def setup_replication(master_vals, slave_vals, rpl_user,
                      options, test_db=None):
    """Setup replication among a master and a slave.

    master_vals[in]    Master connection in form user:passwd@host:port:sock
    slave_vals[in]     Slave connection in form user:passwd@host:port:sock
    rpl_user[in]       Replication user in the form user:passwd
    options[in]        dictionary of options (verbosity, quiet, pedantic)
    test_db[in]        Test replication using this database name (optional)
                       default = None
    verbosity = options.get("verbosity", 0)

    conn_options = {
        'src_name': "master",
        'dest_name': 'slave',
        'version': "5.0.0",
        'unique': True,
    servers = connect_servers(master_vals, slave_vals, conn_options)
    master = servers[0]
    slave = servers[1]

    rpl_options = options.copy()
    rpl_options['verbosity'] = verbosity > 0

    # Create an instance of the replication object
    rpl = Replication(master, slave, rpl_options)
    errors = rpl.check_server_ids()
    for error in errors:
        print error

    # Check for server_id uniqueness
    if verbosity > 0:
        print "# master id = %s" % master.get_server_id()
        print "#  slave id = %s" % slave.get_server_id()

    errors = rpl.check_server_uuids()
    for error in errors:
        print error

    # Check for server_uuid uniqueness
    if verbosity > 0:
        print "# master uuid = %s" % master.get_server_uuid()
        print "#  slave uuid = %s" % slave.get_server_uuid()

    # Check InnoDB compatibility
    if verbosity > 0:
        print "# Checking InnoDB statistics for type and version conflicts."

    errors = rpl.check_innodb_compatibility(options)
    for error in errors:
        print error

    # Checking storage engines
    if verbosity > 0:
        print "# Checking storage engines..."

    errors = rpl.check_storage_engines(options)
    for error in errors:
        print error

    # Check master for binary logging
    print "# Checking for binary logging on master..."
    errors = rpl.check_master_binlog()
    if errors != []:
        raise UtilError(errors[0])

    # Setup replication
    print "# Setting up replication..."
    if not rpl.setup(rpl_user, 10):
        raise UtilError("Cannot setup replication.")

    # Test the replication setup.
    if test_db:
        rpl.test(test_db, 10)

    print "# ...done."
def setup_replication(master_vals, slave_vals, rpl_user,
                      options, test_db=None):
    """Setup replication among a master and a slave.
    master_vals[in]    Master connection in form user:passwd@host:port:sock
    slave_vals[in]     Slave connection in form user:passwd@host:port:sock
    rpl_user[in]       Replication user in the form user:passwd
    options[in]        dictionary of options (verbosity, quiet, pedantic)
    test_db[in]        Test replication using this database name (optional)
                       default = None
    from mysql.utilities.common.server import connect_servers
    from mysql.utilities.common.replication import Replication
    verbosity = options.get("verbosity", 0)

    conn_options = {
        'src_name'  : "master",
        'dest_name' : 'slave',
        'version'   : "5.0.0",
        'unique'    : True,
    servers = connect_servers(master_vals, slave_vals, conn_options)
    master = servers[0]
    slave = servers[1]
    rpl_options = options.copy()
    rpl_options['verbosity'] = verbosity > 0
    # Create an instance of the replication object
    rpl = Replication(master, slave, rpl_options)
    errors = rpl.check_server_ids()
    for error in errors:
        print error
    # Check for server_id uniqueness
    if verbosity > 0:
        print "# master id = %s" % master.get_server_id()
        print "#  slave id = %s" % slave.get_server_id()

    errors = rpl.check_server_uuids()
    for error in errors:
        print error
    # Check for server_uuid uniqueness
    if verbosity > 0:
        print "# master uuid = %s" % master.get_server_uuid()
        print "#  slave uuid = %s" % slave.get_server_uuid()

    # Check InnoDB compatibility
    if verbosity > 0:
        print "# Checking InnoDB statistics for type and version conflicts."

    errors = rpl.check_innodb_compatibility(options)
    for error in errors:
        print error
    # Checking storage engines                
    if verbosity > 0:
        print "# Checking storage engines..."
    errors = rpl.check_storage_engines(options)
    for error in errors:
        print error
    # Check master for binary logging
    print "# Checking for binary logging on master..."
    errors = rpl.check_master_binlog()
    if not errors == []:
        raise UtilError(errors[0])
    # Setup replication
    print "# Setting up replication..."
    if not rpl.setup(rpl_user, 10):
        raise UtilError("Cannot setup replication.")
    # Test the replication setup.
    if test_db:
        rpl.test(test_db, 10)
    print "# ...done."