Exemple #1
def optimize(cost,lower,upper):
  from mystic.tools import random_seed
  from pyina.launchers import Mpi as Pool

  # generate a set of random starting points
  initial_values = samplepts(lower,upper,npts)

  # run optimizer for each grid point
  lb = [lower for i in range(len(initial_values))]
  ub = [upper for i in range(len(initial_values))]
  cf = [cost for i in range(len(initial_values))]
  # map:: params, energy, func_evals = local_optimize(cost,x0,lb,ub)
  results = Pool(nnodes).map(local_optimize, cf, initial_values, lb, ub)
  #print "results = %s" % results

  # get the results with the lowest energy
  best = list(results[0][0]), results[0][1]
  func_evals = results[0][2]
  for result in results[1:]:
    func_evals += result[2] # add function evaluations
    if result[1] < best[1]: # compare energy
      best = list(result[0]), result[1]

  # return best
  print "solved: %s" % best[0]
  scale = 1.0
  diameter_squared = -best[1] / scale  #XXX: scale != 0
  return diameter_squared, func_evals
Exemple #2
def optimize(cost, lower, upper):
    from mystic.tools import random_seed
    from pyina.launchers import Mpi as Pool

    # generate a set of random starting points
    initial_values = samplepts(lower, upper, npts)

    # run optimizer for each grid point
    lb = [lower for i in range(len(initial_values))]
    ub = [upper for i in range(len(initial_values))]
    cf = [cost for i in range(len(initial_values))]
    # map:: params, energy, func_evals = local_optimize(cost,x0,lb,ub)
    results = Pool(nnodes).map(local_optimize, cf, initial_values, lb, ub)
    #print("results = %s" % results)

    # get the results with the lowest energy
    best = list(results[0][0]), results[0][1]
    func_evals = results[0][2]
    for result in results[1:]:
        func_evals += result[2]  # add function evaluations
        if result[1] < best[1]:  # compare energy
            best = list(result[0]), result[1]

    # return best
    print("solved: %s" % best[0])
    scale = 1.0
    diameter_squared = -best[1] / scale  #XXX: scale != 0
    return diameter_squared, func_evals
Exemple #3
def test_calculate_methods(npts=2):
    upper_bounds = [1.0]
    lower_bounds = [0.0]

    # -------------------------------------
    # generate initial coordinates, weights
    # -------------------------------------
    # get a random distribution of points
    if disp: print("generate random points and weights")
    coordinates = samplepts(lower_bounds, upper_bounds, npts)
    D0 = D = [i[0] for i in coordinates]
    if disp: print("positions: %s" % D)

    # calculate sample range
    R0 = R = spread(D)
    if disp: print("range: %s" % R)

    # select weights randomly in [0,1], then normalize so sum(weights) = 1
    wts = random_samples([0], [1], npts)[0]
    weights = normalize(wts, 0.0, zsum=True)
    if disp: print("weights (when normalized to 0.0): %s" % weights)
    assert almostEqual(sum(weights), 0.0, tol=1e-15)
    weights = normalize(wts, 1.0)
    assert almostEqual(sum(weights), 1.0, tol=1e-15)
    if disp: print("weights (when normalized to 1.0): %s" % weights)
    w = norm(weights)
    if disp: print("norm: %s" % w)
    assert almostEqual(w, sum(weights) / npts)

    # calculate sample mean
    m0 = m = mean(D, weights)
    if disp: print("mean: %s" % m)
    if disp: print("")

    # -------------------------------------
    # modify coordinates, maintaining mean & range
    # -------------------------------------
    # get new random distribution
    if disp: print("modify positions, maintaining mean and range")
    coordinates = samplepts(lower_bounds, upper_bounds, npts)
    D = [i[0] for i in coordinates]

    # impose a range and mean on the points
    D = impose_spread(R, D, weights)
    D = impose_mean(m, D, weights)

    # print results
    if disp: print("positions: %s" % D)
    R = spread(D)
    if disp: print("range: %s" % R)
    assert almostEqual(R, R0)
    m = mean(D, weights)
    if disp: print("mean: %s" % m)
    assert almostEqual(m, m0)
    if disp: print("")

    # -------------------------------------
    # modify weights, maintaining mean & norm
    # -------------------------------------
    # select weights randomly in [0,1]
    if disp: print("modify weights, maintaining mean and range")
    wts = random_samples([0], [1], npts)[0]

    # print intermediate results
    #print("weights: %s" % wts)
    #sm = mean(D, wts)
    #print("tmp mean: %s" % sm)

    # impose mean and weight norm on the points
    D = impose_mean(m, D, wts)
    DD, weights = impose_weight_norm(D, wts)

    # print results
    if disp: print("weights: %s" % weights)
    w = norm(weights)
    if disp: print("norm: %s" % w)
    assert almostEqual(w, sum(weights) / npts)
    if disp: print("positions: %s" % DD)
    R = spread(DD)
    if disp: print("range: %s" % R)
    assert almostEqual(R, R0)
    sm = mean(DD, weights)
    if disp: print("mean: %s" % sm)
    assert almostEqual(sm, m0)
    sv = variance(DD, weights)
    if disp: print("var: %s" % sv)
    assert not almostEqual(sv, R)
    assert almostEqual(sv, 0.0, tol=.3)

    # -------------------------------------
    # modify variance, maintaining mean
    # -------------------------------------
    if disp: print("\nmodify variance, maintaining mean")
    DD = impose_variance(R, DD, weights)
    sm = mean(DD, weights)
    if disp: print("mean: %s" % sm)
    assert almostEqual(sm, m0)
    sv = variance(DD, weights)
    if disp: print("var: %s" % sv)
    assert almostEqual(sv, R)
Exemple #4
def test_calculate_methods(npts=2):
    upper_bounds = [1.0]
    lower_bounds = [0.0]

    # -------------------------------------
    # generate initial coordinates, weights
    # -------------------------------------
    # get a random distribution of points
    print "generate random points and weights"
    coordinates = samplepts(lower_bounds, upper_bounds, npts)
    D = [i[0] for i in coordinates]
    print "positions: %s" % D

    # calculate sample range
    R = spread(D)
    print "range: %s" % R

    # select weights randomly in [0,1], then normalize so sum(weights) = 1
    wts = random_samples([0], [1], npts)[0]
    weights = normalize(wts, 0.0, zsum=True)
    print "weights (when normalized to 0.0): %s" % weights
    weights = normalize(wts)
    print "weights (when normalized to 1.0): %s" % weights
    w = norm(weights)
    print "norm: %s" % w

    # calculate sample mean
    m = mean(D, weights)
    print "mean: %s" % m
    print ""

    # -------------------------------------
    # modify coordinates, maintaining mean & range
    # -------------------------------------
    # get new random distribution
    print "modify positions, maintaining mean and range"
    coordinates = samplepts(lower_bounds, upper_bounds, npts)
    D = [i[0] for i in coordinates]

    # impose a range and mean on the points
    D = impose_spread(R, D, weights)
    D = impose_mean(m, D, weights)

    # print results
    print "positions: %s" % D
    R = spread(D)
    print "range: %s" % R
    m = mean(D, weights)
    print "mean: %s" % m
    print ""

    # -------------------------------------
    # modify weights, maintaining mean & norm
    # -------------------------------------
    # select weights randomly in [0,1]
    print "modify weights, maintaining mean and range"
    wts = random_samples([0], [1], npts)[0]

    # print intermediate results
    #print "weights: %s" % wts
    #sm = mean(D, wts)
    #print "tmp mean: %s" % sm
    #print ""

    # impose mean and weight norm on the points
    D = impose_mean(m, D, wts)
    DD, weights = impose_weight_norm(D, wts)

    # print results
    print "weights: %s" % weights
    w = norm(weights)
    print "norm: %s" % w
    print "positions: %s" % DD
    R = spread(DD)
    print "range: %s" % R
    sm = mean(DD, weights)
    print "mean: %s" % sm
    sv = variance(DD, weights)
    print "var: %s" % sv

    # -------------------------------------
    # modify variance, maintaining mean
    # -------------------------------------
    print "\nmodify variance, maintaining mean"
    DD = impose_variance(R, DD, weights)
    sm = mean(DD, weights)
    print "mean: %s" % sm
    sv = variance(DD, weights)
    print "var: %s" % sv
Exemple #5
def test_calculate_methods(npts=2):
  upper_bounds = [1.0]
  lower_bounds = [0.0]

  # -------------------------------------
  # generate initial coordinates, weights 
  # -------------------------------------
  # get a random distribution of points
  if disp: print "generate random points and weights"
  coordinates = samplepts(lower_bounds, upper_bounds, npts)
  D0 = D = [i[0] for i in coordinates]
  if disp: print "positions: %s" % D

  # calculate sample range
  R0 = R = spread(D)
  if disp: print "range: %s" % R

  # select weights randomly in [0,1], then normalize so sum(weights) = 1
  wts = random_samples([0],[1], npts)[0]
  weights = normalize(wts, 0.0, zsum=True)
  if disp: print "weights (when normalized to 0.0): %s" % weights
  assert almostEqual(sum(weights), 0.0, tol=1e-15)
  weights = normalize(wts)
  assert almostEqual(sum(weights), 1.0, tol=1e-15)
  if disp: print "weights (when normalized to 1.0): %s" % weights
  w = norm(weights)
  if disp: print "norm: %s" % w
  assert almostEqual(w, sum(weights)/npts)

  # calculate sample mean
  m0 = m = mean(D,weights)
  if disp: print "mean: %s" % m
  if disp: print ""

  # -------------------------------------
  # modify coordinates, maintaining mean & range 
  # -------------------------------------
  # get new random distribution
  if disp: print "modify positions, maintaining mean and range"
  coordinates = samplepts(lower_bounds, upper_bounds, npts)
  D = [i[0] for i in coordinates]

  # impose a range and mean on the points
  D = impose_spread(R, D, weights)
  D = impose_mean(m, D, weights)

  # print results
  if disp: print "positions: %s" % D
  R = spread(D)
  if disp: print "range: %s" % R
  assert almostEqual(R, R0)
  m = mean(D, weights)
  if disp: print "mean: %s" % m
  assert almostEqual(m, m0)
  if disp: print ""

  # -------------------------------------
  # modify weights, maintaining mean & norm
  # -------------------------------------
  # select weights randomly in [0,1]
  if disp: print "modify weights, maintaining mean and range"
  wts = random_samples([0],[1], npts)[0]

  # print intermediate results
 #print "weights: %s" % wts
 #sm = mean(D, wts)
 #print "tmp mean: %s" % sm
 #print ""

  # impose mean and weight norm on the points
  D = impose_mean(m, D, wts)
  DD, weights = impose_weight_norm(D, wts)

  # print results
  if disp: print "weights: %s" % weights
  w = norm(weights)
  if disp: print "norm: %s" % w
  assert almostEqual(w, sum(weights)/npts)
  if disp: print "positions: %s" % DD
  R = spread(DD)
  if disp: print "range: %s" % R
  assert almostEqual(R, R0)
  sm = mean(DD, weights)
  if disp: print "mean: %s" % sm
  assert almostEqual(sm, m0)
  sv = variance(DD, weights)
  if disp: print "var: %s" % sv
  assert not almostEqual(sv, R)
  assert almostEqual(sv, 0.0, tol=.2)

  # -------------------------------------
  # modify variance, maintaining mean
  # -------------------------------------
  if disp: print "\nmodify variance, maintaining mean"
  DD = impose_variance(R, DD, weights)
  sm = mean(DD, weights)
  if disp: print "mean: %s" % sm
  assert almostEqual(sm, m0)
  sv = variance(DD, weights)
  if disp: print "var: %s" % sv
  assert almostEqual(sv, R)
Exemple #6
def test_calculate_methods(npts=2):
  upper_bounds = [1.0]
  lower_bounds = [0.0]

  # -------------------------------------
  # generate initial coordinates, weights 
  # -------------------------------------
  # get a random distribution of points
  print "generate random points and weights"
  coordinates = samplepts(lower_bounds, upper_bounds, npts)
  D = [i[0] for i in coordinates]
  print "positions: %s" % D

  # calculate sample range
  R = spread(D)
  print "range: %s" % R

  # select weights randomly in [0,1], then normalize so sum(weights) = 1
  wts = random_samples([0],[1], npts)[0]
  weights = normalize(wts, 0.0, zsum=True)
  print "weights (when normalized to 0.0): %s" % weights
  weights = normalize(wts)
  print "weights (when normalized to 1.0): %s" % weights
  w = norm(weights)
  print "norm: %s" % w

  # calculate sample mean
  m = mean(D,weights)
  print "mean: %s" % m
  print ""

  # -------------------------------------
  # modify coordinates, maintaining mean & range 
  # -------------------------------------
  # get new random distribution
  print "modify positions, maintaining mean and range"
  coordinates = samplepts(lower_bounds, upper_bounds, npts)
  D = [i[0] for i in coordinates]

  # impose a range and mean on the points
  D = impose_spread(R, D, weights)
  D = impose_mean(m, D, weights)

  # print results
  print "positions: %s" % D
  R = spread(D)
  print "range: %s" % R
  m = mean(D, weights)
  print "mean: %s" % m
  print ""

  # -------------------------------------
  # modify weights, maintaining mean & norm
  # -------------------------------------
  # select weights randomly in [0,1]
  print "modify weights, maintaining mean and range"
  wts = random_samples([0],[1], npts)[0]

  # print intermediate results
 #print "weights: %s" % wts
 #sm = mean(D, wts)
 #print "tmp mean: %s" % sm
 #print ""

  # impose mean and weight norm on the points
  D = impose_mean(m, D, wts)
  DD, weights = impose_weight_norm(D, wts)

  # print results
  print "weights: %s" % weights
  w = norm(weights)
  print "norm: %s" % w
  print "positions: %s" % DD
  R = spread(DD)
  print "range: %s" % R
  sm = mean(DD, weights)
  print "mean: %s" % sm
  sv = variance(DD, weights)
  print "var: %s" % sv

  # -------------------------------------
  # modify variance, maintaining mean
  # -------------------------------------
  print "\nmodify variance, maintaining mean"
  DD = impose_variance(R, DD, weights)
  sm = mean(DD, weights)
  print "mean: %s" % sm
  sv = variance(DD, weights)
  print "var: %s" % sv