async def locale_button(client, query): lang_match = re.findall(r"en-US|hi", if lang_match: if lang_match[0]: switch_to_locale(Owner, lang_match[0]) await query.answer(text=tld('language_switch_success_pm').format( list_locales[lang_match[0]])) else: await query.answer(text="Error!", show_alert=True) try: LANGUAGE = prev_locale(Owner) locale = LANGUAGE.locale_name curr_lang = list_locales[locale] except Exception: curr_lang = "English (US)" text = tld("language_select_language") text += tld("language_current_locale").format(curr_lang) buttons = [[ InlineKeyboardButton("English (US) 🇺🇸", callback_data="set_lang_en-US"), InlineKeyboardButton("Hindi 🇮🇳", callback_data="set_lang_hi") ]] await client.edit_message_text(chat_id=Owner, message_id=query.message.message_id, text=text, parse_mode='markdown', reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(buttons)) await client.answer_callback_query(
async def start(_client, message): if != 'private': await message.reply('henlo ^0^') else: if len(message.text.split()) >= 2: helparg = message.text.split()[1] if helparg == "help_inline": await message.reply( tld("inline_help_text").format(BotUsername)) return try: me = await app.get_me() except ConnectionError: me = None userbot_stat = 'Stopped' if not me else 'Running' db_stat = len(get_all_chats()) if DB_AVAILABLE else 'None' buttons = InlineKeyboardMarkup([[ InlineKeyboardButton(text=tld("help_btn"), callback_data="help_back"), InlineKeyboardButton('Language', callback_data='set_lang_') ]]) if NANA_IMG: await setbot.send_photo(, NANA_IMG, caption=tld("start_message").format( OwnerName, python_version(), userbot_stat, USERBOT_VERSION, ASSISTANT_VERSION, DB_AVAILABLE, db_stat), reply_markup=buttons) else: await message.reply(tld("start_message").format( OwnerName, python_version(), userbot_stat, USERBOT_VERSION, ASSISTANT_VERSION, DB_AVAILABLE, db_stat), reply_markup=buttons)
async def get_list_bots(client, message): replyid = None if len(message.text.split()) >= 2: chat = message.text.split(None, 1)[1] else: chat = grup = await client.get_chat(chat) if message.reply_to_message: replyid = message.reply_to_message.message_id getbots = client.iter_chat_members(chat) bots = [] async for a in getbots: try: nama = a.user.first_name + " " + a.user.last_name except: nama = a.user.first_name if nama is None: nama = tld('botlist_one') if a.user.is_bot: bots.append(mention_markdown(, nama)) teks = tld('botlist_two').format(grup.title) teks += tld('botlist_three') for x in bots: teks += "│ • {}\n".format(x) teks += tld('botlist_four').format(len(bots)) if replyid: await client.send_message(, teks, reply_to_message_id=replyid) else: await edrep(message, text=teks)
async def report_admin(client, message): await message.delete() if len(message.text.split()) >= 2: text = message.text.split(None, 1)[1] else: text = None grup = await client.get_chat( alladmins = client.iter_chat_members(, filter="administrators") admin = [ mention_html(, "\u200b") for a in alladmins if a.status in ["administrator", "creator"] and not a.user.is_bot ] if message.reply_to_message: if text: teks = '{}'.format(text) else: user = message.reply_to_message.from_user teks = tld('reportadmins_one').format( mention_html(, user.first_name)) else: if text: teks = '{}'.format(html.escape(text)) else: teks = tld('reportadmins_two').format(grup.title) teks += "".join(admin) if message.reply_to_message: await client.send_message(, teks, reply_to_message_id=message.reply_to_message.message_id, parse_mode="html") else: await client.send_message(, teks, parse_mode="html")
async def unban_usr(client, message): if in ["group", "supergroup"]: chat_id = can_unban = await admin_check(message) if can_unban: if message.reply_to_message: try: get_mem = await client.get_chat_member( chat_id, await client.unban_chat_member(chat_id, await message.delete() except Exception as e: await edrep(message, text=f"**Log:** `{e}`") return else: await edrep(message, text=tld('unban_user')) await asyncio.sleep(5) await message.delete() return else: await edrep(message, text=tld('denied_permission')) await asyncio.sleep(5) await message.delete() else: await message.delete()
async def unmute(client, message): if in ["group", "supergroup"]: can_unmute = await admin_check(message) if can_unmute: try: if message.reply_to_message: await client.restrict_chat_member(,, permissions=unmute_permissions, ) else: await edrep(message, text=tld('unmute_user')) await asyncio.sleep(5) await message.delete() except Exception as e: await edrep(message, text=f'`Error!`\n**Log:** `{e}`') return else: await edrep(message, text=tld('denied_permission')) await asyncio.sleep(5) await message.delete() else: await message.delete()
async def kick_user(client, message): if in ["group", "supergroup"]: chat_id = can_kick = await admin_check(message) if can_kick: if message.reply_to_message: try: get_mem = await client.get_chat_member( chat_id, await client.kick_chat_member(chat_id,, int(time.time() + 45)) await message.delete() except ChatAdminRequired: await edrep(message, text=tld('denied_permission')) await asyncio.sleep(5) await message.delete() return except Exception as e: await edrep(message, text="`Error!`\n" f"**Log:** `{e}`") return else: await edrep(message, text=tld('kick_user')) await asyncio.sleep(5) await message.delete() return else: await edrep(message, text=tld('denied_permission')) await asyncio.sleep(5) await message.delete() else: await message.delete()
async def unpin_message(client, message): if in ['group', 'supergroup']: chat_id = can_pin = await admin_check(message) if can_pin: try: await client.unpin_chat_message(chat_id) except UsernameInvalid: await edrep(message, text="`invalid username`") return except PeerIdInvalid: await edrep(message, text="`invalid username or userid`") return except UserIdInvalid: await edrep(message, text="`invalid userid`") return except ChatAdminRequired: await edrep(message, text=tld('denied_permission')) return except Exception as e: await edrep(message, text=f"`Error!`\n**Log:** `{e}`") return else: await edrep(message, text=tld('denied_permission')) else: await message.delete()
async def mute_hammer(client, message): if in ["group", "supergroup"]: can_mute = await admin_check(message) if can_mute: if message.reply_to_message: try: if (len(message.text.split()) == 2 and message.text.split()[1] == "24"): await client.restrict_chat_member(,, permissions=mute_permission, until_date=int(time.time() + 86400), ) else: await client.restrict_chat_member(,, permissions=mute_permission, ) await message.delete() except Exception as e: await edrep(message, text="`Error!`\n" f"**Log:** `{e}`") return else: await edrep(message, text=tld('mute_user')) await asyncio.sleep(5) await message.delete() else: await edrep(message, text=tld('denied_permission')) await asyncio.sleep(5) await message.delete() else: await message.delete()
async def pin_message(client, message): if in ["group", "supergroup"]: can_pin = await admin_check(message) if can_pin: try: if message.reply_to_message: disable_notification = True if len(message.command) >= 2 and message.command[1] in [ "alert", "notify", "loud", ]: disable_notification = False await client.pin_chat_message(, message.reply_to_message.message_id, disable_notification=disable_notification, ) else: await edrep(message, text=tld('pin_message')) await asyncio.sleep(5) await message.delete() except Exception as e: await edrep(message, text="`Error!`\n" f"**Log:** `{e}`") return else: await edrep(message, text=tld('denied_permission')) await asyncio.sleep(5) await message.delete() else: await message.delete()
async def kick_user(client, message): if in ['group', 'supergroup']: chat_id = can_kick = await admin_check(message) if can_kick: try: if message.reply_to_message: user_id = else: usr = await client.get_users(message.command[1]) user_id = except IndexError: await edrep(message, text='must give a user to kick') return try: get_mem = await client.get_chat_member(chat_id, user_id) await client.kick_chat_member(chat_id,, int(time.time() + 45)) await message.delete() except ChatAdminRequired: await edrep(message, text=tld('denied_permission')) return except Exception as e: await edrep(message, text="`Error!`\n" f"**Log:** `{e}`") return else: await edrep(message, text=tld('denied_permission')) else: await message.delete()
async def update_changelog(changelog): await setbot.send_sticker(Owner, random.choice(RANDOM_STICKERS)) text = tld("update_successful") text += tld("update_welcome").format(USERBOT_VERSION, ASSISTANT_VERSION) text += tld("updated_changelog") text += changelog await setbot.send_message(Owner, text)
async def speedtestxyz_callback(client, query): if in AdminSettings: await setbot.edit_inline_text( query.inline_message_id, tld("speed_test_running") ) speed = speedtest.Speedtest() speed.get_best_server() speed.upload() replymsg = tld("speed_test_result") if == "speedtest_image": speedtest_image = speed.results.share() replym = f"[{tld('speed_test_result')}]({speedtest_image})" await setbot.edit_inline_text( query.inline_message_id, replym, parse_mode="markdown" ) elif == "speedtest_text": result = speed.results.dict() replymsg += f"\n - {tld('speed_test_isp')} `{result['client']['isp']}`" replymsg += f"\n - {tld('speed_test_download')} `{speed_convert(result['download'])}`" replymsg += ( f"\n - {tld('speed_test_upload')} `{speed_convert(result['upload'])}`" ) replymsg += f"\n - {tld('speed_test_ping')} `{result['ping']}`" await setbot.edit_inline_text( query.inline_message_id, replymsg, parse_mode="markdown" ) else: await client.answer_callback_query(, "No, you are not allowed to do this", show_alert=False )
async def start(_, message): if != "private": await message.reply("henlo ^0^") else: if len(message.text.split()) >= 2: helparg = message.text.split()[1] if helparg == "help_inline": await message.reply(tld( "inline_help_text" ).format( BotUsername ) ) return try: me = await app.get_me() except ConnectionError: me = None userbot_stat = "Stopped" if not me else "Running" db_stat = len(get_all_chats()) if DB_AVAILABLE else "None" buttons = InlineKeyboardMarkup( [ [ InlineKeyboardButton( text=tld("help_btn"), callback_data="help_back" ), InlineKeyboardButton( tld("language_btn"), callback_data="set_lang_" ), ] ] ) if NANA_IMG: await message.reply_photo( NANA_IMG, caption=tld("start_message").format( OwnerName, python_version(), userbot_stat, USERBOT_VERSION, ASSISTANT_VERSION, DB_AVAILABLE, db_stat, ), reply_markup=buttons, ) else: await message.reply( tld("start_message").format( OwnerName, python_version(), userbot_stat, USERBOT_VERSION, ASSISTANT_VERSION, DB_AVAILABLE, db_stat, ), reply_markup=buttons, )
async def locale_button(_, query): lang_match = re.findall( r"en-US|hi|he|id|fa|el|dv|es|ja|de|ta|pt-br|ar", ) if lang_match: if lang_match[0]: switch_to_locale(Owner, lang_match[0]) await query.answer( text=tld("language_switch_success_pm").format( list_locales[lang_match[0]] ), show_alert=True, ) else: await query.answer(text="Error!", show_alert=True) try: LANGUAGE = prev_locale(Owner) locale = LANGUAGE.locale_name curr_lang = list_locales[locale] except Exception: curr_lang = "English (US)" text = tld("language_select_language") text += tld("language_current_locale").format(curr_lang) buttons = [ [ InlineKeyboardButton("🇺🇸", callback_data="set_lang_en-US"), InlineKeyboardButton("🇮🇳", callback_data="set_lang_hi"), InlineKeyboardButton("🇮🇱", callback_data="set_lang_he"), InlineKeyboardButton("🇮🇩", callback_data="set_lang_id"), InlineKeyboardButton("🇮🇷", callback_data="set_lang_fa"), ], [ InlineKeyboardButton("🇯🇵", callback_data="set_lang_ja"), InlineKeyboardButton("🇬🇷", callback_data="set_lang_el"), InlineKeyboardButton("🇲🇻", callback_data="set_lang_dv"), InlineKeyboardButton("🇪🇸", callback_data="set_lang_es"), InlineKeyboardButton("🇩🇪", callback_data="set_lang_de"), ], [ InlineKeyboardButton("🇱🇰", callback_data="set_lang_ta"), InlineKeyboardButton("🇧🇷", callback_data="set_lang_pt-br"), InlineKeyboardButton("🇸🇦", callback_data="set_lang_pt-ar"), ], [InlineKeyboardButton("◀️", callback_data="language_back")], ] try: await query.message.edit( text, parse_mode="markdown", reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(buttons), ) await query.answer() except errors.exceptions.bad_request_400.MessageNotModified: return
async def get_text_settings(): me = await is_userbot_run() if not me: text = tld("settings_userbot_stop").format(USERBOT_VERSION) else: text = tld("settings_userbot_running").format(USERBOT_VERSION) text += tld("settings_assistant_running").format(ASSISTANT_VERSION) text += tld("settings_database").format(DB_AVAILABLE) text += tld("settings_python").format(python_version()) return text
async def adminlist(client, message): replyid = None toolong = False if len(message.text.split()) >= 2: chat = message.text.split(None, 1)[1] else: chat = grup = await client.get_chat(chat) if message.reply_to_message: replyid = message.reply_to_message.message_id alladmins = client.iter_chat_members(chat, filter="administrators") async for a in alladmins: try: nama = a.user.first_name + " " + a.user.last_name except: nama = a.user.first_name if nama is None: nama = "☠️ Deleted account" if a.status == "administrator": if a.user.is_bot: badmin.append(mention_markdown(, nama)) else: admin.append(mention_markdown(, nama)) elif a.status == "creator": creator.append(mention_markdown(, nama)) admin.sort() badmin.sort() totaladmins = len(creator) + len(admin) + len(badmin) teks = tld('adminlist_one').format(grup.title) for x in creator: teks += "│ • {}\n".format(x) if len(teks) >= 4096: await message.reply(, teks, reply_to_message_id=replyid) teks = "" toolong = True teks += tld('adminlist_two').format(len(admin)) for x in admin: teks += "│ • {}\n".format(x) if len(teks) >= 4096: await message.reply(, teks, reply_to_message_id=replyid) teks = "" toolong = True teks += tld('adminlist_three').format(len(badmin)) for x in badmin: teks += "│ • {}\n".format(x) if len(teks) >= 4096: await message.reply(, teks, reply_to_message_id=replyid) teks = "" toolong = True teks += tld('adminlist_four').format(totaladmins) if toolong: await message.reply(, teks, reply_to_message_id=replyid) else: await edrep(message, text=teks)
async def invite_link(client, message): if in ["group", "supergroup"]: chat_name = can_invite = await admin_check(message) if can_invite: try: link = await client.export_chat_invite_link( await edrep(message, text=tld('invite_link').format(chat_name, link)) except Exception as e: print(e) await edrep(message, text=tld('denied_permission')) else: await message.delete()
async def lang_back(_, query): try: me = await app.get_me() except ConnectionError: me = None userbot_stat = "Stopped" if not me else "Running" db_stat = len(get_all_chats()) if DB_AVAILABLE else "None" buttons = InlineKeyboardMarkup( [ [ InlineKeyboardButton( text=tld("help_btn"), callback_data="help_back" ), InlineKeyboardButton( tld("language_btn"), callback_data="set_lang_" ), ] ] ) if NANA_IMG: await query.message.edit_caption( tld("start_message").format( OwnerName, python_version(), userbot_stat, USERBOT_VERSION, ASSISTANT_VERSION, DB_AVAILABLE, db_stat, ), ) await query.message.edit_reply_markup(buttons) else: await query.message.edit( tld("start_message").format( OwnerName, python_version(), userbot_stat, USERBOT_VERSION, ASSISTANT_VERSION, DB_AVAILABLE, db_stat, ), reply_markup=buttons, ) await query.answer()
async def mute_hammer(client, message): if in ['group', 'supergroup']: chat_id = can_mute = await admin_check(message) if can_mute: try: if message.reply_to_message: user_id = else: usr = await client.get_users(message.command[1]) user_id = except IndexError: await message.reply('some ooga booga') return try: await client.restrict_chat_member(, user_id=user_id, permissions=mute_permission) await message.delete() except Exception as e: await edrep(message, text="`Error!`\n" f"**Log:** `{e}`") return else: await edrep(message, text=tld('denied_permission')) else: await message.delete()
async def view_perm(client, message): """view group permission.""" if in ["group", "supergroup"]: v_perm = "" vmsg = "" vmedia = "" vstickers = "" vanimations = "" vgames = "" vinlinebots = "" vwebprev = "" vpolls = "" vinfo = "" vinvite = "" vpin = "" v_perm = await client.get_chat( def convert_to_emoji(val: bool): if val: return "<code>True</code>" return "<code>False</code>" vmsg = convert_to_emoji(v_perm.permissions.can_send_messages) vmedia = convert_to_emoji(v_perm.permissions.can_send_media_messages) vstickers = convert_to_emoji(v_perm.permissions.can_send_stickers) vanimations = convert_to_emoji(v_perm.permissions.can_send_animations) vgames = convert_to_emoji(v_perm.permissions.can_send_games) vinlinebots = convert_to_emoji(v_perm.permissions.can_use_inline_bots) vwebprev = convert_to_emoji( v_perm.permissions.can_add_web_page_previews) vpolls = convert_to_emoji(v_perm.permissions.can_send_polls) vinfo = convert_to_emoji(v_perm.permissions.can_change_info) vinvite = convert_to_emoji(v_perm.permissions.can_invite_users) vpin = convert_to_emoji(v_perm.permissions.can_pin_messages) if v_perm is not None: try: await edit_or_reply( message, text=tld("permission_view_str").format( vmsg, vmedia, vstickers, vanimations, vgames, vinlinebots, vwebprev, vpolls, vinfo, vinvite, vpin, ), ) except Exception as e: await edit_or_reply(message, text="`Error!`\n" f"**Log:** `{e}`") else: await message.delete()
async def gdrive_helper(_client, message): if len(message.text.split()) == 1: gdriveclient = os.path.isfile("client_secrets.json") if HEROKU_API: if not gdrive_credentials: await message.reply(tld("gdrive_credential_err_heroku")) return elif not gdriveclient: with open("client_secrets.json", "w") as gfile: gfile.write(gdrive_credentials) gfile.close() gdriveclient = os.path.isfile("client_secrets.json") if not gdriveclient: await message.reply( "Hello, look like you're not logged in to google drive 🙂\nI can help you to login.\n\nFirst of all, " "you need to activate your google drive API\n1. [Go here](" ", click **Enable the drive API**\n2. " "Login to your google account (skip this if you're already logged in)\n3. After logged in, " "click **Enable the drive API** again, and click **Download Client Configuration** button, " "download that.\n4. After downloaded that file, open that file then copy all of that content, " "back to telegram then do .credentials (copy the content of that file) do without bracket \n\nAfter " "that, you can go next guide by type /gdrive") return gauth.LoadCredentialsFile("nana/session/drive") if gauth.credentials is None: try: authurl = gauth.GetAuthUrl() except: await message.reply( "Wrong Credentials! Check var ENV gdrive_credentials on heroku or do .credentials (your " "credentials) for change your Credentials") return teks = "First, you must log in to your Google drive first.\n\n[Visit this link and login to your Google " \ "account]({})\n\nAfter that you will get a verification code, type `/gdrive (verification code)` " \ "without '(' or ')'.".format(authurl) await message.reply(teks) return await message.reply("You're already logged in!\nTo logout type `/gdrive logout`") elif len(message.text.split()) == 2 and message.text.split()[1] == "logout": os.remove("nana/session/drive") await message.reply("You have logged out of your account!\nTo login again, just type /gdrive") elif len(message.text.split()) == 2: try: gauth.Auth(message.text.split()[1]) except pydrive.auth.AuthenticationError: await message.reply("Your Authentication code is Wrong!") return gauth.SaveCredentialsFile("nana/session/drive") drive = GoogleDrive(gauth) file_list = drive.ListFile({'q': "'root' in parents and trashed=false"}).GetList() for drivefolders in file_list: if drivefolders['title'] == 'Nana Drive': await message.reply("Authentication successful!\nWelcome back!") return mkdir = drive.CreateFile({'title': 'Nana Drive', "mimeType": "application/"}) mkdir.Upload() await message.reply("Authentication successful!\nThe 'Nana Drive' folder has been created automatically!") else: await message.reply("Invaild args!\nCheck /gdrive for usage guide")
async def reboot_bot(client, query): try: await restart_all() except ConnectionError: await client.answer_callback_query(, tld("settings_bot_stoprestart_err")) return text = await get_text_settings() text += tld("settings_stats_botrestart") button = await get_button_settings() try: await query.message.edit_text(text, reply_markup=button) except errors.exceptions.bad_request_400.MessageNotModified: pass await client.answer_callback_query(, tld("settings_bot_restarting"))
async def unmute(client, message): if in ['group', 'supergroup']: can_unmute = await admin_check(message) if can_unmute: try: if message.reply_to_message: user_id = else: usr = await client.get_users(message.command[1]) user_id = except IndexError: await edrep(message, text='must give a user to unmute') return try: await client.restrict_chat_member(, user_id=user_id, permissions=unmute_permissions) await message.delete() except ChatAdminRequired: await edrep(message, text=tld('denied_permission')) return except Exception as e: await edrep(message, text="`Error!`\n" f"**Log:** `{e}`") return else: await message.delete()
async def locale_button(client, query): lang_match = re.findall(r"en-US|hi|he|id|fa|el|dv|es|ja", if lang_match: if lang_match[0]: switch_to_locale(Owner, lang_match[0]) await query.answer(text=tld("language_switch_success_pm").format( list_locales[lang_match[0]])) else: await query.answer(text="Error!", show_alert=True) try: LANGUAGE = prev_locale(Owner) locale = LANGUAGE.locale_name curr_lang = list_locales[locale] except Exception: curr_lang = "English (US)" text = tld("language_select_language") text += tld("language_current_locale").format(curr_lang) buttons = [ [ InlineKeyboardButton("🇺🇸 English (US)", callback_data="set_lang_en-US"), InlineKeyboardButton("🇮🇳 हिंदी", callback_data="set_lang_hi"), ], [ InlineKeyboardButton("🇮🇱 עברית", callback_data="set_lang_he"), InlineKeyboardButton("🇮🇩 bahasa Indonesia", callback_data="set_lang_id"), ], [ InlineKeyboardButton("🇮🇷 فارسی", callback_data="set_lang_fa"), InlineKeyboardButton("🇯🇵 日本人", callback_data="set_lang_ja"), ], [ InlineKeyboardButton("🇬🇷 Ελληνικά", callback_data="set_lang_el"), InlineKeyboardButton("🇲🇻 ދިވެހި", callback_data="set_lang_dv"), ], [InlineKeyboardButton("🇪🇸 Espanol", callback_data="set_lang_es")], ] await client.edit_message_text( chat_id=Owner, message_id=query.message.message_id, text=text, parse_mode="markdown", reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(buttons), ) await client.answer_callback_query(
async def get_button_settings(): me = await is_userbot_run() toggle = (tld("settings_userbot_stopbutton") if me else tld("settings_userbot_startbutton")) list_button = [ [ InlineKeyboardButton(toggle, callback_data="toggle_startbot"), InlineKeyboardButton(tld("settings_userbot_restartbutton"), callback_data="restart_bot"), ], [ InlineKeyboardButton(tld("settings_setstickerbutton"), callback_data="setsticker") ], ] if HEROKU_API: list_button.append([ InlineKeyboardButton(tld("settings_herokubutton"), callback_data="heroku_vars") ]) list_button.append([ InlineKeyboardButton(tld("settings_heroku_restartbutton"), callback_data="restart_heroku") ]) list_button.append([ InlineKeyboardButton(tld("settings_change_repo_button"), callback_data="change_repo") ]) return InlineKeyboardMarkup(list_button)
async def deleted_clean(client, message): cmd = message.command chat_id = get_group = await client.get_chat(chat_id) clean_tag = " ".join(cmd[1:]) rm_delaccs = "clean" in clean_tag can_clean = await admin_check(message) del_stats = "`no deleted accounts found in this chat`" del_users = 0 if rm_delaccs: if can_clean: await edrep(message, text="`cleaning deleted accounts from this chat..`") del_admins = 0 del_total = 0 async for member in client.iter_chat_members(chat_id): if member.user.is_deleted: try: await client.kick_chat_member( chat_id,, int(time.time() + 45) ) except UserAdminInvalid: del_users -= 1 del_admins += 1 except FloodWait as e: await asyncio.sleep(e.x) del_users += 1 del_total += 1 del_stats = f"`Found` **{del_total}** `total accounts..`" await edrep(message, text=del_stats) await message.edit( f"**Cleaned Deleted accounts**:\n" f"Total Deleted Accounts: `{del_total}`\n" f"Cleaned Deleted Accounts: `{del_users}`\n" f"Chat: `{get_group.title}` (`{chat_id}`)" ) else: await edrep(message, text=tld('denied_permission')) else: async for member in client.iter_chat_members(chat_id): if member.user.is_deleted: del_users += 1 if del_users > 0: del_stats = f"`Found` **{del_users}** `deleted accounts in this chat.`" await edrep(message, text=del_stats)
async def update_checker(): try: repo = Repo() except NoSuchPathError as error: log.warning(f"Check update failed!\nDirectory {error} is not found!") return except InvalidGitRepositoryError as error: log.warning( f"Check update failed!\nDirectory {error} does not seems to be a git repository" ) return except GitCommandError as error: log.warning(f"Check update failed!\n{error}") return brname = if brname not in OFFICIAL_BRANCH: return try: repo.create_remote("upstream", REPOSITORY) except BaseException: pass upstream = repo.remote("upstream") upstream.fetch(brname) changelog = await gen_chlog(repo, f"HEAD..upstream/{brname}") if not changelog:"Nana is up-to-date with branch {brname}") return log.warning(f"New UPDATE available for [{brname}]!") text = tld("updater_available_text").format(brname) text += f"**CHANGELOG:**\n`{changelog}`" button = InlineKeyboardMarkup([[ InlineKeyboardButton(tld("update_now_btn"), callback_data="update_now") ]]) await setbot.send_message(Owner, text, reply_markup=button, parse_mode="markdown")
async def get_button_settings(): me = await is_userbot_run() toggle = (tld("settings_userbot_stopbutton") if me else tld("settings_userbot_startbutton")) list_button = [ [ InlineKeyboardButton(toggle, callback_data="toggle_startbot"), InlineKeyboardButton(tld("settings_userbot_restartbutton"), callback_data="restart_bot"), ], [ InlineKeyboardButton(tld("settings_setstickerbutton"), callback_data="setsticker") ], [ InlineKeyboardButton("Select Branch", callback_data="change_branches") ], ] return InlineKeyboardMarkup(list_button)
async def help_command(client, message): if != "private": buttons = InlineKeyboardMarkup([[ InlineKeyboardButton(text="Help", url=f"{BotUsername}?start=help") ]]) await message.reply( "**OWNER ONLY**\nContact me in PM to get the list of possible commands.", reply_markup=buttons) return await help_parser(client,, tld("help_str").format(", ".join(Command)))