def test_add_image_colormap_variants():
    """Test adding image with all valid colormap argument types."""
    viewer = ViewerModel()
    data = np.random.random((10, 15))
    # as string
    assert viewer.add_image(data, colormap='green')

    # as string that is valid, but not a default colormap
    assert viewer.add_image(data, colormap='cubehelix')

    # as tuple
    cmap_tuple = ("my_colormap", colormaps.Colormap(['g', 'm', 'y']))
    assert viewer.add_image(data, colormap=cmap_tuple)

    # as dict
    cmap_dict = {"your_colormap": colormaps.Colormap(['g', 'r', 'y'])}
    assert viewer.add_image(data, colormap=cmap_dict)

    # as Colormap instance
    fire = colormaps.AVAILABLE_COLORMAPS['fire']
    assert viewer.add_image(data, colormap=fire)

    # string values must be known colormap types
    with pytest.raises(KeyError) as err:
        viewer.add_image(data, colormap='nonsense')

    assert 'Colormap "nonsense" not found' in str(err.value)

    # lists are only valid with channel_axis
    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as err:
        viewer.add_image(data, colormap=['green', 'red'])

    assert "did you mean to specify a 'channel_axis'" in str(err.value)
Exemple #2
import numpy as np
import dask.array as da
from napari.components import ViewerModel
from napari.utils.colormaps import colormaps, ensure_colormap_tuple
from napari.utils.misc import ensure_sequence_of_iterables, ensure_iterable
import pytest

base_colormaps = colormaps.CYMRGB
two_colormaps = colormaps.MAGENTA_GREEN
green_cmap = colormaps.simple_colormaps['green']
red_cmap = colormaps.simple_colormaps['red']
fire = colormaps.AVAILABLE_COLORMAPS['fire']
cmap_tuple = ("my_colormap", colormaps.Colormap(['g', 'm', 'y']))
cmap_dict = {"your_colormap": colormaps.Colormap(['g', 'r', 'y'])}

MULTI_TUPLES = [[0.3, 0.7], [0.1, 0.9], [0.3, 0.9], [0.4, 0.9], [0.2, 0.9]]

# data shape is (15, 10, 5) unless otherwise set
# channel_axis = -1 is implied unless otherwise set
multi_channel_test_data = [
    # basic multichannel image
    ((), {}),
    # single channel
    ((15, 10, 1), {}),
    # two channels
    ((15, 10, 2), {}),
    # Test adding multichannel image with color channel set.
    ((5, 10, 15), {
        'channel_axis': 0
    # split single RGB image