def step_impl(context): """ :type context behave.runner.Context """ perm_list = list() perm_cnts = dict() perm =, "select sourcelistingid from xmart.listing;") mysql.close_connection(context.dev_xmart) for listid in perm: listid = str(listid) first_quot = listid.find("'") comma = listid.find(",") perm_list.append(listid[first_quot+1:comma-1]) for li in perm_list: perm_cnts[li] = perm_cnts.get(li, 0) + 1 # print(perm_cnts) for key,val in perm_cnts.items(): assert_that(val, is_(1)) print("Assertion complete (3 of 3). Listing Table contains only unique source listing id's. \n")
def step_impl(context): """ :type context behave.runner.Context """ stg_list_cnts = dict() stg_list = list() stg =, "select sourcelistingid from xmart.stg_listing;") mysql.close_connection(con=context.dev_xmart) for row in stg: row = str(row) # print("========", id) first_quot = row.find("'") comma = row.find(",") stg_list.append(row[first_quot+1:comma-1]) for aa in context.id_exception: assert_that(aa, is_in(stg_list)) # if aa in stg_list: # print(aa) for bb in stg_list: stg_list_cnts[bb] = stg_list_cnts.get(bb, 0) + 1 # print(stg_list_cnts) for key,val in stg_list_cnts.items(): assert_that(val, is_(1)) print("Assertion complete (2 of 3). Listings that are in the Exceptions table appear only once in Stg table. \n")
def step_impl(context, dup_id1, dup_id2): """ :type context behave.runner.Context """ del_query = "delete from xmart.load_exception where sourcelistingid in (%s, %s);" % (dup_id1, dup_id2) del_exec = mysql.execute(context.dev_xmart, del_query) mysql.close_connection(context.dev_xmart)
def step_impl(context, agent_test1, agent_test2, office_test1, office_test2): """ :type context behave.runner.Context """ print("\n **** Scenario 3 **** \n\n") context.agent_test1 = agent_test1 context.agent_test2 = agent_test2 context.office_test1 = office_test1 context.office_test2 = office_test2 del_agent = "delete from xmart.agent where sourceagentid in ('%s', '%s');" % (agent_test1, agent_test2) da = mysql.execute(mysql.dev_mart, del_agent) del_office = "delete from where sourceofficeid in ('%s', '%s');" % (office_test1, office_test2) do = mysql.execute(mysql.dev_mart, del_office) mysql.close_connection(mysql.dev_mart)
def step_impl(context, db_attr_cnt, s3_attr_cnt): """ :type context behave.runner.Context """ db_attr_cnt = str(, "Select count(*) from xmart.listing_attribute_value;")) first_range = db_attr_cnt.find("(") sec_range = db_attr_cnt.find("L") db_attr_cnt = int(db_attr_cnt[first_range +2 : sec_range]) mysql.close_connection(context.conn) # print(db_attr_cnt) s3_attr_cnt = len(s3_connect.cc_attr) # print(s3_attr_cnt) assert_that(db_attr_cnt, equal_to(s3_attr_cnt)) print("Assertion complete (2 of 3). Attribute Counts Match between S3 attributes file and Database. \n")
def step_impl(context, mart_ids, s3_ids): """ :type context behave.runner.Context """ mart_ids = list() m_ids =, "select * from xmart.listing") for line in m_ids: mart_ids.append(line[3]) mart_ids.sort() # print(mart_ids) mysql.close_connection(context.conn) s3_ids = s3_connect.listing_id s3_ids.sort() # print(s3_ids, "\n") assert_that(mart_ids, equal_to(s3_ids)) print("Assertion complete (3 of 3). Source Listing ID's Match between S3 feed file and the DB listing table. \n")
def step_impl(context): """ :type context behave.runner.Context """ n_office = list() notfound = 0 for office in context.new_office: off_query = "select sourceofficeid from nolock where sourceofficeid = '%s';" % office off_select =, off_query) mysql.close_connection(mysql.dev_mart) n_office.append(office) if str(off_select) == '()': print("** Fail. Office not found: ", office) notfound = notfound + 1 assert_that(notfound, is_(0)) print("Assertion complete (2 of 2). New Office(s) appear in Office Table... ID's:", n_office, "\n")
def step_impl(context): """ :type context behave.runner.Context """ n_agent = list() notfound = 0 for agent in context.new_agent: agt_query = "select sourceagentid from xmart.agent nolock where sourceagentid = '%s';" % agent agt_select =, agt_query) mysql.close_connection(mysql.dev_mart) n_agent.append(agent) if str(agt_select) == '()': print("** Fail. Agent not found: ", agent) notfound = notfound + 1 assert_that(notfound, is_(0)) print("Assertion complete (1 of 2). New Agent(s) appear in Agent Table... ID's:", n_agent, "\n")
def step_impl(context): """ :type context behave.runner.Context """ exception =, "select distinct sourcelistingid from xmart.load_exception;") mysql.close_connection(con=context.dev_xmart) context.id_exception = list() for row in exception: row = str(row) first_quot = row.find("'") comma = row.find(",") context.id_exception.append(row[first_quot+1:comma-1]) context.id_exception.sort() # print("=== ID's from Exceptions table: ", context.id_exception, "\n") assert_that(context.id_exception, equal_to(context.dup_feed_id)) print("Assertion complete (1 of 3). Duplicate ID's from the Feed File have been found in the Exceptions table. \n")
def step_impl(context, stg_attr_del, stg_list_del, perm_attr_del, perm_list_del): """ :type context behave.runner.Context """ cur_count = str(, "Select count(*) from xmart.listing;")) cur_count = cur_count[2] stg_attr_del = "delete from xmart.stg_listing_attribute_value;" stg_list_del = "delete from xmart.stg_listing;" perm_attr_del = "delete from xmart.listing_attribute_value;" perm_list_del = "delete from xmart.listing;" if int(cur_count) >= 1: mysql.execute(con=context.conn, statement= stg_attr_del) mysql.execute(con=context.conn, statement= stg_list_del) mysql.execute(con=context.conn, statement= perm_attr_del) mysql.execute(con=context.conn, statement= perm_list_del) mysql.close_connection(context.conn) else: mysql.close_connection(context.conn) pass