Exemple #1
    parser.error("Source connection values invalid or cannot be parsed.")

# Parse destination connection values
    dest_values = parse_connection(opt.destination)
    parser.error("Destination connection values invalid or cannot be parsed.")

# Check to see if attempting to use --rpl on the same server
if (opt.rpl_mode or opt.rpl_user) and source_values == dest_values:
    parser.error("You cannot use the --rpl option for copying on the "
                 "same server.")

# Check replication options
check_rpl_options(parser, opt)
# Build list of databases to copy
db_list = []
for db in args:
    grp = re.match("(\w+)(?:\:(\w+))?", db)
    if not grp:
        parser.error("Cannot parse database list. Error on '%s'." % db)
    db_entry = grp.groups()

    # record start time
    if opt.verbosity >= 3:
        start_test = time.time()
    dbcopy.copy_db(source_values, dest_values, db_list, options)
# Warn if quiet and verbosity are both specified

    skips = check_skip_options(opt.skip_objects)
except UtilError, e:
    print "ERROR: %s" % e.errmsg

# Fail if no db arguments or all
if len(args) == 0 and not opt.all:
    parser.error("You must specify at least one database to export or "
                 "use the --all option to export all databases.")

# Check replication options
check_rpl_options(parser, opt)

# Fail if we have arguments and all databases option listed.
check_all(parser, opt, args, "databases")

if opt.skip_blobs and not opt.export == "data":
    print "# WARNING: --skip-blobs option ignored for metadata export."

if opt.file_per_tbl and opt.export in ("definitions", "both"):
    print "# WARNING: --file-per-table option ignored for metadata export."

if "data" in skips and opt.export == "data":
    print "ERROR: You cannot use --export=data and --skip-data when exporting " \
          "table data."