Exemple #1
def doshit():

    IV_LENGTH = 16

    HMACKey = mycrypto.strong_random(HMAC_KEY_LENGTH)
    AESKey = mycrypto.strong_random(AES_KEY_LENGTH)
    IV = mycrypto.strong_random(IV_LENGTH)
    state = mycrypto.strong_random(112)

    aes = AES.new(AESKey, mode=AES.MODE_CBC, IV=IV)

    encrypted = mycrypto.strong_random(80)

    cryptedState = aes.encrypt(state)

    # Authenticate ticket name, IV and the encrypted state.
    hmac = HMAC.new(HMACKey, IV + \
                    cryptedState, digestmod=SHA256).digest()

    ticket = IV + cryptedState + hmac

    hmac = HMAC.new(HMACKey, ticket, digestmod=SHA256).digest()

    # Decrypt ticket to obtain state.
    aes = AES.new(AESKey, mode=AES.MODE_CBC, IV=ticket[0:16])
    plainTicket = aes.decrypt(ticket)
Exemple #2
def doshit():

    IV_LENGTH = 16

    HMACKey = mycrypto.strong_random(HMAC_KEY_LENGTH)
    AESKey = mycrypto.strong_random(AES_KEY_LENGTH)
    IV = mycrypto.strong_random(IV_LENGTH)
    state = mycrypto.strong_random(112)

    aes = AES.new(AESKey, mode=AES.MODE_CBC, IV=IV)

    encrypted = mycrypto.strong_random(80)

    cryptedState = aes.encrypt(state)

    # Authenticate ticket name, IV and the encrypted state.
    hmac = HMAC.new(HMACKey, IV + \
                    cryptedState, digestmod=SHA256).digest()

    ticket = IV + cryptedState + hmac

    hmac = HMAC.new(HMACKey, ticket, digestmod=SHA256).digest()

    # Decrypt ticket to obtain state.
    aes = AES.new(AESKey, mode=AES.MODE_CBC, IV=ticket[0:16])
    plainTicket = aes.decrypt(ticket)
    def _getSessionTicket(self, circuit):

        log.debug("Generating new session ticket and master key.")
        nextMasterKey = mycrypto.strong_random(const.MASTER_KEY_SIZE)

        ticket = sessionticket.new(nextMasterKey)
        rawTicket = ticket.issue()

        return rawTicket, nextMasterKey
def rotateKeys( ):

    log.debug("Rotating session ticket keys.")

    global HMACKey
    global AESKey
    global creationTime

    HMACKey = mycrypto.strong_random(HMAC_KEY_LENGTH)
    AESKey = mycrypto.strong_random(AES_KEY_LENGTH)
    creationTime = int(time.time())

        with open(const.DATA_DIRECTORY + const.KEY_STORE, "wb") as fd:
            pickle.dump([creationTime, HMACKey, AESKey], fd)
    except IOError as e:
        log.error("Error opening ticket key file: %s." % e)
    def _getSessionTicket(self, circuit):

        log.debug("Generating new session ticket and master key.")
        nextMasterKey = mycrypto.strong_random(const.MASTER_KEY_SIZE)

        ticket = sessionticket.new(nextMasterKey)
        rawTicket = ticket.issue()

        return rawTicket, nextMasterKey
def rotateKeys():

    log.debug("Rotating session ticket keys.")

    global HMACKey
    global AESKey
    global creationTime

    HMACKey = mycrypto.strong_random(HMAC_KEY_LENGTH)
    AESKey = mycrypto.strong_random(AES_KEY_LENGTH)
    creationTime = int(time.time())

        with open(const.DATA_DIRECTORY + const.KEY_STORE, "wb") as fd:
            pickle.dump([creationTime, HMACKey, AESKey], fd)
    except IOError as e:
        log.error("Error opening ticket key file: %s." % e)
    def handshake(self, circuit):
        """This function is invoked after a circuit was established. The server
        generates a time-lock puzzle and sends it to the client. The client
        does nothing during the handshake."""

        log.debug("Entering handshake().")
        if self.circuit == None:
            self.circuit = circuit

        # Only the server is generating and transmitting a puzzle.
        if self.weAreServer:

            # Generate master key and derive client -and server key.
            masterKey = mycrypto.strong_random(const.MASTER_KEY_SIZE)

            # Append random padding to obfuscate length and transmit blurb.
            padding = mycrypto.weak_random(random.randint(0, \
            log.debug("Sending puzzle with %d-byte of padding." % len(padding))

            puzzle, nonce = timelock.encryptPuzzle( \

            circuit.downstream.write(nonce + puzzle + padding)

            log.debug("Switching to state ST_WAIT_FOR_TICKET.")
            self.state = const.ST_WAIT_FOR_TICKET

        # Send a session ticket to the server (if we have one).
        elif self.weAreClient:
            stop = False
                with open(const.DATA_DIRECTORY + const.TICKET_FILE,
                          "rb") as fd:
                    masterKey = fd.read(const.MASTER_KEY_SIZE)
                    ticket = fd.read(const.TICKET_LENGTH)
            except IOError as e:
                log.error("Could not read session ticket from \"%s\"." % \
                        (const.DATA_DIRECTORY + const.TICKET_FILE))
                stop = True

            if not stop:
                log.debug("Trying to redeem session ticket: 0x%s..." % \
                padding = mycrypto.weak_random(random.randint(0, \
                circuit.downstream.write(ticket + padding)
                self.redeemedTicket = True

        # Now start transmitting cover traffic.
        self.stopCoverTraffic = False
        reactor.callLater(0, self._sendCoverTraffic, circuit)
    def handshake(self, circuit):
        """This function is invoked after a circuit was established. The server
        generates a time-lock puzzle and sends it to the client. The client
        does nothing during the handshake."""

        log.debug("Entering handshake().")
        if self.circuit == None:
            self.circuit = circuit

        # Only the server is generating and transmitting a puzzle.
        if self.weAreServer:

            # Generate master key and derive client -and server key.
            masterKey = mycrypto.strong_random(const.MASTER_KEY_SIZE)

            # Append random padding to obfuscate length and transmit blurb.
            padding = mycrypto.weak_random(random.randint(0, const.MAX_PADDING_LENGTH))
            log.debug("Sending puzzle with %d-byte of padding." % len(padding))

            puzzle, nonce = timelock.encryptPuzzle(timelock.generateRawPuzzle(masterKey))

            circuit.downstream.write(nonce + puzzle + padding)

            log.debug("Switching to state ST_WAIT_FOR_TICKET.")
            self.state = const.ST_WAIT_FOR_TICKET

        # Send a session ticket to the server (if we have one).
        elif self.weAreClient:
            stop = False
                with open(const.DATA_DIRECTORY + const.TICKET_FILE, "rb") as fd:
                    masterKey = fd.read(const.MASTER_KEY_SIZE)
                    ticket = fd.read(const.TICKET_LENGTH)
            except IOError as e:
                log.error('Could not read session ticket from "%s".' % (const.DATA_DIRECTORY + const.TICKET_FILE))
                stop = True

            if not stop:
                log.debug("Trying to redeem session ticket: 0x%s..." % ticket.encode("hex")[:10])
                padding = mycrypto.weak_random(random.randint(0, const.MAX_PADDING_LENGTH))
                circuit.downstream.write(ticket + padding)
                self.redeemedTicket = True

        # Now start transmitting cover traffic.
        self.stopCoverTraffic = False
        reactor.callLater(0, self._sendCoverTraffic, circuit)
Exemple #9
def encryptPuzzle( rawPuzzle ):
    """Encrypts the given `rawPuzzle' with a randomly chosen and small key and
    returns the encrypted puzzle together with the nonce used for AES-CTR."""

    assert len(rawPuzzle) == const.PUZZLE_LENGTH

    log.debug("Encrypting raw %d-byte puzzle." % len(rawPuzzle))

    nonce = mycrypto.strong_random(const.PUZZLE_NONCE_LENGTH)
    cntr = Counter.new(128, initial_value=long(nonce.encode('hex'), 16))
    key = const.MIN_16BYTE_VALUE + \
            random.randint(0, (2 ** const.PUZZLE_OBFUSCATION_KEYSPACE) - 1)
    cipher = AES.new(util.dump(key), AES.MODE_CTR, counter=cntr)

    log.debug("Puzzle key=%x, nonce=%s." % (key, nonce.encode('hex')))

    return cipher.encrypt(rawPuzzle), nonce
Exemple #10
def encryptPuzzle(rawPuzzle):
    """Encrypts the given `rawPuzzle' with a randomly chosen and small key and
    returns the encrypted puzzle together with the nonce used for AES-CTR."""

    assert len(rawPuzzle) == const.PUZZLE_LENGTH

    log.debug("Encrypting raw %d-byte puzzle." % len(rawPuzzle))

    nonce = mycrypto.strong_random(const.PUZZLE_NONCE_LENGTH)
    cntr = Counter.new(128, initial_value=long(nonce.encode('hex'), 16))
    key = const.MIN_16BYTE_VALUE + \
            random.randint(0, (2 ** const.PUZZLE_OBFUSCATION_KEYSPACE) - 1)
    cipher = AES.new(util.dump(key), AES.MODE_CTR, counter=cntr)

    log.debug("Puzzle key=%x, nonce=%s." % (key, nonce.encode('hex')))

    return cipher.encrypt(rawPuzzle), nonce
    def __init__( self, masterKey ):
        """Initialize a new session ticket which contains `masterKey'. The
        parameter `symmTicketKey' is used to encrypt the ticket and
        `hmacTicketKey' is used to authenticate the ticket when issued."""

        assert len(masterKey) == const.MASTER_KEY_SIZE


        # The random name is used to recognize previously issued tickets.
        #self.keyName = mycrypto.weak_random(NAME_LENGTH)

        # Initialization vector for AES-CBC.
        self.IV = mycrypto.strong_random(IV_LENGTH)

        # The server's actual (encrypted) protocol state.
        self.state = ProtocolState(masterKey)

        # AES and HMAC key to protect the ticket.
        self.symmTicketKey = AESKey
        self.hmacTicketKey = HMACKey
    def __init__(self, masterKey):
        """Initialize a new session ticket which contains `masterKey'. The
        parameter `symmTicketKey' is used to encrypt the ticket and
        `hmacTicketKey' is used to authenticate the ticket when issued."""

        assert len(masterKey) == const.MASTER_KEY_SIZE


        # The random name is used to recognize previously issued tickets.
        #self.keyName = mycrypto.weak_random(NAME_LENGTH)

        # Initialization vector for AES-CBC.
        self.IV = mycrypto.strong_random(IV_LENGTH)

        # The server's actual (encrypted) protocol state.
        self.state = ProtocolState(masterKey)

        # AES and HMAC key to protect the ticket.
        self.symmTicketKey = AESKey
        self.hmacTicketKey = HMACKey