Exemple #1
    def setup(self, kinetic_cycle_time):
        # the counter runs slightly faster than the camera so that it is ready
        # to catch the next camera "fire" immediately after the end of the cycle.
        frequency = (1.001/kinetic_cycle_time) * float(self.oversampling)

        # set up the analog channels
        self.ao_task = nicontrol.WaveformOutput(self.board, 0)
        for i in range(self.number_channels - 1):
            self.ao_task.addChannel(i + 1)

        # set up the digital channels
        self.do_task = nicontrol.DigitalWaveformOutput(self.board, 0)
        for i in range(self.number_channels - 1):
            self.do_task.addChannel(self.board, i + 1)

        # set up the waveforms
        self.ao_task.setWaveform(self.waveforms, frequency)
        self.do_task.setWaveform(self.waveforms, frequency)

        # set up the counter
        self.ct_task = True
        self.ct_task = nicontrol.CounterOutput(self.board, 0, frequency, 0.5)
Exemple #2
    def setup(self):
        assert self.ct_task == 0, "Attempt to call setup without first calling cleanup."
        # the counter runs slightly faster than the camera so that it is ready
        # to catch the next camera "fire" immediately after the end of the cycle.
        frequency = (1.001/self.kinetic_value) * float(self.oversampling)

        # set up the analog channels
        self.wv_task = nicontrol.WaveformOutput(self.board, 0)
        for i in range(self.number_channels - 1):
            self.wv_task.addChannel(i + 1)

        # set up the waveform
        self.wv_task.setWaveform(self.waveforms, frequency)

        # set up the counter
        self.ct_task = nicontrol.CounterOutput(self.board, 0, frequency, 0.5)