class NatsClient(object): 'nats client class' def __init__(self, **argvs): self.subs = {} self.buf = None self.parse_state = Common.AWAITING_CONTROL_LINE self.stat = Stat() self.conn = Connector(callback=self.process_data, **argvs) self.ping_timer = Heartbeat(self.conn) print self.__str__() def start(self): 'start nats client, open the connection, and start the ping timer;' self.ping_timer.start() def stop(self): 'stop the nats client, close the connection, and cancel ping timer;' #self.conn.close() try: self.conn.close() self.ping_timer.cancel() except Exception, ex: print 'error exit 1' sys.exit(1)
def __init__(self, **argvs): self.subs = {} self.buf = None self.parse_state = Common.AWAITING_CONTROL_LINE self.stat = Stat() self.conn = Connector(callback=self.process_data, **argvs) self.ping_timer = Heartbeat(self.conn) print self.__str__()
class NatsClient(object): 'nats client class' def __init__(self, **argvs): self.subs = {} self.buf = None self.parse_state = Common.AWAITING_CONTROL_LINE self.stat = Stat() self.conn = Connector(callback=self.process_data, **argvs) self.ping_timer = Heartbeat(self.conn) print self.__str__() def start(self): 'start nats client, open the connection, and start the ping timer;' self.ping_timer.start() def stop(self): 'stop the nats client, close the connection, and cancel ping timer;' self.conn.close() self.ping_timer.cancel() def _on_messsage(self, subject, sid, msg, reply=None): '''\ actions when received messages from nats server; Params: ===== subject: message subject; sid: subscriber id; reply: inbox name if exists msg: message body ''' self.stat.msgs_received += 1 if msg: self.stat.bytes_received += len(msg) if sid not in self.subs: return sub = self.subs[sid] #unsubscribe subscriber if received enough messages; sub["received"] += 1 if "max" in sub: if sub["received"] > sub["max"]: return self.unsubscribe(sid) if sub["received"] == sub["max"]: del self.subs[sid] callback = sub["callback"] if callback: args, _, _, _ = inspect.getargspec(callback) args_len = len(args) if args_len == 0: callback() elif args_len == 1: callback(msg) elif args_len == 2: callback(msg, reply) else:, reply, subject) # cancel autounscribe timer, if subscriber request with timeout, # and receive enough messages; if "timeout" in sub \ and sub["timeout"] \ and sub["received"] >= sub["expected"]: sub["timeout"].cancel() sub["timeout"] = None self.subs[sid] = sub def _process_info(self, info): '''\ process server infomation message; Params: ===== info: nats server information ''' server_info = json.loads(info) print 'process info' if server_info["auth_required"]: conn_opts = self.conn.get_connection_options() self.conn.send_command(Protocol.connect_command(conn_opts), True) def publish(self, subject, msg=Protocol.EMPTY_MSG, opt_reply="", blk=None): '''\ Publish a message to a given subject, with optional reply subject and completion block Params: ===== subject: message subject; msg: message body; opt_reply: reply inbox if needs; blk: closure called when publish has been processed by the server. ''' if not self.conn.connected: raise NatsClientException("Connection losted") if not subject: return None msg = str(msg) self.stat.msgs_sent += 1 self.stat.bytes_sent += len(msg) self.conn.send_command("PUB {} {} {}{}{}{}".format(subject, opt_reply, len(msg), Protocol.CR_LF, msg, Protocol.CR_LF)) if blk: self.ping_timer.queue_server_rt(blk) def subscribe(self, subject, callback=None, **opts): '''\ Subscribe to a subject with optional wildcards. Messages will be delivered to the supplied callback. Callback can take any number of the supplied arguments as defined by the list: msg, reply, sub. Params: ===== subject: optionally with wilcards. opts: optional options hash, e.g. "queue", "max". callback, called when a message is delivered. Returns: ===== sid: Subject Identifier Returns subscription id which can be passed to #unsubscribe. ''' if not self.conn.connected: raise NatsClientException("Connection losted") if not subject: return None sid = Common.get_ssid() queue_str = "" sub = {"subject" : subject, "received" : 0} sub["callback"] = callback if "queue" in opts: queue_str = sub["queue"] = opts["queue"] if "max" in opts: sub["max"] = opts["max"] self.conn.send_command("SUB {} {} {}{}".format(subject, queue_str, sid, Protocol.CR_LF)) self.subs[sid] = sub # Setup server support for auto-unsubscribe if "max" in opts: self.unsubscribe(sid, opts["max"]) return sid def unsubscribe(self, sid, opt_max=None): '''\ Cancel a subscription. Params: ===== sid: Subject Identifier opt_max: optional number of responses to receive before auto-unsubscribing. ''' if not self.conn.connected: raise NatsClientException("Connection losted") opt_max_str = "" if opt_max: opt_max_str = " " + str(opt_max) self.conn.send_command("UNSUB {}{}{}".format(sid, opt_max_str, Protocol.CR_LF)) if not sid in self.subs: return None sub = self.subs[sid] sub["max"] = opt_max if not (sub["max"] and (sub["received"] < sub["max"])): del self.subs[sid] def timeout(self, sid, timeout, callback=None, **opts): '''\ Setup a timeout for receiving messages for the subscription. Params: ===== sid: Subject Identifier timeout: integer in seconds opts: options, :auto_unsubscribe(true), :expected(1) ''' if not self.conn.connected: raise NatsClientException("Connection losted") if not sid in self.subs: return None sub = self.subs[sid] auto_unsubscribe, expected = True, 1 if "auto_unsubscribe" in opts: auto_unsubscribe = opts["auto_unsubscribe"] if "expected" in opts: expected = opts["expected"] def pblock(): 'closure block for timeout request' if auto_unsubscribe: self.unsubscribe(sid) if callback: callback(sid) sub["timeout"] = Timer(timeout, pblock) sub["timeout"].start() sub["expected"] = expected self.subs[sid] = sub def request(self, subject, data=None, blk=None, **opts): '''\ Send a request and have the response delivered to the supplied callback. Params: ===== subject: message subject; msg: message payload; callback: callback if any; Returns: ===== sid: Subject Identifier ''' if not self.conn.connected: raise NatsClientException("Connection losted") if not subject: return None inbox = Common.create_inbox() def process_reply(msg, reply): 'closure block of request' args, _, _, _ = inspect.getargspec(blk) args_len = len(args) if args_len == 0: blk() elif args_len == 1: blk(msg) else: blk(msg, reply) sid = self.subscribe(inbox, process_reply, **opts) self.publish(subject, data, inbox) return sid def process_data(self, data): "process data received from nats server, disptch data to proper handles" if not data: return if not self.buf: self.buf = data else: self.buf += data assert_protocol_type = Protocol.assert_protocol_type not_matched = Protocol.not_matched matched = Protocol.matched while self.buf: print "buf.{}".format(self.buf) if self.parse_state == Common.AWAITING_CONTROL_LINE: if assert_protocol_type(self.buf, 'msg'): print "matched message" sub, sid, _, reply, needed = matched('msg', self.buf) self.buf = not_matched('msg', self.buf) sid = int(sid) needed = int(needed) self.parse_state = Common.AWAITING_MSG_PAYLOAD elif assert_protocol_type(self.buf, 'ok'): self.buf = not_matched('ok', self.buf) print "parseed ok" elif assert_protocol_type(self.buf, 'err'): self.buf = not_matched('err', self.buf) print "Nats server error." elif assert_protocol_type(self.buf, 'ping'): self.ping_timer.on_ping_request() self.buf = not_matched('ping', self.buf) elif assert_protocol_type(self.buf, 'pong'): print "process Pong" self.buf = not_matched('pong', self.buf) self.ping_timer.on_pong_response() elif assert_protocol_type(self.buf, 'info'): self._process_info(matched('info', self.buf)) self.buf = not_matched('info', self.buf) elif assert_protocol_type(self.buf, 'unknown'): self.buf = not_matched('ok', self.buf) raise NatsException("Unknown protocol") else: return None if self.buf and len(self.buf) == 0: self.buf = None if self.parse_state == Common.AWAITING_MSG_PAYLOAD: if not (needed and len(self.buf) >= (needed + Protocol.CR_LF_SIZE)): return None self._on_messsage(sub, sid, self.buf[0 : needed], reply) cr_lf_size = Protocol.CR_LF_SIZE self.buf = self.buf[(needed + cr_lf_size) : len(self.buf)] sub = sid = reply = needed = None self.parse_state = Common.AWAITING_CONTROL_LINE if self.buf and len(self.buf) == 0: self.buf = None def __str__(self): return "python-nats-{}".format(Common.VERSION)