)

        # detach all listeners after the CLEAR_POST events

        # for behavioural consistency, notify root creation
        self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NODE_ADDED, self._root)
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self,
        #self._eventsManager = eventsManager if eventsManager is not None else EventsManager.default
        self._eventsManager = eventsManager if eventsManager is not None else EventsManager(
        # if a custom modules manager is not submitted, a new default one (with MAIN scope) is used
        if modulesManager is None:
            modulesManager = ModulesManager()

        self._modulesManager = modulesManager
        self._root = RootNode(self)
        self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NODE_ADDED, self._root)

        self._agenda = Agenda(self)
        self._rules = {}
        self._facts = {}
        self._factsWmeMap = {}
        self._currentWmeId = 0
        self._linkedParser = None
        self._deffacts = {}
        self._settings = settings or Settings()

        self._resources = resources or {
            "stdin": sys.stdin,
            "stdout": sys.stdout

        self._resources.setdefault("stdout", sys.stdout)
        s = self._resources["stdout"]
        self._resources.setdefault("stdin", sys.stdin)
        self._resources.setdefault("t", s)
        self._resources.setdefault("wclips", s)
        self._resources.setdefault("wdialog", s)
        self._resources.setdefault("wdisplay", s)
        self._resources.setdefault("werror", s)
        self._resources.setdefault("wwarning", s)
        self._resources.setdefault("wtrace", s)

        self._init_resources = self._resources

            # assert the first fact: initial-fact
            self.assertFact(TemplateFact("initial-fact", {}, "MAIN"))
            import myclips
            myclips.logger.warning("initial-fact redefinition")
Exemple #3
    def clear(self):
        # trigger event before clear
        self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NETWORK_CLEAR_PRE, self)
        # retract all facts
            for wme in self.facts:

        # destroy the network
        for rule in self._rules.keys():
            del self._rules[rule]
        # close all pending resources
        for (name, res) in self._resources.items():
            if not self._init_resources.has_key(name) and hasattr(res, "close"):
        # and reset the resources map
        self._resources = self._init_resources
        # renew the root node
        self._root = RootNode(self)
        # renew agenda and maps
        self._agenda = Agenda(self)
        self._rules = {}
        self._facts = {}
        self._factsWmeMap = {}
        self._currentWmeId = 0
        self._linkedParser = None
        self._deffacts = {}
        # destoy MM
        self._modulesManager = ModulesManager()
            # assert the first fact: initial-fact
            self.assertFact(TemplateFact(values={}, templateName="initial-fact", moduleName="MAIN"))
            import myclips
            myclips.logger.warning("initial-fact redefinition")

        # notify completed clear operation
        self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NETWORK_CLEAR_POST, self)
        # detach all listeners after the CLEAR_POST events
        # for behavioural consistency, notify root creation
        self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NODE_ADDED, self._root)
Exemple #4
 def __init__(self, eventsManager = None, modulesManager = None, resources=None, settings=None):
     #self._eventsManager = eventsManager if eventsManager is not None else EventsManager.default
     self._eventsManager = eventsManager if eventsManager is not None else EventsManager()
     # if a custom modules manager is not submitted, a new default one (with MAIN scope) is used
     if modulesManager is None:
         modulesManager = ModulesManager()
     self._modulesManager = modulesManager
     self._root = RootNode(self)
     self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NODE_ADDED, self._root)
     self._agenda = Agenda(self)
     self._rules = {}
     self._facts = {}
     self._factsWmeMap = {}
     self._currentWmeId = 0
     self._linkedParser = None
     self._deffacts = {}
     self._settings = settings or Settings()
     self._resources = resources or {"stdin": sys.stdin,
                                     "stdout": sys.stdout}
     self._resources.setdefault("stdout", sys.stdout)
     s = self._resources["stdout"]
     self._resources.setdefault("stdin", sys.stdin)
     self._resources.setdefault("t", s)
     self._resources.setdefault("wclips", s)
     self._resources.setdefault("wdialog", s)
     self._resources.setdefault("wdisplay", s)
     self._resources.setdefault("werror", s)
     self._resources.setdefault("wwarning", s)
     self._resources.setdefault("wtrace", s)
     self._init_resources = self._resources
         # assert the first fact: initial-fact
         self.assertFact(TemplateFact("initial-fact", {}, "MAIN"))
         import myclips
         myclips.logger.warning("initial-fact redefinition")
Exemple #5
class Network(object):
    Rete network main object
    def __init__(self,
        #self._eventsManager = eventsManager if eventsManager is not None else EventsManager.default
        self._eventsManager = eventsManager if eventsManager is not None else EventsManager(
        # if a custom modules manager is not submitted, a new default one (with MAIN scope) is used
        if modulesManager is None:
            modulesManager = ModulesManager()

        self._modulesManager = modulesManager
        self._root = RootNode(self)
        self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NODE_ADDED, self._root)

        self._agenda = Agenda(self)
        self._rules = {}
        self._facts = {}
        self._factsWmeMap = {}
        self._currentWmeId = 0
        self._linkedParser = None
        self._deffacts = {}
        self._settings = settings or Settings()

        self._resources = resources or {
            "stdin": sys.stdin,
            "stdout": sys.stdout

        self._resources.setdefault("stdout", sys.stdout)
        s = self._resources["stdout"]
        self._resources.setdefault("stdin", sys.stdin)
        self._resources.setdefault("t", s)
        self._resources.setdefault("wclips", s)
        self._resources.setdefault("wdialog", s)
        self._resources.setdefault("wdisplay", s)
        self._resources.setdefault("werror", s)
        self._resources.setdefault("wwarning", s)
        self._resources.setdefault("wtrace", s)

        self._init_resources = self._resources

            # assert the first fact: initial-fact
            self.assertFact(TemplateFact("initial-fact", {}, "MAIN"))
            import myclips
            myclips.logger.warning("initial-fact redefinition")

    def getParser(self, **kargs):
        Get an instance of myclips.Parser
        (default myclips.parser.Parser.Parser),
        linked to the modulesManager references in this Network instance 
        if self._linkedParser is None:
            import myclips
            self._linkedParser = myclips.Parser(
                modulesManager=self.modulesManager, **kargs)

        return self._linkedParser

    def assertFact(self, fact):
        Create a new WME and propagate it to the network
        only if the fact is not already in the working memory
        Return a tuple with the wme (created or the old one) which rappresent
        the fact and a boolean value to show if the wme is new or an old one
        @param fact: the fact asserted
        @type fact: Fact
        @return: a tuple with (WME for the fact, bool(the WME is new))
        @rtype: tuple 

        if not isinstance(fact, (TemplateFact, OrderedFact)):
            raise InvalidFactFormatError(
                "fact is expected to be a %s or %s instance, %s passed" %
                (str(TemplateFact), str(OrderedFact), str(fact.__class__)))

        # check if a facts with the same features is already available
        # in the working memory
        # if it exists, return the tuple (old_wme, False)
        # otherwise return (new_wme, True)
        # fact is propagate to the network only if
        # it's a new fact
        if not self._factsWmeMap.has_key(fact):

            # check if fact is valid

            # first check moduleName
            if not self.modulesManager.isDefined(fact.moduleName):
                raise UnknownModuleError("Fact module is unknown: %s" %

            # if fact is a template one
            if isinstance(fact, TemplateFact):
                # other validations are required for:
                #    templateName is valid?
                #    templateName is available in this scope?
                #    slots are valid for the template definition?

                # if the template name is invalid, an exception is raised
                tmplDef = self.modulesManager.currentScope.templates.getDefinition(

                assert isinstance(tmplDef, TemplateDefinition)

                isValid = tmplDef.isValidFact(fact)

                if isValid is not True:
                    raise InvalidFactFormatError(str(isValid))

            # create the new wme, ...
            wme = WME(self._currentWmeId, fact)
            # ... link it in the facts table ...
            self._facts[self._currentWmeId] = wme
            # ... and link the fact to the wme
            self._factsWmeMap[wme.fact] = wme

            # increment the fact-id counter
            self._currentWmeId += 1

            self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_FACT_ASSERTED, wme, True)

            # propagate the new assertion in the network

            # everything done, return the new wme
            # and the isNew marker
            return (wme, True)
            # the same fact is already in the network
            # just return the old fact and the isNotNew mark

            wme = self._factsWmeMap[fact]
            # fire an event
            self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_FACT_ASSERTED, wme, False)

            return (wme, False)

    def retractFact(self, wme):
        Retract a WME from the working memory
        and from the network
        @param wme: the wme to be removed
        @type wme: myclips.rete.WME
        @return: None
        assert isinstance(wme, WME)

        if not self._facts[wme.factId] == wme:
            raise InvalidWmeOwner("The wme owner is not this network: %s" %

        # remove the wme from the wme->id map
        del self._facts[wme.factId]
        # and from the fact -> wme map
        del self._factsWmeMap[wme.fact]

        self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_FACT_RETRACTED, wme)

        # then start wme revocation from the network

    def addRule(self, defrule):
        Compile a DefRuleConstruct in a network circuit
        sharing nodes if possible
        @param defrule: a DefRule construct which describe the rule
        @type defrule: types.DefRuleConstruct
        @return: the main PNode produced by the rule. If
            the rule containts more than one OR clause,
            other slave-PNodes are linked to the main one
        @rtype: myclips.rete.nodes.PNode

        if self._rules.has_key("::".join(
            [defrule.scope.moduleName, defrule.defruleName])):
            # before add the new rule, need to remove the old one
            self.removeRule(defrule.defruleName, defrule.scope.moduleName)

        #normalize defule lhs
        defrule.lhs = analysis.normalizeLHS(defrule.lhs, defrule.scope.modules)
        # after normalization:
        #    defrule.lhs is a OrPatternCE with at least a nested AndPatternCe
        firstPNode = None
        for (index, AndInOr) in enumerate(defrule.lhs.patterns):

            variables = {}

            lastNode, _ = self._makeNetwork(None, AndInOr.patterns, 0,

            # I need to create a PNode (and it must always linked to the first PNode created)
            pNode = PNode(ruleName=defrule.defruleName,
                          orClauseCount=index - 1 if index > 0 else None,


            self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NODE_ADDED, pNode)
            self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NODE_LINKED, lastNode,
                                    pNode, -1)

            if firstPNode is None:
                firstPNode = pNode

        # store the main PNode
        # inside the rules map

        self._rules[firstPNode.completeMainRuleName()] = firstPNode

        return firstPNode

    def removeRule(self, ruleName, moduleName=None):
        if moduleName is None:
            # the the moduleName from the current scope
            moduleName = self.modulesManager.currentScope.moduleName

        completeRuleName = "::".join([moduleName, ruleName])


            notifierRemoval = lambda *args, **kwargs: self.eventsManager.fire(
                EventsManager.E_NODE_REMOVED, *args, **kwargs)
            notifierUnlinking = lambda *args, **kwargs: self.eventsManager.fire(
                EventsManager.E_NODE_UNLINKED, *args, **kwargs)

            # after token removal, refresh the rulename:
            # if a new rule with the same name is added
            # the rule need to have a new history
            del self._rules[completeRuleName]
        except KeyError:
            raise RuleNotFoundError("Unable to find defrule %s" %

    def addDeffacts(self, deffacts):
        assert isinstance(deffacts, types.DefFactsConstruct)
        self._deffacts[deffacts.scope.moduleName + "::" +
                       deffacts.deffactsName] = deffacts

    def removeDeffacts(self, deffactsName, deffactsModule=None):
        if deffactsModule is not None:
            tryName = deffactsModule + "::" + deffactsName
            tryName = deffactsName

        # try to remove the deffacts
            del self._deffacts[tryName]
        except KeyError:
            # key error: if module is None, try again using the current scope
                tryName = self.modulesManager.currentScope.moduleName + "::" + deffactsName
                del self._deffacts[tryName]
            except KeyError:
                raise DefFactsNotFoundError("Unable to find deffacts %s" %

    def getWmeFromId(self, factId):
            return self._facts[factId]
        except KeyError:
            raise FactNotFoundError("Unable to find fact f-%d" % factId)

    def getWmeFromFact(self, fact):
            return self._factsWmeMap[fact]
        except KeyError:
            raise FactNotFoundError("Unable to find a fact that match %s" %

    def getPNode(self, completeRuleName):
            return self._rules[completeRuleName]
        except KeyError:
            # if the first lookup failed, try appending the current modulename scope
            # to the name
                return self._rules[self.modulesManager.currentScope.moduleName
                                   + "::" + completeRuleName]
                raise RuleNotFoundError("Unable to find defrule %s" %

    def reset(self):
        Reset the network status

        # trigger event before reset
        self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NETWORK_RESET_PRE, self)

        # retract all wme in the network
        for wme in self.facts:

        # reset the fact-id counter
        self._currentWmeId = 0

        # close all pending resources
        for (name, res) in self._resources.items():
            if not self._init_resources.has_key(name) and hasattr(
                    res, "close"):

        # and reset the resources map
        self._resources = self._init_resources

        # reset the agenda
        self._agenda = Agenda(self)

        # push the MAIN::initial-fact

        # push all fact in deffacts again
        for deffact in self._deffacts.values():
            assert isinstance(deffact, types.DefFactsConstruct)
            # switch the scope the one defined in the deffact
            # in this way asserted ordered fact gain the scope
            # from the current one and templates definition
            # could be checked vs module scope
            for pattern in deffact.rhs:
                if isinstance(pattern, types.TemplateRhsPattern):
                    assert isinstance(pattern, types.TemplateRhsPattern)

                    # prepare values:
                    values = dict([(rhsSlot.slotName, rhsSlot.slotValue)
                                   for rhsSlot in pattern.templateSlots])

                    # use the module name of the scope in the template,
                    # not the current one

                elif isinstance(pattern, types.OrderedRhsPattern):
                    assert isinstance(pattern, types.OrderedRhsPattern)

                    # prepare values
                    values = pattern.values

                    # use the moduleName from the deffact scope (or the current one)

        # reset globals value for each module
        for module in self.modulesManager.getModulesNames():
            aGlobalsMan = self.modulesManager.getScope(module).globalsvars
            for defName in aGlobalsMan.definitions:
                aLinkedType = aGlobalsMan.getDefinition(defName).linkedType
                aLinkedType.runningValue = aLinkedType.value

        # set current scope back to MAIN

        # trigger event after reset
        self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NETWORK_RESET_POST, self)

        # all ready

    def clear(self):
        # trigger event before clear
        self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NETWORK_CLEAR_PRE, self)

        # retract all facts
            for wme in self.facts:

        # destroy the network
        for rule in self._rules.keys():
            del self._rules[rule]

        # close all pending resources
        for (name, res) in self._resources.items():
            if not self._init_resources.has_key(name) and hasattr(
                    res, "close"):

        # and reset the resources map
        self._resources = self._init_resources

        # renew the root node
        self._root = RootNode(self)

        # renew agenda and maps
        self._agenda = Agenda(self)
        self._rules = {}
        self._facts = {}
        self._factsWmeMap = {}
        self._currentWmeId = 0
        self._linkedParser = None
        self._deffacts = {}

        # destoy MM
        self._modulesManager = ModulesManager()

            # assert the first fact: initial-fact
            import myclips
            myclips.logger.warning("initial-fact redefinition")

        # notify completed clear operation
        self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NETWORK_CLEAR_POST, self)

        # detach all listeners after the CLEAR_POST events

        # for behavioural consistency, notify root creation
        self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NODE_ADDED, self._root)

        # ok, all done

    def run(self, steps=None):

        if steps is not None:
            theRuns = int(steps)
            theRuns = True


            while theRuns:
                #decrease theRuns if integer
                if theRuns is not True:
                    theRuns -= 1

                    pnode, token = self.agenda.getActivation()

                except AgendaNoMoreActivationError:
                        # try to pop the focusStack
                        oldFocus = self.agenda.focusStack.pop()
                            newFocus = self.agenda.focusStack[-1]
                        except IndexError:
                            newFocus = None
                                                oldFocus, newFocus)

                    except IndexError:
                        # pop from an empty stack

        except HaltException:


    def agenda(self):
        return self._agenda

    def resources(self):
        return self._resources

    def settings(self):
        return self._settings

    def facts(self):
        Return the list of all fact defined in the working memory
        for ALL defined scopes
        return self._facts.values()

    def factsForScope(self, scopeName=None):
        Return a list of wme for all facts
        that can be seen in the scope for scopeName
        @param scopeName: the moduleName for a defined module. If None
            the currentScope name will be used
        @type scopeName: string
        @return: a list of wme
        @rtype: list
        if scopeName is not None:
            # try to change the scope
            # this will force an UnknownModuleError if the modules is not defined
            theScope = self.modulesManager.getScope(scopeName)
            theScope = self.modulesManager.currentScope

        # ok, the module exists. Prepare return
        return [
            wme for wme in self._facts.values()
            # fact can be seen if it was defined in the scope (for ordered)
            if wme.fact.moduleName == theScope.moduleName
            # of if it's a template fact and is definition is imported in the current scope
            or (wme.fact.templateName is not None
                and theScope.templates.has(wme.fact.templateName))

    def rules(self):
        return self._rules

    def eventsManager(self):
        return self._eventsManager

    def modulesManager(self):
        return self._modulesManager

    def _makeNetwork(self, node, patterns, prevPatterns=0, variables=None):

        variables = {} if variables is None else variables

        for patternCE in patterns:

            # get the pattern type:
            if isinstance(patternCE,
                          (types.TemplatePatternCE, types.AssignedPatternCE,

                # if patternCE is assigned, i need to propagate
                # alpha creation with the inner pattern,
                # not with the main assigned.
                # i use the assigned only to store info about variable
                # use old way to store variables coordinates, waiting for a new one
                if isinstance(patternCE, types.AssignedPatternCE):
                        patternCE.variable.evaluate()] = VariableLocation(
                    patternCE = patternCE.pattern

                inPatternVariables = []
                alphaTests, joinTests = analysis.analyzePattern(
                    patternCE, prevPatterns, variables, inPatternVariables)

                # merge inPatternVariables to variables
                    dict([(var.name, var) for var in inPatternVariables]))

                # requires a simple alpha circuit,
                # then a join + beta node if needed (beta join circuit)
                alphaMemory = self._makeAlphaCircuit(alphaTests)
                node = self._makeBetaJoinCircuit(node, alphaMemory, joinTests)

                prevPatterns += 1

            elif isinstance(patternCE, types.NotPatternCE):
                # need to check inside the pattern
                # if inside a not-ce there is a and-ce
                # i need to build a ncc

                if isinstance(patternCE.pattern, types.AndPatternCE):
                    # that's it: ncc required

                    # this build the normal circuit
                    lastNccCircuitNode, circuitPatternCount = self._makeNetwork(
                        node, patternCE.pattern.patterns, prevPatterns,
                    node = self._makeBetaNccCircuit(
                        node, lastNccCircuitNode,
                        circuitPatternCount - prevPatterns)
                    # inner conditions already appended by recursive call
                    # but i have to add a +1 for the (not (...))
                    #avoidAppend = True
                    prevPatterns = circuitPatternCount + 1

                elif isinstance(patternCE.pattern, types.NotPatternCE):

                    inPatternVariables = []

                    alphaTests, joinTests = analysis.analyzePattern(
                        patternCE.pattern.pattern, prevPatterns, variables,

                    alphaMemory = self._makeAlphaCircuit(alphaTests)
                    node = self._makeBetaExistsCircuit(node, alphaMemory)

                    prevPatterns += 1

                    # a simple negative join node is required

                    inPatternVariables = []
                    # add 1 to pattern index because the values are in the inner not pattern
                    # so the (not (condition)) count as 2
                    alphaTests, joinTests = analysis.analyzePattern(
                        patternCE.pattern, prevPatterns, variables,

                    # merge inPatternVariables to variables
                    #variables.update(dict([(var.name, var) for var in inPatternVariables]))

                    # requires a simple alpha circuit,
                    # then a join + beta node if needed (beta join circuit)
                    alphaMemory = self._makeAlphaCircuit(alphaTests)
                    node = self._makeBetaNegativeJoinCircuit(
                        node, alphaMemory, joinTests)

                    prevPatterns += 1

            elif isinstance(patternCE, types.TestPatternCE):
                # a special filter must be applied to
                # the circuit
                node = self._makeBetaTestCircuit(node, patternCE, prevPatterns,

                prevPatterns += 1

            elif isinstance(patternCE, types.ExistsPatternCE):

                inPatternVariables = []

                alphaTests, joinTests = analysis.analyzePattern(
                    patternCE.pattern, prevPatterns, variables,

                alphaMemory = self._makeAlphaCircuit(alphaTests)
                node = self._makeBetaExistsCircuit(node, alphaMemory)

                prevPatterns += 1

            # or and and ce must not be supported here
            # after lhs normalization
            # or-ce could be only at top level
            #     of the lhs and are managed from the
            #     addRule method (each or clause cause a new network circuit
            #     and a new sub-pnode linked to a main one
            # and-ce could be only after a not-ce or the main or-ce
            #    (managed by addRule method)
            #     and are managed as a ncc circuit

        return node, prevPatterns

    def _makeAlphaCircuit(self, alphaTests):
        lastCircuitNode = self._root

        # create or share a PropertyTestNode for each test group
        for tests in alphaTests:
            lastCircuitNode = self._shareNode_PropertyTestNode(
                lastCircuitNode, tests)

        lastCircuitNode = self._shareNode_AlphaMemoryNode(lastCircuitNode)

        return lastCircuitNode

    def _makeBetaJoinCircuit(self, lastBetaCircuitNode, alphaMemory,

        if lastBetaCircuitNode != None:
            lastBetaCircuitNode = self._shareNode_BetaMemory(

        return self._shareNode_JoinNode(lastBetaCircuitNode, alphaMemory,

    def _makeBetaTestCircuit(self, lastBetaCircuitNode, patternCE,
                             prevPatterns, variables):
        A Test join Circuit circuit is made by a TestNode linked to 
        a beta-memory from the left and without an alpha circuit from the right

        if lastBetaCircuitNode != None:
            lastBetaCircuitNode = self._shareNode_BetaMemory(

        # build tests for test node
        tests = []

         fakeVars) = analysis.analyzeFunction(patternCE.function, prevPatterns,

        tests.append(DynamicFunctionTest(newFunctionCall, fakeVars))

        return self._shareNode_TestNode(lastBetaCircuitNode, tests)

    def _makeBetaNegativeJoinCircuit(self, lastBetaCircuitNode, alphaMemory,

        #if lastBetaCircuitNode != None:
        #    lastBetaCircuitNode = self._shareNode_BetaMemory(lastBetaCircuitNode)

        return self._shareNode_NegativeJoinNode(lastBetaCircuitNode,
                                                alphaMemory, joinTests)

    def _makeBetaExistsCircuit(self, lastBetaCircuitNode, alphaMemory):

        if lastBetaCircuitNode != None:
            lastBetaCircuitNode = self._shareNode_BetaMemory(

        return self._shareNode_ExistsNode(lastBetaCircuitNode, alphaMemory)

    def _makeBetaNccCircuit(self, lastBetaCircuitNode, lastNccCircuitNode,

        return self._shareNode_NccNode(lastBetaCircuitNode, lastNccCircuitNode,

    def _shareNode_AlphaMemoryNode(self, lastCircuitNode):
        Try to share an AlphaMemoryNode available in the circuit
        if possible, otherwise create a new one and add it
        in the network
        @param lastCircuitNode: the node where the alpha memory should be linked
        @type lastCircuitNode: PropertyTestNode
        @return: a shared or a new AlphaMemory
        @rtype: AlphaMemory

        assert isinstance(lastCircuitNode, PropertyTestNode)

        # if the last node has already a memory linked,
        # just use it
        if lastCircuitNode.hasMemory():
            return lastCircuitNode.memory

        # otherwise create a new one and return it
        memory = AlphaMemory(lastCircuitNode)
        lastCircuitNode.memory = memory

        #myclips.logger.info("New node: %s", memory)
        #myclips.logger.info("Linked node: %s to %s", memory, lastCircuitNode)

        self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NODE_ADDED, memory)
        self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NODE_LINKED, lastCircuitNode,
                                memory, 0)

        # update the node

        return memory

    def _shareNode_PropertyTestNode(self, lastCircuitNode, tests):

        if lastCircuitNode != None:
            for child in lastCircuitNode.children:
                if isinstance(child, PropertyTestNode)\
                    and child.tests == tests:
                    # found a node with same contraints
                    # i can share it
                    self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NODE_SHARED, child)
                    return child

        # if a checked all children and found nothing
        # i need to create a new node for it
        newChild = PropertyTestNode(lastCircuitNode, tests)
        # maybe i could move this code inside the constructor

        self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NODE_ADDED, newChild)
        self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NODE_LINKED, lastCircuitNode,
                                newChild, 0)

        #myclips.logger.info("New node: %s", newChild)
        #myclips.logger.info("Linked node: %s to %s", newChild, lastCircuitNode)

        return newChild

    def _shareNode_BetaMemory(self, lastCircuitNode):

        # beta node are needed only if there is a parent node
        # otherwise dummy node only
        if lastCircuitNode is None:
            return lastCircuitNode

        # try to share the beta if possible
        for child in lastCircuitNode.children:
            if isinstance(child, BetaMemory):
                self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NODE_SHARED, child)
                return child

        # otherwise make a new one
        newChild = BetaMemory(lastCircuitNode)

        # update the node to synch the beta memory
        # status to the network status

        #myclips.logger.info("New node: %s", newChild)
        #myclips.logger.info("Linked node: %s to %s", newChild, lastCircuitNode)

        self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NODE_ADDED, newChild)
        self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NODE_LINKED, lastCircuitNode,
                                newChild, -1)

        return newChild

    def _shareNode_JoinNode(self, lastCircuitNode, alphaMemory, tests):

        # check if i can share looking at beta network first
        if lastCircuitNode is not None:

            for child in lastCircuitNode.children:

                # i can't use isinstance, child must be exactly a JoinNode
                # otherwise negative node could be shared and this is a problem
                if (child.__class__ == JoinNode
                        # is a join node
                        and child.rightParent == alphaMemory
                        # alpha memory is the same
                        and child.tests == tests):
                    # tests are the same too

                    # i can share the node
                    self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NODE_SHARED, child)
                    return child

            # try to share node looking at the alphaMemory
            # this could allow to share dummy join nodes
            for child in alphaMemory.children:
                # i can't use isinstance, child must be exactly a JoinNode
                # otherwise negative node could be shared and this is a problem
                if (child.__class__ == JoinNode
                        # is a join node
                        and child.isLeftRoot()
                        # like the node i will create, this one is left dummy
                        and child.tests == tests):
                    # tests are the same too

                    # i can share the node
                    self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NODE_SHARED, child)
                    return child

        # i can't share an old node
        # it's time to create a new one

        newChild = JoinNode(rightParent=alphaMemory,
        # link the new join to the right alpha memory

        if lastCircuitNode is not None:
            # link the join node to the parent
            # it's useless to update a leaf join node
            # even if it find matches
            # it has no children to propage the activation

        #myclips.logger.info("New node: %s", newChild)
        #myclips.logger.info("Right-linked node: %s to %s", newChild, alphaMemory)
        #myclips.logger.info("Left-linked node: %s to %s", newChild, lastCircuitNode)

        self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NODE_ADDED, newChild)
        self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NODE_LINKED, lastCircuitNode,
                                newChild, -1)
        self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NODE_LINKED, alphaMemory,
                                newChild, 1)

        return newChild

    def _shareNode_TestNode(self, lastCircuitNode, tests):

        if lastCircuitNode is None:
            raise MyClipsBugException("TestNode can't be first in LHS")

        for child in lastCircuitNode.children:

            # i can't use isinstance, child must be exactly a JoinNode
            # otherwise negative node could be shared and this is a problem
            if (child.__class__ == JoinNode
                    # is a join node
                    and child.tests == tests):
                # tests are the same too

                # i can share the node
                self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NODE_SHARED, child)
                return child

        # i can't share an old node
        # it's time to create a new one

        newChild = TestNode(leftParent=lastCircuitNode, tests=tests)

        # link the join node to the parent

        self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NODE_ADDED, newChild)
        self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NODE_LINKED, lastCircuitNode,
                                newChild, -1)

        return newChild

    def _shareNode_NegativeJoinNode(self, lastCircuitNode, alphaMemory, tests):

        # check if i can share looking at beta network first
        if lastCircuitNode is not None:

            for child in lastCircuitNode.children:

                # i can't use isinstance, child must be exactly a JoinNode
                # otherwise negative node could be shared and this is a problem
                if (child.__class__ == NegativeJoinNode
                        # is a join node
                        and child.rightParent == alphaMemory
                        # alpha memory is the same
                        and child.tests == tests):
                    # tests are the same too

                    # i can share the node
                    self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NODE_SHARED, child)
                    return child

            # try to share node looking at the alphaMemory
            # this could allow to share dummy join nodes
            for child in alphaMemory.children:
                # i can't use isinstance, child must be exactly a JoinNode
                # otherwise negative node could be shared and this is a problem
                if (child.__class__ == NegativeJoinNode
                        # is a join node
                        and child.isLeftRoot()
                        # like the node i will create, this one is left dummy
                        and child.tests == tests):
                    # tests are the same too

                    # i can share the node
                    self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NODE_SHARED, child)
                    return child

        # i can't share an old node
        # it's time to create a new one

        newChild = NegativeJoinNode(rightParent=alphaMemory,
        # link the new join to the right alpha memory

        if lastCircuitNode is not None:
            # link the join node to the parent

            # try to update from the left


            # try to update from the right

        #myclips.logger.info("New node: %s", newChild)
        #myclips.logger.info("Right-linked node: %s to %s", newChild, alphaMemory)
        #myclips.logger.info("Left-linked node: %s to %s", newChild, lastCircuitNode)

        self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NODE_ADDED, newChild)
        self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NODE_LINKED, lastCircuitNode,
                                newChild, -1)
        self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NODE_LINKED, alphaMemory,
                                newChild, 1)

        return newChild

    def _shareNode_ExistsNode(self, lastCircuitNode, alphaMemory):

        # check if i can share looking at beta network first
        if lastCircuitNode is not None:

            for child in lastCircuitNode.children:

                # i can't use isinstance, child must be exactly a JoinNode
                # otherwise negative node could be shared and this is a problem
                if (child.__class__ == ExistsNode
                        # is a exists node
                        and child.rightParent == alphaMemory):

                    # i can share the node
                    self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NODE_SHARED, child)
                    return child

        # i can't share an old node
        # it's time to create a new one

        newChild = ExistsNode(rightParent=alphaMemory,
        # link the new join to the right alpha memory

        # link the join node to the parent

        # try to update from the right

        #myclips.logger.info("New node: %s", newChild)
        #myclips.logger.info("Right-linked node: %s to %s", newChild, alphaMemory)
        #myclips.logger.info("Left-linked node: %s to %s", newChild, lastCircuitNode)

        self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NODE_ADDED, newChild)
        self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NODE_LINKED, lastCircuitNode,
                                newChild, -1)
        self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NODE_LINKED, alphaMemory,
                                newChild, 1)

        return newChild

    def _shareNode_NccNode(self, lastCircuitNode, lastNccCircuitNode,

        if lastCircuitNode is None:
            raise MyClipsBugException("NccNode can't be first in LHS")

        # try to search for a ncc child of last circuit
        for child in lastCircuitNode.children:
            if isinstance(child, NccNode):
                # it's a ncc, check of it's exactly the same circuit
                # from the right too
                if child.partner.leftParent == lastNccCircuitNode:
                    # ncc in the child + same ncc circuit
                    # this means i can share it
                    self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NODE_SHARED, child)
                    return child

        # i can't share the node
        # so create a new one

        newChild = NccNode(lastCircuitNode, lastNccCircuitNode,

        # link the newChild and the partner to the parents

        # ncc have to be the last child to be called
        # because the partner must have token in the buffer


        # new i need to update the node couple
        # first i update the ncc main node
        # then the parent (this way when token comes to the partner
        # the ncc has already partial results)


        # print connections

        #        myclips.logger.info("New node: %s", newChild)
        #        myclips.logger.info("New node: %s", newChild.partner)
        #        myclips.logger.info("Partner-linked node: %s to %s", newChild, newChild.partner)
        #        myclips.logger.info("Left-linked node: %s to %s", newChild, lastCircuitNode)
        #        myclips.logger.info("Left-linked node: %s to %s", newChild.partner, lastNccCircuitNode)

        self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NODE_ADDED, newChild)
        self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NODE_ADDED, newChild.partner)
        self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NODE_LINKED, lastCircuitNode,
                                newChild, -1)
                                lastNccCircuitNode, newChild.partner, -1)
        self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NODE_LINKED, newChild.partner,
                                newChild, 0)

        return newChild
Exemple #6
class Network(object):
    Rete network main object

    def __init__(self, eventsManager = None, modulesManager = None, resources=None, settings=None):
        #self._eventsManager = eventsManager if eventsManager is not None else EventsManager.default
        self._eventsManager = eventsManager if eventsManager is not None else EventsManager()
        # if a custom modules manager is not submitted, a new default one (with MAIN scope) is used
        if modulesManager is None:
            modulesManager = ModulesManager()
        self._modulesManager = modulesManager
        self._root = RootNode(self)
        self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NODE_ADDED, self._root)
        self._agenda = Agenda(self)
        self._rules = {}
        self._facts = {}
        self._factsWmeMap = {}
        self._currentWmeId = 0
        self._linkedParser = None
        self._deffacts = {}
        self._settings = settings or Settings()
        self._resources = resources or {"stdin": sys.stdin,
                                        "stdout": sys.stdout}
        self._resources.setdefault("stdout", sys.stdout)
        s = self._resources["stdout"]
        self._resources.setdefault("stdin", sys.stdin)
        self._resources.setdefault("t", s)
        self._resources.setdefault("wclips", s)
        self._resources.setdefault("wdialog", s)
        self._resources.setdefault("wdisplay", s)
        self._resources.setdefault("werror", s)
        self._resources.setdefault("wwarning", s)
        self._resources.setdefault("wtrace", s)
        self._init_resources = self._resources
            # assert the first fact: initial-fact
            self.assertFact(TemplateFact("initial-fact", {}, "MAIN"))
            import myclips
            myclips.logger.warning("initial-fact redefinition")
    def getParser(self, **kargs):
        Get an instance of myclips.Parser
        (default myclips.parser.Parser.Parser),
        linked to the modulesManager references in this Network instance 
        if self._linkedParser is None:
            import myclips
            self._linkedParser = myclips.Parser(modulesManager=self.modulesManager, **kargs)
        return self._linkedParser
    def assertFact(self, fact):
        Create a new WME and propagate it to the network
        only if the fact is not already in the working memory
        Return a tuple with the wme (created or the old one) which rappresent
        the fact and a boolean value to show if the wme is new or an old one
        @param fact: the fact asserted
        @type fact: Fact
        @return: a tuple with (WME for the fact, bool(the WME is new))
        @rtype: tuple 
        if not isinstance(fact, (TemplateFact, OrderedFact)):
            raise InvalidFactFormatError("fact is expected to be a %s or %s instance, %s passed"%(str(TemplateFact), str(OrderedFact), str(fact.__class__)))

        # check if a facts with the same features is already available
        # in the working memory
        # if it exists, return the tuple (old_wme, False)
        # otherwise return (new_wme, True) 
        # fact is propagate to the network only if
        # it's a new fact
        if not self._factsWmeMap.has_key(fact):
            # check if fact is valid
            # first check moduleName
            if not self.modulesManager.isDefined(fact.moduleName):
                raise UnknownModuleError("Fact module is unknown: %s"%fact.moduleName)
            # if fact is a template one
            if isinstance(fact, TemplateFact):
                # other validations are required for:
                #    templateName is valid?
                #    templateName is available in this scope?
                #    slots are valid for the template definition?
                # if the template name is invalid, an exception is raised 
                tmplDef = self.modulesManager.currentScope.templates.getDefinition(fact.templateName)
                assert isinstance(tmplDef, TemplateDefinition)
                isValid = tmplDef.isValidFact(fact)
                if isValid is not True:
                    raise InvalidFactFormatError(str(isValid))
            # create the new wme, ...
            wme = WME(self._currentWmeId, fact)
            # ... link it in the facts table ...
            self._facts[self._currentWmeId] = wme
            # ... and link the fact to the wme
            self._factsWmeMap[wme.fact] = wme
            # increment the fact-id counter
            self._currentWmeId += 1 
            self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_FACT_ASSERTED, wme, True)
            # propagate the new assertion in the network
            # everything done, return the new wme
            # and the isNew marker
            return (wme, True)
            # the same fact is already in the network
            # just return the old fact and the isNotNew mark
            wme = self._factsWmeMap[fact]
            # fire an event
            self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_FACT_ASSERTED, wme, False)
            return (wme, False)
    def retractFact(self, wme):
        Retract a WME from the working memory
        and from the network
        @param wme: the wme to be removed
        @type wme: myclips.rete.WME
        @return: None
        assert isinstance(wme, WME)
        if not self._facts[wme.factId] == wme:
            raise InvalidWmeOwner("The wme owner is not this network: %s"%str(wme))
        # remove the wme from the wme->id map
        del self._facts[wme.factId]
        # and from the fact -> wme map
        del self._factsWmeMap[wme.fact]
        self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_FACT_RETRACTED, wme)
        # then start wme revocation from the network
    def addRule(self, defrule):
        Compile a DefRuleConstruct in a network circuit
        sharing nodes if possible
        @param defrule: a DefRule construct which describe the rule
        @type defrule: types.DefRuleConstruct
        @return: the main PNode produced by the rule. If
            the rule containts more than one OR clause,
            other slave-PNodes are linked to the main one
        @rtype: myclips.rete.nodes.PNode
        if self._rules.has_key("::".join([defrule.scope.moduleName, defrule.defruleName])):
            # before add the new rule, need to remove the old one
            self.removeRule(defrule.defruleName, defrule.scope.moduleName)
        #normalize defule lhs
        defrule.lhs = analysis.normalizeLHS(defrule.lhs, defrule.scope.modules)
        # after normalization:
        #    defrule.lhs is a OrPatternCE with at least a nested AndPatternCe
        firstPNode = None
        for (index, AndInOr) in enumerate(defrule.lhs.patterns):
            variables = {}
            lastNode, _ = self._makeNetwork(None, AndInOr.patterns, 0, variables)
            # I need to create a PNode (and it must always linked to the first PNode created)
            pNode = PNode(ruleName=defrule.defruleName, 
                          orClauseCount=index - 1 if index > 0 else None,
            self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NODE_ADDED, pNode)
            self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NODE_LINKED, lastNode, pNode, -1)
            if firstPNode is None:
                firstPNode = pNode
        # store the main PNode
        # inside the rules map
        self._rules[firstPNode.completeMainRuleName()] = firstPNode
        return firstPNode
    def removeRule(self, ruleName, moduleName=None):
        if moduleName is None:
            # the the moduleName from the current scope
            moduleName = self.modulesManager.currentScope.moduleName
        completeRuleName = "::".join([moduleName, ruleName])
            notifierRemoval = lambda *args, **kwargs: self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NODE_REMOVED, *args, **kwargs)
            notifierUnlinking = lambda *args, **kwargs: self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NODE_UNLINKED, *args, **kwargs)
            self._rules[completeRuleName].delete(notifierRemoval, notifierUnlinking)
            # after token removal, refresh the rulename:
            # if a new rule with the same name is added
            # the rule need to have a new history
            del self._rules[completeRuleName]
        except KeyError:
            raise RuleNotFoundError("Unable to find defrule %s"%completeRuleName)
    def addDeffacts(self, deffacts):
        assert isinstance(deffacts, types.DefFactsConstruct)
        self._deffacts[deffacts.scope.moduleName+"::"+deffacts.deffactsName] = deffacts
    def removeDeffacts(self, deffactsName, deffactsModule=None):
        if deffactsModule is not None:
            tryName = deffactsModule + "::" + deffactsName
            tryName = deffactsName
        # try to remove the deffacts
            del self._deffacts[tryName]
        except KeyError:
            # key error: if module is None, try again using the current scope
                tryName = self.modulesManager.currentScope.moduleName + "::" + deffactsName
                del self._deffacts[tryName]
            except KeyError:
                raise DefFactsNotFoundError("Unable to find deffacts %s"%deffactsName)
    def getWmeFromId(self, factId):
            return self._facts[factId]
        except KeyError:
            raise FactNotFoundError("Unable to find fact f-%d"%factId)
    def getWmeFromFact(self, fact):
            return self._factsWmeMap[fact]
        except KeyError:
            raise FactNotFoundError("Unable to find a fact that match %s"%str(fact))
    def getPNode(self, completeRuleName):
            return self._rules[completeRuleName]
        except KeyError:
            # if the first lookup failed, try appending the current modulename scope
            # to the name
                return self._rules[self.modulesManager.currentScope.moduleName+"::"+completeRuleName]
                raise RuleNotFoundError("Unable to find defrule %s"%completeRuleName)
    def reset(self):
        Reset the network status
        # trigger event before reset
        self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NETWORK_RESET_PRE, self)
        # retract all wme in the network
        for wme in self.facts:
        # reset the fact-id counter
        self._currentWmeId = 0
        # close all pending resources
        for (name, res) in self._resources.items():
            if not self._init_resources.has_key(name) and hasattr(res, "close"):
        # and reset the resources map
        self._resources = self._init_resources
        # reset the agenda
        self._agenda = Agenda(self)
        # push the MAIN::initial-fact
        self.assertFact(TemplateFact(values={}, templateName="initial-fact", moduleName="MAIN"))
        # push all fact in deffacts again
        for deffact in self._deffacts.values():
            assert isinstance(deffact, types.DefFactsConstruct)
            # switch the scope the one defined in the deffact
            # in this way asserted ordered fact gain the scope
            # from the current one and templates definition
            # could be checked vs module scope
            for pattern in deffact.rhs:
                if isinstance(pattern, types.TemplateRhsPattern):
                    assert isinstance(pattern, types.TemplateRhsPattern)
                    # prepare values:
                    values = dict([(rhsSlot.slotName, rhsSlot.slotValue) for rhsSlot in pattern.templateSlots])
                    # use the module name of the scope in the template,
                    # not the current one
                    self.assertFact(TemplateFact(values=values, templateName=pattern.templateName, moduleName=pattern.scope.moduleName))
                elif isinstance(pattern, types.OrderedRhsPattern):
                    assert isinstance(pattern, types.OrderedRhsPattern)
                    # prepare values
                    values = pattern.values
                    # use the moduleName from the deffact scope (or the current one)
                    self.assertFact(OrderedFact(values=values, moduleName=deffact.scope.moduleName))
        # reset globals value for each module
        for module in self.modulesManager.getModulesNames():
            aGlobalsMan = self.modulesManager.getScope(module).globalsvars
            for defName in aGlobalsMan.definitions:
                aLinkedType = aGlobalsMan.getDefinition(defName).linkedType
                aLinkedType.runningValue = aLinkedType.value
        # set current scope back to MAIN
        # trigger event after reset
        self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NETWORK_RESET_POST, self)

        # all ready
    def clear(self):
        # trigger event before clear
        self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NETWORK_CLEAR_PRE, self)
        # retract all facts
            for wme in self.facts:

        # destroy the network
        for rule in self._rules.keys():
            del self._rules[rule]
        # close all pending resources
        for (name, res) in self._resources.items():
            if not self._init_resources.has_key(name) and hasattr(res, "close"):
        # and reset the resources map
        self._resources = self._init_resources
        # renew the root node
        self._root = RootNode(self)
        # renew agenda and maps
        self._agenda = Agenda(self)
        self._rules = {}
        self._facts = {}
        self._factsWmeMap = {}
        self._currentWmeId = 0
        self._linkedParser = None
        self._deffacts = {}
        # destoy MM
        self._modulesManager = ModulesManager()
            # assert the first fact: initial-fact
            self.assertFact(TemplateFact(values={}, templateName="initial-fact", moduleName="MAIN"))
            import myclips
            myclips.logger.warning("initial-fact redefinition")

        # notify completed clear operation
        self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NETWORK_CLEAR_POST, self)
        # detach all listeners after the CLEAR_POST events
        # for behavioural consistency, notify root creation
        self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NODE_ADDED, self._root)

        # ok, all done

    def run(self, steps=None):
        if steps is not None:
            theRuns = int(steps)
            theRuns = True

            while theRuns:
                #decrease theRuns if integer
                if theRuns is not True:
                    theRuns -= 1
                    pnode, token = self.agenda.getActivation()
                    self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_RULE_FIRED, pnode.completeMainRuleName(), pnode.completeRuleName(), token.linearize(False))
                except AgendaNoMoreActivationError:
                        # try to pop the focusStack
                        oldFocus = self.agenda.focusStack.pop()
                            newFocus = self.agenda.focusStack[-1]
                        except IndexError:
                            newFocus = None
                        self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_FOCUS_CHANGED, oldFocus, newFocus)
                    except IndexError:
                        # pop from an empty stack
        except HaltException:

    def agenda(self):
        return self._agenda
    def resources(self):
        return self._resources
    def settings(self):
        return self._settings
    def facts(self):
        Return the list of all fact defined in the working memory
        for ALL defined scopes
        return self._facts.values()

    def factsForScope(self, scopeName=None):
        Return a list of wme for all facts
        that can be seen in the scope for scopeName
        @param scopeName: the moduleName for a defined module. If None
            the currentScope name will be used
        @type scopeName: string
        @return: a list of wme
        @rtype: list
        if scopeName is not None:
            # try to change the scope
            # this will force an UnknownModuleError if the modules is not defined
            theScope = self.modulesManager.getScope(scopeName)
            theScope = self.modulesManager.currentScope
        # ok, the module exists. Prepare return
        return [wme for wme in self._facts.values()
                            # fact can be seen if it was defined in the scope (for ordered)
                            if wme.fact.moduleName == theScope.moduleName
                                # of if it's a template fact and is definition is imported in the current scope 
                                or (wme.fact.templateName is not None and theScope.templates.has(wme.fact.templateName)) ]

    def rules(self):
        return self._rules
    def eventsManager(self):
        return self._eventsManager

    def modulesManager(self):
        return self._modulesManager

    def _makeNetwork(self, node, patterns, prevPatterns=0, variables=None):
        variables = {} if variables is None else variables
        for patternCE in patterns:
            # get the pattern type:
            if isinstance(patternCE, (types.TemplatePatternCE, 
                # if patternCE is assigned, i need to propagate
                # alpha creation with the inner pattern,
                # not with the main assigned.
                # i use the assigned only to store info about variable
                # use old way to store variables coordinates, waiting for a new one
                if isinstance(patternCE, types.AssignedPatternCE):
                    variables[patternCE.variable.evaluate()] = VariableLocation(patternCE.variable.evaluate(), prevPatterns, fullFact=True)
                    patternCE = patternCE.pattern
                inPatternVariables = []
                alphaTests, joinTests = analysis.analyzePattern(patternCE, prevPatterns, variables, inPatternVariables)
                # merge inPatternVariables to variables
                variables.update(dict([(var.name, var) for var in inPatternVariables]))
                # requires a simple alpha circuit,
                # then a join + beta node if needed (beta join circuit)
                alphaMemory = self._makeAlphaCircuit(alphaTests)
                node = self._makeBetaJoinCircuit(node, alphaMemory, joinTests)
                prevPatterns += 1
            elif isinstance(patternCE, types.NotPatternCE):
                # need to check inside the pattern
                # if inside a not-ce there is a and-ce
                # i need to build a ncc
                if isinstance(patternCE.pattern, types.AndPatternCE):
                    # that's it: ncc required
                    # this build the normal circuit
                    lastNccCircuitNode, circuitPatternCount = self._makeNetwork(node, patternCE.pattern.patterns, prevPatterns, variables)
                    node = self._makeBetaNccCircuit(node, lastNccCircuitNode, circuitPatternCount - prevPatterns )
                    # inner conditions already appended by recursive call
                    # but i have to add a +1 for the (not (...))
                    #avoidAppend = True
                    prevPatterns = circuitPatternCount + 1
                elif isinstance(patternCE.pattern, types.NotPatternCE):
                    inPatternVariables = []
                    alphaTests, joinTests = analysis.analyzePattern(patternCE.pattern.pattern, prevPatterns, variables, inPatternVariables)
                    alphaMemory = self._makeAlphaCircuit(alphaTests)
                    node = self._makeBetaExistsCircuit(node, alphaMemory)
                    prevPatterns += 1
                    # a simple negative join node is required
                    inPatternVariables = []
                    # add 1 to pattern index because the values are in the inner not pattern
                    # so the (not (condition)) count as 2
                    alphaTests, joinTests = analysis.analyzePattern(patternCE.pattern, prevPatterns, variables, inPatternVariables)
                    # merge inPatternVariables to variables
                    #variables.update(dict([(var.name, var) for var in inPatternVariables]))
                    # requires a simple alpha circuit,
                    # then a join + beta node if needed (beta join circuit)
                    alphaMemory = self._makeAlphaCircuit(alphaTests)
                    node = self._makeBetaNegativeJoinCircuit(node, alphaMemory, joinTests)
                    prevPatterns += 1

            elif isinstance(patternCE, types.TestPatternCE):
                # a special filter must be applied to
                # the circuit
                node = self._makeBetaTestCircuit(node, patternCE, prevPatterns, variables)
                prevPatterns += 1

            elif isinstance(patternCE, types.ExistsPatternCE):
                inPatternVariables = []
                alphaTests, joinTests = analysis.analyzePattern(patternCE.pattern, prevPatterns, variables, inPatternVariables)

                alphaMemory = self._makeAlphaCircuit(alphaTests)
                node = self._makeBetaExistsCircuit(node, alphaMemory)
                prevPatterns += 1

            # or and and ce must not be supported here
            # after lhs normalization
            # or-ce could be only at top level
            #     of the lhs and are managed from the 
            #     addRule method (each or clause cause a new network circuit
            #     and a new sub-pnode linked to a main one
            # and-ce could be only after a not-ce or the main or-ce
            #    (managed by addRule method)
            #     and are managed as a ncc circuit
        return node, prevPatterns
    def _makeAlphaCircuit(self, alphaTests):
        lastCircuitNode = self._root

        # create or share a PropertyTestNode for each test group
        for tests in alphaTests:
            lastCircuitNode = self._shareNode_PropertyTestNode(lastCircuitNode, tests)
        lastCircuitNode = self._shareNode_AlphaMemoryNode(lastCircuitNode)
        return lastCircuitNode
    def _makeBetaJoinCircuit(self, lastBetaCircuitNode, alphaMemory, joinTests):
        if lastBetaCircuitNode != None:
            lastBetaCircuitNode = self._shareNode_BetaMemory(lastBetaCircuitNode)
        return self._shareNode_JoinNode(lastBetaCircuitNode, alphaMemory, joinTests )         
    def _makeBetaTestCircuit(self, lastBetaCircuitNode, patternCE, prevPatterns, variables):
        A Test join Circuit circuit is made by a TestNode linked to 
        a beta-memory from the left and without an alpha circuit from the right
        if lastBetaCircuitNode != None:
            lastBetaCircuitNode = self._shareNode_BetaMemory(lastBetaCircuitNode)
        # build tests for test node
        tests = []
        (newFunctionCall, fakeVars) = analysis.analyzeFunction(patternCE.function , prevPatterns, variables)
        tests.append(DynamicFunctionTest(newFunctionCall, fakeVars))
        return self._shareNode_TestNode(lastBetaCircuitNode, tests )              

    def _makeBetaNegativeJoinCircuit(self, lastBetaCircuitNode, alphaMemory, joinTests):
        #if lastBetaCircuitNode != None:
        #    lastBetaCircuitNode = self._shareNode_BetaMemory(lastBetaCircuitNode)
        return self._shareNode_NegativeJoinNode(lastBetaCircuitNode, alphaMemory, joinTests )           

    def _makeBetaExistsCircuit(self, lastBetaCircuitNode, alphaMemory):
        if lastBetaCircuitNode != None:
            lastBetaCircuitNode = self._shareNode_BetaMemory(lastBetaCircuitNode)
        return self._shareNode_ExistsNode(lastBetaCircuitNode, alphaMemory )           

    def _makeBetaNccCircuit(self, lastBetaCircuitNode, lastNccCircuitNode, nccCircuitLength):
        return self._shareNode_NccNode(lastBetaCircuitNode, lastNccCircuitNode, nccCircuitLength)

    def _shareNode_AlphaMemoryNode(self, lastCircuitNode):
        Try to share an AlphaMemoryNode available in the circuit
        if possible, otherwise create a new one and add it
        in the network
        @param lastCircuitNode: the node where the alpha memory should be linked
        @type lastCircuitNode: PropertyTestNode
        @return: a shared or a new AlphaMemory
        @rtype: AlphaMemory
        assert isinstance(lastCircuitNode, PropertyTestNode)

        # if the last node has already a memory linked,
        # just use it        
        if lastCircuitNode.hasMemory():
            self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NODE_SHARED, lastCircuitNode)
            return lastCircuitNode.memory
        # otherwise create a new one and return it
        memory = AlphaMemory(lastCircuitNode)
        lastCircuitNode.memory = memory
        #myclips.logger.info("New node: %s", memory)
        #myclips.logger.info("Linked node: %s to %s", memory, lastCircuitNode)
        self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NODE_ADDED, memory)
        self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NODE_LINKED, lastCircuitNode, memory, 0)
        # update the node
        return memory

    def _shareNode_PropertyTestNode(self, lastCircuitNode, tests):
        if lastCircuitNode != None:
            for child in lastCircuitNode.children:
                if isinstance(child, PropertyTestNode)\
                    and child.tests == tests:
                    # found a node with same contraints
                    # i can share it
                    self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NODE_SHARED, child)
                    return child
        # if a checked all children and found nothing
        # i need to create a new node for it
        newChild = PropertyTestNode(lastCircuitNode, tests)
        # maybe i could move this code inside the constructor
        self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NODE_ADDED, newChild)
        self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NODE_LINKED, lastCircuitNode, newChild, 0)
        #myclips.logger.info("New node: %s", newChild)
        #myclips.logger.info("Linked node: %s to %s", newChild, lastCircuitNode)
        return newChild
    def _shareNode_BetaMemory(self, lastCircuitNode):
        # beta node are needed only if there is a parent node
        # otherwise dummy node only
        if lastCircuitNode is None:
            return lastCircuitNode
        # try to share the beta if possible    
        for child in lastCircuitNode.children:
            if isinstance(child, BetaMemory):
                self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NODE_SHARED, child)
                return child
        # otherwise make a new one
        newChild = BetaMemory(lastCircuitNode)
        # update the node to synch the beta memory
        # status to the network status
        #myclips.logger.info("New node: %s", newChild)
        #myclips.logger.info("Linked node: %s to %s", newChild, lastCircuitNode)

        self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NODE_ADDED, newChild)
        self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NODE_LINKED, lastCircuitNode, newChild, -1)
        return newChild
    def _shareNode_JoinNode(self, lastCircuitNode, alphaMemory, tests):
        # check if i can share looking at beta network first
        if lastCircuitNode is not None:
            for child in lastCircuitNode.children:
                # i can't use isinstance, child must be exactly a JoinNode
                # otherwise negative node could be shared and this is a problem
                if (child.__class__ == JoinNode
                    # is a join node
                    and child.rightParent == alphaMemory
                        # alpha memory is the same
                        and child.tests == tests):
                            # tests are the same too
                    # i can share the node
                    self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NODE_SHARED, child)
                    return child
            # try to share node looking at the alphaMemory
            # this could allow to share dummy join nodes
            for child in alphaMemory.children:
                # i can't use isinstance, child must be exactly a JoinNode
                # otherwise negative node could be shared and this is a problem
                if (child.__class__ == JoinNode
                    # is a join node
                    and child.isLeftRoot()
                        # like the node i will create, this one is left dummy
                        and child.tests == tests):
                            # tests are the same too
                    # i can share the node
                    self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NODE_SHARED, child)
                    return child
        # i can't share an old node
        # it's time to create a new one
        newChild = JoinNode(rightParent=alphaMemory, leftParent=lastCircuitNode, tests=tests)
        # link the new join to the right alpha memory
        if lastCircuitNode is not None:
            # link the join node to the parent
            # it's useless to update a leaf join node
            # even if it find matches
            # it has no children to propage the activation
        #myclips.logger.info("New node: %s", newChild)
        #myclips.logger.info("Right-linked node: %s to %s", newChild, alphaMemory)
        #myclips.logger.info("Left-linked node: %s to %s", newChild, lastCircuitNode)

        self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NODE_ADDED, newChild)
        self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NODE_LINKED, lastCircuitNode, newChild, -1)
        self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NODE_LINKED, alphaMemory, newChild, 1)
        return newChild
    def _shareNode_TestNode(self, lastCircuitNode, tests):
        if lastCircuitNode is None:
            raise MyClipsBugException("TestNode can't be first in LHS")
        for child in lastCircuitNode.children:
            # i can't use isinstance, child must be exactly a JoinNode
            # otherwise negative node could be shared and this is a problem
            if (child.__class__ == JoinNode
                # is a join node
                    and child.tests == tests):
                    # tests are the same too
                # i can share the node
                self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NODE_SHARED, child)
                return child
        # i can't share an old node
        # it's time to create a new one
        newChild = TestNode(leftParent=lastCircuitNode, tests=tests)
        # link the join node to the parent

        self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NODE_ADDED, newChild)
        self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NODE_LINKED, lastCircuitNode, newChild, -1)
        return newChild
    def _shareNode_NegativeJoinNode(self, lastCircuitNode, alphaMemory, tests):
        # check if i can share looking at beta network first
        if lastCircuitNode is not None:
            for child in lastCircuitNode.children:
                # i can't use isinstance, child must be exactly a JoinNode
                # otherwise negative node could be shared and this is a problem
                if (child.__class__ == NegativeJoinNode
                    # is a join node
                    and child.rightParent == alphaMemory
                        # alpha memory is the same
                        and child.tests == tests):
                            # tests are the same too
                    # i can share the node
                    self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NODE_SHARED, child)
                    return child
            # try to share node looking at the alphaMemory
            # this could allow to share dummy join nodes
            for child in alphaMemory.children:
                # i can't use isinstance, child must be exactly a JoinNode
                # otherwise negative node could be shared and this is a problem
                if (child.__class__ == NegativeJoinNode
                    # is a join node
                    and child.isLeftRoot()
                        # like the node i will create, this one is left dummy
                        and child.tests == tests):
                            # tests are the same too
                    # i can share the node
                    self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NODE_SHARED, child)
                    return child
        # i can't share an old node
        # it's time to create a new one
        newChild = NegativeJoinNode(rightParent=alphaMemory, leftParent=lastCircuitNode, tests=tests)
        # link the new join to the right alpha memory
        if lastCircuitNode is not None:
            # link the join node to the parent
            # try to update from the left
            # try to update from the right
        #myclips.logger.info("New node: %s", newChild)
        #myclips.logger.info("Right-linked node: %s to %s", newChild, alphaMemory)
        #myclips.logger.info("Left-linked node: %s to %s", newChild, lastCircuitNode)

        self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NODE_ADDED, newChild)
        self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NODE_LINKED, lastCircuitNode, newChild, -1)
        self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NODE_LINKED, alphaMemory, newChild, 1)

        return newChild    

    def _shareNode_ExistsNode(self, lastCircuitNode, alphaMemory):
        # check if i can share looking at beta network first
        if lastCircuitNode is not None:
            for child in lastCircuitNode.children:
                # i can't use isinstance, child must be exactly a JoinNode
                # otherwise negative node could be shared and this is a problem
                if (child.__class__ == ExistsNode
                    # is a exists node
                    and child.rightParent == alphaMemory):
                    # i can share the node
                    self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NODE_SHARED, child)
                    return child

        # i can't share an old node
        # it's time to create a new one
        newChild = ExistsNode(rightParent=alphaMemory, leftParent=lastCircuitNode)
        # link the new join to the right alpha memory
        # link the join node to the parent
        # try to update from the right
        #myclips.logger.info("New node: %s", newChild)
        #myclips.logger.info("Right-linked node: %s to %s", newChild, alphaMemory)
        #myclips.logger.info("Left-linked node: %s to %s", newChild, lastCircuitNode)

        self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NODE_ADDED, newChild)
        self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NODE_LINKED, lastCircuitNode, newChild, -1)
        self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NODE_LINKED, alphaMemory, newChild, 1)

        return newChild      
    def _shareNode_NccNode(self, lastCircuitNode, lastNccCircuitNode, partnerCircuitLength):
        if lastCircuitNode is None:
            raise MyClipsBugException("NccNode can't be first in LHS")
        # try to search for a ncc child of last circuit
        for child in lastCircuitNode.children:
            if isinstance(child, NccNode):
                # it's a ncc, check of it's exactly the same circuit
                # from the right too
                if child.partner.leftParent == lastNccCircuitNode:
                    # ncc in the child + same ncc circuit
                    # this means i can share it
                    self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NODE_SHARED, child)
                    return child
        # i can't share the node
        # so create a new one
        newChild = NccNode(lastCircuitNode, lastNccCircuitNode, partnerCircuitLength)
        # link the newChild and the partner to the parents
        # ncc have to be the last child to be called
        # because the partner must have token in the buffer
        # new i need to update the node couple
        # first i update the ncc main node
        # then the parent (this way when token comes to the partner
        # the ncc has already partial results)

        # print connections
#        myclips.logger.info("New node: %s", newChild)
#        myclips.logger.info("New node: %s", newChild.partner)
#        myclips.logger.info("Partner-linked node: %s to %s", newChild, newChild.partner)
#        myclips.logger.info("Left-linked node: %s to %s", newChild, lastCircuitNode)
#        myclips.logger.info("Left-linked node: %s to %s", newChild.partner, lastNccCircuitNode)
        self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NODE_ADDED, newChild)
        self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NODE_ADDED, newChild.partner)
        self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NODE_LINKED, lastCircuitNode, newChild, -1)
        self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NODE_LINKED, lastNccCircuitNode, newChild.partner, -1)
        self.eventsManager.fire(EventsManager.E_NODE_LINKED, newChild.partner, newChild, 0)
        return newChild