Exemple #1
class Enclosure:
    def __init__(self):
        # Establish Enclosure's websocket connection to the messagebus
        self.bus = MessageBusClient()

        # Load full config
        config = Configuration.get()

        self.lang = config['lang']
        self.config = config.get("enclosure")
        self.global_config = config

        # This datastore holds the data associated with the GUI provider. Data
        # is stored in Namespaces, so you can have:
        # self.datastore["namespace"]["name"] = value
        # Typically the namespace is a meaningless identifier, but there is a
        # special "SYSTEM" namespace.
        self.datastore = {}

        # self.loaded is a list, each element consists of a namespace named
        # tuple.
        # The namespace namedtuple has the properties "name" and "pages"
        # The name contains the namespace name as a string and pages is a
        # mutable list of loaded pages.
        # [Namespace name, [List of loaded qml pages]]
        # [
        # ["SKILL_NAME", ["page1.qml, "page2.qml", ... , "pageN.qml"]
        # [...]
        # ]
        self.loaded = []  # list of lists in order.
        self.explicit_move = True  # Set to true to send reorder commands

        # Listen for new GUI clients to announce themselves on the main bus
        self.GUIs = {}      # GUIs, either local or remote
        self.active_namespaces = []
        self.bus.on("mycroft.gui.connected", self.on_gui_client_connected)

        # First send any data:
        self.bus.on("gui.value.set", self.on_gui_set_value)
        self.bus.on("gui.page.show", self.on_gui_show_page)
        self.bus.on("gui.page.delete", self.on_gui_delete_page)
        self.bus.on("gui.clear.namespace", self.on_gui_delete_namespace)
        self.bus.on("gui.event.send", self.on_gui_send_event)

    def run(self):
        except Exception as e:
            LOG.error("Error: {0}".format(e))

    # GUI client API

    def send(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """ Send to all registered GUIs. """
        for gui in self.GUIs.values():
            if gui.socket:
                gui.socket.send(*args, **kwargs)
                LOG.error('GUI connection {} has no socket!'.format(gui))

    def on_gui_send_event(self, message):
        """ Send an event to the GUIs. """
            data = {'type': 'mycroft.events.triggered',
                    'namespace': message.data.get('__from'),
                    'event_name': message.data.get('event_name'),
                    'params': message.data.get('params')}
        except Exception as e:
            LOG.error('Could not send event ({})'.format(repr(e)))

    def on_gui_set_value(self, message):
        data = message.data
        namespace = data.get("__from", "")

        # Pass these values on to the GUI renderers
        for key in data:
            if key not in RESERVED_KEYS:
                    self.set(namespace, key, data[key])
                except Exception as e:

    def set(self, namespace, name, value):
        """ Perform the send of the values to the connected GUIs. """
        if namespace not in self.datastore:
            self.datastore[namespace] = {}
        if self.datastore[namespace].get(name) != value:
            self.datastore[namespace][name] = value

            # If the namespace is loaded send data to GUI
            if namespace in [l.name for l in self.loaded]:
                msg = {"type": "mycroft.session.set",
                       "namespace": namespace,
                       "data": {name: value}}

    def on_gui_delete_page(self, message):
        """ Bus handler for removing pages. """
        page, namespace, _ = _get_page_data(message)
            with namespace_lock:
                self.remove_pages(namespace, page)
        except Exception as e:

    def on_gui_delete_namespace(self, message):
        """ Bus handler for removing namespace. """
            namespace = message.data['__from']
            with namespace_lock:
        except Exception as e:

    def on_gui_show_page(self, message):
            page, namespace, index = _get_page_data(message)
            # Pass the request to the GUI(s) to pull up a page template
            with namespace_lock:
                self.show(namespace, page, index)
        except Exception as e:

    def __find_namespace(self, namespace):
        for i, skill in enumerate(self.loaded):
            if skill[0] == namespace:
                return i
        return None

    def __insert_pages(self, namespace, pages):
        """ Insert pages into the namespace

            namespace (str): Namespace to add to
            pages (list):    Pages (str) to insert
        LOG.debug("Inserting new pages")
        if not isinstance(pages, list):
            raise ValueError('Argument must be list of pages')

        self.send({"type": "mycroft.gui.list.insert",
                   "namespace": namespace,
                   "position": len(self.loaded[0].pages),
                   "data": [{"url": p} for p in pages]
        # Insert the pages into local reprensentation as well.
        updated = Namespace(self.loaded[0].name, self.loaded[0].pages + pages)
        self.loaded[0] = updated

    def __remove_page(self, namespace, pos):
        """ Delete page.

            namespace (str): Namespace to remove from
            pos (int):      Page position to remove
        LOG.debug("Deleting {} from {}".format(pos, namespace))
        self.send({"type": "mycroft.gui.list.remove",
                   "namespace": namespace,
                   "position": pos,
                   "items_number": 1
        # Remove the page from the local reprensentation as well.

    def __insert_new_namespace(self, namespace, pages):
        """ Insert new namespace and pages.

        This first sends a message adding a new namespace at the
        highest priority (position 0 in the namespace stack)

            namespace (str):  The skill namespace to create
            pages (str):      Pages to insert (name matches QML)
        LOG.debug("Inserting new namespace")
        self.send({"type": "mycroft.session.list.insert",
                   "namespace": "mycroft.system.active_skills",
                   "position": 0,
                   "data": [{"skill_id": namespace}]

        # Load any already stored Data
        data = self.datastore.get(namespace, {})
        for key in data:
            msg = {"type": "mycroft.session.set",
                   "namespace": namespace,
                   "data": {key: data[key]}}

        LOG.debug("Inserting new page")
        self.send({"type": "mycroft.gui.list.insert",
                   "namespace": namespace,
                   "position": 0,
                   "data": [{"url": p} for p in pages]
        # Make sure the local copy is updated
        self.loaded.insert(0, Namespace(namespace, pages))

    def __move_namespace(self, from_pos, to_pos):
        """ Move an existing namespace to a new position in the stack.

            from_pos (int): Position in the stack to move from
            to_pos (int): Position to move to
        LOG.debug("Activating existing namespace")
        # Seems like the namespace is moved to the top automatically when
        # a page change is done. Deactivating this for now.
        if self.explicit_move:
            LOG.debug("move {} to {}".format(from_pos, to_pos))
            self.send({"type": "mycroft.session.list.move",
                       "namespace": "mycroft.system.active_skills",
                       "from": from_pos, "to": to_pos,
                       "items_number": 1})
        # Move the local representation of the skill from current
        # position to position 0.
        self.loaded.insert(to_pos, self.loaded.pop(from_pos))

    def __switch_page(self, namespace, pages):
        """ Switch page to an already loaded page.

            pages (list): pages (str) to switch to
            namespace (str):  skill namespace
            num = self.loaded[0].pages.index(pages[0])
        except Exception as e:
            num = 0

        LOG.debug('Switching to already loaded page at '
                  'index {} in namespace {}'.format(num, namespace))
        self.send({"type": "mycroft.events.triggered",
                   "namespace": namespace,
                   "event_name": "page_gained_focus",
                   "data": {"number": num}})

    def show(self, namespace, page, index):
        """ Show a page and load it as needed.

            page (str or list): page(s) to show
            namespace (str):  skill namespace
            index (int): ??? TODO: Unused in code ???

        TODO: - Update sync to match.
              - Separate into multiple functions/methods

        LOG.debug("GUIConnection activating: " + namespace)
        pages = page if isinstance(page, list) else [page]

        # find namespace among loaded namespaces
            index = self.__find_namespace(namespace)
            if index is None:
                # This namespace doesn't exist, insert them first so they're
                # shown.
                self.__insert_new_namespace(namespace, pages)
            else:  # Namespace exists
                if index > 0:
                    # Namespace is inactive, activate it by moving it to
                    # position 0
                    self.__move_namespace(index, 0)

                # Find if any new pages needs to be inserted
                new_pages = [p for p in pages if p not in self.loaded[0].pages]
                if new_pages:
                    self.__insert_pages(namespace, new_pages)
                    # No new pages, just switch
                    self.__switch_page(namespace, pages)
        except Exception as e:

    def remove_namespace(self, namespace):
        """ Remove namespace.

            namespace (str): namespace to remove
        index = self.__find_namespace(namespace)
        if index is None:
            LOG.debug("Removing namespace {} at {}".format(namespace, index))
            self.send({"type": "mycroft.session.list.remove",
                       "namespace": "mycroft.system.active_skills",
                       "position": index,
                       "items_number": 1
            # Remove namespace from loaded namespaces

    def remove_pages(self, namespace, pages):
        """ Remove the listed pages from the provided namespace.

            namespace (str):    The namespace to modify
            pages (list):       List of page names (str) to delete
            index = self.__find_namespace(namespace)
            if index is None:
                # Remove any pages that doesn't exist in the namespace
                pages = [p for p in pages if p in self.loaded[index].pages]
                # Make sure to remove pages from the back
                indexes = [self.loaded[index].pages.index(p) for p in pages]
                indexes = sorted(indexes)
                for page_index in indexes:
                    self.__remove_page(namespace, page_index)
        except Exception as e:

    # GUI client socket
    # The basic mechanism is:
    # 1) GUI client announces itself on the main messagebus
    # 2) Mycroft prepares a port for a socket connection to this GUI
    # 3) The port is announced over the messagebus
    # 4) The GUI connects on the socket
    # 5) Connection persists for graphical interaction indefinitely
    # If the connection is lost, it must be renegotiated and restarted.
    def on_gui_client_connected(self, message):
        # GUI has announced presence
        gui_id = message.data.get("gui_id")

        # Spin up a new communication socket for this GUI
        if gui_id in self.GUIs:
            # TODO: Close it?
        self.GUIs[gui_id] = GUIConnection(gui_id, self.global_config,
                                          self.callback_disconnect, self)
        LOG.debug("Heard announcement from gui_id: {}".format(gui_id))

        # Announce connection, the GUI should connect on it soon
                              {"port": self.GUIs[gui_id].port,
                               "gui_id": gui_id}))

    def callback_disconnect(self, gui_id):
        # TODO: Whatever is needed to kill the websocket instance
        LOG.info('deleting: {}'.format(gui_id))
        if gui_id in self.GUIs:
            del self.GUIs[gui_id]
            LOG.warning('ID doesn\'t exist')

    def register_gui_handlers(self):
        # TODO: Register handlers for standard (Mark 1) events
        # self.bus.on('enclosure.eyes.on', self.on)
        # self.bus.on('enclosure.eyes.off', self.off)
        # self.bus.on('enclosure.eyes.blink', self.blink)
        # self.bus.on('enclosure.eyes.narrow', self.narrow)
        # self.bus.on('enclosure.eyes.look', self.look)
        # self.bus.on('enclosure.eyes.color', self.color)
        # self.bus.on('enclosure.eyes.level', self.brightness)
        # self.bus.on('enclosure.eyes.volume', self.volume)
        # self.bus.on('enclosure.eyes.spin', self.spin)
        # self.bus.on('enclosure.eyes.timedspin', self.timed_spin)
        # self.bus.on('enclosure.eyes.reset', self.reset)
        # self.bus.on('enclosure.eyes.setpixel', self.set_pixel)
        # self.bus.on('enclosure.eyes.fill', self.fill)

        # self.bus.on('enclosure.mouth.reset', self.reset)
        # self.bus.on('enclosure.mouth.talk', self.talk)
        # self.bus.on('enclosure.mouth.think', self.think)
        # self.bus.on('enclosure.mouth.listen', self.listen)
        # self.bus.on('enclosure.mouth.smile', self.smile)
        # self.bus.on('enclosure.mouth.viseme', self.viseme)
        # self.bus.on('enclosure.mouth.text', self.text)
        # self.bus.on('enclosure.mouth.display', self.display)
        # self.bus.on('enclosure.mouth.display_image', self.display_image)
        # self.bus.on('enclosure.weather.display', self.display_weather)

        # self.bus.on('recognizer_loop:record_begin', self.mouth.listen)
        # self.bus.on('recognizer_loop:record_end', self.mouth.reset)
        # self.bus.on('recognizer_loop:audio_output_start', self.mouth.talk)
        # self.bus.on('recognizer_loop:audio_output_end', self.mouth.reset)
class TestMessagebusMethods(unittest.TestCase):
    """This class is for testing the messsagebus.

    It currently only tests send and receive.  The tests could include

    def setUp(self):
        This sets up for testing the message buss

        This requires starting the mycroft service and creating two
        WebsocketClient object to talk with eachother.  Not this is
        threaded and will require cleanup
        # start the mycroft service. and get the pid of the script.
        self.pid = Popen(["python", "mycroft/messagebus/service/main.py"]).pid
        # Create the two web clients
        self.ws1 = MessageBusClient()
        self.ws2 = MessageBusClient()
        # init the flags for handler's
        self.handle1 = False
        self.handle2 = False
        # Start threads to handle websockets
        # Setup handlers for each of the messages.
        self.ws1.on('ws1.message', self.onHandle1)
        self.ws2.on('ws2.message', self.onHandle2)

    def onHandle1(self, event):
        """This is the handler for ws1.message

        This for now simply sets a flag to true when received.

            event(Message): this is the message received
        self.handle1 = True

    def onHandle2(self, event):
        """This is the handler for ws2.message

        This for now simply sets a flag to true when received.

            event(Message): this is the message received
        self.handle2 = True

    def tearDown(self):
        """This is the clean up for the tests

        This will close the websockets ending the threads then kill the
        mycroft service that was started in setUp.
        retcode = call(["kill", "-9", str(self.pid)])

    def test_ClientServer(self):
        """This is the test to send a message from each of the websockets
        to the other.
        # Send the messages
        # allow time for messages to be processed
        # Check that both of the handlers were called.
Exemple #3
class Enclosure:
    def __init__(self):
        # Load full config
        config = Configuration.get()
        self.lang = config['lang']
        self.config = config.get("enclosure")
        self.global_config = config

        # Create Message Bus Client
        self.bus = MessageBusClient()

        self.gui = create_gui_service(self, config['gui_websocket'])
        # This datastore holds the data associated with the GUI provider. Data
        # is stored in Namespaces, so you can have:
        # self.datastore["namespace"]["name"] = value
        # Typically the namespace is a meaningless identifier, but there is a
        # special "SYSTEM" namespace.
        self.datastore = {}

        # self.loaded is a list, each element consists of a namespace named
        # tuple.
        # The namespace namedtuple has the properties "name" and "pages"
        # The name contains the namespace name as a string and pages is a
        # mutable list of loaded pages.
        # [Namespace name, [List of loaded qml pages]]
        # [
        # ["SKILL_NAME", ["page1.qml, "page2.qml", ... , "pageN.qml"]
        # [...]
        # ]
        self.loaded = []  # list of lists in order.
        self.explicit_move = True  # Set to true to send reorder commands

        # Listen for new GUI clients to announce themselves on the main bus
        self.active_namespaces = []
        self.bus.on("mycroft.gui.connected", self.on_gui_client_connected)

        # First send any data:
        self.bus.on("gui.value.set", self.on_gui_set_value)
        self.bus.on("gui.page.show", self.on_gui_show_page)
        self.bus.on("gui.page.delete", self.on_gui_delete_page)
        self.bus.on("gui.clear.namespace", self.on_gui_delete_namespace)
        self.bus.on("gui.event.send", self.on_gui_send_event)
        self.bus.on("gui.status.request", self.handle_gui_status_request)

        # TODO: this requires the Enclosure to be up and running before the
        # training is complete.
        self.bus.on('mycroft.skills.trained', self.is_device_ready)

    def is_device_ready(self, message):
        is_ready = False
        # Bus service assumed to be alive if messages sent and received
        # Enclosure assumed to be alive if this method is running
        services = {'audio': False, 'speech': False, 'skills': False}
        start = time.monotonic()
        while not is_ready:
            is_ready = self.check_services_ready(services)
            if is_ready:
            elif time.monotonic() - start >= 60:
                raise Exception('Timeout waiting for services start.')

        if is_ready:
            LOG.info("Mycroft is all loaded and ready to roll!")

        return is_ready

    def check_services_ready(self, services):
        """Report if all specified services are ready.

        services (iterable): service names to check.
        for ser in services:
            services[ser] = False
            response = self.bus.wait_for_response(
            if response and response.data['status']:
                services[ser] = True
        return all([services[ser] for ser in services])

    def run(self):
        """Start the Enclosure after it has been constructed."""
        # Allow exceptions to be raised to the Enclosure Service
        # if they may cause the Service to fail.
        start_message_bus_client("ENCLOSURE", self.bus)

    def stop(self):
        """Perform any enclosure shutdown processes."""

    # GUI client API
    def gui_connected(self):
        """Returns True if at least 1 gui is connected, else False"""
        return len(GUIWebsocketHandler.clients) > 0

    def handle_gui_status_request(self, message):
        """Reply to gui status request, allows querying if a gui is
        connected using the message bus"""
                          {"connected": self.gui_connected}))

    def send(self, msg_dict):
        """ Send to all registered GUIs. """
        for connection in GUIWebsocketHandler.clients:
            except Exception as e:

    def on_gui_send_event(self, message):
        """ Send an event to the GUIs. """
            data = {
                'type': 'mycroft.events.triggered',
                'namespace': message.data.get('__from'),
                'event_name': message.data.get('event_name'),
                'params': message.data.get('params')
        except Exception as e:
            LOG.error('Could not send event ({})'.format(repr(e)))

    def on_gui_set_value(self, message):
        data = message.data
        namespace = data.get("__from", "")

        # Pass these values on to the GUI renderers
        for key in data:
            if key not in RESERVED_KEYS:
                    self.set(namespace, key, data[key])
                except Exception as e:

    def set(self, namespace, name, value):
        """ Perform the send of the values to the connected GUIs. """
        if namespace not in self.datastore:
            self.datastore[namespace] = {}
        if self.datastore[namespace].get(name) != value:
            self.datastore[namespace][name] = value

            # If the namespace is loaded send data to GUI
            if namespace in [l.name for l in self.loaded]:
                msg = {
                    "type": "mycroft.session.set",
                    "namespace": namespace,
                    "data": {
                        name: value

    def on_gui_delete_page(self, message):
        """ Bus handler for removing pages. """
        page, namespace, _ = _get_page_data(message)
            with namespace_lock:
                self.remove_pages(namespace, page)
        except Exception as e:

    def on_gui_delete_namespace(self, message):
        """ Bus handler for removing namespace. """
            namespace = message.data['__from']
            with namespace_lock:
        except Exception as e:

    def on_gui_show_page(self, message):
            page, namespace, index = _get_page_data(message)
            # Pass the request to the GUI(s) to pull up a page template
            with namespace_lock:
                self.show(namespace, page, index)
        except Exception as e:

    def __find_namespace(self, namespace):
        for i, skill in enumerate(self.loaded):
            if skill[0] == namespace:
                return i
        return None

    def __insert_pages(self, namespace, pages):
        """ Insert pages into the namespace

            namespace (str): Namespace to add to
            pages (list):    Pages (str) to insert
        LOG.debug("Inserting new pages")
        if not isinstance(pages, list):
            raise ValueError('Argument must be list of pages')

            "type": "mycroft.gui.list.insert",
            "namespace": namespace,
            "position": len(self.loaded[0].pages),
            "data": [{
                "url": p
            } for p in pages]
        # Insert the pages into local reprensentation as well.
        updated = Namespace(self.loaded[0].name, self.loaded[0].pages + pages)
        self.loaded[0] = updated

    def __remove_page(self, namespace, pos):
        """ Delete page.

            namespace (str): Namespace to remove from
            pos (int):      Page position to remove
        LOG.debug("Deleting {} from {}".format(pos, namespace))
            "type": "mycroft.gui.list.remove",
            "namespace": namespace,
            "position": pos,
            "items_number": 1
        # Remove the page from the local reprensentation as well.
        # Add a check to return any display to idle from position 0
        if (pos == 0 and len(self.loaded[0].pages) == 0):

    def __insert_new_namespace(self, namespace, pages):
        """ Insert new namespace and pages.

        This first sends a message adding a new namespace at the
        highest priority (position 0 in the namespace stack)

            namespace (str):  The skill namespace to create
            pages (str):      Pages to insert (name matches QML)
        LOG.debug("Inserting new namespace")
            "type": "mycroft.session.list.insert",
            "namespace": "mycroft.system.active_skills",
            "position": 0,
            "data": [{
                "skill_id": namespace

        # Load any already stored Data
        data = self.datastore.get(namespace, {})
        for key in data:
            msg = {
                "type": "mycroft.session.set",
                "namespace": namespace,
                "data": {
                    key: data[key]

        LOG.debug("Inserting new page")
            "type": "mycroft.gui.list.insert",
            "namespace": namespace,
            "position": 0,
            "data": [{
                "url": p
            } for p in pages]
        # Make sure the local copy is updated
        self.loaded.insert(0, Namespace(namespace, pages))

    def __move_namespace(self, from_pos, to_pos):
        """ Move an existing namespace to a new position in the stack.

            from_pos (int): Position in the stack to move from
            to_pos (int): Position to move to
        LOG.debug("Activating existing namespace")
        # Seems like the namespace is moved to the top automatically when
        # a page change is done. Deactivating this for now.
        if self.explicit_move:
            LOG.debug("move {} to {}".format(from_pos, to_pos))
                "type": "mycroft.session.list.move",
                "namespace": "mycroft.system.active_skills",
                "from": from_pos,
                "to": to_pos,
                "items_number": 1
        # Move the local representation of the skill from current
        # position to position 0.
        self.loaded.insert(to_pos, self.loaded.pop(from_pos))

    def __switch_page(self, namespace, pages):
        """ Switch page to an already loaded page.

            pages (list): pages (str) to switch to
            namespace (str):  skill namespace
            num = self.loaded[0].pages.index(pages[0])
        except Exception as e:
            num = 0

        LOG.debug('Switching to already loaded page at '
                  'index {} in namespace {}'.format(num, namespace))
            "type": "mycroft.events.triggered",
            "namespace": namespace,
            "event_name": "page_gained_focus",
            "data": {
                "number": num

    def show(self, namespace, page, index):
        """ Show a page and load it as needed.

            page (str or list): page(s) to show
            namespace (str):  skill namespace
            index (int): ??? TODO: Unused in code ???

        TODO: - Update sync to match.
              - Separate into multiple functions/methods

        LOG.debug("GUIConnection activating: " + namespace)
        pages = page if isinstance(page, list) else [page]

        # find namespace among loaded namespaces
            index = self.__find_namespace(namespace)
            if index is None:
                # This namespace doesn't exist, insert them first so they're
                # shown.
                self.__insert_new_namespace(namespace, pages)
            else:  # Namespace exists
                if index > 0:
                    # Namespace is inactive, activate it by moving it to
                    # position 0
                    self.__move_namespace(index, 0)

                # Find if any new pages needs to be inserted
                new_pages = [p for p in pages if p not in self.loaded[0].pages]
                if new_pages:
                    self.__insert_pages(namespace, new_pages)
                    # No new pages, just switch
                    self.__switch_page(namespace, pages)
        except Exception as e:

    def remove_namespace(self, namespace):
        """ Remove namespace.

            namespace (str): namespace to remove
        index = self.__find_namespace(namespace)
        if index is None:
            LOG.debug("Removing namespace {} at {}".format(namespace, index))
                "type": "mycroft.session.list.remove",
                "namespace": "mycroft.system.active_skills",
                "position": index,
                "items_number": 1
            # Remove namespace from loaded namespaces

    def remove_pages(self, namespace, pages):
        """ Remove the listed pages from the provided namespace.

            namespace (str):    The namespace to modify
            pages (list):       List of page names (str) to delete
            index = self.__find_namespace(namespace)
            if index is None:
                # Remove any pages that doesn't exist in the namespace
                pages = [p for p in pages if p in self.loaded[index].pages]
                # Make sure to remove pages from the back
                indexes = [self.loaded[index].pages.index(p) for p in pages]
                indexes = sorted(indexes)
                for page_index in indexes:
                    self.__remove_page(namespace, page_index)
        except Exception as e:

    # GUI client socket
    # The basic mechanism is:
    # 1) GUI client announces itself on the main messagebus
    # 2) Mycroft prepares a port for a socket connection to this GUI
    # 3) The port is announced over the messagebus
    # 4) The GUI connects on the socket
    # 5) Connection persists for graphical interaction indefinitely
    # If the connection is lost, it must be renegotiated and restarted.
    def on_gui_client_connected(self, message):
        # GUI has announced presence
        LOG.info('GUI HAS ANNOUNCED!')
        port = self.global_config["gui_websocket"]["base_port"]
        gui_id = message.data.get("gui_id")

        LOG.debug("Heard announcement from gui_id: {}".format(gui_id))

        # Announce connection, the GUI should connect on it soon
            Message("mycroft.gui.port", {
                "port": port,
                "gui_id": gui_id

    def register_gui_handlers(self):
        # TODO: Register handlers for standard (Mark 1) events
        # self.bus.on('enclosure.eyes.on', self.on)
        # self.bus.on('enclosure.eyes.off', self.off)
        # self.bus.on('enclosure.eyes.blink', self.blink)
        # self.bus.on('enclosure.eyes.narrow', self.narrow)
        # self.bus.on('enclosure.eyes.look', self.look)
        # self.bus.on('enclosure.eyes.color', self.color)
        # self.bus.on('enclosure.eyes.level', self.brightness)
        # self.bus.on('enclosure.eyes.volume', self.volume)
        # self.bus.on('enclosure.eyes.spin', self.spin)
        # self.bus.on('enclosure.eyes.timedspin', self.timed_spin)
        # self.bus.on('enclosure.eyes.reset', self.reset)
        # self.bus.on('enclosure.eyes.setpixel', self.set_pixel)
        # self.bus.on('enclosure.eyes.fill', self.fill)

        # self.bus.on('enclosure.mouth.reset', self.reset)
        # self.bus.on('enclosure.mouth.talk', self.talk)
        # self.bus.on('enclosure.mouth.think', self.think)
        # self.bus.on('enclosure.mouth.listen', self.listen)
        # self.bus.on('enclosure.mouth.smile', self.smile)
        # self.bus.on('enclosure.mouth.viseme', self.viseme)
        # self.bus.on('enclosure.mouth.text', self.text)
        # self.bus.on('enclosure.mouth.display', self.display)
        # self.bus.on('enclosure.mouth.display_image', self.display_image)
        # self.bus.on('enclosure.weather.display', self.display_weather)

        # self.bus.on('recognizer_loop:record_begin', self.mouth.listen)
        # self.bus.on('recognizer_loop:record_end', self.mouth.reset)
        # self.bus.on('recognizer_loop:audio_output_start', self.mouth.talk)
        # self.bus.on('recognizer_loop:audio_output_end', self.mouth.reset)