def isvalid(string): validbrackets = {'(':')','[':']','{':'}'} list1 =[] for letter in string: try: closing = validbrackets[list1.pop()] except: return False; if letter in validbrackets: mystack.push (list1,letter) elif (closing != letter): return False if(len(list1)==0): return True;
def isvalid(string): closeToOpen = {"}": "{", "]": "[", ")": "("} closing = closeToOpen.keys() opening = closeToOpen.values() openStack = [] for i in string: if i in opening: mystack.push(openStack, i) elif i in closing: if not mystack.isempty( openStack) and closeToOpen[i] == mystack.peek(openStack): mystack.pop(openStack) continue return False return mystack.isempty(openStack)
def test_length(self): """ -- Verifica el numero de elementos de la lsita cuando son mayores a 1 """ L = LinkedList() push(L, "hola") push(L, "jorge") push(L, "como") push(L, "va?") res = length(L) self.assertEqual(res, 4)
def isvalid(string): closeToOpen = {"}": "{", "]": "[", ")": "(", "\"": "\"", "”": "“"} closing = closeToOpen.keys() opening = closeToOpen.values() openStack = [] for i in string: if i in opening: #print ("Adding", i, openStack) mystack.push(openStack, i) elif i in closing: if not mystack.isempty( openStack) and closeToOpen[i] == mystack.peek(openStack): #print ("Removing", closeToOpen[i], i, openStack) mystack.pop(openStack) continue return False #print (openStack) return mystack.isempty(openStack)
def test_stack_ops(self): """ -- Verifica que el ultimo elemento ingresado en la pila sea el primero en salir """ L = LinkedList() push(L, "hola") push(L, "jorge") push(L, "como") push(L, "va?") first = pop(L) second = pop(L) self.assertEqual([first, second], ["va?", "como"])
import mystack thestack = [] print("The stack should initially be: []") print("Your stack is ", thestack) print() print("Trying to pop from an empty stack, should be None") print(mystack.pop(thestack)) print() print("Pushing 0 to stack, should be [0]") mystack.push(thestack, 0) print("Your stack is ", thestack) print() print("Pushing 1 to stack, should be [0, 1]") mystack.push(thestack, 1) print("Your stack is ", thestack) print() print("Pushing 2 to stack, should be [0, 1, 2]") mystack.push(thestack, 2) print("Your stack is ", thestack) print() print("Pushing 3 to stack, should be [0, 1, 2, 3]") mystack.push(thestack, 3) print("Your stack is ", thestack) print() print("Pop should return 3") print(mystack.pop(thestack)) print() print("Pop should return 2") print(mystack.pop(thestack))
import mystack stack = [] print ('Adding 5 to stack: ', mystack.push(stack, 5)) print ('Adding 6 to stack: ', mystack.push(stack, 6)) print ('Adding 7 to stack: ', mystack.push(stack, 7)) print ('Stack Empty: ', mystack.isempty(stack)) print ('Peeking at stack: ', mystack.peek(stack)) print ('Poping from stack: ', mystack.pop(stack)) print ('Printing stack: ', stack) print ('Poping from stack: ', mystack.pop(stack)) print ('Printing stack: ', stack) print ('Adding 8 to stack: ', mystack.push(stack, 8)) print ('Adding 9 to stack: ', mystack.push(stack, 9)) print ('Poping from stack: ', mystack.pop(stack)) print ('Printing stack: ', stack) print ('Poping from stack: ', mystack.pop(stack)) print ('Printing stack: ', stack) print ('Poping from stack: ', mystack.pop(stack)) print ('Printing stack: ', stack) print ('Poping from stack: ', mystack.pop(stack)) print ('Printing stack: ', stack) print ('Stack Empty: ', mystack.isempty(stack))