Exemple #1
    def index(self, request):
        List all repos by `project_id`.
        This method returns a dictionary list and each dict contains the following keys:
            - id
            - repo_path
            - created
        If no repos was found, a empty list will be returned.
        repos = []
        project_id = request.GET.get('project_id')
        project = self.db.get_project(project_id)
        if not project:
            LOG.error("no such project %s" % project_id)
            return webob.exc.HTTPNotFound()

        for item in project.repos:
            repo = {
                'id': item.id,
                'repo_path': item.repo_path,
                'created': isotime(item.created),

        return ResponseObject(repos)
Exemple #2
    def index(self, request):
        List all users according to `project_id`.
        This method returns a dictionary list and each dict contains the following keys:
            - id       the unique 64 bytes uuid
            - name     the user name
            - email    user's email address
            - role_id  user's role_id
            - created  when user be added
        If no use found, empty list will be returned.
        users = []
        project_id = request.GET.get('project_id')
        project = self.db.get_project(project_id)

        for item in project.users:
            user = {
                'id': item.id,
                'name': item.name,
                'email': item.email,
                'role_id': item.role_id,
                'created': isotime(item.created),

        return ResponseObject(users)
Exemple #3
    def commit(self, request):
        """Commit container to a New image."""
        repo = request.GET.pop('repo')
        tag = request.GET.pop('tag')
        ctn = request.GET.pop('ctn')
        id = request.GET.pop('id')
        project_id = request.GET.pop('proj_id')

        limit = QUOTAS.images or _IMAGE_LIMIT
        query = self.db.get_images(project_id)
        if len(query) >= limit:
            LOG.error("images limit exceed,can not created anymore...")
            return webob.exc.HTTPMethodNotAllowed()

        image_service_endpoint = CONF.image_service_endpoint
        if not image_service_endpoint:
            LOG.error("no image service endpoint found!")
            return webob.exc.HTTPNotFound()
        if not image_service_endpoint.startswith("http://"):
            image_service_endpoint += "http://"
            data = {
                "repository": repo,
                "tag": tag,
                "container_id": ctn,
                "id": id,
                "project_id": project_id
            response = self.http.post(
                "%s/commit" % image_service_endpoint,
                headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'},
        return ResponseObject(response.json())
Exemple #4
    def show(self, request, id):
        Show the use detail according to user `id`.
        :params id: the user id
        This method returns a dictionary with the following keys:
            - id         unique 64 bytes uuid
            - name       user's name
            - email      user's email address
            - role_id    user's role_id, which identified the current user
                         as super-user or normal-user.
            - projects   the project lists the user belong to
            - created    when the user be added   
        If no user found, empty dictionary will be returned.
        query = self.db.get_user(id)
        if query is None:
            LOG.error("no such user %s" % id)
            return ResponseObject({'projects': []})

        projects_list = []
        project_instances = query.projects
        for project in project_instances:
            project = {
                "id": project.id,
                "name": project.name,
                "desc": project.desc,
                "created": isotime(project.created)

        user = {
            'id': query.id,
            'name': query.name,
            'email': query.email,
            'role_id': query.role_id,
            'projects': projects_list,
            'created': isotime(query.created)

        return ResponseObject(user)
Exemple #5
    def commit(self, request, body):
        Commit specified container to named image.
        if image repository is provided, use the provided repository
        as the new image's repository, otherwise get the image name
        by `image_id` for the repoistory.
        repository = body.pop('repository')
        tag = body.pop('tag')
        image_id = body.pop('id')
        project_id = body.pop('project_id')
        container_id = body.pop('container_id')

        project = self.db.get_project(project_id)
        if not project:
            LOG.error("no such project %s" % project_id)
            return Response(404)

        container_instance = self.db.get_container(container_id)
        if not container_instance:
            LOG.error("no such container %s" % container_id)
            return Response(404)
        container_uuid = container_instance.uuid

        image_instance = self.db.get_image(image_id)
        if not image_instance:
            LOG.error("no such image %s" % image_id)
            return Response(404)
        """If repository is None, use the image's name as repository."""
        if not repository:
            repository = image_instance.name

        new_image_id = uuid.uuid4().hex
        #             new_image_id,
        #             repository,
        #             tag,
        #             container_uuid)

        self._process_task(self._manager.commit, new_image_id, repository, tag,
        #NOTE(nmg):there may be a bug here.
        return ResponseObject({"id": new_image_id})
Exemple #6
 def baseimage(self, request):
     This method used for getting the baseimage
     base_image_list = []
     image_instances = self.db.get_base_images()
     for instance in image_instances:
         image = {
             "id": instance.id,
             "repository": instance.repository,
             "tag": instance.tag
     return ResponseObject(base_image_list)
Exemple #7
 def destroy(self, request, id):
     """Destroy temporary containers for image online edit."""
     image_service_endpoint = CONF.image_service_endpoint
     if not image_service_endpoint:
         LOG.error("no image service endpoint found!")
         return webob.exc.HTTPNotFound()
     if not image_service_endpoint.startswith("http://"):
         image_service_endpoint += "http://"
         response = self.http.post("%s/%s/destroy" %
                                   (image_service_endpoint, id))
     return ResponseObject(response.json())
Exemple #8
 def edit(self, request, id):
     Edit image online.
     This method not used any more.
     image_service_endpoint = CONF.image_service_endpoint
     if not image_service_endpoint:
         LOG.error("no image service endpoint found!")
         return webob.exc.HTTPNotFound()
     if not image_service_endpoint.startswith("http://"):
         image_service_endpoint += "http://"
         response = self.http.get("%s/%s/edit" %
                                  (image_service_endpoint, id))
     return ResponseObject(response.json())
Exemple #9
    def index(self, request):
        List all containers on all container nodes according to `project_id`
        and `user_id`.
        This method returns a dictionary list and each dict contains the following keys:
            - id 
            - name 
            - repos
            - branch
            - image
            - network
            - created
            - status

        If no container found, empty list will be returned.
        containers = []

        project_id = request.GET.get('project_id')
        user_id = request.GET.get('user_id')

        query = self.db.get_containers(project_id, user_id)
        for item in query:
            container = {
                'id': item.id,
                'name': item.name,
                'repos': item.repos,
                'branch': item.branch,
                'image_id': item.image_id,
                'network': item.fixed_ip,
                'created': timeutils.isotime(item.created),
                'status': item.status,
            container.setdefault("image", "")
            """Get the image name and tag by the `image_id`.
               if the image not found, use the default."""
            image_id = item.image_id
            image_instance = self.db.get_image(image_id)
            if image_instance:
                image = "%s:%s" % (image_instance.name, image_instance.tag)
                container.update({"image": image})

        return ResponseObject(containers)
Exemple #10
    def show(self, request, id):
        Show the container info according by container's id `id`.

        This method returns a dictionary with following keys:
            - id
            - name
            - uuid
            - env
            - project_id
            - repos
            - branch
            - image_id
            - network
            - created
            - user_id
            - host_id
            - status
        If no container found, empty dictionary will returned.

        container = {}
        query = self.db.get_container(id)
        if query is not None:
            container = {
                'id': query.id,
                'name': query.name,
                'uuid': query.uuid,
                'env': query.env,
                'project_id': query.project_id,
                'repos': query.repos,
                'branch': query.branch,
                'image_id': query.image_id,
                'network': query.fixed_ip,
                'created': timeutils.isotime(query.created),
                'user_id': query.user_id,
                'host_id': query.host_id,
                'status': query.status,

        return ResponseObject(container)
Exemple #11
    def index(self, request):
        List all images accorind to `project_id`.
        This method returns a dictionary list and each dict contains the following keys:
            - id
            - uuid
            - name
            - tag
            - desc
            - project_id
            - created
            - user_id
            - status
        If no images found, empty list will be returned.
        images = []
        project_id = request.GET.get('project_id')
        if not project_id:
            LOG.error("project_id cannot be None")
            return webob.exc.HTTPNotFound()
        project_instance = self.db.get_project(project_id)
        if project_instance is None:
            LOG.error("no such project %s" % project_id)
            return webob.exc.HTTPNotFound()
        for image_instance in project_instance.images:
            image = {
                'id': image_instance.id,
                'uuid': image_instance.uuid,
                'name': image_instance.name,
                'tag': image_instance.tag,
                'desc': image_instance.desc,
                'project_id': image_instance.project_id,
                'created': isotime(image_instance.created),
                'user_id': image_instance.user_id,
                'status': image_instance.status

        return ResponseObject(images)
Exemple #12
    def show(self, request, id):
        Show the repo detail according repo `id`.
        This method returns a dictionary with following keys:
            - id
            - repo_path
            - project_id
            - created

        If no repos was found, a empty dictionary will be returned.
        query = self.db.get_repo(id)
        if query is None:
            return {}
        repo = {
            'id': query.id,
            'repo_path': query.repo_path,
            'project_id': query.project_id,
            'created': isotime(query.created)

        return ResponseObject(repo)
Exemple #13
    def show(self, request, id):
        Show the image detail according to `id`.

        :parmas id: the image id

        This method returns a dictionary with the following keys:
            - id
            - uuid
            - name
            - repos
            - tag 
            - desc
            - project_id
            - created
            - user_id
            - status
        If no image found, empty dictionary will be returned.    
        image = {}
        query = self.db.get_image(id)
        if query is not None:
            image = {
                'id': query.id,
                'uuid': query.uuid,
                'name': query.name,
                'repos': query.repos,
                'tag': query.tag,
                'desc': query.desc,
                'project_id': query.project_id,
                'created': isotime(query.created),
                'user_id': query.user_id,
                'status': query.status

        return ResponseObject(image)
Exemple #14
    def index(self, request):
        List all projects.
        This method returns a dictionary list and each dict containers the following keys:
            - id
            - name
            - desc
            - created
        If no projects found, empty list will be returned.
        projects = []
        project_instances = self.db.get_projects()
        if project_instances:
            for instance in project_instances:
                project = {
                    'id': instance.id,
                    'name': instance.name,
                    'desc': instance.desc,
                    'created': isotime(instance.created)

        return ResponseObject(projects)
Exemple #15
    def edit(self, request, id):
        """edit image online.
        this method is not very correct,change this if you can."""
        """if HTTP_HOST is localhost,this will be failed,so use
        CONF.host instead.
        http_host = CONF.host
        name = utils.random_str()
        port = 17698
        image_instance = self.db.get_image(id)
        if image_instance:
            image_uuid = image_instance.uuid
            kwargs = {"Image": image_uuid}
            """this method should not be ina greenthread cause 
               it is beatter to prepare edit before client to 
            TODO: change this if you can.
            #                 kwargs,
            #                 http_host,
            #                 name,
            #                 port)

            self._process_task(self._manager.edit, kwargs, http_host, name,
        response = {"url":"http://%s:%s" % \
                   "name": name}
        return ResponseObject(response)
Exemple #16
    def create(self, request, body):
        """create image."""
        name = body.get('name').lower()
        desc = body.get('desc')
        project_id = body.get('project_id')
        repos = body.get('repos')
        branch = body.get('branch')
        user_id = body.get('user_id')
        id = uuid.uuid4().hex

        project = self.db.get_project(project_id)
        if not project:
            LOG.error("no such project %s" % project_id)
            return Response(404)
        """add db entry first."""

        #                 id,
        #                 name,
        #                 desc,
        #                 repos,
        #                 branch,
        #                 user_id)

        self._process_task(self._manager.create, id, name, desc, repos, branch,
        return ResponseObject({"id": id})
Exemple #17
    def create(self, request, body=None):
        For creating image, body should not be None and
        should contains the following params:
            - project_id  the project's id which the image belong to
            - name        the image name
            -desc        the image description
            - repos       the repos contains `Dockerfile`
            - branch      the branch
            - user_id     the user who created the image
        All the above params are not optional and have no default value.
        """This schema is used for data validate"""
        schema = {
            "properties": {
                "project_id": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "minLength": 32,
                    "maxLength": 64,
                    "pattern": "^[a-zA-Z0-9]*$",
                "name": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "minLength": 1,
                    "maxLength": 255
                "desc": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "minLength": 1,
                    "maxLength": 255
                "repos": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "minLength": 1,
                    "maxLength": 255
                "branch": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "minLength": 1,
                    "maxLength": 255
                "user_id": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "minLength": 32,
                    "maxLength": 64,
                    "pattern": "^[a-zA-Z0-9]*$",
            ["project_id", "name", "desc", "repos", "branch", "user_id"]
            self.validator(body, schema)
        except (SchemaError, ValidationError) as ex:
            return webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation="Bad Paramaters")

#if not body:
#    LOG.error('body cannot be empty!')
#    return webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest()

#project_id = body.get('project_id')
#if not project_id:
#    LOG.error('project_id cannot be None!')
#    return webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest()

        limit = QUOTAS.images or _IMAGE_LIMIT
        query = self.db.get_images(project_id)
        if len(query) >= limit:
            LOG.error("images limit exceed,can not created anymore...")
            return webob.exc.HTTPMethodNotAllowed()

        #name = body.get('name',utils.random_str())
        #desc = body.get('desc','')

        #repos = body.get('repos')
        #if not repos:
        #    LOG.error('repos cannot be None!')
        #    return webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest()

        #branch = body.get('branch')
        #if not branch:
        #    LOG.error("branch cannot be None!")
        #    return webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest()

        #user_id = body.get('user_id')
        #if not user_id:
        #    LOG.error('user_id cannot be None!')
        #    return webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest()
        image_service_endpoint = CONF.image_service_endpoint
        if not image_service_endpoint:
            LOG.error("image service endpoint not found!")
            return webob.exc.HTTPNotFound()
            image = self.http.post(image_service_endpoint, \
      headers={'Content-Type':'application/json'}, \
        except exceptions.ConnectionError as ex:
            LOG.error("Connect to remote server Error %s" % ex)
            return webob.exc.HTTPInternalServerError()
        except exceptions.ConnectTimeout as ex:
            LOG.error("Connect to remote server Timeout. %s " % ex)
            return webob.exc.HTTPRequestTimeout()
        except exceptions.MissingSchema as ex:
            LOG.error("The URL schema (e.g. http or https) is missing. %s" %
            return webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest()
        except exceptions.InvalidSchema as ex:
            LOG.error("The URL schema is invalid. %s" % ex)
            return webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest()

        return ResponseObject(image.json())
Exemple #18
    def create(self, request, body=None):
        For creating container, body should not be None and
        should contains the following params:
            - project_id  the project's id which the containers belong to
            - image_id    the image's id which used for creation 
            - user_id     the user which the container belong to
            - repos       the repos which will be tested  
            - branch      the branch which will be tested 
            - env         the envrionment which the container belong to(eg.DEV/QA/STAG/PUB/PROD)
            - user_key    the user's public key which will be inject to container
            - zone_id     the zone's id which the container belong to(eg.BJ/CD)
        All the above parmas are not optional and have no default value.
        """This schema is used for data validate."""
        schema = {
            "properties": {
                "project_id": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "minLength": 32,
                    "maxLength": 64,
                    "pattern": "^[a-zA-Z0-9]*$",
                "image_id": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "minLength": 32,
                    "maxLength": 64,
                    "pattern": "^[a-zA-Z0-9]*$",
                "user_id": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "minLength": 32,
                    "maxLength": 64,
                    "pattern": "^[a-zA-Z0-9]*$",
                "repos": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "minLength": 1,
                    "maxLength": 255,
                "branch": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "minLength": 1,
                    "maxLength": 255,
                "env": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "minLength": 1,
                    "maxLength": 255,
                "user_key": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "minLength": 1,
                    "maxLength": 255,
                "zone_id": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "minLength": 1,
                    "maxLength": 255,
            "required": [
                "project_id", "image_id", "user_id", "repos", "branch", "env",
                "user_key", "zone_id"

            self.validator(body, schema)
        except (SchemaError, ValidationError) as ex:
            return webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation="Bad Paramaters")
        """Limit check"""
        limit = QUOTAS.containers or _CONTAINER_LIMIT
        query = self.db.get_containers(project_id, user_id)
        if len(query) >= limit:
            msg = 'container limit exceeded!!!'
            return webob.exc.HTTPForbidden(explanation=msg)
        """Call the scheduler to decide which host the container will 
           be run on.
        # TODO(nmg): This should be modified to use rpc call not function call.
            instance = self._scheduler.run_instance(project_id, user_id,
                                                    image_id, repos, branch,
                                                    env, user_key, zone_id)
        except exception.NoValidHost:

        return ResponseObject(instance)
Exemple #19
    def show(self, request, id):
        Show project detail according to project `id`.
        This method returns a dictionary with following keys:
            - id
            - name
            - desc
            - created
            - users
            - repos
            - images
            - containers
        If no project found, empty dictionary will be returned.
        project_instance = self.db.get_project(id)
        if project_instance is None:
            return {}
        """get project user list."""
        user_list = []
        for user_instance in project_instance.users:
            user = {
                "id": user_instance.id,
                "name": user_instance.name,
                "email": user_instance.email,
                "role_id": user_instance.role_id,
                "created": isotime(user_instance.created)
        """"get project repo list."""
        repo_list = []
        for repo_instance in project_instance.repos:
            repo = {
                "id": repo_instance.id,
                "repo_path": repo_instance.repo_path,
                "created": isotime(repo_instance.created)
        """"get project image list."""
        image_list = []
        for image_instance in project_instance.images:
            image = {
                'id': image_instance.id,
                'uuid': image_instance.uuid,
                'name': image_instance.name,
                'tag': image_instance.tag,
                'desc': image_instance.desc,
                'project_id': image_instance.project_id,
                'created': isotime(image_instance.created),
                'user_id': image_instance.user_id,
                'status': image_instance.status
        """Get containes list"""
        container_list = []
        for item in project_instance.containers:
            container = {
                'id': item.id,
                'name': item.name,
                'uuid': item.uuid,
                'env': item.env,
                'project_id': item.project_id,
                'repos': item.repos,
                'branch': item.branch,
                'image_id': item.image_id,
                'network': item.network,
                'created': item.created,
                'user_id': item.user_id,
                'host_id': item.host_id,
                'status': item.status

        project = {
            "id": project_instance.id,
            "name": project_instance.name,
            "desc": project_instance.desc,
            "created": isotime(project_instance.created),
            "users": user_list,
            "repos": repo_list,
            "images": image_list,
            "containers": container_list

        return ResponseObject(project)