def main(): try: global ACC if nargs < 2: print "\n\rUSAGE : ResultSummary <Result Summary Config File> \n\r Result Summary Config File : See Sample Config File - WTS-ResultSummary.conf" return f = ReadMapFile(sys.argv[1], "OUTPUT_FILE", "=") if not f.endswith(".xml"): f = "%s.xml" % f sm = ReadMapFile(sys.argv[1], "M_CHECK", '=') log_path = ReadMapFile(sys.argv[1], "LOG_PATH", '=') if not log_path.endswith("/"): log_path = "%s/" % log_path prog_name = ReadMapFile(sys.argv[1], "PROG_NAME", '=') UID = ReadMapFile(sys.argv[1], "UID", '=') test_criteria = ReadMapFile(sys.argv[1], "TEST_CRITERIA_FILE", '=') format_style = ReadMapFile(sys.argv[1], "FORMAT_STYLE", '=') init_logging("debug-log-result-summary.txt") "LOG_PATH [%s] PROG_NAME [%s] UID [%s] OUTPUT_FILE [%s] TEST_CRITERIA_FILE [%s] FORMAT_STYLE [%s]" % (log_path, prog_name, UID, f, test_criteria, format_style)) if prog_name == '60G': prog_name = "_" + prog_name rSummary = ResultSummary(f, test_criteria, prog_name, UID, log_path, sm, format_style) signVerification = ReadMapFile(sys.argv[1], "SIGN_VERIFICATION", '=') # Enable Signature verification - by default it is disabled if signVerification == "1": setattr(rSummary, "SignVerification", 1) acc_ip = ReadMapFile(sys.argv[1], "ACC_IP_ADDR", '=') acc_port = ReadMapFile(sys.argv[1], "ACC_IP_PORT", '=') ACC = ACCClient(acc_ip, acc_port) #unit test with hard coded file name rSummary.generateSummary() rSummary.writeXML() except StandardError: err = sys.exc_info() logging.error("End %s" % err[1])
def main(): try: global ACC if nargs < 2: print "\n\rUSAGE : ResultSummary <Result Summary Config File> \n\r Result Summary Config File : See Sample Config File - WTS-ResultSummary.conf" return f = ReadMapFile(sys.argv[1], "OUTPUT_FILE", "=") if not f.endswith(".xml"): f = "%s.xml" % f sm = ReadMapFile(sys.argv[1], "M_CHECK", '=') log_path = ReadMapFile(sys.argv[1], "LOG_PATH", '=') if not log_path.endswith("/"): log_path = "%s/" % log_path prog_name = ReadMapFile(sys.argv[1], "PROG_NAME", '=') UID = ReadMapFile(sys.argv[1], "UID", '=') test_criteria = ReadMapFile(sys.argv[1], "TEST_CRITERIA_FILE", '=') format_style = ReadMapFile(sys.argv[1], "FORMAT_STYLE", '=') init_logging("debug-log-result-summary.txt")"LOG_PATH [%s] PROG_NAME [%s] UID [%s] OUTPUT_FILE [%s] TEST_CRITERIA_FILE [%s] FORMAT_STYLE [%s]" % (log_path, prog_name, UID, f, test_criteria, format_style)) rSummary = ResultSummary(f, test_criteria, prog_name, UID, log_path, sm, format_style) signVerification = ReadMapFile(sys.argv[1], "SIGN_VERIFICATION", '=') # Enable Signature verification - by default it is disabled if signVerification == "1": setattr(rSummary, "SignVerification", 1) acc_ip = ReadMapFile(sys.argv[1], "ACC_IP_ADDR", '=') acc_port = ReadMapFile(sys.argv[1], "ACC_IP_PORT", '=') ACC = ACCClient(acc_ip, acc_port) #unit test with hard coded file name rSummary.generateSummary() rSummary.writeXML() except StandardError: err = sys.exc_info() logging.error("End %s" % err[1])
optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), if amp is not None: model, optimizer = amp.initialize(model, optimizer, opt_level=args.amp) model = nn.DataParallel(model) model = scheduler = None if args.sched == 'cycle': scheduler = CycleScheduler(optimizer,, n_iter=len(loader) * args.epoch, momentum=None) logging = init_logging('log') log = logging.log writer = SummaryWriter('log/board') for i in range(args.epoch): log('--' * 50) train(args, i, loader, model, optimizer, scheduler, device, log, writer) log('--' * 50) test(args, i, loader, model, device, log, writer) { 'model': model.module.state_dict(), 'args': args }, f'checkpoint/pixelsnail_{args.hier}_{str(i + 1).zfill(3)}.pt', )
def runTestCase(testListFile, testID, grp=0): global U print "\n*** Running Test - %s *** \n" % testID initFile = ReadMapFile(testListFile, testID, "!") testFile = ReadMapFile(testListFile, testID, "!", 2) if initFile == -1 or testFile == -1: print "Invalid test case - %s" % testID exit(1) setattr(U, "initFile", initFile) #init Logging init_logging(U.testID, 1, grp) tmsPacket.ProgramName = U.progName"\n Test Info %s" % U) uccPath = U.cmdPath if uccPath.endswith('\\') == 0: uccPath = uccPath + '\\' setUCCPath(uccPath) initFile = uccPath + initFile testFile = uccPath + testFile # Run Init Env if not"WMM-", testID): if U.qual: InitTestEnv(U.testID, U.cmdPath, U.progName, U.initFile, U.TBFile, U.qual, U.TB_QUAL_AP, U.TB_QUAL_STA) else: InitTestEnv(U.testID, U.cmdPath, U.progName, U.initFile, U.TBFile) #Run UCC Core if os.path.exists(initFile) == 0: logging.error("Invalid file name - %s" % initFile) wfa_print_result("1") if os.path.exists(testFile) == 0: logging.error("Invalid file name - %s" % testFile) wfa_print_result("1")"\n %7s Testcase Init File = %s \n" % ("", initFile))"\n %7s Testcase Command File = %s \n" % ("", testFile)) if U.qual: fileW = open("%s\DUTParam.txt" % (U.cmdPath), 'w') print "- DUT NAME [%s]" % U.DUT_NAME.lower() dut_ca = ReadMapFile(initFile, "wfa_control_agent_%s" % U.DUT_NAME.lower(), "!") # Following assumes that $Channel is the first parmater in InitEnv.txt channel = ReadMapFile("%s\InitEnv.txt" % U.cmdPath, "define", "!", 2) band = "24G" if int(channel) > 35: band = "5G" fileW.write("wfa_control_agent_dut!%s!\n" % dut_ca) fileW.write("define!$DUT_Name!%s!\n" % (U.DUT_NAME)) fileW.write("define!$DutMacAddress!$%sMACAddress_%s!\n" % (U.DUT_NAME, band)) fileW.write("define!$APUT_uname!%sUserName!\n" % (U.DUT_NAME)) fileW.write("define!$APUT_pword!%sAPPassword!\n" % (U.DUT_NAME)) fileW.write("define!$APUT_hostname!%sHostName!\n" % (U.DUT_NAME)) fileW.close()"START: TEST CASE [%s] " % testID) try: expt_msg = "" fileInit = open(initFile) print "\n-------------------\n" scanner(fileInit, firstword) print "\n-------------------\n" process_cmdfile(testFile) except Exception: expt_msg = "%s" % sys.exc_info()[1] finally: if expt_msg != "": wfa_print_result(0, expt_msg) else: wfa_print_result(1)"END: TEST CASE [%s] " % testID) fileInit.close() reset()
cap = # skip 500 frames to train bg subtractor train_bg_subtractor(bg_subtractor, cap, num=500) _frame_number = -1 frame_number = -1 for frame in cap: if not frame.any(): log.error("frame capture failed, stopping...") break # real frame number _frame_number += 1 #skipping every 2nd frame to speed up processing if _frame_number % 2 != 0: continue frame_number += 1 pipeline.set_context({'frame': frame, 'frame_number': frame_number}) # we check if the out image directory exists or not and call main function if __name__ == "__main__": log = myutils.init_logging() if not os.path.exists(Image_dir): log.debug("Creating image directory '%s'....", Image_dir) os.makedirs(Image_dir) main()
def runTestCase(testListFile, testID, grp=0): global U, starttime print "\n*** Running Test - %s *** \n" % testID initFile = ReadMapFile(testListFile, testID, "!") testFile = ReadMapFile(testListFile, testID, "!", 2) if initFile == -1 or testFile == -1: print "Invalid test case - %s" % testID exit(1) setattr(U, "initFile", initFile) #init Logging init_logging(U.testID, 1, grp) tmsPacket.ProgramName = U.progName tmsPacket.TestResult = "FAIL" tmsPrint()"\n Test Info %s" % U) uccPath = U.cmdPath if uccPath.endswith('\\') == 0: uccPath = uccPath + '\\' setUCCPath(uccPath) initFile = uccPath + initFile testFile = uccPath + testFile # Run Init Env if not"WMM-", testID): if U.qual: InitTestEnv(U.testID, U.cmdPath, U.progName, U.initFile, U.TBFile, U.qual, U.TB_QUAL_AP, U.TB_QUAL_STA) else: InitTestEnv(U.testID, U.cmdPath, U.progName, U.initFile, U.TBFile) #Run UCC Core if os.path.exists(initFile) == 0: logging.error("Invalid file name - %s" % initFile) wfa_print_result("1") if os.path.exists(testFile) == 0: logging.error("Invalid file name - %s" % testFile) wfa_print_result("1")"\n %7s Testcase Init File = %s \n" % ("", initFile))"\n %7s Testcase Command File = %s \n" % ("", testFile)) if U.qual: fileW = open("%s\DUTParam.txt" % (U.cmdPath), 'w') print "- DUT NAME [%s]" % U.DUT_NAME.lower() dut_ca = ReadMapFile(initFile, "wfa_control_agent_%s" % U.DUT_NAME.lower(), "!") # Following assumes that $Channel is the first parmater in InitEnv.txt channel = ReadMapFile("%s\InitEnv.txt" % U.cmdPath, "define", "!", 2) band = "24G" if int(channel) > 35: band = "5G" fileW.write("wfa_control_agent_dut!%s!\n" % dut_ca) fileW.write("define!$DUT_Name!%s!\n" % (U.DUT_NAME)) fileW.write("define!$DutMacAddress!$%sMACAddress_%s!\n" % (U.DUT_NAME, band)) fileW.write("define!$APUT_uname!%sUserName!\n" % (U.DUT_NAME)) fileW.write("define!$APUT_pword!%sAPPassword!\n" % (U.DUT_NAME)) fileW.write("define!$APUT_hostname!%sHostName!\n" % (U.DUT_NAME)) fileW.close()"START: TEST CASE [%s] " % testID) try: expt_msg = "" fileInit = open(initFile) print "\n-------------------\n" scanner(fileInit, firstword) print "\n-------------------\n" process_cmdfile(testFile) except Exception: expt_msg = "%s" % sys.exc_info()[1] finally: if expt_msg != "": if"r_info", expt_msg): wfa_print_result(1) else: wfa_print_result(0, expt_msg) else: wfa_print_result(1) if tmsPacket.TestResult != "PASS" and"60G", U.testID):"#####Resetting the devices to their 60GHz defaults.....#####") resetFile = get_reset_default_file() if resetFile is None:"Reset file not found, skip resetting.....") else: resetFile= uccPath + resetFile process_cmdfile(resetFile)"END: TEST CASE [%s] " % testID) elapsed = (time.time() - starttime)"END: TEST CASE [%s] Execution Time [%s] seconds" % (testID, round(elapsed,2))) fileInit.close() reset()
device = 'cuda' transform = transforms.Compose([ transforms.Resize(args.size), transforms.CenterCrop(args.size), transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Normalize([0.5, 0.5, 0.5], [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]), ]) dataset = datasets.ImageFolder(args.path, transform=transform) loader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=128, shuffle=True, num_workers=4) model = nn.DataParallel(VQVAE()).to(device) optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), scheduler = None if args.sched == 'cycle': scheduler = CycleScheduler( optimizer,, n_iter=len(loader) * args.epoch, momentum=None # len(loader)=batch size ) log = init_logging(logging) # log函数 for i in range(args.epoch): train(i, loader, model, optimizer, scheduler, device, log), f'checkpoint/vqvae_{str(i + 1).zfill(3)}.pt')