Exemple #1
        def __init__(
            credentials: Dict,
            url: str,
            conn_type: Type[ClientConnection],
            client_type: Type[Client],
        ) -> None:

            # Use Server metadata
            # to build client route
            self.conn = conn_type(url=url)  # type: ignore
            self.client_type = client_type

            if credentials:
                metadata, _user_key = self.conn.login(credentials=credentials)  # type: ignore
                _user_key = SigningKey(_user_key.encode("utf-8"), encoder=HexEncoder)
                metadata = self.conn._get_metadata()  # type: ignore
                if not user_key:
                    _user_key = SigningKey.generate()
                    _user_key = user_key

            ) = self.client_type.deserialize_client_metadata_from_node(

            # Create a new Solo Route using the selected connection type
            route = SoloRoute(destination=spec_location, connection=self.conn)

            location_args = self.__route_client_location(
                client_type=self.client_type, location=spec_location

            self.proxy_address: Optional[Address] = None

            # Create a new client using the selected client type

            self.groups = GroupRequestAPI(send=self.__perform_grid_request)
            self.users = UserRequestAPI(send=self.__perform_grid_request)
            self.roles = RoleRequestAPI(send=self.__perform_grid_request)
            self.workers = WorkerRequestAPI(
                send=self.__perform_grid_request, domain_client=self
            self.association_requests = AssociationRequestAPI(
Exemple #2
class Account:
    def __init__(self, private_key, address=None, sequence_number=0):
        self._signing_key = SigningKey(private_key)
        self._verify_key = self._signing_key.verify_key
        shazer = new_sha3_256()
        if address is None:
            self.address = shazer.digest()
            self.address = Address.normalize_to_bytes(address)
        self.sequence_number = sequence_number
        self.status = AccountStatus.Local

    def json_print_fields(self):
        return ["address", "private_key", "public_key"]

    def faucet_account(cls, private_key):
        return cls(private_key, AccountConfig.association_address())

    def gen_faucet_account(cls, faucet_account_file):
        if faucet_account_file is None:
            faucet_account_file = cls.faucet_file_path()
        with open(faucet_account_file, 'rb') as f:
            data = f.read()
            assert len(data) == 80
            assert b' \x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' == data[0:8]
            assert b' \x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' == data[40:48]
            private_key = data[8:40]
            public_key = data[48:]
            return cls.faucet_account(private_key)

    def faucet_file_path(cls):
        curdir = os.path.dirname(libra.__file__)
        return os.path.abspath((os.path.join(curdir, "faucet_key_for_test")))

    def sign(self, message):
        return self._signing_key.sign(message)

    def address_hex(self):
        return self.address.hex()

    def public_key(self):
        return self._verify_key.encode()

    def private_key(self):
        return self._signing_key.encode()

    def public_key_hex(self):
        return self.public_key.hex()

    def private_key_hex(self):
        return self.private_key.hex()
class Account:
    def __init__(self, private_key, sequence_number=0):
        self._signing_key = SigningKey(private_key)
        self._verify_key = self._signing_key.verify_key
        shazer = new_sha3_256()
        self.address = shazer.digest()
        self.sequence_number = sequence_number
        self.status = AccountStatus.Local

    def sign(self, message):
        return self._signing_key.sign(message)

    def address_hex(self):
        return self.address.hex()

    def public_key(self):
        return self._verify_key.encode()

    def private_key(self):
        return self._signing_key.encode()

    def public_key_hex(self):
        return self.public_key.hex()

    def private_key_hex(self):
        return self.private_key.hex()
Exemple #4
 def save_signing_key(self, signing_key: SigningKey):
     # Save the signing key
     file = open(
Exemple #5
def blinded_ed25519_signature(message_parts, s: SigningKey, d: bytes,
                              D: bytes):
    H_rh = sha512(s.encode()).digest()[32:]
    r = sodium.crypto_core_ed25519_scalar_reduce(
        sha512_multipart(H_rh, D, message_parts))
    sig_R = sodium.crypto_scalarmult_ed25519_base_noclamp(r)
    HRAM = sodium.crypto_core_ed25519_scalar_reduce(
        sha512_multipart(sig_R, D, message_parts))
    sig_s = sodium.crypto_core_ed25519_scalar_add(
        r, sodium.crypto_core_ed25519_scalar_mul(HRAM, d))
    return sig_R + sig_s
Exemple #6
class Account(object):
    def __init__(self, private_key):
        self._signing_key = SigningKey(bytes.fromhex(private_key))
        self._verify_key = self._signing_key.verify_key
        shazer = sha3_256()
        self.address = shazer.digest().hex()

    def sign(self, message):
        return self._signing_key.sign(message)

    def public_key(self):
        return self._verify_key.encode().hex()

    def private_key(self):
        return self._signing_key.encode().hex()
Exemple #7
class Account:
    def __init__(self, private_key):
        self._signing_key = SigningKey(bytes.fromhex(private_key))
        self._verify_key = self._signing_key.verify_key
        m = create_hasher()
        self.address = m.digest().hex()

    def sign(self, message):
        return self._signing_key.sign(message)

    def public_key(self):
        return self._verify_key.encode().hex()

    def private_key(self):
        return self._signing_key.encode().hex()
Exemple #8
def maybe_generate_key(log, cbdir, privkey_path=u'key.priv', pubkey_path=u'key.pub'):
    if not HAS_NACL:
        log.warn("Skipping node key generation - NaCl package not installed!")

    from nacl.signing import SigningKey
    from nacl.encoding import HexEncoder

    privkey = None
    pubkey = None
    privkey_path = os.path.join(cbdir, privkey_path)
    pubkey_path = os.path.join(cbdir, pubkey_path)

    if os.path.exists(privkey_path):
        # node private key seems to exist already .. check!
        tags = _parse_keyfile(privkey_path, private=True)
        if u'private-key-ed25519' not in tags:
            raise Exception("Node private key file lacks a 'private-key-ed25519' tag!")

        privkey = tags[u'private-key-ed25519']
        # recreate a signing key from the base64 encoding
        privkey_obj = SigningKey(privkey, encoder=HexEncoder)
        pubkey = privkey_obj.verify_key.encode(encoder=HexEncoder).decode('ascii')

        # confirm we have the public key in the file, and that it is
        # correct
        if u'public-key-ed25519' in tags:
            if tags[u'public-key-ed25519'] != pubkey:
                raise Exception(
                    ("Inconsistent key file '{}': 'public-key-ed25519' doesn't"
                     " correspond to private-key-ed25519").format(privkey_path)
        log.debug("Node key already exists (public key: {})".format(pubkey))

        if os.path.exists(pubkey_path):
            pubtags = _parse_keyfile(pubkey_path, private=False)
            if u'public-key-ed25519' not in pubtags:
                raise Exception(
                    ("Pubkey file '{}' exists but lacks 'public-key-ed25519'"
                     " tag").format(pubkey_path)
            if pubtags[u'public-key-ed25519'] != pubkey:
                raise Exception(
                    ("Inconsistent key file '{}': 'public-key-ed25519' doesn't"
                     " correspond to private-key-ed25519").format(pubkey_path)
            log.info("'{}' not found; re-creating from '{}'".format(pubkey_path, privkey_path))
            tags = OrderedDict([
                (u'creator', _creator()),
                (u'created-at', utcnow()),
                (u'machine-id', _machine_id()),
                (u'public-key-ed25519', pubkey),
            msg = u'Crossbar.io public key for node authentication\n\n'
            _write_node_key(pubkey_path, tags, msg)

        # node private key does NOT yet exist: generate one
        privkey_obj = SigningKey.generate()
        privkey = privkey_obj.encode(encoder=HexEncoder).decode('ascii')
        pubkey = privkey_obj.verify_key.encode(encoder=HexEncoder).decode('ascii')

        # first, write the public file
        tags = OrderedDict([
            (u'creator', _creator()),
            (u'created-at', utcnow()),
            (u'machine-id', _machine_id()),
            (u'public-key-ed25519', pubkey),
        msg = u'Crossbar.io public key for node authentication\n\n'
        _write_node_key(pubkey_path, tags, msg)

        # now, add the private key and write the private file
        tags[u'private-key-ed25519'] = privkey
        msg = u'Crossbar.io private key for node authentication - KEEP THIS SAFE!\n\n'
        _write_node_key(privkey_path, tags, msg)

        log.info("New node key generated!")

    return pubkey
Exemple #9
    def maybe_generate_key(self,

        privkey_path = os.path.join(cbdir, privkey_path)
        pubkey_path = os.path.join(cbdir, pubkey_path)

        if os.path.exists(privkey_path):

            # node private key seems to exist already .. check!

            priv_tags = _parse_keyfile(privkey_path, private=True)
            for tag in [
                    u'creator', u'created-at', u'machine-id',
                    u'public-key-ed25519', u'private-key-ed25519'
                if tag not in priv_tags:
                    raise Exception(
                        "Corrupt node private key file {} - {} tag not found".
                        format(privkey_path, tag))

            privkey_hex = priv_tags[u'private-key-ed25519']
            privkey = SigningKey(privkey_hex, encoder=HexEncoder)
            pubkey = privkey.verify_key
            pubkey_hex = pubkey.encode(encoder=HexEncoder).decode('ascii')

            if priv_tags[u'public-key-ed25519'] != pubkey_hex:
                raise Exception((
                    "Inconsistent node private key file {} - public-key-ed25519 doesn't"
                    " correspond to private-key-ed25519").format(pubkey_path))

            if os.path.exists(pubkey_path):
                pub_tags = _parse_keyfile(pubkey_path, private=False)
                for tag in [
                        u'creator', u'created-at', u'machine-id',
                    if tag not in pub_tags:
                        raise Exception(
                            "Corrupt node public key file {} - {} tag not found"
                            .format(pubkey_path, tag))

                if pub_tags[u'public-key-ed25519'] != pubkey_hex:
                    raise Exception((
                        "Inconsistent node public key file {} - public-key-ed25519 doesn't"
                        " correspond to private-key-ed25519"
                    "Node public key file {pub_path} not found - re-creating from node private key file {priv_path}",
                pub_tags = OrderedDict([
                    (u'creator', priv_tags[u'creator']),
                    (u'created-at', priv_tags[u'created-at']),
                    (u'machine-id', priv_tags[u'machine-id']),
                    (u'public-key-ed25519', pubkey_hex),
                msg = u'Crossbar.io node public key\n\n'
                _write_node_key(pubkey_path, pub_tags, msg)

            self.log.debug("Node key already exists (public key: {hex})",

            # node private key does not yet exist: generate one

            privkey = SigningKey.generate()
            privkey_hex = privkey.encode(encoder=HexEncoder).decode('ascii')
            pubkey = privkey.verify_key
            pubkey_hex = pubkey.encode(encoder=HexEncoder).decode('ascii')

            # first, write the public file
            tags = OrderedDict([
                (u'creator', _creator()),
                (u'created-at', utcnow()),
                (u'machine-id', _machine_id()),
                (u'public-key-ed25519', pubkey_hex),
            msg = u'Crossbar.io node public key\n\n'
            _write_node_key(pubkey_path, tags, msg)

            # now, add the private key and write the private file
            tags[u'private-key-ed25519'] = privkey_hex
            msg = u'Crossbar.io node private key - KEEP THIS SAFE!\n\n'
            _write_node_key(privkey_path, tags, msg)

            self.log.info("New node key pair generated!")

        # fix file permissions on node public/private key files
        # note: we use decimals instead of octals as octal literals have changed between Py2/3
        if os.stat(pubkey_path
                   ).st_mode & 511 != 420:  # 420 (decimal) == 0644 (octal)
            os.chmod(pubkey_path, 420)
            self.log.info("File permissions on node public key fixed!")

        if os.stat(privkey_path
                   ).st_mode & 511 != 384:  # 384 (decimal) == 0600 (octal)
            os.chmod(privkey_path, 384)
            self.log.info("File permissions on node private key fixed!")

        self._node_key = cryptosign.SigningKey(privkey)

        return pubkey_hex
Exemple #10
def set_sk_from_encoded_seed(context, sk_enc):
    seed = base64.b64decode(sk_enc)
    key = SigningKey(seed)
    private_key = base64.b64encode(key.encode() +
    context.sk = private_key
Exemple #11
    def maybe_generate_key(self, cbdir, privkey_path=u'key.priv', pubkey_path=u'key.pub'):

        privkey_path = os.path.join(cbdir, privkey_path)
        pubkey_path = os.path.join(cbdir, pubkey_path)

        if os.path.exists(privkey_path):

            # node private key seems to exist already .. check!

            priv_tags = _parse_keyfile(privkey_path, private=True)
            for tag in [u'creator', u'created-at', u'machine-id', u'public-key-ed25519', u'private-key-ed25519']:
                if tag not in priv_tags:
                    raise Exception("Corrupt node private key file {} - {} tag not found".format(privkey_path, tag))

            privkey_hex = priv_tags[u'private-key-ed25519']
            privkey = SigningKey(privkey_hex, encoder=HexEncoder)
            pubkey = privkey.verify_key
            pubkey_hex = pubkey.encode(encoder=HexEncoder).decode('ascii')

            if priv_tags[u'public-key-ed25519'] != pubkey_hex:
                raise Exception(
                    ("Inconsistent node private key file {} - public-key-ed25519 doesn't"
                     " correspond to private-key-ed25519").format(pubkey_path)

            if os.path.exists(pubkey_path):
                pub_tags = _parse_keyfile(pubkey_path, private=False)
                for tag in [u'creator', u'created-at', u'machine-id', u'public-key-ed25519']:
                    if tag not in pub_tags:
                        raise Exception("Corrupt node public key file {} - {} tag not found".format(pubkey_path, tag))

                if pub_tags[u'public-key-ed25519'] != pubkey_hex:
                    raise Exception(
                        ("Inconsistent node public key file {} - public-key-ed25519 doesn't"
                         " correspond to private-key-ed25519").format(pubkey_path)
                    "Node public key file {pub_path} not found - re-creating from node private key file {priv_path}",
                pub_tags = OrderedDict([
                    (u'creator', priv_tags[u'creator']),
                    (u'created-at', priv_tags[u'created-at']),
                    (u'machine-id', priv_tags[u'machine-id']),
                    (u'public-key-ed25519', pubkey_hex),
                msg = u'Crossbar.io node public key\n\n'
                _write_node_key(pubkey_path, pub_tags, msg)

            self.log.debug("Node key already exists (public key: {hex})", hex=pubkey_hex)

            # node private key does not yet exist: generate one

            privkey = SigningKey.generate()
            privkey_hex = privkey.encode(encoder=HexEncoder).decode('ascii')
            pubkey = privkey.verify_key
            pubkey_hex = pubkey.encode(encoder=HexEncoder).decode('ascii')

            # first, write the public file
            tags = OrderedDict([
                (u'creator', _creator()),
                (u'created-at', utcnow()),
                (u'machine-id', _machine_id()),
                (u'public-key-ed25519', pubkey_hex),
            msg = u'Crossbar.io node public key\n\n'
            _write_node_key(pubkey_path, tags, msg)

            # now, add the private key and write the private file
            tags[u'private-key-ed25519'] = privkey_hex
            msg = u'Crossbar.io node private key - KEEP THIS SAFE!\n\n'
            _write_node_key(privkey_path, tags, msg)

            self.log.info("New node key pair generated!")

        # fix file permissions on node public/private key files
        # note: we use decimals instead of octals as octal literals have changed between Py2/3
        if os.stat(pubkey_path).st_mode & 511 != 420:  # 420 (decimal) == 0644 (octal)
            os.chmod(pubkey_path, 420)
            self.log.info("File permissions on node public key fixed!")

        if os.stat(privkey_path).st_mode & 511 != 384:  # 384 (decimal) == 0600 (octal)
            os.chmod(privkey_path, 384)
            self.log.info("File permissions on node private key fixed!")

        self._node_key = cryptosign.SigningKey(privkey)

        return pubkey_hex
Exemple #12
def maybe_generate_key(log, cbdir, privkey_path=u'node.key'):
    if not HAS_NACL:
        log.warn("Skipping node key generation - NaCl package not installed!")

    from nacl.signing import SigningKey
    from nacl.encoding import HexEncoder

    privkey = None
    privkey_path = os.path.join(cbdir, privkey_path)

    if os.path.exists(privkey_path):
        # node private key seems to exist already .. check!
        if os.path.isfile(privkey_path):
            with open(privkey_path, 'r') as privkey_file:
                privkey = None
                # parse key file lines, looking for tag "ed25519-privkey"
                got_blankline = False
                for line in privkey_file.read().splitlines():
                    if line.strip() == '':
                        got_blankline = True
                    elif got_blankline:
                        tag, value = line.split(':', 1)
                        tag = tag.strip().lower()
                        value = value.strip()
                        if tag not in [
                                u'private-key-ed25519', u'public-key-ed25519',
                                u'machine-id', u'created-at', u'creator'
                            raise Exception(
                                "Invalid tag '{}' in node private key file {}".
                                format(tag, privkey_path))
                        if tag == u'private-key-ed25519':
                            privkey = value

                if not privkey:
                    raise Exception(
                        "Node private key file lacks a 'ed25519-privkey' tag!")

                # recreate a signing key from the base64 encoding
                privkey_obj = SigningKey(privkey, encoder=HexEncoder)
                pubkey = privkey_obj.verify_key.encode(

                "Node key already exists (public key: {})".format(pubkey))
            raise Exception(
                "Node private key path '{}' exists, but isn't a file".format(
        # node private key does NOT yet exist: generate one
        privkey_obj = SigningKey.generate()
        privkey = privkey_obj.encode(encoder=HexEncoder).decode('ascii')
        privkey_created_at = utcnow()

        pubkey = privkey_obj.verify_key.encode(

        # for informational purposes, try to get a machine unique id thing ..
        machine_id = None
            # why this? see: http://0pointer.de/blog/projects/ids.html
            with open('/var/lib/dbus/machine-id', 'r') as f:
                machine_id = f.read().strip()

        # for informational purposes, try to identify the creator (user@hostname)
        creator = None
            creator = u'{}@{}'.format(getpass.getuser(), socket.gethostname())

        # write out the private key file
        with open(privkey_path, 'w') as privkey_file:
                u'Crossbar.io private key for node authentication - KEEP THIS SAFE!\n\n'
            if creator:
                privkey_file.write(u'creator: {}\n'.format(creator))
            privkey_file.write(u'created-at: {}\n'.format(privkey_created_at))
            if machine_id:
                privkey_file.write(u'machine-id: {}\n'.format(machine_id))
            privkey_file.write(u'public-key-ed25519: {}\n'.format(pubkey))
            privkey_file.write(u'private-key-ed25519: {}\n'.format(privkey))

        # set file mode to read only for owner
        # 384 (decimal) == 0600 (octal) - we use that for Py2/3 reasons
        os.chmod(privkey_path, 384)

        log.info("New node key generated!")

    return pubkey
Exemple #13
    def _prepare_node_keys(self):
        from nacl.signing import SigningKey
        from nacl.encoding import HexEncoder

        # make sure CBDIR/.cdc exists
        cdc_dir = os.path.join(self._cbdir, '.cdc')
        if os.path.isdir(cdc_dir):
        elif os.path.exists(cdc_dir):
            raise Exception(".cdc exists, but isn't a directory")
            self.log.info("CDC directory created")

        # load node ID, either from .cdc/node.id or from CDC_NODE_ID
        def split_nid(nid_s):
            nid_c = nid_s.strip().split('@')
            if len(nid_c) != 2:
                raise Exception(
                    "illegal node principal '{}' - must follow the form <node id>@<management realm>"
            node_id, realm = nid_c
            # FIXME: regex check node_id and realm
            return node_id, realm

        nid_file = os.path.join(cdc_dir, 'node.id')
        node_id, realm = None, None
        if os.path.isfile(nid_file):
            with open(nid_file, 'r') as f:
                node_id, realm = split_nid(f.read())
        elif os.path.exists(nid_file):
            raise Exception("{} exists, but isn't a file".format(nid_file))
            if 'CDC_NODE_ID' in os.environ:
                node_id, realm = split_nid(os.environ['CDC_NODE_ID'])
                raise Exception(
                    "Neither node ID file {} exists nor CDC_NODE_ID environment variable set"

        # Load the node key, either from .cdc/node.key or from CDC_NODE_KEY.
        # The node key is a Ed25519 key in either raw format (32 bytes) or in
        # hex-encoded form (64 characters).
        # Actually, what's loaded is not the secret Ed25519 key, but the _seed_
        # for that key. Private keys are derived from this 32-byte (256-bit)
        # random seed value. It is thus the seed value which is sensitive and
        # must be protected.
        skey_file = os.path.join(cdc_dir, 'node.key')
        skey = None
        if os.path.isfile(skey_file):
            # FIXME: check file permissions are 0600!

            # This value is read in here.
            skey_len = os.path.getsize(skey_file)
            if skey_len in (32, 64):
                with open(skey_file, 'r') as f:
                    skey_seed = f.read()
                    encoder = None
                    if skey_len == 64:
                        encoder = HexEncoder
                    skey = SigningKey(skey_seed, encoder=encoder)
                self.log.info("Existing CDC node key loaded from {skey_file}.",
                raise Exception(
                    "invalid node key length {} (key must either be 32 raw bytes or hex encoded 32 bytes, hence 64 byte char length)"
        elif os.path.exists(skey_file):
            raise Exception("{} exists, but isn't a file".format(skey_file))
            skey = SigningKey.generate()
            skey_seed = skey.encode(encoder=HexEncoder)
            with open(skey_file, 'w') as f:

            # set file mode to read only for owner
            # 384 (decimal) == 0600 (octal) - we use that for Py2/3 reasons
            os.chmod(skey_file, 384)
            self.log.info("New CDC node key {skey_file} generated.",

        return realm, node_id, skey
Exemple #14
def maybe_generate_key(log,
    if not HAS_NACL:
        log.warn("Skipping node key generation - NaCl package not installed!")

    from nacl.signing import SigningKey
    from nacl.encoding import HexEncoder

    privkey = None
    pubkey = None
    privkey_path = os.path.join(cbdir, privkey_path)
    pubkey_path = os.path.join(cbdir, pubkey_path)

    if os.path.exists(privkey_path):
        # node private key seems to exist already .. check!
        tags = _parse_keyfile(privkey_path, private=True)
        if u'private-key-ed25519' not in tags:
            raise Exception(
                "Node private key file lacks a 'private-key-ed25519' tag!")

        privkey = tags[u'private-key-ed25519']
        # recreate a signing key from the base64 encoding
        privkey_obj = SigningKey(privkey, encoder=HexEncoder)
        pubkey = privkey_obj.verify_key.encode(

        # confirm we have the public key in the file, and that it is
        # correct
        if u'public-key-ed25519' in tags:
            if tags[u'public-key-ed25519'] != pubkey:
                raise Exception((
                    "Inconsistent key file '{}': 'public-key-ed25519' doesn't"
                    " correspond to private-key-ed25519").format(privkey_path))
        log.debug("Node key already exists (public key: {})".format(pubkey))

        if os.path.exists(pubkey_path):
            pubtags = _parse_keyfile(pubkey_path, private=False)
            if u'public-key-ed25519' not in pubtags:
                raise Exception(
                    ("Pubkey file '{}' exists but lacks 'public-key-ed25519'"
                     " tag").format(pubkey_path))
            if pubtags[u'public-key-ed25519'] != pubkey:
                raise Exception(
                    ("Inconsistent key file '{}': 'public-key-ed25519' doesn't"
                     " correspond to private-key-ed25519").format(pubkey_path))
            log.info("'{}' not found; re-creating from '{}'".format(
                pubkey_path, privkey_path))
            tags = OrderedDict([
                (u'creator', _creator()),
                (u'created-at', utcnow()),
                (u'machine-id', _machine_id()),
                (u'public-key-ed25519', pubkey),
            msg = u'Crossbar.io public key for node authentication\n\n'
            _write_node_key(pubkey_path, tags, msg)

        # node private key does NOT yet exist: generate one
        privkey_obj = SigningKey.generate()
        privkey = privkey_obj.encode(encoder=HexEncoder).decode('ascii')
        pubkey = privkey_obj.verify_key.encode(

        # first, write the public file
        tags = OrderedDict([
            (u'creator', _creator()),
            (u'created-at', utcnow()),
            (u'machine-id', _machine_id()),
            (u'public-key-ed25519', pubkey),
        msg = u'Crossbar.io public key for node authentication\n\n'
        _write_node_key(pubkey_path, tags, msg)

        # now, add the private key and write the private file
        tags[u'private-key-ed25519'] = privkey
        msg = u'Crossbar.io private key for node authentication - KEEP THIS SAFE!\n\n'
        _write_node_key(privkey_path, tags, msg)

        log.info("New node key generated!")

    return pubkey

    key_filename = sys.argv[1]
    input_filename = sys.argv[2]
    output_filename = sys.argv[3]

    # Open the private key file and read in the signing key bytes
    with open(key_filename, 'rb') as key_file:
        keydata_bytes = key_file.read()

    # Reconstruct the SigningKey instance from the serialized form
    signing_key = SigningKey(keydata_bytes, encoder=RawEncoder)

    # Print out the private Signing key
    signing_hex = signing_key.encode(encoder=HexEncoder)
    print(Fore.LIGHTBLUE_EX + 'the private key is {}'.format(signing_hex))

    # Open the input file and read its data in as a message that we wish to sign
    with open(input_filename, 'rb') as msg_file:
        msg = msg_file.read()

    # Sign a message with the signing key - this also containes the original message at the end
    sig = signing_key.sign(msg)

    # Save the signature to an output file
    with open(output_filename, 'wb') as sig_file:

    print(Fore.GREEN + 'Saved signature to {!r} for message file {!r}'.format(
        output_filename, input_filename))
Exemple #16
    def _prepare_node_keys(self):
        from nacl.signing import SigningKey
        from nacl.encoding import HexEncoder

        # make sure CBDIR/.cdc exists
        cdc_dir = os.path.join(self._cbdir, '.cdc')
        if os.path.isdir(cdc_dir):
        elif os.path.exists(cdc_dir):
            raise Exception(".cdc exists, but isn't a directory")
            self.log.info("CDC directory created")

        # load node ID, either from .cdc/node.id or from CDC_NODE_ID
        def split_nid(nid_s):
            nid_c = nid_s.strip().split('@')
            if len(nid_c) != 2:
                raise Exception("illegal node principal '{}' - must follow the form <node id>@<management realm>".format(nid_s))
            node_id, realm = nid_c
            # FIXME: regex check node_id and realm
            return node_id, realm

        nid_file = os.path.join(cdc_dir, 'node.id')
        node_id, realm = None, None
        if os.path.isfile(nid_file):
            with open(nid_file, 'r') as f:
                node_id, realm = split_nid(f.read())
        elif os.path.exists(nid_file):
            raise Exception("{} exists, but isn't a file".format(nid_file))
            if 'CDC_NODE_ID' in os.environ:
                node_id, realm = split_nid(os.environ['CDC_NODE_ID'])
                raise Exception("Neither node ID file {} exists nor CDC_NODE_ID environment variable set".format(nid_file))

        # Load the node key, either from .cdc/node.key or from CDC_NODE_KEY.
        # The node key is a Ed25519 key in either raw format (32 bytes) or in
        # hex-encoded form (64 characters).
        # Actually, what's loaded is not the secret Ed25519 key, but the _seed_
        # for that key. Private keys are derived from this 32-byte (256-bit)
        # random seed value. It is thus the seed value which is sensitive and
        # must be protected.
        skey_file = os.path.join(cdc_dir, 'node.key')
        skey = None
        if os.path.isfile(skey_file):
            # FIXME: check file permissions are 0600!

            # This value is read in here.
            skey_len = os.path.getsize(skey_file)
            if skey_len in (32, 64):
                with open(skey_file, 'r') as f:
                    skey_seed = f.read()
                    encoder = None
                    if skey_len == 64:
                        encoder = HexEncoder
                    skey = SigningKey(skey_seed, encoder=encoder)
                self.log.info("Existing CDC node key loaded from {skey_file}.", skey_file=skey_file)
                raise Exception("invalid node key length {} (key must either be 32 raw bytes or hex encoded 32 bytes, hence 64 byte char length)")
        elif os.path.exists(skey_file):
            raise Exception("{} exists, but isn't a file".format(skey_file))
            skey = SigningKey.generate()
            skey_seed = skey.encode(encoder=HexEncoder)
            with open(skey_file, 'w') as f:

            # set file mode to read only for owner
            # 384 (decimal) == 0600 (octal) - we use that for Py2/3 reasons
            os.chmod(skey_file, 384)
            self.log.info("New CDC node key {skey_file} generated.", skey_file=skey_file)

        return realm, node_id, skey
Exemple #17
    def _load_and_maybe_generate(self,

        if os.path.exists(privkey_path):

            # node private key seems to exist already .. check!

            priv_tags = _parse_keyfile(privkey_path, private=True)
            for tag in [
                    u'creator', u'created-at', u'user-id',
                    u'public-key-ed25519', u'private-key-ed25519'
                if tag not in priv_tags:
                    raise Exception(
                        "Corrupt user private key file {} - {} tag not found".
                        format(privkey_path, tag))

            creator = priv_tags[u'creator']
            created_at = priv_tags[u'created-at']
            user_id = priv_tags[u'user-id']
            privkey_hex = priv_tags[u'private-key-ed25519']
            privkey = SigningKey(privkey_hex, encoder=HexEncoder)
            pubkey = privkey.verify_key
            pubkey_hex = pubkey.encode(encoder=HexEncoder).decode('ascii')

            if priv_tags[u'public-key-ed25519'] != pubkey_hex:
                raise Exception((
                    "Inconsistent user private key file {} - public-key-ed25519 doesn't"
                    " correspond to private-key-ed25519").format(pubkey_path))

            if os.path.exists(pubkey_path):
                pub_tags = _parse_keyfile(pubkey_path, private=False)
                for tag in [
                        u'creator', u'created-at', u'user-id',
                    if tag not in pub_tags:
                        raise Exception(
                            "Corrupt user public key file {} - {} tag not found"
                            .format(pubkey_path, tag))

                if pub_tags[u'public-key-ed25519'] != pubkey_hex:
                    raise Exception((
                        "Inconsistent user public key file {} - public-key-ed25519 doesn't"
                        " correspond to private-key-ed25519"
                # public key is missing! recreate it
                pub_tags = OrderedDict([
                    (u'creator', priv_tags[u'creator']),
                    (u'created-at', priv_tags[u'created-at']),
                    (u'user-id', priv_tags[u'user-id']),
                    (u'public-key-ed25519', pubkey_hex),
                msg = u'Crossbar.io user public key\n\n'
                _write_node_key(pubkey_path, pub_tags, msg)

                    'Re-created user public key from private key: {}'.format(

            # click.echo('User public key loaded: {}'.format(style_ok(pubkey_path)))
            # click.echo('User private key loaded: {}'.format(style_ok(privkey_path)))

            # user private key does not yet exist: generate one
            creator = _creator(yes_to_all)
            created_at = utcnow()
            user_id = _user_id(yes_to_all)
            privkey = SigningKey.generate()
            privkey_hex = privkey.encode(encoder=HexEncoder).decode('ascii')
            pubkey = privkey.verify_key
            pubkey_hex = pubkey.encode(encoder=HexEncoder).decode('ascii')

            # first, write the public file
            tags = OrderedDict([
                (u'creator', creator),
                (u'created-at', created_at),
                (u'user-id', user_id),
                (u'public-key-ed25519', pubkey_hex),
            msg = u'Crossbar.io FX user public key\n\n'
            _write_node_key(pubkey_path, tags, msg)
            os.chmod(pubkey_path, 420)

            # now, add the private key and write the private file
            tags[u'private-key-ed25519'] = privkey_hex
            msg = u'Crossbar.io FX user private key - KEEP THIS SAFE!\n\n'
            _write_node_key(privkey_path, tags, msg)
            os.chmod(privkey_path, 384)

            click.echo('New user public key generated: {}'.format(
            click.echo('New user private key generated ({}): {}'.format(
                style_error('keep this safe!'), style_ok(privkey_path)))

        # fix file permissions on node public/private key files
        # note: we use decimals instead of octals as octal literals have changed between Py2/3
        if os.stat(pubkey_path
                   ).st_mode & 511 != 420:  # 420 (decimal) == 0644 (octal)
            os.chmod(pubkey_path, 420)
                style_error('File permissions on user public key fixed!'))

        if os.stat(privkey_path
                   ).st_mode & 511 != 384:  # 384 (decimal) == 0600 (octal)
            os.chmod(privkey_path, 384)
                style_error('File permissions on user private key fixed!'))

        # load keys into object
        self._creator = creator
        self._created_at = created_at
        self.user_id = user_id
        self._privkey = privkey
        self._privkey_hex = privkey_hex
        self._pubkey = pubkey
        self._pubkey_hex = pubkey_hex

        self.key = cryptosign.SigningKey(privkey)
Exemple #18
def maybe_generate_key(log, cbdir, privkey_path=u'node.key'):
    if not HAS_NACL:
        log.warn("Skipping node key generation - NaCl package not installed!")

    from nacl.signing import SigningKey
    from nacl.encoding import HexEncoder

    privkey = None
    privkey_path = os.path.join(cbdir, privkey_path)

    if os.path.exists(privkey_path):
        # node private key seems to exist already .. check!
        if os.path.isfile(privkey_path):
            with open(privkey_path, 'r') as privkey_file:
                privkey = None
                # parse key file lines, looking for tag "ed25519-privkey"
                got_blankline = False
                for line in privkey_file.read().splitlines():
                    if line.strip() == '':
                        got_blankline = True
                    elif got_blankline:
                        tag, value = line.split(':', 1)
                        tag = tag.strip().lower()
                        value = value.strip()
                        if tag not in [u'private-key-ed25519', u'public-key-ed25519', u'machine-id', u'created-at', u'creator']:
                            raise Exception("Invalid tag '{}' in node private key file {}".format(tag, privkey_path))
                        if tag == u'private-key-ed25519':
                            privkey = value

                if not privkey:
                    raise Exception("Node private key file lacks a 'ed25519-privkey' tag!")

                # recreate a signing key from the base64 encoding
                privkey_obj = SigningKey(privkey, encoder=HexEncoder)
                pubkey = privkey_obj.verify_key.encode(encoder=HexEncoder).decode('ascii')

            log.debug("Node key already exists (public key: {})".format(pubkey))
            raise Exception("Node private key path '{}' exists, but isn't a file".format(privkey_path))
        # node private key does NOT yet exist: generate one
        privkey_obj = SigningKey.generate()
        privkey = privkey_obj.encode(encoder=HexEncoder).decode('ascii')
        privkey_created_at = utcnow()

        pubkey = privkey_obj.verify_key.encode(encoder=HexEncoder).decode('ascii')

        # for informational purposes, try to get a machine unique id thing ..
        machine_id = None
            # why this? see: http://0pointer.de/blog/projects/ids.html
            with open('/var/lib/dbus/machine-id', 'r') as f:
                machine_id = f.read().strip()

        # for informational purposes, try to identify the creator (user@hostname)
        creator = None
            creator = u'{}@{}'.format(getpass.getuser(), socket.gethostname())

        # write out the private key file
        with open(privkey_path, 'w') as privkey_file:
            privkey_file.write(u'Crossbar.io private key for node authentication - KEEP THIS SAFE!\n\n')
            if creator:
                privkey_file.write(u'creator: {}\n'.format(creator))
            privkey_file.write(u'created-at: {}\n'.format(privkey_created_at))
            if machine_id:
                privkey_file.write(u'machine-id: {}\n'.format(machine_id))
            privkey_file.write(u'public-key-ed25519: {}\n'.format(pubkey))
            privkey_file.write(u'private-key-ed25519: {}\n'.format(privkey))

        # set file mode to read only for owner
        # 384 (decimal) == 0600 (octal) - we use that for Py2/3 reasons
        os.chmod(privkey_path, 384)

        log.info("New node key generated!")

    return pubkey
Exemple #19
class PrivateKeyProvider(object):
    Decrypts private keys.

    def __init__(self, key, passphrase: bytes):
        self.key = key
        # Secure!
        self.passphrase = passphrase

        self.sign = None
        self.encrypt = None

    def __enter__(self) -> typing.Tuple[PrivateKey, PrivateKey]:
        Provides a pair of private keys.
        # Derive the key from the passphrase.
        derived = util.derive_passphrase(self.passphrase)

        sign_box = SecretBox(derived)
        enc_box = SecretBox(derived)

        # Decrypt, using the two nonces.
        s_d = sign_box.decrypt(self.key._private_signing_seed, self.key._private_signing_nonce)
        e_d = enc_box.decrypt(self.key._private_key_raw, self.key._private_nonce)

        # Generate a SigningKey out of the seed.
        self.sign = SigningKey(s_d)
        self.encrypt = PrivateKey(e_d)

        # Update the key's public keys.
        if self.key._public_key is None:
            self.key._public_key = self.encrypt.public_key

        if self.key._public_signing_key is None:
            self.key._public_signing_key = self.sign.verify_key

        return self.encrypt, self.sign

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
        # Derive the key from the passphrase.
        derived = util.derive_passphrase(self.passphrase)

        # Generate two random nonces.
        nonce1 = random(SecretBox.NONCE_SIZE)
        nonce2 = random(SecretBox.NONCE_SIZE)

        sign_box = SecretBox(derived)
        enc_box = SecretBox(derived)

        s_p = self.sign.encode()
        e_p = self.encrypt.encode()

        s_e = sign_box.encrypt(s_p, nonce1)
        e_e = enc_box.encrypt(e_p, nonce2)

        # Update `self.key`.
        self.key._private_key_raw = e_e.ciphertext
        self.key._private_signing_key_raw = s_e.ciphertext

        # Bit of a mixed up name.
        self.key._private_nonce = e_e.nonce
        self.key._private_signing_nonce = s_e.nonce

        if exc_type is not None:
            raise exc_type(exc_val)