class IOCData(object): """A wrapper to connect to the IOC database via MySQL""" def __init__(self, dbid, procserver, prefix): """Constructor Args: dbid (string): The id of the database that holds IOC information procserver (ProcServWrapper): An instance of ProcServWrapper, used to start and stop IOCs prefix (string): The pv prefix of the instrument the server is being run on """ # Set up the database connection self._db = SQLAbstraction(dbid, dbid, "$" + dbid) self._procserve = procserver self._prefix = prefix self._running_iocs = list() self._running_iocs_lock = RLock() def get_iocs(self): """Gets a list of all the IOCs in the database and whether or not they are running Returns: dict : IOCs and their running status """ try: sqlquery = "SELECT iocname FROM iocs" iocs = dict((element[0], dict()) for element in self._db.query(sqlquery)) except Exception as err: print_and_log("could not get IOCS from database: %s" % err, "MAJOR", "DBSVR") iocs = dict() for ioc in iocs.keys(): ioc = ioc.encode('ascii', 'replace') with self._running_iocs_lock: # Create a copy so we don't lock the list for longer than necessary (do we need to do this?) running = list(self._running_iocs) if ioc in running: iocs[ioc]["running"] = True else: iocs[ioc]["running"] = False return iocs def get_active_iocs(self): """Gets a list of all the running IOCs Returns: list : The names of running IOCs """ return self._running_iocs def get_pars(self, category): """Gets parameters of a particular category from the IOC database of Returns: list : A list of the names of PVs associated with the parameter category """ values = [] try: sqlquery = "SELECT DISTINCT pvinfo.pvname FROM pvinfo" sqlquery += " INNER JOIN pvs ON pvs.pvname = pvinfo.pvname" sqlquery += " WHERE (infoname='PVCATEGORY' AND value LIKE '%" + category + "%' AND pvinfo.pvname NOT LIKE '%:SP')" # Get as a plain list values = [str(element[0]) for element in self._db.query(sqlquery)] # Convert any bytearrays for i, pv in enumerate(values): for j, element in enumerate(pv): if type(element) == bytearray: values[i][j] = element.decode("utf-8") except Exception as err: print_and_log("could not get parameters category %s from database: %s" % (category, err), "MAJOR", "DBSVR") return values def get_beamline_pars(self): """Gets the beamline parameters from the IOC database Returns: list : A list of the names of PVs associated with beamline parameters """ return self.get_pars('BEAMLINEPAR') def get_sample_pars(self): """Gets the sample parameters from the IOC database Returns: list : A list of the names of PVs associated with sample parameters """ return self.get_pars('SAMPLEPAR') def get_user_pars(self): """Gets the user parameters from the IOC database Returns: list : A list of the names of PVs associated with user parameters """ return self.get_pars('USERPAR') def update_iocs_status(self): """Accesses the db to get a list of IOCs and checks to see if they are currently running Returns: list : The names of running IOCs """ with self._running_iocs_lock: self._running_iocs = list() try: # Get all the iocnames and whether they are running, but ignore IOCs associated with PSCTRL sqlquery = "SELECT iocname, running FROM iocrt WHERE (iocname NOT LIKE 'PSCTRL_%')" rows = self._db.query(sqlquery) for row in rows: # Check to see if running using CA and procserv try: if self._procserve.get_ioc_status(self._prefix, row[0]).upper() == "RUNNING": self._running_iocs.append(row[0]) if row[1] == 0: # This should only get called if the IOC failed to tell the DB it started self._db.update("UPDATE iocrt SET running=1 WHERE iocname='%s'" % row[0]) else: if row[1] == 1: self._db.update("UPDATE iocrt SET running=0 WHERE iocname='%s'" % row[0]) except Exception as err: # Fail but continue - probably couldn't find procserv for the ioc print_and_log("issue with updating IOC status: %s" % err, "MAJOR", "DBSVR") except Exception as err: print_and_log("issue with updating IOC statuses: %s" % err, "MAJOR", "DBSVR") return self._running_iocs def get_interesting_pvs(self, level="", ioc=None): """Queries the database for PVs based on their interest level and their IOC. Args: level (string, optional): The interest level to search for, either High, Medium or Facility. Default to all interest levels ioc (string, optional): The IOC to search. Default is all IOCs. Returns: list : A list of the PVs that match the search given by level and ioc """ values = [] sqlquery = "SELECT DISTINCT pvinfo.pvname, pvs.record_type, pvs.record_desc, pvs.iocname FROM pvinfo" sqlquery += " INNER JOIN pvs ON pvs.pvname = pvinfo.pvname" where_ioc = '' if ioc is not None and ioc != "": where_ioc = "AND iocname='%s'" % ioc try: if level.lower().startswith('h'): sqlquery += " WHERE (infoname='INTEREST' AND value='HIGH' {0})".format(where_ioc) elif level.lower().startswith('m'): sqlquery += " WHERE (infoname='INTEREST' AND value='MEDIUM' {0})".format(where_ioc) elif level.lower().startswith('f'): sqlquery += " WHERE (infoname='INTEREST' AND value='FACILITY' {0})".format(where_ioc) else: # Try to get all pvs! pass # Get as a plain list of lists values = [list(element) for element in self._db.query(sqlquery)] # Convert any bytearrays for i, pv in enumerate(values): for j, element in enumerate(pv): if type(element) == bytearray: values[i][j] = element.decode("utf-8") except Exception as err: print_and_log("issue with getting interesting PVs: %s" % err, "MAJOR", "DBSVR") return values def get_active_pvs(self): """Queries the database for active PVs. Returns: list : A list of the PVs in running IOCs """ values = [] sqlquery = "SELECT pvinfo.pvname, pvs.record_type, pvs.record_desc, pvs.iocname FROM pvinfo" sqlquery += " INNER JOIN pvs ON pvs.pvname = pvinfo.pvname" # Ensure that only active IOCs are considered sqlquery += " WHERE (pvs.iocname in (SELECT iocname FROM iocrt WHERE running=1) AND infoname='INTEREST')" try: # Get as a plain list of lists values = [list(element) for element in self._db.query(sqlquery)] # Convert any bytearrays for i, pv in enumerate(values): for j, element in enumerate(pv): if type(element) == bytearray: values[i][j] = element.decode("utf-8") except Exception as err: print_and_log("issue with getting active PVs: %s" % err, "MAJOR", "DBSVR") return values
class ExpData(object): """A wrapper to connect to the IOC database via MySQL""" """Constant list of PVs to use""" EDPV = { 'ED:RBNUMBER:SP': { 'type': 'char', 'count': 16000, 'value': [0], }, 'ED:USERNAME:SP': { 'type': 'char', 'count': 16000, 'value': [0], }, } def make_ascii_mappings(): """create mapping for characters not converted to 7 bit by NFKD""" mappings_in = [ ord(char) for char in u'\xd0\xd7\xd8\xde\xdf\xf0\xf8\xfe' ] mappings_out = u'DXOPBoop' d = dict(zip(mappings_in, mappings_out)) d[ord(u'\xc6')] = u'AE' d[ord(u'\xe6')] = u'ae' return d _toascii = make_ascii_mappings() def __init__(self, prefix, ca=ChannelAccess): """Constructor Args: dbid (string): The id of the database that holds IOC information prefix (string): The pv prefix of the instrument the server is being run on """ # Set up the database connection self._db = SQLAbstraction('exp_data', "exp_data", "$exp_data") # Build the PV names to be used self._simrbpv = prefix + "ED:SIM:RBNUMBER" self._daerbpv = prefix + "ED:RBNUMBER:DAE:SP" self._simnames = prefix + "ED:SIM:USERNAME" self._daenamespv = prefix + "ED:USERNAME:DAE:SP" self._surnamepv = prefix + "ED:SURNAME" self._orgspv = prefix + "ED:ORGS" # Set the channel access server to use = ca # def __open_connection(self): # return self._db.__open_connection() def _get_team(self, experimentID): """Gets the team members Args: experimentID (string): the id of the experiment to load related data from Returns: team (list): the team data found by the SQL query """ try: sqlquery = "SELECT, user.organisation," sqlquery += " FROM role, user, experimentteams" sqlquery += " WHERE role.roleID = experimentteams.roleID" sqlquery += " AND user.userID = experimentteams.userID" sqlquery += " AND experimentteams.experimentID = %s" % experimentID sqlquery += " ORDER BY role.priority" team = [list(element) for element in self._db.query(sqlquery)] if len(team) == 0: raise Exception("unable to find team details for experiment ID %s" % experimentID) else: return team except Exception as err: raise Exception("issue getting experimental team: %s" % err) def _experiment_exists(self, experimentID): """ Gets the experiment Args: experimentID (string): the id of the experiment to load related data from Returns: exists (boolean): TRUE if the experiment exists, FALSE otherwise """ try: sqlquery = "SELECT experiment.experimentID" sqlquery += " FROM experiment " sqlquery += " WHERE experiment.experimentID = \"%s\"" % experimentID id = self._db.query(sqlquery) if len(id) >= 1: return True else: return False except Exception as err: raise Exception("error finding the experiment: %s" % err) def encode4return(self, data): """Converts data to JSON, compresses it and converts it to hex. Args: data (string): The data to encode Returns: string : The encoded data """ return compress_and_hex(json.dumps(data).encode('utf-8', 'replace')) def _get_surname_from_fullname(self, fullname): try: return fullname.split(" ")[-1] except: return fullname def updateExperimentID(self, experimentID): """Updates the associated PVs when an experiment ID is set Args: experimentID (string): the id of the experiment to load related data from Returns: None specifically, but the following information external to the server is set # TODO: Update with the correct PVs for this part """ # Update the RB Number for lookup - SIM for testing, DAE for production, experimentID), experimentID) # Check for the experiment ID names = [] surnames = [] orgs = [] if not self._experiment_exists(experimentID):, self.encode4return(names)), self.encode4return(surnames)), self.encode4return(orgs)) raise Exception("error finding the experiment: %s" % experimentID) # Get the user information from the database and update the associated PVs if self._db is not None: teammembers = self._get_team(experimentID) if teammembers is not None: # Generate the lists/similar for conversion to JSON for member in teammembers: fullname = unicode(member[0]) org = unicode(member[1]) role = unicode(member[2]) if not role == "Contact": surnames.append(self._get_surname_from_fullname(fullname)) orgs.append(org) name = user(fullname, org, role.lower()) names.append(name.__dict__) orgs = list(set(orgs)), self.encode4return(names)), self.encode4return(surnames)), self.encode4return(orgs)) # The value put to the dae names pv will need changing in time to use compressed and hexed json etc. but # this is not available at this time in the ICP, ExpData.make_name_list_ascii(surnames)) def updateUsername(self, users): """Updates the associated PVs when the User Names are altered Args: users (string): uncompressed and dehexed json string with the user details Returns: None specifically, but the following information external to the server is set # TODO: Update with the correct PVs for this part """ names = [] surnames = [] orgs = [] if len(users) > 3: # Format the string into a list of JSON strings for decoding/encoding users = users[1:-1] users = users.split("},{") if len(users) > 1: # Strip the {} from the beginning and the end to allow for easier editing of the teammembers users[0] = users[0][1:] users[-1] = users[-1][:len(users[-1])-1] # Add a {} to EACH teammember for ndx, member in enumerate(users): users[ndx] = "{" + member + "}" # Loop through the list of strings to generate the lists/similar for conversion to JSON for teammember in users: member = json.loads(teammember) fullname = unicode(member['name']) org = unicode(member['institute']) role = unicode(member['role']) if not role == "Contact": surnames.append(self._get_surname_from_fullname(fullname)) orgs.append(org) name = user(fullname, org, role.lower()) names.append(name.__dict__) orgs = list(set(orgs)), self.encode4return(names)), self.encode4return(surnames)), self.encode4return(orgs)) # The value put to the dae names pv will need changing in time to use compressed and hexed json etc. but # this is not available at this time in the ICP if not surnames:, " ") else:, ExpData.make_name_list_ascii(surnames)) @staticmethod def make_name_list_ascii(names): """Takes a unicode list of names and creates a best ascii comma separated list this implementation is a temporary fix until we install the PyPi unidecode module Args: name(list): list of unicode names Returns: comma separated ascii string of names with special characters adjusted """ nlist = u','.join(names) nfkd_form = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', nlist) nlist_no_sc = u''.join([c for c in nfkd_form if not unicodedata.combining(c)]) return nlist_no_sc.translate(ExpData._toascii).encode('ascii','ignore')