Exemple #1
def tokenizer_format_call(
        format_str: str) -> Optional[Tuple[List[str], List[FormatOp]]]:
    """Tokenize a str.format() format string.

    The core function parse_format_value() is shared with mypy.
    With these specifiers, we then parse the literal substrings
    of the original format string and convert `ConversionSpecifier`
    to `FormatOp`.

        A list of string literals and a list of FormatOps. The literals
        are interleaved with FormatOps and the length of returned literals
        should be exactly one more than FormatOps.
        Return None if it cannot parse the string.
    # Creates an empty MessageBuilder here.
    # It wouldn't be used since the code has passed the type-checking.
    specifiers = parse_format_value(format_str, EMPTY_CONTEXT,
                                    MessageBuilder(Errors(), {}))
    if specifiers is None:
        return None
    format_ops = generate_format_ops(specifiers)
    if format_ops is None:
        return None

    literals: List[str] = []
    last_end = 0
    for spec in specifiers:
        # Skip { and }
        literals.append(format_str[last_end:spec.start_pos - 1])
        last_end = spec.start_pos + len(spec.whole_seq) + 1
    # Deal with escaped {{
    literals = [x.replace('{{', '{').replace('}}', '}') for x in literals]

    return literals, format_ops