def merge_experts_contribution(alpha_list, concat_outputs):
    # weighted sum on locations
    contributions = []
    for ii in range(num_user):
        alpha = util.slice_layer(1, ii, ii + 1)(alpha_list)
        contribution = util.slice_layer(1, ii, ii + 1)(concat_outputs)
        contributions.append(multiply([alpha, contribution]))

    contributions = Lambda(lambda x: K.concatenate(x, axis=1))(contributions)
    outputs = reduce_sum_layer(contributions)
    outputs = expand_dim_layer(outputs)
    return outputs
def merge_experts_contribution2(alpha_list, concat_hidden):
    # weighted sum on hidden states
    contributions = []
    for ii in range(num_user):
        alpha = util.slice_layer(1, ii, ii + 1)(alpha_list)
        contribution = util.slice_layer(1, ii, ii + 1)(concat_hidden)
        contributions.append(multiply([alpha, contribution]))

    contributions = Lambda(lambda x: K.concatenate(x, axis=1))(contributions)
    outputs = reduce_sum_layer(contributions)
    final_dense = Dense(num_decoder_tokens, activation='tanh')
    outputs = final_dense(outputs)
    outputs = expand_dim_layer(outputs)
    return outputs
Exemple #3
def get_CNN_fea(saliency_inputs, time_ind, final_dim=256):
    saliency_inputs_slice = util.slice_layer(1, time_ind,
                                             time_ind + 1)(saliency_inputs)
    _saliency = conv1(get_dim1_layer(saliency_inputs_slice))
    _saliency = conv2(_saliency)
    _saliency = pooling(_saliency)
    _saliency = conv3(_saliency)
    _saliency = conv4(_saliency)
    _saliency = pooling(_saliency)
    _saliency = conv5(_saliency)
    _saliency = Flatten()(_saliency)
    _saliency = Dense(final_dim, activation='relu')(_saliency)
    return _saliency
Exemple #4
def likelihood_loss(y_true, y_pred):
    if we assume the distribution follows the N(mean_pred,var_pred),
    then we can use the ground truth samples to compute the likelihood.
    Use the NLL as the cost.
    #Note that var=sigma**2
    ux = util.slice_layer(2, 0, 1)(y_pred)
    uy = util.slice_layer(2, 1, 2)(y_pred)
    uz = util.slice_layer(2, 2, 3)(y_pred)
    varx = util.slice_layer(2, 3, 4)(y_pred)
    vary = util.slice_layer(2, 4, 5)(y_pred)
    varz = util.slice_layer(2, 5, 6)(y_pred)

    cliplayer = Lambda(
        lambda x: K.clip(K.abs(x), min_value=0.0001, max_value=2))
    cliplayer2 = Lambda(lambda x: K.clip(x, min_value=-2000, max_value=2000))

    varx = cliplayer(varx)
    vary = cliplayer(vary)
    varz = cliplayer(varz)

    ux = K.repeat_elements(ux, 30, axis=-1)
    uy = K.repeat_elements(uy, 30, axis=-1)
    uz = K.repeat_elements(uz, 30, axis=-1)
    varx = K.repeat_elements(varx, 30, axis=-1)
    vary = K.repeat_elements(vary, 30, axis=-1)
    varz = K.repeat_elements(varz, 30, axis=-1)

    x = y_true[:, :, 0::3]
    y = y_true[:, :, 1::3]
    z = y_true[:, :, 2::3]
    lossx = K.log(varx + K.epsilon()) + ((x - ux)**2) / (varx + K.epsilon())
    lossy = K.log(vary + K.epsilon()) + ((y - uy)**2) / (vary + K.epsilon())
    lossz = K.log(varz + K.epsilon()) + ((z - uz)**2) / (varz + K.epsilon())

    # lossx = varx-1+ ((x-ux)**2)/(varx+ K.epsilon())
    # lossy = vary-1+ ((y-uy)**2)/(vary+ K.epsilon())
    # lossz = varz-1+ ((z-uz)**2)/(varz+ K.epsilon())

    lossx = cliplayer2(lossx)
    lossy = cliplayer2(lossy)
    lossz = cliplayer2(lossz)

    #constraint on x,y,z
    lambda_xyz = 0
    lossxyz = lambda_xyz * (1 - (ux**2 + uy**2 + uz**2))**2

    loss = K.mean(K.sum(K.sum(lossx + lossy + lossz + lossxyz, axis=2),
    return loss / cfg.running_length / cfg.fps
Exemple #5

encoder_dense = Dense(3, activation='tanh')
if cfg.predict_mean_var:
    decoder_dense = Dense(num_decoder_tokens, activation=None)
    decoder_dense = Dense(3, activation=None)

## concat states
all_outputs = []
inputs = decoder_inputs
all_outputs_target_past = []

for time_ind in range(max_encoder_seq_length):
    #predict for target user's past (reconstruction)
    encoder_outputs_slice = slice_layer(1, time_ind,
                                        time_ind + 1)(pst_outputs_sqns)
    # get cnn feature
    cnn_input = get_dim1_layer(
        slice_layer(1, time_ind, time_ind + 1)(encoder_inputs_oth))
    cnn_oth_output3 = _get_cnn_fea(cnn_input)
    concat_cnn_state = Concatenatelayer_dim3(
    outputs = encoder_dense(concat_cnn_state)

for time_ind in range(max_decoder_seq_length):
    # decoder
    fut_outputs_sqns0, fut_state_h, fut_state_c = convlstm_decoder([inputs] +
    states0 = [fut_state_h, fut_state_c]
    if shared_LSTM:
        lstm = LSTM(latent_dim,
    if shared_WiVi:
        W_i = Dense(256, activation='relu')
        V_i = Dense(256, activation='relu')
get_dim2_layer = Lambda(lambda x: x[:, :, 0, :])
expand_dim2_layer = Lambda(lambda x: K.expand_dims(x, 2))
oth_states_list = []
for user_ind in range(num_user - 1):
    if shared_LSTM:
        oth_states, state_h_oth, state_c_oth = lstm(
                util.slice_layer(2, user_ind, user_ind + 1)(others_inputs)))
        oth_states, state_h_oth, state_c_oth = lstm_pool[user_ind](
                util.slice_layer(2, user_ind, user_ind + 1)(others_inputs)))
oth_states_list = Lambda(lambda x: K.concatenate(x, axis=2))(
    oth_states_list)  #(batch,10,33,64) or (batch,20,33,64)

# ************************************************************
def ui_usi_similarity(u_i_list, u_si_list):
    logit = reduce_sum_layer_1(multiply([u_si_list, u_i_list]))  #(batch,34)
    alpha_list = Softmax()(logit)
    return alpha_list
# single layer LSTM
if not cfg.input_mean_var:
    inputs = Input(shape=(None, num_encoder_tokens))
    inputs = Input(shape=(None, num_decoder_tokens))    
lstm = LSTM(latent_dim, return_state=True)
# encoder_outputs, state_h, state_c = lstm(inputs)
# states = [state_h, state_c]

output_dense = Dense(num_decoder_tokens,activation='tanh')

all_outputs = []
for time_ind in range(max_decoder_seq_length):
    this_inputs = util.slice_layer(1,time_ind,time_ind+1)(inputs)
    if time_ind==0:
        decoder_states, state_h, state_c = lstm(this_inputs)#no initial states
        decoder_states, state_h, state_c = lstm(this_inputs,
    outputs = output_dense(decoder_states)
    # this_inputs = outputs
    states = [state_h, state_c]

all_outputs = Lambda(lambda x: K.concatenate(x, axis=1))(all_outputs)

model = Model(inputs, all_outputs)
model.compile(optimizer='Adam', loss='mean_squared_error',metrics=['accuracy'])

if cfg.predict_mean_var:
    encoder_dense = Dense(6, activation='tanh')
    decoder_dense = Dense(6, activation=None)
    encoder_dense = Dense(3, activation='tanh')
    decoder_dense = Dense(3, activation=None)

## concat states
all_outputs = []
all_outputs_oth = []
if not cfg.teacher_forcing:
    inputs = decoder_inputs
    inputs = util.slice_layer(1, 0, 1)(decoder_inputs)
all_outputs_target_past = []

for time_ind in range(max_encoder_seq_length):
    #predict for others' past (reconstruction)
    outputs_sqns_oth_slice = util.slice_layer(1, time_ind,
                                              time_ind + 1)(outputs_sqns_oth)
    outputs_oth = pred_conv_lstm_dense(outputs_sqns_oth_slice)

    #predict for target user's past (reconstruction)
    if use_fclstm_tar:
        encoder_outputs_slice = util.slice_layer(1, time_ind,
                                                 time_ind + 1)(encoder_outputs)
        encoder_outputs_slice = util.slice_layer(1, time_ind, time_ind +
    # build decoder model
    if is_train:
        decoder_inputs = Input(shape=(None, num_decoder_tokens),
        decoder_inputs = Input(shape=(1, num_decoder_tokens))
    # decoder_lstm = LSTM(latent_dim, return_sequences=True, return_state=True)
    decoder_gru = GRU(latent_dim, return_sequences=True, return_state=True)
    decoder_dense = Dense(num_decoder_tokens, activation='tanh')

    # latent_inputs = Input(shape=(vae_latent_dim,), name='z_sampling') #used as the initial states!
    # h0 = Dense(latent_dim, activation='tanh')(latent_inputs)
    h0 = Dense(latent_dim, activation='tanh')(encoder(encoder_inputs)[2])
    all_outputs = []
    if is_train:
        inputs = util.slice_layer(1, 0, 1)(decoder_inputs)
        inputs = decoder_inputs
    states = h0
    for time_ind in range(max_decoder_seq_length):
        teacher_key = np.random.randint(1, max_decoder_seq_length / 2)
        # also use the same embedding for the decoder
        inputs = conv0(inputs)
        inputs = conv1(inputs)
        inputs = conv2(inputs)
        # decoder_states, state_h, state_c = decoder_lstm(inputs,initial_state=states)
        # states = [state_h, state_c]
        decoder_states, state_h = decoder_gru(inputs, initial_state=states)
        states = state_h
        outputs = decoder_dense(decoder_states)
Exemple #10
decoder_dense = Dense(num_decoder_tokens,activation='tanh')

all_outputs = []
inputs = decoder_inputs
for time_ind in range(max_decoder_seq_length):
    # if cfg.include_time_ind: #as input
    #     this_time_ind_input = util.slice_layer(1,time_ind,time_ind+1)(time_ind_input)
    #     inputs = Concatenatelayer_1([inputs,this_time_ind_input])

    if use_one_layer:
        decoder_states, state_h, state_c = decoder_lstm(inputs,initial_state=states)
        states = [state_h, state_c]
        if cfg.include_time_ind: #as embedding input
            this_time_ind_input = util.slice_layer(1,time_ind,time_ind+1)(time_ind_input)
            decoder_states = Concatenatelayer_1([decoder_states,this_time_ind_input])

        outputs = decoder_dense(decoder_states)
        decoder1_outputs, state_decoder1_h, state_decoder1_c = decoder_lstm1(inputs,
        decoder1_states_inputs = [state_decoder1_h, state_decoder1_c]
        decoder2_outputs, state_decoder2_h, state_decoder2_c = decoder_lstm2(decoder1_outputs,
        decoder2_states_inputs = [state_decoder2_h, state_decoder2_c]
        outputs = decoder_dense(decoder2_outputs)

    inputs = outputs

all_outputs = []
inputs = decoder_inputs
for time_ind in range(max_decoder_seq_length):
    decoder1_outputs, state_decoder1_h, state_decoder1_c = decoder_lstm1(inputs,
    decoder1_states_inputs = [state_decoder1_h, state_decoder1_c]
    decoder2_outputs, state_decoder2_h, state_decoder2_c = decoder_lstm2(decoder1_outputs,initial_state=decoder2_states_inputs)
    decoder2_states_inputs = [state_decoder2_h, state_decoder2_c]
    decoder_pred = decoder_dense(decoder2_outputs)

    if oth_from_past:
        #use the last 10 locations as the h_i
        gt_mean_var_oth = util.slice_layer(1,time_ind+max_encoder_seq_length-10,time_ind+max_encoder_seq_length)(others_inputs) #(,10,33,6)
        gt_mean_var_oth = Permute((2,3,1))(gt_mean_var_oth) #shape=(?, 33, 6, 10)
        gt_mean_var_oth = oth_past_dense(gt_mean_var_oth) #shape=(?, 33, 6, 1)
        gt_mean_var_oth = Permute((3,1,2))(gt_mean_var_oth) #permute back:shape=(?, 1, 33, 6)
        gt_mean_var_oth = util.slice_layer(1,time_ind,time_ind+1)(others_inputs) 

    concat_outputs = Concatenatelayer([get_dim1_layer(gt_mean_var_oth),decoder_pred])
    if mlp_mixing:
        concat_outputs = Flatten()(concat_outputs)
        outputs = mixing(concat_outputs)
        outputs = expand_dim_layer(outputs)
    if ame:
        # concat_outputs_flat = Flatten()(concat_outputs)
        # h_all = expand_dim_layer(concat_outputs_flat) #(batch,1,34*6)
        u_i_list = []
            # outputs = pred_conv_lstm_conv3(outputs)
            # outputs = bnlayer3(outputs)
            # outputs = pred_conv_lstm_conv4(outputs)
            # outputs = bnlayer4(outputs)
            # outputs = pred_conv_lstm_conv5(outputs)
            # outputs = bnlayer5(outputs)
            # outputs = pred_conv_lstm_conv6(outputs)
            # residual
            # outputs = Add()([outputs,squeeze_for_residual(get_dim_layer(fut_outputs_sqns))])
            # outputs = Add()([outputs,get_dim_layer(inputs)])
            outputs = expand_dim_layer(outputs)
            outputs = expand_dim_layer(outputs)
    if cfg.predict_mean_var and cfg.sample_and_refeed:
        #for training
        ### generated from gaussian
        ux_temp = slice_layer(2, 0, 1)(outputs)
        uy_temp = slice_layer(2, 1, 2)(outputs)
        uz_temp = slice_layer(2, 2, 3)(outputs)
        varx_temp = slice_layer(2, 3, 4)(outputs)
        vary_temp = slice_layer(2, 4, 5)(outputs)
        varz_temp = slice_layer(2, 5, 6)(outputs)

        temp_newdata = expand_dim_layer(
                    generate_fake_batch_layer([ux_temp, varx_temp]),
                    generate_fake_batch_layer([uy_temp, vary_temp]),
                    generate_fake_batch_layer([uz_temp, varz_temp])
        inputs = temp_newdata
Exemple #13
    if not cfg.teacher_forcing:
        # 2-layer fclstm, without teacher forcing
        decoder1_outputs, state_decoder1_h, state_decoder1_c = decoder_lstm1(inputs,
        decoder1_states_inputs = [state_decoder1_h, state_decoder1_c]
        decoder2_outputs, state_decoder2_h, state_decoder2_c = decoder_lstm2(decoder1_outputs,initial_state=decoder2_states_inputs)
        decoder2_states_inputs = [state_decoder2_h, state_decoder2_c]

    if target_user_only:
        outputs = decoder_dense(decoder2_outputs)
        if model_others:
            # model others' trend
            if others_mlp:
                others_fut_inputs_slice = util.slice_layer(1,time_ind,time_ind+1)(others_fut_inputs)
                others_fut_inputs1 = Flatten()(others_fut_inputs_slice)
                others_fut_inputs1 = others_dense1(others_fut_inputs1)
                others_fut_inputs1 = others_dense2(others_fut_inputs1)
                if cfg.teacher_forcing:
                    concat_state = Concatenatelayer([others_fut_inputs1,get_dim1_layer(util.slice_layer(1,time_ind,time_ind+1)(decoder2_outputs))])
                    concat_state = Concatenatelayer([others_fut_inputs1,get_dim1_layer(decoder2_outputs)])
                outputs = expand_dim_layer(decoder_dense(concat_state))
            elif others_lstm:
                #LSTM only
                others_fut_inputs2_slice = util.slice_layer(1,time_ind,time_ind+1)(others_fut_inputs2[0])
                concat_state = Concatenatelayer([get_dim1_layer(others_fut_inputs2_slice),get_dim1_layer(decoder2_outputs)])
                ###use Gated Linear Unit instead of concatenating
                # concat_state = GLU_layer([get_dim1_layer(others_fut_inputs2_slice),get_dim1_layer(decoder2_outputs)])
                outputs = expand_dim_layer(decoder_dense(concat_state))

    ## concat states
    all_outputs = []
    inputs = decoder_inputs
    for time_ind in range(max_decoder_seq_length):
        # Run the decoder on one timestep
        decoder_states, state_h, state_c = decoder_lstm(inputs,initial_state=states)

        # ### caution: it seems keras convLSTM is by default stateful, don't have to feed back last hidden states.
        # ### is this true?
        # fut_outputs, others_state_h, others_state_c = other_fut_lstm(others_fut_inputs)
        # # fut_outputs, others_state_h, others_state_c = other_fut_lstm(others_fut_inputs,initial_state=others_states)#erros?!!!
        # fut_outputs = identity_layer(fut_outputs_sqns[:,time_ind,:,:,:])
        fut_outputs = util.slice_layer(1,time_ind,time_ind+1)(fut_outputs_sqns)
        convlstm_state = flatten_layer(fut_outputs)
        convlstm_state = flatten_conv_lstm_state_dense(convlstm_state)
        concat_state = Concatenatelayer([get_dim1_layer(decoder_states),convlstm_state])
        outputs = decoder_dense(concat_state)
        outputs = expand_dim_layer(outputs)

        inputs = outputs
        states = [state_h, state_c]

        # others_fut_inputs = others_fut_inputs #TODO feed gt others for next step
        # others_states = [others_state_h, others_state_c]

    # Concatenate all predictions
Exemple #15
all_outputs = []
inputs = decoder_inputs
for time_ind in range(max_decoder_seq_length):
    if not cfg.teacher_forcing:
        # 2-layer fclstm, without teacher forcing
        decoder1_outputs, state_decoder1_h, state_decoder1_c = decoder_lstm1(
            inputs, initial_state=decoder1_states_inputs)
        decoder1_states_inputs = [state_decoder1_h, state_decoder1_c]
        decoder2_outputs, state_decoder2_h, state_decoder2_c = decoder_lstm2(
            decoder1_outputs, initial_state=decoder2_states_inputs)
        decoder2_states_inputs = [state_decoder2_h, state_decoder2_c]

    if model_others:
        # model others' trend
        if others_mlp:
            others_fut_inputs_slice = util.slice_layer(1, time_ind, time_ind +
            others_fut_inputs1 = Flatten()(others_fut_inputs_slice)
            others_fut_inputs1 = others_dense1(others_fut_inputs1)
            others_fut_inputs1 = others_dense2(others_fut_inputs1)
            if cfg.teacher_forcing:
                concat_state = Concatenatelayer([
                        util.slice_layer(1, time_ind,
                                         time_ind + 1)(decoder2_outputs))
                concat_state = Concatenatelayer(
            outputs = expand_dim_layer(decoder_dense(concat_state))