Exemple #1
    def test_prep_addr(self, test_case):
        """Test prep_addr."""
        tests = [
            ['eth0', 'ipv4', {
                'eth0': {
                    'ipv4': {}
            ['eth1', 'ipv6', {
                'eth1': {
                    'ipv6': {}

        for t in tests:
            out = prep_addr({}, t[0], t[1])
            assert out == t[2]

        return {}
Exemple #2
    def get_interfaces_ip(self):
        """FTOS implementation of get_interfaces_ip."""
        addr = {}

        # get IPv4 info
        ip_cmd = "show ip interface"
        ip_res = self._send_command(ip_cmd)

        # parse IP addresses
        iface = None
        for line in ip_res.splitlines():
            # interface line
            m = re.search(r'^(\w+( \d+(\/\d+)?)?) is \w+', line)
            if m:
                # capture interface name and move on to next line
                iface = m.group(1)

            # look for IPv4 address line
            m = re.search(r'^Internet address is ([0-9\.]+)(?:\/(\d+))?', line)
            if not m:

            # prepare address dict for this interface
            addr = prep_addr(addr, iface)

            address = ip(m.group(1))

            # try to get subnet mask from output as well
            # otherwise assume /32
            mask = 32
            if m.group(2):
                mask = int(m.group(2))
                # remove subnet mask from address
                address = address.replace('/%d' % mask, '')

            addr[iface][u'ipv4'][address] = {
                'prefix_length': mask

        ip6_cmd = "show ipv6 interface brief"
        ip6_res = self._send_command(ip6_cmd)

        # parse IPv6 addresses
        iface = None
        for line in ip6_res.splitlines():
            # interface line
            m = re.search(r'^(\w+( \d+(\/\d+)?)?)\s+', line)
            if m:
                # capture interface name and move on to next line
                iface = m.group(1)

            # look for IPv6 address line
            m = re.search(r'^\s*([a-f0-9:]+)(?:\/(\d+))?', line)
            if not m:

            # prepare address dict for this interface
            addr = prep_addr(addr, iface, u'ipv6')

            address = ip(m.group(1))

            # try to get prefix length from output as well
            # otherwise assume /128
            preflen = 128
            if m.group(2):
                preflen = int(m.group(2))
                # remove prefix length from address
                address = address.replace('/%d' % preflen, '')
            # for link-local addresses assume prefix length /64
            elif re.search(r'^fe80', address):
                preflen = 64

            addr[iface][u'ipv6'][address] = {
                'prefix_length': preflen

        return addr