def aidpage(request, nation_id): nation = utils.get_player(nation_id) order = request.COOKIES.get('order_by', '-timestamp') try: if '-' in order: Aid._meta.get_field(order[1:]) else: Aid._meta.get_field(order) except: order = "-timestamp" aid = Aid.objects.filter(Q(sender=nation) | Q(reciever=nation)).order_by(order) pager, logs = utils.paginate_me(aid, 25, request.GET.get('page', 1)) direction = "up" if '-' in order: direction = "down" order = order[1:] context = { 'target': nation, 'pages': utils.pagination(pager, logs), 'aids': logs, 'ordering': order, 'direction': 'arrow-' + direction, } """ disabled because not implemented for sqlite incoming = calculaid(nation.incoming_aid, 'sender') if incoming: context.update({'incoming': {'player': incoming[0], 'count': incoming[1]}}) outgoing = calculaid(nation.outgoing_aid, 'reciever') if outgoing: context.update({'outgoing': {'player': outgoing[0], 'count': outgoing[1]}}) """ #This section is for the totals regarding aid #like how much money has been sent or recieved #in a specfic order so dicts don't derp it #this data should be cached at some point to avoid the excess database hits ordering = [ 'budget', 'rm', 'mg', 'oil', 'food', 'troops', 'weapons', 'research', 'uranium', 'nuke' ] totals = [] for resource in ordering: total_in = nation.incoming_aid.filter(resource=resource).aggregate( total=Sum('amount'))['total'] total_in = (total_in if total_in != None else 0) total_out = nation.outgoing_aid.filter(resource=resource).aggregate( total=Sum('amount'))['total'] total_out = (total_out if total_out != None else 0) totals.append({ 'resource': v.aidnames[resource], 'incoming': total_in, 'outgoing': total_out }) context.update({'totals': totals}) return render(request, 'mod/aidpage.html', context)
def main(request): context = {} nation = request.user.nation result = False if request.method == 'POST': if 'newid' in request.POST: form = newidform(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): player = utils.get_player(form.cleaned_data['old']) if player: assign_id(player, form.cleaned_data['new']) result = "%s has been assigned ID %s" % (, form.cleaned_data['new']) else: result = "No nation found for '%s'" % form.cleaned_data[ 'old'] elif 'viewplayer' in request.POST: form = viewplayerform(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): player = utils.get_active_player(form.cleaned_data['player']) if player: return redirect('mod:nation', nation_id=player.index) elif 'comm' in request.POST: form = globalcommform(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): for n in Nation.objects.filter(deleted=False).iterator(): n.comms.create(message=form.cleaned_data['content'], globalcomm=True) result = "Global communique has been issued!" else: result = "Bad input" elif 'quick' in request.POST: form = quickactionform(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): player = utils.get_active_player(form.cleaned_data['player']) if player: result = actions.__dict__[form.cleaned_data['action']]( nation, player, form.cleaned_data['reason']) else: result = "That nation doesn't exist!" else: result = "Invalid POST data (did you forget the enter a reason?)" context.update({ 'result': result, 'reportcount': Report.objects.filter(closed=False).count(), 'globalcommform': globalcommform(), 'quickactionform': quickactionform(), 'viewplayerform': viewplayerform(), 'newidform': newidform(), }) return render(request, 'mod/main.html', context)
def basedetails(request, nation_id, manager, pcheck, var): nation = request.user.nation target = utils.get_player(nation_id) if target == False: return render(request, 'mod/not_found.html') context = {'target': target} utils.pagecheck(nation, target, pcheck) query = getattr(target, manager).all().order_by('-pk') paginator, actionlist = utils.paginate_me(query, 50, page) context.update({ 'pages': utils.pagination(paginator, actionlist), var: actionlist, }) return context
def nation_logins(request, nation_id): nation = request.user.nation target = utils.get_player(nation_id) if target == False: return render(request, 'mod/not_found.html') context = {'target': target} page = (request.GET['page'] if 'page' in request.GET else 1) utils.pagecheck(nation, target, "all wars") query = target.login_times.all().order_by('-pk') paginator, actionlist = utils.paginate_me(query, 50, page) context.update({ 'pages': utils.pagination(paginator, actionlist), 'logins': actionlist, }) return details(request, nation_id, page, 'logins')
def nation_allaid(request, nation_id): nation = request.user.nation target = utils.get_player(nation_id) if target == False: return render(request, 'mod/not_found.html') context = {'target': target} page = (request.GET['page'] if 'page' in request.GET else 1) utils.pagecheck(nation, target, "all aid") query = Aidlog.objects.filter(Q(sender=target) | Q(reciever=target)).order_by('-pk') paginator, actionlist = utils.paginate_me(query, 50, page) context.update({ 'pages': utils.pagination(paginator, actionlist), 'aidlist': actionlist, }) return render(request, 'mod/allaid.html', context)
def nation_wars(request, nation_id): nation = request.user.nation target = utils.get_player(nation_id) if target == False: return render(request, 'mod/not_found.html') context = {'target': target} page = (request.GET['page'] if 'page' in request.GET else 1) utils.pagecheck(nation, target, "all wars") query = War.objects.filter(Q(attacker=target) | Q(defender=target)).order_by('-pk') paginator, actionlist = utils.paginate_me(query, 50, request.GET.get('page', 1)) context.update({ 'pages': utils.pagination(paginator, actionlist), 'reports': actionlist, }) return render(request, 'mod/wars.html', context)
def nation_outgoing(request, nation_id): nation = request.user.nation target = utils.get_player(nation_id) if target == False: return render(request, 'mod/not_found.html') page = (request.GET['page'] if 'page' in request.GET else 1) context = { 'target': target, 'title': 'All outgoing aid', 'direction': 'out' } utils.pagecheck(nation, target, "outgoing aid") query = target.outgoing_aid.all().order_by('-pk') paginator, actionlist = utils.paginate_me(query, 50, page) context.update({ 'pages': utils.pagination(paginator, actionlist), 'aidlist': actionlist, }) return render(request, 'mod/aid.html', context)
def iplogs(request, nation_id): nation = request.user.nation target = utils.get_player(nation_id) if target == False: return render(request, 'mod/not_found.html') context = {'target': target} #POST data handling #what little of it there are if request.method == "POST": if 'correlate' in request.POST: context.update({'result': 'not yet implemented'}) elif 'checkip' in request.POST: try: ip = target.IPs.get(pk=request.POST['checkip']) except: context.update({'result': 'Invalid entry'}) else: context.update({ 'associates': IP.objects.select_related('nation').filter(IP=ip.IP), 'checked': True, 'selected_ip': ip.IP, }) query = target.IPs.all().order_by('-pk') iplist = [] for ip in query: ip.nationcount = IP.objects.filter(IP=ip.IP).count() iplist.append(ip) context.update({ 'IPs': query, }) return render(request, 'mod/ips.html', context)
def nation_page(request, nation_id): nation = request.user.nation context = {} pagename = "overview" result = False target = utils.get_player(nation_id) if target == False: return render(request, 'mod/not_found.html') utils.pagecheck(nation, target, pagename) if request.method == "POST": form = reasonform(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): if 'delete' in request.POST: delete_nation(target) nation.mod_actions.create( action="Deleted %s" %, reason=form.cleaned_data['reason'], reversible=True, reverse="not yet implemented", ) result = "%s has been deleted" % elif 'reportban' in request.POST: delall = (True if 'killreports' in request.POST else False) report_ban(target, delall) nation.mod_actions.create( action="Report banned %s" %, reason=form.cleaned_data['reason'], reversible=True, reverse="not yet implemented", ) result = "%s has banned from reporting" % elif 'ban' in request.POST: act = "Deleted and banned %s" % delete_nation(target) ips = [] if 'banall' in request.POST: act += " and banned all associated IPs" for ip in target.IPs.all(): if not Ban.objects.filter(IP=ip.IP).exists(): Ban.objects.create(IP=ip.IP) ips.append(ip.IP) else: latest = target.IPs.all().latest('pk') if not Ban.objects.filter(IP=latest.IP).exists(): Ban.objects.create(IP=latest.IP) ips.append(latest.IP) nation.mod_actions.create( action=act, reason=form.cleaned_data['reason'], reversible=True, reverse="not yet implemented", ) result = act elif 'deletewar' in request.POST: result, otherguy = delete_war(request, target) nation.mod_actions.create( action="Deleted war between %s and %s" % (, otherguy), reason=form.cleaned_data['reason'], reversible=True, reverse="not yet implemented", ) result = "War between %s and %s has been deleted" % (, otherguy) elif 'force' in request.POST: target.vacation = True["vacation"]) nation.mod_actions.create( action="Placed %s into vacation mode" %, reason=form.cleaned_data['reason'], reversible=True, reverse="not yet implemented", ) result = "%s has been placed into vacation mode" % elif 'remove' in request.POST: target.vacation = False["vacation"]) nation.mod_actions.create( action="Removed %s from vacation mode" %, reason=form.cleaned_data['reason'], reversible=True, reverse="not yet implemented", ) result = "%s has been removed from vacation mode" % else: result = 'invalid reason (did you forget it?)' #set a variable that determines whether mod can see sensitive data #like logs of pretty much everything can_see = True #nation.investigated.all().filter(reported=target).exists() if can_see: context.update({ 'warlogs': War.objects.filter(Q(attacker=target) | Q(defender=target))[0:10], 'aids': Aidlog.objects.filter(Q(sender=target) | Q(reciever=target))[0:10], 'actionlogs': target.actionlogs.all()[0:10], 'login_times': target.login_times.all()[0:10], 'associated_IPs': target.IPs.all(), }) context.update({ 'result': result, 'can_see': can_see, 'reasonform': reasonform(), 'target': target, 'reports_made': Report.objects.filter(reporter=target), 'reports_made_count': Report.objects.filter(reporter=target).count(), 'reports_dismissed_count': Report.objects.filter(reporter=target, guilty=False).count(), }) return render(request, 'mod/nation.html', context)