Exemple #1
def parse_subscription(raw_post_data, format):
    """Parses the data according to the format"""
    if format == "txt":
        urls = raw_post_data.split("\n")

    elif format == "opml":
        begin = raw_post_data.find("<?xml")
        end = raw_post_data.find("</opml>") + 7
        i = Importer(content=raw_post_data[begin:end])
        urls = [p["url"] for p in i.items]

    elif format == "json":
        begin = raw_post_data.find("[")
        end = raw_post_data.find("]") + 1
        urls = json.loads(raw_post_data[begin:end])

        if not isinstance(urls, list):
            raise ValueError("A list of feed URLs was expected")

        return []

    urls = filter(None, urls)
    urls = list(map(normalize_feed_url, urls))
    return urls
Exemple #2
def parse_subscription(raw_post_data, format):
    """ Parses the data according to the format """
    if format == 'txt':
        urls = raw_post_data.split('\n')

    elif format == 'opml':
        begin = raw_post_data.find('<?xml')
        end = raw_post_data.find('</opml>') + 7
        i = Importer(content=raw_post_data[begin:end])
        urls = [p['url'] for p in i.items]

    elif format == 'json':
        begin = raw_post_data.find('[')
        end = raw_post_data.find(']') + 1
        urls = json.loads(raw_post_data[begin:end])

        if not isinstance(urls, list):
            raise ValueError('A list of feed URLs was expected')

        return []

    urls = filter(None, urls)
    urls = list(map(normalize_feed_url, urls))
    return urls
Exemple #3
 def test_get_subscriptions_empty(self):
     testers = {
         'txt': lambda c: self.assertEqual(c, b''),
         'json': lambda c: self.assertEqual(c, b'[]'),
         'jsonp': lambda c: self.assertEqual(c, b'test([])'),
         'opml': lambda c: self.assertListEqual(Importer(c).items, []),
     for fmt in self.formats:
         url = self.subscriptions_urls[fmt]
         response = self.client.get(url,
                                    data={'jsonp': 'test'},
         self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200, response.content)
Exemple #4
 def test_get_subscriptions_empty(self):
     testers = {
         "txt": lambda c: self.assertEqual(c, b""),
         "json": lambda c: self.assertEqual(c, b"[]"),
         "jsonp": lambda c: self.assertEqual(c, b"test([])"),
         "opml": lambda c: self.assertListEqual(Importer(c).items, []),
     for fmt in self.formats:
         url = self.subscriptions_urls[fmt]
         response = self.client.get(url,
                                    data={"jsonp": "test"},
         self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200, response.content)
Exemple #5
def upload(request):
        emailaddr = request.POST['username']
        password = request.POST['password']
        action = request.POST['action']
        protocol = request.POST['protocol']
        opml = request.FILES['opml'].read()
    except MultiValueDictKeyError:
        return HttpResponse("@PROTOERROR", content_type='text/plain')

    user = auth(emailaddr, password)
    if not user:
        return HttpResponse('@AUTHFAIL', content_type='text/plain')

    dev = get_device(user, LEGACY_DEVICE_UID,
                     request.META.get('HTTP_USER_AGENT', ''))

    existing_urls = [x.url for x in dev.get_subscribed_podcasts()]

    i = Importer(opml)

    podcast_urls = [p['url'] for p in i.items]
    podcast_urls = map(normalize_feed_url, podcast_urls)
    podcast_urls = list(filter(None, podcast_urls))

    new = [u for u in podcast_urls if u not in existing_urls]
    rem = [u for u in existing_urls if u not in podcast_urls]

    # remove duplicates
    new = list(set(new))
    rem = list(set(rem))

    for n in new:
        p = Podcast.objects.get_or_create_for_url(n).object
        subscribe(p.pk, user.pk, dev.uid)

    for r in rem:
        p = Podcast.objects.get_or_create_for_url(r).object
        unsubscribe(p.pk, user.pk, dev.uid)

    return HttpResponse('@SUCCESS', content_type='text/plain')