Exemple #1
     def test_publish_request(self):
          nc = Client()

          yield nc.connect(io_loop=self.io_loop)
          self.assertEqual(Client.CONNECTED, nc._status)
          info_keys = nc._server_info.keys()
          self.assertTrue(len(info_keys) > 0)

          inbox = new_inbox()
          yield nc.publish_request("help.1", inbox, "hello")
          yield nc.publish_request("help.2", inbox, "world")
          yield tornado.gen.sleep(1.0)

          http = tornado.httpclient.AsyncHTTPClient()
          response = yield http.fetch('' % self.server_pool[0].http_port)
          varz = json.loads(response.body.decode("utf-8"))

          self.assertEqual(10, varz['in_bytes'])
          self.assertEqual(0,  varz['out_bytes'])
          self.assertEqual(2,  varz['in_msgs'])
          self.assertEqual(0,  varz['out_msgs'])
          self.assertEqual(0,  nc.stats['in_bytes'])
          self.assertEqual(10, nc.stats['out_bytes'])
          self.assertEqual(0,  nc.stats['in_msgs'])
          self.assertEqual(2,  nc.stats['out_msgs'])
Exemple #2
def main():
    nc = NATS()

    # Establish connection to the server.
    options = { "verbose": True, "servers": ["nats://"] }
    yield nc.connect(**options)

    def discover(msg=None):
        print("[Received]: %s" % msg.data)

    sid = yield nc.subscribe("discover", "", discover)

    # Only interested in 2 messages.
    yield nc.auto_unsubscribe(sid, 2)
    yield nc.publish("discover", "A")
    yield nc.publish("discover", "B")

    # Following two messages won't be received.
    yield nc.publish("discover", "C")
    yield nc.publish("discover", "D")

    # Request/Response
    def help_request_handler(msg):
        print("[Received]: %s" % msg.data)
        nc.publish(msg.reply.decode(), "OK, I can help!")

    # Susbcription using distributed queue
    yield nc.subscribe("help", "workers", help_request_handler)

        # Expect a single request and timeout after 500 ms
        response = yield nc.timed_request("help", "Hi, need help!", 500)
        print("[Response]: %s" % response.data)
    except tornado.gen.TimeoutError as e:
        print("Timeout! Need to retry...")

    # Customize number of responses to receive
    def many_responses(msg=None):
        print("[Response]: %s" % msg.data)

    yield nc.request("help", "please", expected=2, cb=many_responses)

    # Publish inbox
    my_inbox = new_inbox()
    yield nc.subscribe(my_inbox)
    yield nc.publish_request("help", my_inbox, "I can help too!")

    loop = tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance()
    yield tornado.gen.Task(loop.add_timeout, time.time() + 1)
        start = datetime.now()
        # Make roundtrip to the server and timeout after 1000 ms
        yield nc.flush(1000)
        end = datetime.now()
        print("Latency: %d µs" % (end.microsecond - start.microsecond))
    except tornado.gen.TimeoutError as e:
        print("Timeout! Roundtrip too slow...")
    def __init__(self, nats_client, subject, inbox=""):
        """Create a new instance of FStatelessNatsTornadoServer

            nats_client: connected instance of nats.io.Client
            subject: subject to publish to
        self._nats_client = nats_client
        self._subject = subject
        self._inbox = inbox or new_inbox()
        self._is_open = False
        self._sub_id = None
Exemple #4
     def test_subscribe(self):
          nc = Client()
          options = {
               "io_loop": self.io_loop
          yield nc.connect(**options)
          self.assertEqual(Client.CONNECTED, nc._status)
          info_keys = nc._server_info.keys()
          self.assertTrue(len(info_keys) > 0)

          inbox = new_inbox()
          yield nc.subscribe("help.1")
          yield nc.subscribe("help.2")
          yield tornado.gen.sleep(0.5)

          http = tornado.httpclient.AsyncHTTPClient()
          response = yield http.fetch('' % self.server_pool[0].http_port)
          result = json.loads(response.body.decode("utf-8"))
          connz = result['connections'][0]
          self.assertEqual(2, connz['subscriptions'])
Exemple #5
        # Expect a single request and timeout after 500 ms
        response = yield nc.timed_request("help", "Hi, need help!", 500)
        print("[Response]: %s" % response.data)
    except tornado.gen.TimeoutError, e:
        print("Timeout! Need to retry...")

    # Customize number of responses to receive
    def many_responses(msg=None):
        print("[Response]: %s" % msg.data)

    yield nc.request("help", "please", expected=2, cb=many_responses)

    # Publish inbox
    my_inbox = new_inbox()
    yield nc.subscribe(my_inbox)
    yield nc.publish_request("help", my_inbox, "I can help too!")

    loop = tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance()
    yield tornado.gen.Task(loop.add_timeout, time.time() + 1)
        start = datetime.now()
        # Make roundtrip to the server and timeout after 1000 ms
        yield nc.flush(1000)
        end = datetime.now()
        print("Latency: %d µs" % (end.microsecond - start.microsecond))
    except tornado.gen.TimeoutError, e:
        print("Timeout! Roundtrip too slow...")

if __name__ == '__main__':
Exemple #6
        # Expect a single request and timeout after 500 ms
        response = yield nc.timed_request("help",
                                          "Hi, need help!",
        print("[Response]: %s" % response.data)
    except tornado.gen.TimeoutError, e:
        print("Timeout! Need to retry...")

    # Customize number of responses to receive
    def many_responses(msg=None):
        print("[Response]: %s" % msg.data)

    yield nc.request("help", "please", expected=2, cb=many_responses)

    # Publish inbox
    my_inbox = new_inbox()
    yield nc.subscribe(my_inbox)
    yield nc.publish_request("help", my_inbox, "I can help too!")

    loop = tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance()
    yield tornado.gen.Task(loop.add_timeout, time.time() + 1)
        start = datetime.now()
        # Make roundtrip to the server and timeout after 1 second
        yield nc.flush(1)
        end = datetime.now()
        print("Latency: %d µs" % (end.microsecond - start.microsecond))
    except tornado.gen.TimeoutError, e:
        print("Timeout! Roundtrip too slow...")

Exemple #7
 def tests_generate_new_inbox(self):
      inbox = new_inbox()
      min_expected_len = len(INBOX_PREFIX)
      self.assertTrue(len(inbox) > min_expected_len)