def test_versions(self):
        # Tests writing different CellML versions

        # CellML 1.0
        units = {
            myokit.parse_unit('pF'): 'picofarad',
        w = cellml.CellMLExpressionWriter('1.0')
        w.set_unit_function(lambda x: units[x])
        xml = w.ex(myokit.Number(1, myokit.units.pF))
        self.assertIn(cellml.NS_CELLML_1_0, xml)

        # CellML 1.1
        w = cellml.CellMLExpressionWriter('1.1')
        w.set_unit_function(lambda x: units[x])
        xml = w.ex(myokit.Number(1, myokit.units.pF))
        self.assertIn(cellml.NS_CELLML_1_1, xml)

        # CellML 1.2
        self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, 'Unknown CellML version',
                               cellml.CellMLExpressionWriter, '1.2')

        # CellML 2.0
        w = cellml.CellMLExpressionWriter('2.0')
        w.set_unit_function(lambda x: units[x])
        xml = w.ex(myokit.Number(1, myokit.units.pF))
        self.assertIn(cellml.NS_CELLML_2_0, xml)
    def setUpClass(cls):
        # CellML requires unit mapping
        units = {
            myokit.parse_unit('pF'): 'picofarad',
        cls.w = cellml.CellMLExpressionWriter()
        cls.w.set_unit_function(lambda x: units[x])

        model = myokit.Model()
        component = model.add_component('c')
        cls.avar = component.add_variable('a')

        # Requires valid model with unames set

        # MathML opening and closing tags
        cls._math = re.compile(r'^<math [^>]+>(.*)</math>$', re.S)
    def model(
            self, path, model, protocol=None, add_hardcoded_pacing=True,
        Writes a CellML model to the given filename.


            The path/filename to write the generated code too.
            The model to export
            This argument will be ignored: protocols are not supported by
            Set this to ``True`` to add a hardcoded pacing signal to the model
            file. This requires the model to have a variable bound to `pace`.
            Set this to ``True`` to write the output in formatted "pretty"

        Notes about CellML export:

        * CellML expects a unit for every number present in the model. Since
          Myokit allows but does not enforce this, the resulting CellML file
          may only validate with unit checking disabled.
        * Files downloaded from the CellML repository typically have a pacing
          stimulus embedded in them, while Myokit views models and pacing
          protocols as separate things. To generate a model file with a simple
          embbeded protocol, add the optional argument

        path = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(path))
        import myokit.formats.cellml as cellml

        # Clear log

        # Replace the pacing variable with a hardcoded stimulus protocol
        if add_hardcoded_pacing:

            # Check for pacing variable
            if model.binding('pace') is None:
                    'No variable bound to "pace", unable to add hardcoded'
                    ' stimulus protocol.')
                # Clone model before making changes
                model = model.clone()

                # Get pacing variable
                pace = model.binding('pace')

                # Set basic properties for pace
                pace.set_label(None)    # Should already be true...

                # Get time variable of cloned model
                time = model.time()

                # Get time unit
                time_unit = time.unit(mode=myokit.UNIT_STRICT)

                # Get correction factor if using anything other than
                # milliseconds (hardcoded below)
                    time_factor = myokit.Unit.conversion_factor(
                        'ms', time_unit)
                except myokit.IncompatibleUnitError:
                    time_factor = 1

                # Create new component for the pacing variables
                component = 'stimulus'
                if model.has_component(component):
                    root = component
                    number = 1
                    while model.has_component(component):
                        number += 1
                        component = root + '_' + str(number)
                component = model.add_component(component)

                # Move pace. This will be ok any references: since pace was
                # bound it cannot be a nested variable.
                # While moving, update its name to avoid conflicts with the
                # hardcoded names.
                pace.parent().move_variable(pace, component, new_name='pace')

                # Add variables defining pacing protocol
                period = component.add_variable('period')
                period.set_rhs(str(1000 * time_factor) + ' ' + str(time_unit))
                offset = component.add_variable('offset')
                offset.set_rhs(str(100 * time_factor) + ' ' + str(time_unit))
                duration = component.add_variable('duration')
                duration.set_rhs(str(2 * time_factor) + ' ' + str(time_unit))

                # Add corrected time variable
                ctime = component.add_variable('ctime')
                    time.qname() + ' - floor(' + time.qname()
                    + ' / period) * period')

                # Remove any child variables pace might have before changing
                # its RHS (which needs to refer to them).
                pace_kids = list(pace.variables())
                for kid in pace_kids:
                    pace.remove_variable(kid, recursive=True)

                # Set new RHS for pace
                    'if(ctime >= offset and ctime < offset + duration, 1, 0)')

        # Validate model

        # Get time variable
        time = model.time()

        # Create model xml element
        emodel = et.Element('model')
        emodel.attrib['xmlns'] = ''
        emodel.attrib['xmlns:cellml'] = ''
        emodel.attrib['name'] = 'generated_model'
        if 'name' in model.meta:
            dtag = et.SubElement(emodel, 'documentation')
            dtag.attrib['xmlns'] = ''
            atag = et.SubElement(dtag, 'article')
            ttag = et.SubElement(atag, 'title')
            ttag.text = model.meta['name']

        # Add custom units, create unit map
        exp_si = [si_units[x] for x in myokit.Unit.list_exponents()]
        unit_map = {}   # Add si units later

        def add_unit(unit):
            Checks if the given unit needs to be added to the list of custom
            units and adds it if necessary.
            # Check if already defined
            if unit is None or unit in unit_map or unit in si_units:
            # Create unit name
            name = self.custom_unit_name(unit)
            # Create unit tag
            utag = et.SubElement(emodel, 'units')
            utag.attrib['name'] = name
            # Add part for each of the 7 SI units
            m = unit.multiplier()
            for k, e in enumerate(unit.exponents()):
                if e != 0:
                    tag = et.SubElement(utag, 'unit')
                    tag.attrib['units'] = exp_si[k]
                    tag.attrib['exponent'] = str(e)
                    if m != 1:
                        tag.attrib['multiplier'] = str(m)
                        m = 1
            # Or... if the unit doesn't contain any of those seven, it must be
            # a dimensionless unit with a multiplier. These occur in CellML
            # definitions when unit mismatches are "resolved" by adding
            # conversion factors as units. This has no impact on the actual
            # equations...
            if m != 1:
                tag = et.SubElement(utag, 'unit')
                tag.attrib['units'] = si_units[myokit.units.dimensionless]
                tag.attrib['exponent'] = str(1)
                tag.attrib['multiplier'] = str(m)
                # m = 1
            # Add the new unit to the list
            unit_map[unit] = name

        # Add variable and expression units
        for var in model.variables(deep=True):
            for e in var.rhs().walk(myokit.Number):

        # Add si units to unit map
        for unit, name in si_units.items():
            unit_map[unit] = name

        # Add components
        #TODO: Order components
        # Components can correspond to Myokit components or variables with
        # children!
        ecomps = {}     # Components/Variables: elements (tags)
        cnames = {}     # Components/Variables: names (strings)
        unames = set()  # Unique name check

        def uname(name):
            # Create a unique component name
            i = 1
            r = name + '_'
            while name in unames:
                i += 1
                name = r + str(i)
            return name

        def export_nested_var(parent_tag, parent_name, var):
            # Create unique component name
            cname = uname(parent_name + '_' + var.uname())
            cnames[var] = cname
            # Create element
            ecomp = et.SubElement(emodel, 'component')
            ecomp.attrib['name'] = cname
            ecomps[var] = ecomp
            # Check for nested variables with children
            for kid in var.variables():
                if kid.has_variables():
                    export_nested_var(ecomp, cname, kid)

        for comp in model.components():
            # Create unique name
            cname = uname(
            cnames[comp] = cname
            # Create element
            ecomp = et.SubElement(emodel, 'component')
            ecomp.attrib['name'] = cname
            ecomps[comp] = ecomp
            # Check for variables with children
            for var in comp.variables():
                if var.has_variables():
                    export_nested_var(ecomp, cname, var)

        # Add variables
        evars = {}
        for parent, eparent in ecomps.items():
            for var in parent.variables():
                evar = et.SubElement(eparent, 'variable')
                evars[var] = evar
                evar.attrib['name'] = var.uname()

                # Add units
                unit = var.unit()
                unit = unit_map[unit] if unit else 'dimensionless'
                evar.attrib['units'] = unit

                # Add initial value
                init = None
                if var.is_literal():
                    init = var.rhs().eval()
                elif var.is_state():
                    init = var.state_value()
                if init is not None:
                    evar.attrib['initial_value'] = myokit.strfloat(init)

        # Add variable interfaces, connections
        deps = model.map_shallow_dependencies(
            omit_states=False, omit_constants=False)
        for var, evar in evars.items():
            # Scan all variables, iterate over the vars they depend on
            par = var.parent()
            lhs = var.lhs()
            dps = set(deps[lhs])
            if var.is_state():
                # States also depend on the time variable
            for dls in dps:
                dep = dls.var()
                dpa = dep.parent()
                # Parent mismatch: requires connection
                if par != dpa:
                    # Check if variable tag is present
                    epar = ecomps[par]
                    tag = epar.find('variable[@name="' + dep.uname() + '"]')
                    if tag is None:
                        # Create variable tag
                        tag = et.SubElement(epar, 'variable')
                        tag.attrib['name'] = dep.uname()
                        # Add unit
                        unit = dep.unit()
                        unit = unit_map[unit] if unit else 'dimensionless'
                        tag.attrib['units'] = unit
                        # Set interfaces
                        tag.attrib['public_interface'] = 'in'
                        edpa = ecomps[dpa]
                        tag = edpa.find(
                            'variable[@name="' + dep.uname() + '"]')
                        tag.attrib['public_interface'] = 'out'
                        # Add connection for this variable
                        comp1 = cnames[par]
                        comp2 = cnames[dpa]
                        vname = dep.uname()
                        # Sort components in connection alphabetically to
                        # ensure uniqueness
                        if comp2 < comp1:
                            comp1, comp2 = comp2, comp1
                        # Find or create connection
                        ctag = None
                        for con in emodel.findall('connection'):
                            ctag = con.find(
                                + comp1 + '"][@component_2="' + comp2 + '"]')
                            if ctag is not None:
                        if ctag is None:
                            con = et.SubElement(emodel, 'connection')
                            ctag = et.SubElement(con, 'map_components')
                            ctag.attrib['component_1'] = comp1
                            ctag.attrib['component_2'] = comp2
                        vtag = con.find(
                            'map_variables[@variable_1="' + vname
                            + '"][variable_2="' + vname + '"]')
                        if vtag is None:
                            vtag = et.SubElement(con, 'map_variables')
                            vtag.attrib['variable_1'] = vname
                            vtag.attrib['variable_2'] = vname

        # Create CellMLWriter
        writer = cellml.CellMLExpressionWriter(units=unit_map)

        # Add equations
        def add_child_equations(parent):
            # Add the equations to a cellml component
                ecomp = ecomps[parent]
            except KeyError:
            maths = et.SubElement(ecomp, 'math')
            maths.attrib['xmlns'] = ''
            for var in parent.variables():
                if var.is_literal():
                writer.eq(var.eq(), maths)
        for comp in model.components():

        # Write xml to file
        doc = et.ElementTree(emodel)
        doc.write(path, encoding='utf-8', method='xml')
        if pretty_xml:
            # Create pretty XML
            import xml.dom.minidom as m
            xml = m.parse(path)
            with open(path, 'wb') as f:

        # Log any generated warnings