Exemple #1
def cache_version_id():
    """Returns the version id to use for the incremental hash.

    If setup.py is run from a git repo, the git commit hash will be
    included if possible. If not, then this function will fall back to
    using the default version id from mypy/version.py."""
    if git.is_git_repo('.') and git.have_git():
        return __version__ + '-' + git.git_revision('.').decode('utf-8')
        # Default fallback
        return __version__
Exemple #2
def cache_version_id():
    """Returns the version id to use for the incremental hash.

    If setup.py is run from a git repo, the git commit hash will be
    included if possible. If not, then this function will fall back to
    using the default version id from mypy/version.py."""
    if git.is_git_repo('.') and git.have_git():
        return __version__ + '-' + git.git_revision('.').decode('utf-8')
        # Default fallback
        return __version__
import os
from mypy import git

__version__ = '0.620+dev'
base_version = __version__

mypy_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)))
if __version__.endswith('+dev') and git.is_git_repo(
        mypy_dir) and git.have_git():
    __version__ += '-' + git.git_revision(mypy_dir).decode('utf-8')
    if git.is_dirty(mypy_dir):
        __version__ += '-dirty'
del mypy_dir
Exemple #4
import os
from mypy import git

# Base version.
# - Release versions have the form "0.NNN".
# - Dev versions have the form "0.NNN+dev" (PLUS sign to conform to PEP 440).
# - For 1.0 we'll switch back to 1.2.3 form.
__version__ = '0.680+dev'
base_version = __version__

mypy_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)))
if __version__.endswith('+dev') and git.is_git_repo(mypy_dir) and git.have_git():
    __version__ += '.' + git.git_revision(mypy_dir).decode('utf-8')
    if git.is_dirty(mypy_dir):
        __version__ += '.dirty'
del mypy_dir