Exemple #1
def read_frm_files(file_names, options):
    """Read frm files using a spawned (bootstrapped) server.

    This method reads the list of frm files by spawning a server then
    copying the .frm files, changing the storage engine to memory,
    issuing a SHOW CREATE command, then resetting the storage engine and
    printing the resulting CREATE statement.

    file_names[in]      List of files to read
    options[in]         Options from user

    Returns list - list of .frm files that cannot be read.
    test_port = options.get("port", None)
    test_basedir = options.get("basedir", None)
    test_server = options.get("server", None)

    if not test_port or (not test_basedir and not test_server):
        raise UtilError("Method requires basedir or server and port options.")

    verbosity = int(options.get("verbosity", 0))
    quiet = options.get("quiet", False)
    datadir = options.get("datadir", None)

    # 1) for each .frm, determine its type and db, table name
    if verbosity > 1 and not quiet:
        print "# Checking read access to .frm files "
    frm_files = []
    for file_name in file_names:
        db, table, frm_path = _get_frm_path(file_name, datadir)
        if not os.access(frm_path, os.R_OK):
            print "ERROR: Unable to read the file %s." % frm_path + \
                  "You must have read access to the .frm file."
        frm_files.append((db, table, frm_path))

    # 2) Spawn the server
    server, temp_datadir = _spawn_server(options)

    version_str = server.get_version()
    match = re.match(r'^(\d+\.\d+(\.\d+)*).*$', version_str.strip())
    if match:
        version = [int(x) for x in match.group(1).split('.')]
        version = (version + [0])[:3]  # Ensure a 3 elements list
            "# WARNING: Error parsing server version %s. Cannot compare "
            "version of .frm file." % version_str)
        version = None
    failed_reads = []
    if not quiet:
        print "# Reading .frm files"
        for frm_file in frm_files:
            # 3) For each .frm file, get the CREATE statement
            frm_err = _get_create_statement(server, temp_datadir, frm_file,
                                            version, options)
            if frm_err:

    except UtilError as error:
        raise UtilError(error.errmsg)
        # 4) shutdown the spawned server
        if verbosity > 1 and not quiet:
            print "# Shutting down spawned server"
            print "# Removing the temporary datadir"
        if user_change_as_root(options):
            except OSError:
                pass  # ignore if we cannot delete


    return failed_reads
Exemple #2
def _get_create_statement(server,
    """Get the CREATE statement for the .frm file

    This method attempts to read the CREATE statement by copying the .frm file,
    altering the storage engine in the .frm file to MEMORY and issuing a SHOW
    CREATE statement for the table/view.

    If this method returns None, the operation was successful and the CREATE
    statement was printed. If a string is returned, there was at least one
    error (which will be printed) and the .frm file was not readable.

    The returned frm file path can be used to tell the user to use the
    diagnostic mode for reading files byte-by-byte. See the method
    read_frm_files_diagnostic() above.

    server[in]          Server instance
    temp_datadir[in]    New data directory
    frm_file[in]        Tuple containing (db, table, path) for .frm file
    version[in]         Version string for the current server
    options[in]         Options from user

    Returns string - None on success, path to frm file on error
    verbosity = int(options.get("verbosity", 0))
    quiet = options.get("quiet", False)
    new_engine = options.get("new_engine", None)
    frm_dir = options.get("frm_dir", ".{0}".format(os.sep))
    user = options.get('user', 'root')

    if not quiet:
        print "#\n# Reading the %s.frm file." % frm_file[1]
        # 1) copy the file
        db = frm_file[0]
        if not db or db == ".":
            db = "test"
        db_name = db + "_temp"
        new_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(temp_datadir, db_name))
        if not os.path.exists(new_path):

        new_frm = os.path.join(new_path, frm_file[1] + ".frm")

        # Check name for decoding and decode
            if requires_decoding(frm_file[1]):
                new_frm_file = decode(frm_file[1])
                frm_file = (frm_file[0], new_frm_file, frm_file[2])
                shutil.copy(frm_file[2], new_path)
            # Check name for encoding and encode
            elif requires_encoding(frm_file[1]):
                new_frm_file = encode(frm_file[1]) + ".frm"
                new_frm = os.path.join(new_path, new_frm_file)
                shutil.copy(frm_file[2], new_frm)
                shutil.copy(frm_file[2], new_path)
            _, e, _ = sys.exc_info()
            print("ERROR: {0}".format(e))

        # Set permissons on copied file if user context in play
        if user_change_as_root(options):
            subprocess.call(['chown', '-R', user, new_path])
            subprocess.call(['chgrp', '-R', user, new_path])

        server.exec_query("CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS %s" % db_name)

        frm = FrmReader(db_name, frm_file[1], new_frm, options)
        frm_type = frm.get_type()

        server.exec_query("FLUSH TABLES")
        if frm_type == "TABLE":
            # 2) change engine if it is a table
            current_engine = frm.change_storage_engine()

            # Abort read if restricted engine found
            if current_engine[1].upper() in _CANNOT_READ_ENGINE:
                    "ERROR: Cannot process tables with the %s storage "
                    "engine. Please use the diagnostic mode to read the "
                    "%s file." % (current_engine[1].upper(), frm_file[1]))
                return frm_file[2]

            # Check server version
            server_version = None
            if version and len(current_engine) > 1 and current_engine[2]:
                server_version = (int(current_engine[2][0]),
                if verbosity > 1 and not quiet:
                    print("# Server version in file: %s.%s.%s" %
                if not server.check_version_compat(server_version[0],
                    versions = (server_version[0], server_version[1],
                                server_version[2], version[0], version[1],
                        "ERROR: The server version for this "
                        "file is too low. It requires a server version "
                        "%s.%s.%s or higher but your server is version "
                        "%s.%s.%s. Try using a newer server or use "
                        "diagnostic mode." % versions)
                    return frm_file[2]

            # 3) show CREATE TABLE
            res = server.exec_query("SHOW CREATE TABLE `%s`.`%s`" %
                                    (db_name, frm_file[1]))
            create_str = res[0][1]
            if new_engine:
                create_str = create_str.replace("ENGINE=MEMORY",
                                                "ENGINE=%s" % new_engine)
            elif current_engine[1].upper() != "MEMORY":
                create_str = create_str.replace(
                    "ENGINE=MEMORY", "ENGINE=%s" % current_engine[1])
            if frm_file[0] and frm_file[0] != ".":
                create_str = create_str.replace(
                    "CREATE TABLE ", "CREATE TABLE `%s`." % frm_file[0])

            # if requested, generate the new .frm with the altered engine
            if new_engine:
                server.exec_query("ALTER TABLE `{0}`.`{1}` "
                                  "ENGINE={2}".format(db_name, frm_file[1],
                new_frm_file = os.path.join(frm_dir,
                if os.path.exists(new_frm_file):
                        "#\n# WARNING: Unable to create new .frm file. "
                        "File exists.")
                        shutil.copyfile(new_frm, new_frm_file)
                            "# Copy of .frm file with new storage "
                            "engine saved as {0}.".format(new_frm_file))
                    except (IOError, OSError, shutil.Error) as e:
                            "# WARNING: Unable to create new .frm file. "
                            "Error: {0}".format(e))

        elif frm_type == "VIEW":
            # 5) show CREATE VIEW
            res = server.exec_query("SHOW CREATE VIEW %s.%s" %
                                    (db_name, frm_file[1]))
            create_str = res[0][1]
            if frm_file[0]:
                create_str = create_str.replace(
                    "CREATE VIEW ", "CREATE VIEW `%s`." % frm_file[0])

        # Now we must replace the string for storage engine!
        print "#\n# CREATE statement for %s:\n#\n" % frm_file[2]
        print create_str
        if frm_type == "TABLE" and options.get("show_stats", False):

            "ERROR: Failed to correctly read the .frm file. Please try "
            "reading the file with the --diagnostic mode.")
        return frm_file[2]

    return None
Exemple #3
def _spawn_server(options):
    """Spawn a server to use for reading .frm files

    This method spawns a new server instance on the port specified by the
    user in the options dictionary.

    options[in]         Options from user

    Returns tuple - (Server instance, new datdir) or raises exception on error
    verbosity = int(options.get("verbosity", 0))
    quiet = options.get("quiet", False)
    new_port = options.get("port", 3310)
    user = options.get("user", None)
    start_timeout = int(options.get("start_timeout", 10))

    # 1) create a directory to use for new datadir

    # If the user is not the same as the user running the script...
    if user_change_as_root(options):
        # Since Python libraries correctly restrict temporary folders to
        # the user who runs the script and /tmp is protected on some
        # platforms, we must create the folder in the current folder
        temp_datadir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), str(uuid.uuid4()))
        temp_datadir = tempfile.mkdtemp()

    if verbosity > 1 and not quiet:
        print "# Creating a temporary datadir =", temp_datadir

    # 2) spawn a server pointed to temp
    if not quiet:
        if user:
            print("# Spawning server with --user={0}.".format(user))
        print "# Starting the spawned server on port %s ..." % new_port,

    bootstrap_options = {
        'new_data': temp_datadir,
        'new_port': new_port,
        'new_id': 101,
        'root_pass': "******",
        'mysqld_options': None,
        'verbosity': verbosity if verbosity > 1 else 0,
        'basedir': options.get("basedir"),
        'delete': True,
        'quiet': True if verbosity <= 1 else False,
        'user': user,
        'start_timeout': start_timeout,
    if verbosity > 1 and not quiet:

        serverclone.clone_server(None, bootstrap_options)
    except UtilError as error:
        if error.errmsg.startswith("Unable to communicate"):
            err = ". Clone server error: {0}".format(error.errmsg)
            proc_id = int(error.errmsg.split("=")[1].strip('.'))
                "ERROR Attempting to stop failed spawned server. "
                " Process id = {0}.".format(proc_id))
            if os.name == "posix":
                    os.kill(proc_id, subprocess.signal.SIGTERM)
                except OSError:
                    subprocess.Popen("taskkill /F /T /PID %i" % proc_id,
            raise UtilError(_SPAWN_SERVER_ERROR.format(err))

    if verbosity > 1 and not quiet:
        print "# Connecting to spawned server"
    conn = {
        "user": "******",
        "passwd": "root",
        "host": "",
        "port": options.get("port"),
    server_options = {
        'conn_info': conn,
        'role': "frm_reader_bootstrap",
    server = Server(server_options)
    except UtilError:
        raise UtilError(_SPAWN_SERVER_ERROR.format(""))

    if not quiet:
        print "done."

    return (server, temp_datadir)
Exemple #4
def read_frm_files(file_names, options):
    """Read frm files using a spawned (bootstrapped) server.

    This method reads the list of frm files by spawning a server then
    copying the .frm files, changing the storage engine to memory,
    issuing a SHOW CREATE command, then resetting the storage engine and
    printing the resulting CREATE statement.

    file_names[in]      List of files to read
    options[in]         Options from user

    Returns list - list of .frm files that cannot be read.
    test_port = options.get("port", None)
    test_basedir = options.get("basedir", None)
    test_server = options.get("server", None)

    if not test_port or (not test_basedir and not test_server):
        raise UtilError("Method requires basedir or server and port options.")

    verbosity = int(options.get("verbosity", 0))
    quiet = options.get("quiet", False)
    datadir = options.get("datadir", None)

    # 1) for each .frm, determine its type and db, table name
    if verbosity > 1 and not quiet:
        print "# Checking read access to .frm files "
    frm_files = []
    for file_name in file_names:
        db, table, frm_path = _get_frm_path(file_name, datadir)
        if not os.access(frm_path, os.R_OK):
            print "ERROR: Unable to read the file %s." % frm_path + \
                  "You must have read access to the .frm file."
        frm_files.append((db, table, frm_path))

    # 2) Spawn the server
    server, temp_datadir = _spawn_server(options)

    version_str = server.get_version()
    match = re.match(r'^(\d+\.\d+(\.\d+)*).*$', version_str.strip())
    if match:
        version = [int(x) for x in match.group(1).split('.')]
        version = (version + [0])[:3]  # Ensure a 3 elements list
        print ("# WARNING: Error parsing server version %s. Cannot compare "
               "version of .frm file." % version_str)
        version = None
    failed_reads = []
    if not quiet:
        print "# Reading .frm files"
        for frm_file in frm_files:
            # 3) For each .frm file, get the CREATE statement
            frm_err = _get_create_statement(server, temp_datadir,
                                            frm_file, version,
            if frm_err:

    except UtilError as error:
        raise UtilError(error.errmsg)
        # 4) shutdown the spawned server
        if verbosity > 1 and not quiet:
            print "# Shutting down spawned server"
            print "# Removing the temporary datadir"
        if user_change_as_root(options):
            except OSError:
                pass  # ignore if we cannot delete


    return failed_reads
Exemple #5
def _get_create_statement(server, temp_datadir,
                          frm_file, version,
                          options, quiet=False):
    """Get the CREATE statement for the .frm file

    This method attempts to read the CREATE statement by copying the .frm file,
    altering the storage engine in the .frm file to MEMORY and issuing a SHOW
    CREATE statement for the table/view.

    If this method returns None, the operation was successful and the CREATE
    statement was printed. If a string is returned, there was at least one
    error (which will be printed) and the .frm file was not readable.

    The returned frm file path can be used to tell the user to use the
    diagnostic mode for reading files byte-by-byte. See the method
    read_frm_files_diagnostic() above.

    server[in]          Server instance
    temp_datadir[in]    New data directory
    frm_file[in]        Tuple containing (db, table, path) for .frm file
    version[in]         Version string for the current server
    options[in]         Options from user

    Returns string - None on success, path to frm file on error
    verbosity = int(options.get("verbosity", 0))
    quiet = options.get("quiet", False)
    new_engine = options.get("new_engine", None)
    frm_dir = options.get("frm_dir", ".{0}".format(os.sep))
    user = options.get('user', 'root')

    if not quiet:
        print "#\n# Reading the %s.frm file." % frm_file[1]
        # 1) copy the file
        db = frm_file[0]
        if not db or db == ".":
            db = "test"
        db_name = db + "_temp"
        new_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(temp_datadir, db_name))
        if not os.path.exists(new_path):

        new_frm = os.path.join(new_path, frm_file[1] + ".frm")

        # Check name for decoding and decode
            if requires_decoding(frm_file[1]):
                new_frm_file = decode(frm_file[1])
                frm_file = (frm_file[0], new_frm_file, frm_file[2])
                shutil.copy(frm_file[2], new_path)
            # Check name for encoding and encode
            elif requires_encoding(frm_file[1]):
                new_frm_file = encode(frm_file[1]) + ".frm"
                new_frm = os.path.join(new_path, new_frm_file)
                shutil.copy(frm_file[2], new_frm)
                shutil.copy(frm_file[2], new_path)
            _, e, _ = sys.exc_info()
            print("ERROR: {0}".format(e))

        # Set permissons on copied file if user context in play
        if user_change_as_root(options):
            subprocess.call(['chown', '-R', user, new_path])
            subprocess.call(['chgrp', '-R', user, new_path])

        server.exec_query("CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS %s" % db_name)

        frm = FrmReader(db_name, frm_file[1], new_frm, options)
        frm_type = frm.get_type()

        server.exec_query("FLUSH TABLES")
        if frm_type == "TABLE":
            # 2) change engine if it is a table
            current_engine = frm.change_storage_engine()

            # Abort read if restricted engine found
            if current_engine[1].upper() in _CANNOT_READ_ENGINE:
                print ("ERROR: Cannot process tables with the %s storage "
                       "engine. Please use the diagnostic mode to read the "
                       "%s file." % (current_engine[1].upper(), frm_file[1]))
                return frm_file[2]

            # Check server version
            server_version = None
            if version and len(current_engine) > 1 and current_engine[2]:
                server_version = (int(current_engine[2][0]),
                if verbosity > 1 and not quiet:
                    print ("# Server version in file: %s.%s.%s" %
                if not server.check_version_compat(server_version[0],
                    versions = (server_version[0], server_version[1],
                                server_version[2], version[0], version[1],
                    print ("ERROR: The server version for this "
                           "file is too low. It requires a server version "
                           "%s.%s.%s or higher but your server is version "
                           "%s.%s.%s. Try using a newer server or use "
                           "diagnostic mode." % versions)
                    return frm_file[2]

            # 3) show CREATE TABLE
            res = server.exec_query("SHOW CREATE TABLE `%s`.`%s`" %
                                    (db_name, frm_file[1]))
            create_str = res[0][1]
            if new_engine:
                create_str = create_str.replace("ENGINE=MEMORY",
                                                "ENGINE=%s" % new_engine)
            elif not current_engine[1].upper() == "MEMORY":
                create_str = create_str.replace("ENGINE=MEMORY",
                                                "ENGINE=%s" %
            if frm_file[0] and not frm_file[0] == ".":
                create_str = create_str.replace("CREATE TABLE ",
                                                "CREATE TABLE `%s`." %

            # if requested, generate the new .frm with the altered engine
            if new_engine:
                server.exec_query("ALTER TABLE `{0}`.`{1}` "
                new_frm_file = os.path.join(frm_dir,
                if os.path.exists(new_frm_file):
                    print("#\n# WARNING: Unable to create new .frm file. "
                          "File exists.")
                        shutil.copyfile(new_frm, new_frm_file)
                        print("# Copy of .frm file with new storage "
                              "engine saved as {0}.".format(new_frm_file))
                    except (IOError, OSError, shutil.Error) as e:
                        print("# WARNING: Unable to create new .frm file. "
                              "Error: {0}".format(e))

        elif frm_type == "VIEW":
            # 5) show CREATE VIEW
            res = server.exec_query("SHOW CREATE VIEW %s.%s" %
                                    (db_name, frm_file[1]))
            create_str = res[0][1]
            if frm_file[0]:
                create_str = create_str.replace("CREATE VIEW ",
                                                "CREATE VIEW `%s`." %

        # Now we must replace the string for storage engine!
        print "#\n# CREATE statement for %s:\n#\n" % frm_file[2]
        print create_str
        if frm_type == "TABLE" and options.get("show_stats", False):

        print ("ERROR: Failed to correctly read the .frm file. Please try "
               "reading the file with the --diagnostic mode.")
        return frm_file[2]

    return None
Exemple #6
def _spawn_server(options):
    """Spawn a server to use for reading .frm files

    This method spawns a new server instance on the port specified by the
    user in the options dictionary.

    options[in]         Options from user

    Returns tuple - (Server instance, new datdir) or raises exception on error
    verbosity = int(options.get("verbosity", 0))
    quiet = options.get("quiet", False)
    new_port = options.get("port", 3310)
    user = options.get("user", None)
    start_timeout = int(options.get("start_timeout", 10))

    # 1) create a directory to use for new datadir

    # If the user is not the same as the user running the script...
    if user_change_as_root(options):
        # Since Python libraries correctly restrict temporary folders to
        # the user who runs the script and /tmp is protected on some
        # platforms, we must create the folder in the current folder
        temp_datadir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), str(uuid.uuid4()))
        temp_datadir = tempfile.mkdtemp()

    if verbosity > 1 and not quiet:
        print "# Creating a temporary datadir =", temp_datadir

    # 2) spawn a server pointed to temp
    if not quiet:
        if user:
            print("# Spawning server with --user={0}.".format(user))
        print "# Starting the spawned server on port %s ..." % new_port,

    bootstrap_options = {
        'new_data': temp_datadir,
        'new_port': new_port,
        'new_id': 101,
        'root_pass': "******",
        'mysqld_options': None,
        'verbosity': verbosity if verbosity > 1 else 0,
        'basedir': options.get("basedir"),
        'delete': True,
        'quiet': True if verbosity <= 1 else False,
        'user': user,
        'start_timeout': start_timeout,
    if verbosity > 1 and not quiet:

        serverclone.clone_server(None, bootstrap_options)
    except UtilError as error:
        if error.errmsg.startswith("Unable to communicate"):
            err = ". Clone server error: {0}".format(error.errmsg)
            proc_id = int(error.errmsg.split("=")[1].strip('.'))
            print("ERROR Attempting to stop failed spawned server. "
                  " Process id = {0}.".format(proc_id))
            if os.name == "posix":
                    os.kill(proc_id, subprocess.signal.SIGTERM)
                except OSError:
                    subprocess.Popen("taskkill /F /T /PID %i" %
                                     proc_id, shell=True)
            raise UtilError(_SPAWN_SERVER_ERROR.format(err))

    if verbosity > 1 and not quiet:
        print "# Connecting to spawned server"
    conn = {
        "user": "******",
        "passwd": "root",
        "host": "",
        "port": options.get("port"),
    server_options = {
        'conn_info': conn,
        'role': "frm_reader_bootstrap",
    server = Server(server_options)
    except UtilError:
        raise UtilError(_SPAWN_SERVER_ERROR.format(""))

    if not quiet:
        print "done."

    return (server, temp_datadir)