def __init__(self, settings, cmdoptions, q): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.finished = threading.Event() self.q = q self.settings = settings self.cmdoptions = cmdoptions self.filter = re.compile( r"[\\\/\:\*\?\"\<\>\|]+" ) #regexp filter for the non-allowed characters in windows filenames. self.createLogger() #self.settings['General']['Log Directory'] = os.path.normpath(self.settings['General']['Log Directory']) # initialize self.log to None, so that we dont attempt to flush it until it exists, and so we know to open it when it's closed. self.log = None # todo: no need for float() typecasting, since that is now taken care by config validation # initialize the automatic zip and email timer, if enabled in .ini if self.settings['E-mail']['SMTP Send Email'] == True: self.emailtimer = mytimer.MyTimer( float(self.settings['E-mail']['Email Interval']) * 60 * 60, 0, self.SendZipByEmail) self.emailtimer.start() # initialize automatic old log deletion timer if self.settings['Log Maintenance']['Delete Old Logs'] == True: self.oldlogtimer = mytimer.MyTimer( float(self.settings['Log Maintenance']['Age Check Interval']) * 60 * 60, 0, self.DeleteOldLogs) self.oldlogtimer.start() # initialize the automatic log flushing timer self.flushtimer = mytimer.MyTimer( float(self.settings['Log Maintenance']['Flush Interval']), 0, self.FlushLogWriteBuffers, ["Flushing file write buffers due to timer"]) self.flushtimer.start() #~ # start the event queue processing #~ self.queuetimer = mytimer.MyTimer(1, 1, self.start) #~ self.queuetimer.start() # initialize some automatic zip stuff #self.settings['Zip']['ziparchivename'] = "log_[date].zip" if self.settings['Zip']['Zip Enable'] == True: self.ziptimer = mytimer.MyTimer( float(self.settings['Zip']['Zip Interval']) * 60 * 60, 0, self.ZipLogFiles) self.ziptimer.start() # initialize the log rotation job self.logrotatetimer = mytimer.MyTimer( float(self.settings['Log Maintenance']['Log Rotation Interval']) * 60 * 60, 0, self.RotateLogs) self.logrotatetimer.start()
def test_ten_times(self): myt = mytimer.MyTimer(0.005, 10, sprint) self.assertIsNotNone(myt) myt.start() self.assertEqual(screen, '') time.sleep(0.005 * 11) myt.cancel() self.assertEqual(screen, 'string' * 10)
def test_one_time(self): myt = mytimer.MyTimer(0.005, 1, sprint) self.assertIsNotNone(myt) myt.start() self.assertEqual(screen, '') time.sleep(0.005 * 2) myt.cancel() self.assertEqual(screen, 'string')
def test_infinite_times(self): myt = mytimer.MyTimer(0.0005, 0, sprint) self.assertIsNotNone(myt) myt.start() self.assertEqual(screen, '') time.sleep(1) myt.cancel() times = screen.count("string") self.assertGreaterEqual(times, 10)
if passFId < FId: FId = passFId clear_gmsfile.clearfile() shiftLeftNum = shiftLeftNum - len(passVertex) print(f"Block[{n+1}] pass FId: {passFId}") print(f"Block[{n+1}] critical vertex: {passVertex}") #input() n += 1 for n in range(self.Nz): self.BlockList[n].showBlockData() return FId if __name__ == "__main__": clear_gmsfile.clearfile() timer = timer.MyTimer() cstr_test = AlcoholicCSTR(20) cstr_test.setStartDirect(-1) cstr_test.setMVnumber(2) #cstr_test.getData(vertex=[167,179],startDirect=-1) resultFId = cstr_test.solve(3) print(" ") print("Result FId:", resultFId) print("total calculate vertex:", cstr_test.cal_vertex_num) print("other possible vertex:") for dic in cstr_test.similar_vertex: print(dic) timer.getTime(kind="process") timer.getTime(kind="real")
import time import picamera import mytimer import sys with picamera.PiCamera() as camera: filename = sys.argv[1] timer = mytimer.MyTimer() camera.resolution = (640, 480) camera.framerate = 15 camera.start_preview() time.sleep(2) timer.stamp() camera.capture(filename, format='jpeg', use_video_port=False) timer.stamp("capture") timer.printStamps() print "saved to", filename
#input() return current_node.get_state().get_cumulative_choices() if __name__ == "__main__": op_cmd = str(input()) print(op_cmd) if op_cmd == "mcts": round_num = 1 round_num = int(input("plz input MCTS test round:")) result_list = [] for i in range(round_num): timer1 = timer.MyTimer() MCTS_result = main() print("suc") t = timer1.getTime(kind='real') """solver = problem.DoubleTank(proble_Nz) solver.setStartDirect(direct) FId = solver.getData(MCTS_result)""" result_list.append({ 'time': i, 'using_time': t, 'vertex': MCTS_result }) for result in result_list: print(result)
import picamera import picamera.array import mytimer import time with picamera.PiCamera() as camera: camera.resolution = (640, 480) camera.framerate = 30 camera.start_preview() time.sleep(2) t = mytimer.MyTimer() t.stamp() i = 0 with picamera.array.PiRGBArray(camera) as rawCapture: t.stamp("open rawCapture") for foo in camera.capture_continuous(rawCapture, format='bgr', use_video_port=True): t.stamp("%d" % i) i += 1 if (i >= 120): break t.printStamps() with picamera.PiCamera() as camera: camera.resolution = (640, 480) camera.framerate = 30 camera.start_preview() time.sleep(2) t = mytimer.MyTimer()